- /* usbHandleLib.h - handle utility functions */
- /* Copyright 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- Modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,18sep01,wef merge from wrs.tor2_0.usb1_1-f for veloce
- 01e,07may01,wef changed module number to be (module sub num << 8) |
- M_usbHostLib
- 01d,02may01,wef changed module number to be M_<module> + M_usbHostLib
- 01c,05dec00,wef moved Module number defs to vwModNum.h - add this
- to #includes
- 01b,07mar00,rcb Change definition of GENERIC_HANDLE from UINT32 to
- pVOID so handles can be compared against NULL without
- generating warnings (e.g., on MIPS gnu toolchain).
- 01a,07jun99,rcb First.
- */
- /*
- Defines a set of general-purpose handle creation and validation functions.
- Using these services, libraries can return handles to callers which can
- subsequently be validated for authenticity. This provides libraries with
- an additional measure of "bullet-proofing."
- */
- #ifndef __INCusbHandleLibh
- #define __INCusbHandleLibh
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /* includes */
- #include "usb/usbPlatform.h" /* USB Module number def's */
- #include "vwModNum.h" /* USB Module number def's */
- /* defines */
- /* Handle utility library return values */
- /*
- * USB errnos are defined as being part of the USB host Module, as are all
- * vxWorks module numbers, but the USB Module number is further divided into
- * sub-modules. Each sub-module has upto 255 values for its own error codes
- */
- #define M_usbHandleLib ( (USB_HANDLE_SUB_MODULE << 8) | M_usbHostLib )
- #define hdlErr(x) (M_usbHandleLib | (x))
- #define S_usbHandleLib_OUT_OF_MEMORY hdlErr(1)
- #define S_usbHandleLib_OUT_OF_RESOURCES hdlErr(2)
- #define S_usbHandleLib_OUT_OF_HANDLES hdlErr(3)
- #define S_usbHandleLib_BAD_PARAM hdlErr(4)
- #define S_usbHandleLib_BAD_HANDLE hdlErr(5)
- #define S_usbHandleLib_NOT_INITIALIZED hdlErr(6)
- #define S_usbHandleLib_GENERAL_FAULT hdlErr(7)
- /* typedefs */
- typedef pVOID GENERIC_HANDLE; /* type of a generic handle */
- /* functions */
- STATUS usbHandleInitialize
- (
- UINT32 maxHandles /* max handles allocated by library */
- );
- STATUS usbHandleShutdown (void);
- STATUS usbHandleCreate
- (
- UINT32 handleSignature, /* Arbitrary handle signature */
- pVOID handleParam, /* Arbitrary handle parameter */
- pGENERIC_HANDLE pHandle /* Newly allocated handle */
- );
- STATUS usbHandleDestroy
- (
- GENERIC_HANDLE handle /* handle to be destroyed */
- );
- STATUS usbHandleValidate
- (
- GENERIC_HANDLE handle, /* handle to be validated */
- UINT32 handleSignature, /* signature used to validate handle */
- pVOID *pHandleParam /* Handle parameter on return */
- );
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INCusbHandleLibh */
- /* End of file. */