- /* wdbAltivecLib.c - Altivec register support for the external WDB agent */
- /* Copyright 1984-1996 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,30apr02,pcs Remove the pointer corruption in fn. wdbAltivecLibInit
- 01g,07jun01,kab Testing only
- 01f,29may01,kab Hide altivecLib.h from non-altivec builds
- 01e,13apr01,pcs Move decleration of altivecRegSetObj to
- wdb/wdbRegs.h
- Allocated mem for ALTIVEC_REG_SET_OBJ at init
- time and make sure that
- it is 16 byte aligned.
- 01d,23mar01,dtr Tidying up.
- 01c,19mar01,tpw Rename WDB_REG_SET_ALTIVEC to WDB_REG_SET_AV for consistency
- with WTX and other REG_SET names.
- 01b,19mar01,dtr Changing header file name altiVecLib.h.
- 01a,01mar01,dtr Created library.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines to save, restore, get, and
- set the altivec registers. These operations are
- not task-specific.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRegs.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "altivecLib.h"
- /*
- * The ALTIVEC_REG_SET_OBJ is defined as a pointer and mem for it allocated at
- * run time. The reason for this is to ensure that this object especially the
- * first element altivecContext is 16 byte aligned.
- */
- ALTIVEC_REG_SET_OBJ * pAltivecRegSetObj;
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbAltivecSave - save the altivec registers.
- */
- void wdbAltivecSave (void)
- {
- altivecSave (&pAltivecRegSetObj->altivecContext);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbAltivecRestore - restore the previously saved altivec regs.
- */
- void wdbAltivecRestore (void)
- {
- altivecRestore (&pAltivecRegSetObj->altivecContext);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbAltivecGet - get a pointer to the altivec reg block.
- */
- void wdbAltivecGet
- (
- void ** ppRegs
- )
- {
- *ppRegs = (void *) &pAltivecRegSetObj->altivecContext;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbAltivecSet - set the Altivec reg block.
- */
- void wdbAltivecSet
- (
- void * pRegs
- )
- {
- bcopy ((char *)pRegs, (char *) &pAltivecRegSetObj->altivecContext, sizeof (ALTIVEC_CONTEXT));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbAltivecLibInit - initialize a WDB_REG_SET_OBJ representing altivec regs.
- *
- * RETURNS: a pointer to a WDB_REG_SET_OBJ
- */
- WDB_REG_SET_OBJ * wdbAltivecLibInit (void)
- {
- WDB_REG_SET_OBJ * pRegSet;
- /* Ensure that the ALTIVEC_REG_SET_OBJ object is 16 byte aligned. This is with the assumption
- that altiveccontext is the first element in the object.
- */
- pAltivecRegSetObj = (ALTIVEC_REG_SET_OBJ *) memalign (16, sizeof (ALTIVEC_REG_SET_OBJ));
- bzero ((char *)pAltivecRegSetObj, sizeof (ALTIVEC_REG_SET_OBJ));
- altivecSave (&pAltivecRegSetObj->altivecContext);
- pRegSet = &pAltivecRegSetObj->regSet;
- pRegSet->regSetType = WDB_REG_SET_AV;
- pRegSet->save = wdbAltivecSave;
- pRegSet->load = wdbAltivecRestore;
- pRegSet->get = (void (*) (char **)) wdbAltivecGet;
- pRegSet->set = (void (*) (char *)) wdbAltivecSet;
- return (pRegSet);
- }
- #endif /* (_WRS_ALTIVEC_SUPPORT==TRUE) */