- /* rawFsLib.h - header for raw block device file system library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 03j,30apr02,jkf SPR#75255, corrected unneeded API change.
- 03i,20sep01,jkf SPR#69031, common code for both AE & 5.x.
- 03h,29feb00,jkf T3 cleanup
- 03g,30dec99,jkf rawFsDevInit() changed from void* to CBIO_DEV_ID
- 03f,31jul99,jkf changes for CBIO API.
- 03e,31jul99,jkf T2 merge, tidiness & spelling.
- 03d,15oct98,lrn moved 64-bit extended ioctl codes to ioLib.h
- 03c,08oct98,vld added definition of RAWFS_DEF_MAX_FILES
- 03b,08oct98,vld driver interface changed to CBIO_DEV.
- replaced rawvd_pBlkDev with CBIO_DEV * rawVdCbio
- changed prototype of rawFsDevInit().
- 03a,23jul98,vld added ioctl codes for 64-bit ioctl requests; new error codes.
- 02b,22sep92,rrr added support for c++
- 02a,04jul92,jcf cleaned up.
- 01d,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01c,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01b,05oct90,shl added ANSI function prototypes.
- added copyright notice.
- 01a,02oct90,kdl written
- */
- #ifndef __INCrawFsLibh
- #define __INCrawFsLibh
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include "blkIo.h"
- #include "iosLib.h"
- #include "lstLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "vwModNum.h"
- #include "cbioLib.h"
- /* rawFsLib Status Codes */
- #define S_rawFsLib_VOLUME_NOT_AVAILABLE (M_rawFsLib | 1)
- #define S_rawFsLib_END_OF_DEVICE (M_rawFsLib | 2)
- #define S_rawFsLib_NO_FREE_FILE_DESCRIPTORS (M_rawFsLib | 3)
- #define S_rawFsLib_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_BYTES (M_rawFsLib | 4)
- #define S_rawFsLib_ILLEGAL_NAME (M_rawFsLib | 5)
- #define S_rawFsLib_NOT_FILE (M_rawFsLib | 6)
- #define S_rawFsLib_READ_ONLY (M_rawFsLib | 7)
- #define S_rawFsLib_FD_OBSOLETE (M_rawFsLib | 8)
- #define S_rawFsLib_NO_BLOCK_DEVICE (M_rawFsLib | 9)
- #define S_rawFsLib_BAD_SEEK (M_rawFsLib | 10)
- #define S_rawFsLib_INVALID_PARAMETER (M_rawFsLib | 11)
- #define S_rawFsLib_32BIT_OVERFLOW (M_rawFsLib | 12)
- #define RAWFS_DEF_MAX_FILES 10 /* default max number of open files */
- /* Volume descriptor */
- typedef struct /* RAW_VOL_DESC */
- {
- DEV_HDR rawVdDevHdr; /* std. I/O system device header */
- int rawVdStatus; /* (OK | ERROR) */
- SEM_ID rawVdSemId; /* volume descriptor semaphore id */
- CBIO_DEV_ID rawVdCbio; /* CBIO handle */
- int rawVdState; /* state of volume (see below) */
- int rawVdRetry; /* current retry count for I/O errors */
- /* Volume states */
- #define RAW_VD_READY_CHANGED 0 /* vol not accessed since rdy change */
- #define RAW_VD_RESET 1 /* volume reset but not mounted */
- #define RAW_VD_MOUNTED 2 /* volume mounted */
- #define RAW_VD_CANT_RESET 3 /* volume reset failed */
- #define RAW_VD_CANT_MOUNT 4 /* volume mount failed */
- /* Function declarations */
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
- extern RAW_VOL_DESC *rawFsDevInit (char *pVolName, BLK_DEV * pDevice);
- extern STATUS rawFsInit (int maxFiles);
- extern STATUS rawFsVolUnmount (RAW_VOL_DESC *pVd);
- extern void rawFsModeChange (RAW_VOL_DESC *pVd, int newMode);
- extern void rawFsReadyChange (RAW_VOL_DESC *pVd);
- #else /* __STDC__ */
- extern RAW_VOL_DESC * rawFsDevInit ();
- extern STATUS rawFsInit ();
- extern STATUS rawFsVolUnmount ();
- extern void rawFsModeChange ();
- extern void rawFsReadyChange ();
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INCrawFsLibh */