- /* pppShow.c - Point-to-Point Protocol show routines */
- /* Copyright 1995-1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01j,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 01i,11jul95,dzb more doc tweaks.
- 01h,06jul95,dzb doc tweaks.
- 01g,23jun95,dzb changed to pppInfoGet() to copy out structures.
- added PAP stats to pppInfoShow().
- 01f,15jun95,dzb header file consolidation.
- 01e,08may95,dzb Added pppSecretShow().
- 01d,07mar95,dzb Changed "ip packets" tp be a real count of IP packets.
- additional doc/formatting.
- 01c,09feb95,dab changed pppInfoShow() format. removed lcp_echo_fails_reached.
- included VJ, mtu, and mru info (SPR #4045).
- 01b,13jan95,dzb warnings cleanup. changed to include pppShow.h. ANSI-fied.
- 01a,21dec94,dab VxWorks port - first WRS version.
- +dzb added: path for ppp header files, WRS copyright.
- */
- /*
- This library provides routines to show Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) link
- status information and statistics. Also provided are routines that
- programmatically access this same information.
- This library is automatically linked into the VxWorks system image when
- the configuration macro INCLUDE_PPP is defined.
- SEE ALSO: pppLib,
- .pG "Network"
- */
- /* includes */
- #include <vxWorks.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ioctl.h>
- #include <net/mbuf.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/ip_var.h>
- #include "pppLib.h"
- /* pointer to the per task variables */
- extern PPP_TASK_VARS *ppp_if[];
- extern struct ppp_softc *ppp_softc[];
- static char *link_phase[] =
- {
- "DEAD",
- };
- static char *link_state[] =
- {
- };
- static char *client_pap_state[] =
- {
- "OPEN",
- };
- static char *server_pap_state[] =
- {
- "OPEN",
- };
- static char *client_chap_state[] =
- {
- "OPEN"
- };
- static char *server_chap_state[] =
- {
- "OPEN",
- };
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * pppShowInit - initialize the PPP show facility
- *
- * This routine links the PPP show facility into the VxWorks system image.
- * It is called from usrNetwork.c when the configuration macro INCLUDE_PPP
- * is defined.
- *
- *
- */
- void pppShowInit (void)
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pppInfoShow - display PPP link status information
- *
- * This routine displays status information pertaining to each initialized
- * Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) link, regardless of the link state.
- * State and option information is gathered for the Link Control Protocol
- * (LCP), Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP), Password Authentication
- * Protocol (PAP), and Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: pppLib
- */
- void pppInfoShow (void)
- {
- FAST int i;
- FAST PPP_TASK_VARS *tmp; /* per task PPP variables */
- int link_found = 0;
- int n;
- for (i = 0; i < NPPP; i++)
- {
- if ((tmp = ppp_if[i]) == NULL)
- continue;
- link_found = 1;
- printf ("ppp%drn", i);
- printf ("tLCP Statsrn");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "LCP phase", link_phase[tmp->phase]);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "LCP state",
- link_state[tmp->lcp_fsm.state]);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "passive",
- tmp->lcp_wantoptions.passive ? "ON" : "OFF");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "silent",
- tmp->lcp_wantoptions.silent ? "ON" : "OFF");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "restart",
- tmp->lcp_wantoptions.restart ? "ON" : "OFF");
- if (tmp->lcp_fsm.state == OPENED)
- {
- ppptioctl (i, PPPIOCGMRU, (caddr_t) &n);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "mru", n);
- ppptioctl (i, SIOCGIFMTU, (caddr_t) &n);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "mtu", n);
- ppptioctl (i, PPPIOCGASYNCMAP, (caddr_t) &n);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s 0x%xrn", "async map", n);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s 0x%xrn", "local magic number",
- tmp->lcp_gotoptions.magicnumber);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "protocol field compression",
- tmp->lcp_gotoptions.neg_pcompression ? "ON" : "OFF");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "addr/ctrl field compression",
- tmp->lcp_gotoptions.neg_accompression ? "ON" : "OFF");
