- /* usbUhci.h - UHCI hardware interface definitions */
- /* Copyright 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- Modification history
- --------------------
- 01b,10may99,rcb Update style per suggestions from Claudio at WRS.
- 01a,27apr99,rcb First.
- */
- #ifndef __INCusbUhcih
- #define __INCusbUhcih
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /*
- Defines the USB UHCI (Universal Host Controller Interface) register file
- interface and memory structures shared between USB software and the UHCI
- hardware.
- Please refer to Intel's UHCI specification, Revision 1.1 or later, for more
- information.
- NOTE: The memory structures must not be padded, so the compiler must be
- set to use the "no packing" or "0-byte packing" option. Compile-time checks
- are included in this file to ensure that structures compile to the correct
- size.
- */
- /***************************************************************************
- * Register Definitions
- ***************************************************************************/
- /*
- * UHCI registers in the regular I/O address space.
- */
- #define UHCI_USBCMD 0x0 /* r/w WORD USB Command */
- #define UHCI_USBSTS 0x2 /* r/wc WORD USB Status */
- #define UHCI_USBINTR 0x4 /* r/w WORD USB Interrupt Enable */
- #define UHCI_FRNUM 0x6 /* r/w WORD Frame Number */
- #define UHCI_FRBASEADD 0x8 /* r/w DWORD Frame List Base Address */
- #define UHCI_SOFMOD 0xc /* r/w BYTE Start of Frame Modify */
- #define UHCI_PORTSC1 0x10 /* r/wc WORD Port 1 Status/Control */
- #define UHCI_PORTSC2 0x12 /* r/wc WORD Port 2 Status/Control */
- /*
- * PCI registers relevant to UHCI in configuration space.
- */
- #define UHCI_PCI_CLASSC 0x9 /* r/o 24-bits Class Code Register */
- #define UHCI_PCI_USBBASE 0x20 /* r/w DWORD IO Space Base Address */
- #define UHCI_PCI_SBRN 0x60 /* r/o BYTE Serial Bus Release No. */
- /*
- * UHCI_USBCMD register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_CMD_MAXP 0x0080 /* Max Packet */
- /* 1=64 bytes, 0=32 bytes */
- #define UHCI_CMD_CF 0x0040 /* Configure Flag */
- #define UHCI_CMD_SWDBG 0x0020 /* Software Debug. */
- /* 1=debug mode, 0=normal mode */
- #define UHCI_CMD_FGR 0x0010 /* Force Global Resume. */
- /* 1=host ctlr sends global resume */
- #define UHCI_CMD_EGSM 0x0008 /* Enter Global Suspect Mode */
- /* 1=host ctlr enters global suspend */
- #define UHCI_CMD_GRESET 0x0004 /* Global reset */
- /* 1=host ctlr sends global reset */
- #define UHCI_CMD_HCRESET 0x0002 /* Host Controller Reset */
- /* 1=host ctlr reset */
- #define UHCI_CMD_RS 0x0001 /* Run/Stop. */
- /* 1=run, 0=stop */
- /*
- * UHCI_USBSTS register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_STS_HALTED 0x0020 /* Host Controller Halted */
- #define UHCI_STS_PROCERR 0x0010 /* Host Controller Process Error */
- #define UHCI_STS_HOSTERR 0x0008 /* Host System Error */
- #define UHCI_STS_RESUME 0x0004 /* Resume Detect */
- #define UHCI_STS_USBERR 0x0002 /* USB Error Interrupt */
- #define UHCI_STS_USBINT 0x0001 /* USB Interrupt */
- /*
- * UHCI_USBINTR register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_INTR_SHORT 0x0008 /* Short Packet Interrupt Enable */
- /* 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled */
- #define UHCI_INTR_COMPLETE 0x0004 /* Interrupt On Complete Enable */
- /* 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled */
- #define UHCI_INTR_RESUME 0x0002 /* Resume Interrupt Enable */
- /* 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled */
- #define UHCI_INTR_TIME_CRC 0x0001 /* Timeout/CRC Interrupt Enable */
- /* 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled */
- /*
- * UHCI_FRNUM register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_FRN_MASK 0x07ff /* The low 11-bits of UHCI_FRNUM contain */
- /* the current USB frame number. */
- /*
- * UHCI_FLBASEADD register definition.
- *
- * Bits 31:12 of this register define bits 31:12, respectively, of the base
- * address of the UHCI frame list in physical memory. The frame list must be
- * aligned on a 4k boundary.
