- /* usbHcdLib.h - HCD functional API */
- /* Copyright 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- Modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,26jan00,rcb Change <bytesPerFrame> parameter in usbHcdPipeCreate() to
- <bandwidth> and redefined as UINT32.
- 01d,29nov99,rcb Remove obsolete function usbHcdBusReset().
- Increase frame number fields to 32 bits.
- 01c,23nov99,rcb Replace bandwidth alloc/release functions with pipe
- create/destroy functions...generalizes approach for use
- with OHCI HCD.
- 01b,07sep99,rcb Add support for management callbacks in attach.
- Add set-bus-state API.
- 01a,08jun99,rcb First.
- */
- /*
- This file defines a functional interface to the HCD.
- */
- #ifndef __INCusbHcdLibh
- #define __INCusbHcdLibh
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /* includes */
- #include "drv/usb/usbHcd.h"
- /* defines */
- /* typedefs */
- /*
- *
- * HCD_NEXUS contains the entry point and HCD_CLIENT_HANDLE needed by an
- * HCD caller to invoke an HCD.
- */
- typedef struct hcd_nexus
- {
- HCD_EXEC_FUNC hcdExecFunc; /* HCD primary entry point */
- HCD_CLIENT_HANDLE handle; /* client's handle with HCD */
- /* functions */
- STATUS usbHcdAttach
- (
- HCD_EXEC_FUNC hcdExecFunc, /* HCD's primary entry point */
- pVOID param, /* HCD-specific param */
- USB_HCD_MNGMT_CALLBACK callback,/* management callback */
- pVOID callbackParam, /* parameter to management callback */
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* nexus will be initialized on return */
- pUINT16 pBusCount
- );
- STATUS usbHcdDetach
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus /* client's nexus */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdSetBusState
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number to suspend */
- UINT16 busState /* desired bus state */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdSofIntervalGet
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number */
- pUINT16 pSofInterval /* bfr to receive SOF interval */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdSofIntervalSet
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number */
- UINT16 sofInterval /* new SOF interval */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdCurrentFrameGet
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number */
- pUINT32 pFrameNo, /* current frame number */
- pUINT32 pFrameWindow /* size of frame window */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdIrpSubmit
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- HCD_PIPE_HANDLE pipeHandle, /* pipe to which IRP is directed */
- pUSB_IRP pIrp /* IRP to be executed */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdIrpCancel
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- pUSB_IRP pIrp /* IRP to be canceled */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdPipeCreate
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number for IRP */
- UINT16 busAddress, /* bus address of USB device */
- UINT16 endpoint, /* endpoint on device */
- UINT16 transferType, /* transfer type */
- UINT16 direction, /* pipe/transfer direction */
- UINT16 speed, /* transfer speed */
- UINT16 maxPacketSize, /* packet size */
- UINT32 bandwidth, /* bandwidth required by pipe */
- UINT16 interval, /* service interval */
- pUINT32 pTime, /* calculated packet time on return */
- pHCD_PIPE_HANDLE pPipeHandle /* HCD pipe handle */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdPipeDestroy
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- HCD_PIPE_HANDLE pipeHandle /* pipe to be destroyed */
- );
- STATUS usbHcdPipeModify
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- HCD_PIPE_HANDLE pipeHandle, /* pipe to be modified */
- UINT16 busAddress, /* new bus address or 0 */
- UINT16 maxPacketSize /* new max packet size or 0 */
- );
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INCusbHcdLibh */
- /* End of file. */