- }
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "lcp echo timer",
- tmp->lcp_echo_timer_running ? "ON" : "OFF");
- if (tmp->lcp_echo_timer_running)
- {
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "lcp echos pending",
- tmp->lcp_echos_pending);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "lcp echo number",
- tmp->lcp_echo_number);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "lcp echo interval",
- tmp->lcp_echo_interval);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "lcp echo fails",
- tmp->lcp_echo_fails);
- }
- printf ("tIPCP Statsrn");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "IPCP state",
- link_state[tmp->ipcp_fsm.state]);
- if (tmp->ipcp_fsm.state == OPENED)
- {
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "local IP address",
- ip_ntoa(tmp->ipcp_gotoptions.ouraddr));
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "remote IP address",
- ip_ntoa(tmp->ipcp_hisoptions.hisaddr));
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "vj compression protocol",
- tmp->ipcp_gotoptions.neg_vj ? "ON" : "OFF");
- }
- printf ("tPAP Statsrn");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "client PAP state",
- client_pap_state[tmp->upap.us_clientstate]);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "server PAP state",
- server_pap_state[tmp->upap.us_serverstate]);
- printf ("tCHAP Statsrn");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "client CHAP state",
- client_chap_state[tmp->chap.clientstate]);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %srn", "server CHAP state",
- server_chap_state[tmp->chap.serverstate]);
- printf ("n");
- }
- if (!link_found)
- printf ("No PPP links are presentrn");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pppInfoGet - get PPP link status information
- *
- * This routine gets status information pertaining to the specified
- * Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) link, regardless of the link state.
- * State and option information is gathered for the Link Control Protocol
- * (LCP), Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP), Password Authentication
- * Protocol (PAP), and Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
- *
- * The PPP link information is returned through a PPP_INFO structure, which
- * is defined in h/netinet/ppp/pppShow.h.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <unit> is an invalid PPP unit number.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: pppLib
- */
- STATUS pppInfoGet
- (
- int unit, /* PPP interface unit number to examine */
- PPP_INFO *pInfo /* PPP_INFO structure to be filled */
- )
- {
- if (unit < 0 || unit > NPPP || (tmp = ppp_if[unit]) == NULL ||
- pInfo == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* LCP variables */
- BCOPY (&tmp->lcp_wantoptions, &pInfo->lcp_wantoptions,
- sizeof(struct lcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->lcp_gotoptions, &pInfo->lcp_gotoptions,
- sizeof(struct lcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->lcp_allowoptions, &pInfo->lcp_allowoptions,
- sizeof(struct lcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->lcp_hisoptions, &pInfo->lcp_hisoptions,
- sizeof(struct lcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->lcp_fsm, &pInfo->lcp_fsm, sizeof(struct fsm));
- pInfo->lcp_echos_pending = tmp->lcp_echos_pending;
- pInfo->lcp_echo_number = tmp->lcp_echo_number;
- pInfo->lcp_echo_timer_running = tmp->lcp_echo_timer_running;
- pInfo->lcp_echo_interval = tmp->lcp_echo_interval;
- pInfo->lcp_echo_fails = tmp->lcp_echo_fails;
- /* IPCP variables */
- BCOPY (&tmp->ipcp_wantoptions, &pInfo->ipcp_wantoptions,
- sizeof(struct ipcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->ipcp_gotoptions, &pInfo->ipcp_gotoptions,
- sizeof(struct ipcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->ipcp_allowoptions, &pInfo->ipcp_allowoptions,
- sizeof(struct ipcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->ipcp_hisoptions, &pInfo->ipcp_hisoptions,
- sizeof(struct ipcp_options));
- BCOPY (&tmp->ipcp_fsm, &pInfo->ipcp_fsm, sizeof(struct fsm));
- /* authentication variables */
- BCOPY (&tmp->upap, &pInfo->upap, sizeof(struct upap_state));
- BCOPY (&tmp->chap, &pInfo->chap, sizeof(struct chap_state));