- */
- /*
- * UHCI_SOFMOD register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_SOF_MASK 0x7f /* The low 7-bits of UHCI_SOFMOD contain */
- /* a count from 0..127 which is added to */
- /* UHCI_SOF_BASE to determine start-of- */
- /* frame timing. */
- #define UHCI_SOF_BASE 11936 /* Base value for start-of-frame timing */
- #define UHCI_SOF_MAX 12063 /* max value for start-of-frame timing */
- #define UHCI_SOF_DEFAULT 64 /* UHCI_SOFMOD defaults to 64, yielding */
- /* a default start-of-frame timing of */
- /* 11936+64 = 12000. */
- /*
- * UHCI_PORTSCn register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_PORT_SUSPEND 0x1000 /* Suspend state */
- /* 1=port in suspend, 0=not suspended */
- #define UHCI_PORT_RESET 0x0200 /* Port reset */
- /* 1=Port is in reset, 0=port not reset */
- #define UHCI_PORT_LOWSPEED 0x0100 /* Low Speed Device Attached */
- /* 1=low speed dev, 0=full speed dev */
- #define UHCI_PORT_RESUME 0x0040 /* Resume Detect */
- /* 1=resume detected/driven, 0=no resume */
- #define UHCI_PORT_LINESTS 0x0030 /* Line Status */
- /* bit 4=D+, bit 5=D- logical levels */
- #define UHCI_PORT_ENBCHG 0x0008 /* Port Enable/Disable Change */
- /* 1=port status changed, 0=no change */
- #define UHCI_PORT_ENABLE 0x0004 /* Port Enabled/Disabled */
- /* 1=Enable, 0=Disable */
- #define UHCI_PORT_CNCTCHG 0x0002 /* Connect Status Change */
- /* 1=Connect status changed, 0=no change */
- #define UHCI_PORT_CNCTSTS 0x0001 /* Current Connect Status */
- /* 1=Device present, 0=no device */
- /*
- * UHCI_PCI_CLASSC register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_BASEC_MASK 0xff0000 /* Base class code mask */
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_BASEC_ROT 16 /* Base class code bit loc */
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_SCC_MASK 0x00ff00 /* Sub-Class code mask */
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_SCC_ROT 8 /* Sub-Class code bit loc */
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_PI_MASK 0x0000ff /* Programming Interface mask */
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_PI_ROT 0 /* Programming Interface bit loc */
- /* Macros to retrieve class code fields */
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_BASEC(x)
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_SCC(x)
- #define UHCI_CLASSC_PI(x)
- #define UHCI_CLASS 0x0c /* BASEC value for serial bus */
- #define UHCI_SUBCLASS 0x03 /* SCC value for USB */
- #define UHCI_PGMIF 0x00 /* no specific pgm i/f defined */
- /*
- * UHCI_PCI_USBBASE register definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_USBBASE_MASK 0x0000ffe0 /* Bits 15:5 define I/O base */
- /* Macro to retrieve base address */
- /*
- * UHCI_PCI_SBRN register definition.
- *
- * Bits 7:0 define the USB release number supported by the host controller
- */
- #define UHCI_SBRN_PREREL 0x00 /* Pre-release 1.0 */
- #define UHCI_SBRN_REL10 0x10 /* Release 1.0 */
- /* number of ports on a UHC */
- #define UHCI_PORTS 2
- /*
- * UHCI_FRAME_WINDOW defines the maximum number of frames "into the future"
- * for which an isochronous transfer may be scheduled.
- */
- #define UHCI_FRAME_WINDOW 1024 /* 1024 entries in frame list */
- /* values for emulated UHC hub descriptor */
- #define UHCI_PWR_ON_2_PWR_GOOD 1 /* = 2msec for pwr on to pwr good */
- #define UHCI_HUB_CONTR_CURRENT 0 /* 0 mA for hub ctlr current */
- #define UHCI_HUB_INTERVAL 0xff /* hub service interval */
- /***************************************************************************
- * Memory Structure Definitions
- ***************************************************************************/
- /*
- * UHCI link pointers, including frame list pointers and the pointers found
- * in UHCI_TD and UHCI_QH structures, use the same basic structure as defined
- * below. The exception is the VF (Depth/Breadth select) which is only used
- * in the UHCI_TD structure.
