- /* fmod.c - fmod math routine */
- /* Copyright 1992-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 03b,01apr02,pfl clean up fix for SPR 20486 plus
- ISO/IEC 9899:1999 conformance
- 02a,31oct01,md3 +gkc +ycl rewrite: fixed SPR #20486.
- 01f,05feb93,jdi doc changes based on kdl review.
- 01e,02dec92,jdi doc tweaks.
- 01d,28oct92,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01c,20sep92,smb documentation additions
- 01b,30jul92,kdl changed _d_type() calls to fpTypeGet().
- 01a,08jul92,smb documentation.
- */
- /*
- SEE ALSO: American National Standard X3.159-1989
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "math.h"
- #include "stddef.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "private/mathP.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- /* mask to extract exponent part of a double */
- #define MASK_DB_EXP 0x7ff00000
- /* mask to extract high 20 significant bits */
- #define MASK_DB_HI20 0x000fffff
- /* mask to filter exponent part of double */
- #define MASK_DB_MANT 0x800fffff
- /* for big endian machine */
- /* high 32 bits of Db - 1-bit sign + 11-bits exponent + 20-bit significant */
- #define DB_HI(d) ((unsigned int) *((int*)&d))
- /* hi 20 bits of a double's significant */
- #define DB_HI_SIG(d) ((unsigned int) *((int*)&d) & MASK_DB_HI20)
- /* lower 32 bits of double's significant */
- #define DB_LO_SIG(d) ((unsigned int) *(1+(int*)&d))
- /* for little endian machine */
- #else /* (_BYTE_ORDER != _BIG_ENDIAN) */
- /* high 32 bits of Db - 1-bit sign + 11-bits exponent + 20-bit significant */
- #define DB_HI(d) ((unsigned int) *(1+(int*)&d))
- /* hi 20 bits of a double's significant */
- #define DB_HI_SIG(d) ((unsigned int) *(1+(int*)&d) & MASK_DB_HI20)
- /* lower 32 bits of double's significant */
- #define DB_LO_SIG(d) ((unsigned int) *((int*)&d))
- #endif /* (_BYTE_ORDER==_BIG_ENDIAN) */
- /* return (significant of d1) > (significant of d2) */
- #define DB_GT_SIG(d1,d2)
- ((DB_HI_SIG(d1) > DB_HI_SIG(d2)) ||
- ((DB_HI_SIG(d1) == DB_HI_SIG(d2)) && (DB_LO_SIG(d1) > DB_LO_SIG(d2))))
- /* NAN value */
- #define NAN_VAL(d) {*(int *)(&d) = 0xffffffff; *(1+(int *)&d)=0xffffffff;}
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fmod - compute the remainder of x/y (ANSI)
- *
- * This routine returns the remainder of <x>/<y> with the sign of <x>,
- * in double precision.
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: math.h
- *
- * RETURNS: The value <x> - <i> * <y>, for some integer <i>. If <y> is
- * non-zero, the result has the same sign as <x> and magnitude less than the
- * magnitude of <y>. If <y> is zero, fmod() returns zero.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mathALib
- */
- double fmod
- (
- double x, /* numerator */
- double y /* denominator */
- )
- {
- double negative = 1.0; /* used for sign of return */
- double yMult2n; /* computed next decrement */
- unsigned int zeroExp_y; /* factor for next decrement */
- int errx = fpTypeGet (x, NULL); /* determine number type */
- int erry = fpTypeGet (y, NULL); /* determine number type */
- /*
- * Per ISO/IEC 9899:1999, ANSI/IEEE 754-1985
- * fmod ( +-0, y) = +-0 (if y != 0)
- * fmod ( x, y) = NAN (if x = INF or y = 0)
- * fmod ( x, +-INF) = x (if x != INF)
- */
- /* check for boundary conditions returning NAN */
- if (errx == NAN || erry == NAN || errx == INF || erry == ZERO)
- {
- errnoSet(EDOM); /* Domain error is set to maintain backward
- compatibility with ANSI X3.159-1989 */
- NAN_VAL(x);
- return (x); /* return NAN */
- }
- /* check for boundary conditions returning X */
- if (errx == ZERO || erry == INF)
- return (x);
- /* make Y absolute */
- if (y < 0.0)
- y = -y;
- /* make X absolute, record sign for return. */
- if (x < 0.0)
- {
- x = -x;
- negative = -1.0;
- }
- /* initial decrementing conditions */
- yMult2n = y;
- zeroExp_y= MASK_DB_MANT & (DB_HI(y));
- /* compute fmod by subtracting estimated decrementations */
- while (x>=y)
- {
- if (DB_GT_SIG(y,x))
- {
- (DB_HI(yMult2n)) = ( (DB_HI(x)-0x100000) & MASK_DB_EXP ) | zeroExp_y;
- }
- else
- {
- (DB_HI(yMult2n)) = ( DB_HI(x) & MASK_DB_EXP ) | zeroExp_y;
- }
- x-= yMult2n ;
- }
- return (negative*x);
- }