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pppstatShow - display PPP link statistics
- *
- * This routine displays statistics for each initialized Point-to-Point
- * Protocol (PPP) link. Detailed are the numbers of bytes and packets received
- * and sent through each PPP interface.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: pppLib
- */
- void pppstatShow (void)
- {
- FAST int i;
- FAST struct ppp_softc *tmp;
- int link_found = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NPPP; i++)
- {
- if ((tmp = ppp_softc[i]) == NULL)
- continue;
- link_found = 1;
- printf ("ppp%drn", i);
- printf ("tInputrn");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "total bytes ", tmp->sc_bytesrcvd);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "total packets ",
- tmp->sc_if.if_ipackets);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "ip packets ", tmp->sc_iprcvd);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "VJ compressed packets ",
- tmp->sc_comp.sls_compressedin);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "VJ uncompressed packets ",
- tmp->sc_comp.sls_uncompressedin);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "VJ uncompress errors",
- tmp->sc_comp.sls_errorin);
- printf ("tOutputrn");
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "total bytes ", tmp->sc_bytessent);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "total packets ",
- tmp->sc_if.if_opackets);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "ip packets ", tmp->sc_ipsent);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "VJ compressed packets ",
- tmp->sc_comp.sls_compressed);
- printf ("tt%-30.30s %drn", "VJ uncompressed packets ",
- tmp->sc_comp.sls_packets - tmp->sc_comp.sls_compressed);
- }
- if (!link_found)
- printf ("No PPP links are presentrn");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pppstatGet - get PPP link statistics
- *
- * This routine gets statistics for the specified Point-to-Point Protocol
- * (PPP) link. Detailed are the numbers of bytes and packets received
- * and sent through the PPP interface.
- *
- * The PPP link statistics are returned through a PPP_STAT structure, which
- * is defined in h/netinet/ppp/pppShow.h.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <unit> is an invalid PPP unit number.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: pppLib
- */
- STATUS pppstatGet
- (
- int unit, /* PPP interface unit number to examine */
- PPP_STAT *pStat /* PPP_STAT structure to be filled */
- )
- {
- FAST struct ppp_softc *tmp;
- if (unit < 0 || unit > NPPP || (tmp = ppp_softc[unit]) == NULL ||
- pStat == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- pStat->in_bytes = tmp->sc_bytesrcvd;
- pStat->in_pkt = tmp->sc_if.if_ipackets;
- pStat->in_ip_pkt = tmp->sc_iprcvd;
- pStat->in_vj_compr_pkt = tmp->sc_comp.sls_compressedin;
- pStat->in_vj_uncompr_pkt = tmp->sc_comp.sls_uncompressedin;
- pStat->in_vj_compr_error = tmp->sc_comp.sls_errorin;
- pStat->out_bytes = tmp->sc_bytessent;
- pStat->out_pkt = tmp->sc_if.if_opackets;
- pStat->out_ip_pkt = tmp->sc_ipsent;
- pStat->out_vj_compr_pkt = tmp->sc_comp.sls_compressed;
- pStat->out_vj_uncompr_pkt = tmp->sc_comp.sls_packets -
- tmp->sc_comp.sls_compressed;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pppSecretShow - display the PPP authentication secrets table
- *
- * This routine displays the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) authentication
- * secrets table. The information in the secrets table may be used by the
- * Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge-Handshake Authentication
- * Protocol (CHAP) user authentication protocols.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: pppLib, pppSecretAdd(), pppSecretDelete()
- */
- void pppSecretShow (void)
- {
- PPP_SECRET * pSecret = pppSecretHead;
- if (pSecret == NULL) /* list empty ? */
- return;
- /* printout header */
- printf ("client server secret address listn");
- printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------n");
- /* printout secrets */
- for (; pSecret != NULL; pSecret = pSecret->secretNext)
- {
- printf ("%-17.17s ", pSecret->client);
- printf ("%-17.17s ", pSecret->server);
- printf ("%-17.17s ", pSecret->secret);
- printf ("%-25.25sn", pSecret->addrs);
- }
- }