- */
- #define UHCI_LINK_PTR_MASK 0xfffffff0 /* Adrs of first obj */
- #define UHCI_LINK_VF 0x00000004 /* Depth/Breadth select */
- /* 1=Depth first, 0=breadth first */
- #define UHCI_LINK_QH 0x00000002 /* QH/TD Select */
- #define UHCI_LINK_TD 0x00000000 /* 1=QH, 0=TD */
- #define UHCI_LINK_TERMINATE 0x00000001 /* Terminate */
- /* 1=End of list, 0=pointer valid */
- /* the UHCI frame list has 1024 entries (1024 @ 4 bytes each = 4k) */
- #define UHCI_TD_ALIGNMENT 16
- #define UHCI_QH_ALIGNMENT 16
- /*
- *
- * NOTE: Frame list must be allocated on a 4k page boundary
- */
- typedef struct uhci_frame_list
- {
- UINT32 linkPtr [UHCI_FRAME_LIST_ENTRIES]; /* pointers to TD or QH */
- /*
- * Transfer Descriptor.
- *
- * NOTE: Each TD must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
- */
- typedef struct uhci_td
- {
- UINT32 linkPtr; /* Link Pointer to another TD or QH */
- UINT32 ctlSts; /* Control and Status */
- UINT32 token; /* Token for packet header */
- UINT32 bfrPtr; /* Data buffer pointer */
- UINT32 software [4]; /* 4 DWORDs reserved for software */
- #define UHCI_TD_LEN 32 /* TD length required by UHCI hardware */
- #define UHCI_TD_ACTLEN sizeof (UHCI_TD)
- /*
- * UHCI_TD.CtlSts definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_SHORT 0x20000000 /* Short Packet Detect */
- /* 1=Enable, 0=Disable */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ERRCTR_MASK 0x18000000 /* Error Counter Mask */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ERRCTR_NOLIM 0x00000000 /* No limit */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ERRCTR_1ERR 0x08000000 /* 1 error */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ERRCTR_2ERR 0x10000000 /* 2 errors */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ERRCTR_3ERR 0x18000000 /* 3 errors */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_LOWSPEED 0x04000000 /* Low Speed Device */
- /* 1=low speed dev, 0=full speed */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ISOCH 0x02000000 /* Isochronous Select */
- /* 1=isoch TD, 0=non-isoch TD */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_COMPLETE 0x01000000 /* Interrupt on Complete */
- /* 1=Issue IOC */
- /* Cmd execution status bits */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_STS_ACTIVE 0x00800000 /* Active */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_STS_STALLED 0x00400000 /* Stalled */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_STS_DBUFERR 0x00200000 /* Data buffer error */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_STS_BABBLE 0x00100000 /* Babble Detected */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_STS_NAK 0x00080000 /* NAK Received */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_STS_TIME_CRC 0x00040000 /* CRC/Timeout error */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_STS_BITSTUFF 0x00020000 /* Bitstuff error */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ACTLEN_MASK 0x000007ff /* Actual Length mask */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ACTLEN_ROT 0 /* Actual length bit loc */
- #define UHCI_PACKET_SIZE_MASK 0x000007ff /* Mask for 11-bit field */
- /* Macro to retrieve UHCI_TDCS_ACTLEN
- *
- * NOTE: UHCI actlen is one less than the real length.
- * The macro compensates automatically.
- */
- #define UHCI_TDCS_ACTLEN(x)
- /*
- * UHCI_TD.Token definition.
- */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_MAXLEN_MASK 0xffe00000 /* Maximum length mask */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_MAXLEN_ROT 21 /* Maximum length bit loc */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_DATA_TOGGLE 0x00080000 /* Data Toggle */
- /* 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1 */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_ENDPT_MASK 0x00078000 /* Endpoint Mask */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_ENDPT_ROT 15 /* Endpoint bit loc */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_DEVADRS_MASK 0x00007f00 /* Device Address Mask */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_DEVADRS_ROT 8 /* Device Address bit loc */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_PID_MASK 0x000000ff /* Packet ID mask */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_PID_ROT 0 /* Packet ID bit loc */
- /* Macros to retrieve/format UHCI_TDTOK_MAXLEN
- *
- * NOTE: UHCI maxlen is one less than the real length. The macro
- * compensates automatically.
- */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_MAXLEN(x)
- /* Macros to retrieve/format UHCI_TDTOK_ENDPT */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_ENDPT(x)
- /* Macros to retrieve/format UHCI_TDTOK_DEVADRS */
- /* Macros to retrieve/format UHCI_TDTOK_PID */
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_PID(x)
- #define UHCI_TDTOK_PID_FMT(x)
- /*
- * Queue Head.
- *
- * NOTE: Each Queue Head (QH) must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
- */
- typedef struct uhci_qh
- {
- UINT32 qhLink; /* Link pointer to next QH */
- UINT32 tdLink; /* Link to queue element */
- #define UHCI_QH_LEN 8 /* QH length required by UHCI hardware */
- #define UHCI_QH_ACTLEN sizeof (UHCI_QH)
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INCusbUhcih */
- /* End of file. */