- /* wdbExcLib.c - handles exceptions */
- /* Copyright 1995-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01c,14sep01,jhw Fixed warnings from compiling with gnu -pedantic flag
- 01b,22may95,ms Only suspend the system if the agent is in system mode.
- 01a,14feb95,ms written.
- */
- /*
- This library handles the reporting of exceptions to the host.
- If multiple tasks have exceptions before the host uploads the info,
- then the exception events are queued.
- A maximum of five exception events can be queued at a time.
- */
- #include "wdb/wdb.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbLibP.h"
- #include "wdb/dll.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbSvcLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRtIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbEvtLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbArchIfLib.h"
- /* definitions */
- #define MAX_EXC_EVENTS 5 /* max of 5 exception events at once */
- /* structures */
- typedef struct
- {
- dll_t node;
- BOOL valid;
- WDB_CTX context;
- u_int excVector;
- char * pESF;
- } wdbExcInfoNode_t;
- /* local variables */
- static WDB_EVT_NODE wdbExcEvtNode;
- static dll_t wdbExcEvtList;
- static wdbExcInfoNode_t excInfoNode [MAX_EXC_EVENTS];
- /* forward declarations */
- static void wdbExcHook (WDB_CTX context, u_int vec, char *pESF, WDB_IU_REGS *);
- static void wdbExcGetEvent (void *arg, WDB_EVT_DATA *pEvtMsg);
- static void wdbExcDeqEvent (void *arg);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExcLibInit -
- */
- void wdbExcLibInit (void)
- {
- int ix;
- /* initialize our event node */
- wdbEventNodeInit (&wdbExcEvtNode, wdbExcGetEvent,
- wdbExcDeqEvent, NULL);
- /* initialize the linked list of exceptions */
- dll_init (&wdbExcEvtList);
- for (ix = 0; ix < MAX_EXC_EVENTS; ix++)
- dll_insert (&excInfoNode[ix].node, &wdbExcEvtList);
- /* add our exception hook to the run-time exception handler */
- (*pWdbRtIf->excHookAdd)(wdbExcHook);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExcHook -
- */
- static void wdbExcHook
- (
- WDB_CTX context,
- u_int vec,
- char * pESF,
- WDB_IU_REGS * pRegs
- )
- {
- wdbExcInfoNode_t * pExcInfoNode;
- int lockKey;
- /* get a node off the queue */
- lockKey = intLock();
- pExcInfoNode = (wdbExcInfoNode_t *)dll_tail (&wdbExcEvtList);
- /* if event list if full and this is a task exception, just return */
- if ((pExcInfoNode->valid) && (context.contextType == WDB_CTX_TASK))
- {
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return;
- }
- pExcInfoNode->valid = TRUE;
- pExcInfoNode->context = context;
- pExcInfoNode->excVector = vec;
- pExcInfoNode->pESF = pESF;
- dll_remove (&pExcInfoNode->node);
- dll_insert (&pExcInfoNode->node, &wdbExcEvtList);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- /* exception in task context */
- if (wdbIsNowTasking())
- {
- wdbEventPost (&wdbExcEvtNode);
- return;
- }
- /* exception in system context - suspend system before posting event */
- wdbSuspendSystem (pRegs, wdbEventPost, (int)&wdbExcEvtNode);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExcGetEvent - upload the exception event to the host.
- */
- void wdbExcGetEvent
- (
- void * arg,
- WDB_EVT_DATA * pEvtData
- )
- {
- wdbExcInfoNode_t * pNode;
- wdbExcInfoNode_t * pTmpNode;
- WDB_EXC_INFO * pExcInfo;
- int lockKey;
- /* get a node from the exception queue */
- lockKey = intLock();
- pNode = (wdbExcInfoNode_t *) dll_head (&wdbExcEvtList);
- dll_remove (&pNode->node);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- /* give the node info to the host */
- pExcInfo = (WDB_EXC_INFO *)&pEvtData->eventInfo;
- pEvtData->evtType = WDB_EVT_EXC;
- pExcInfo->numInts = 4;
- pExcInfo->context = pNode->context;
- pExcInfo->vec = pNode->excVector;
- pExcInfo->pEsf = (TGT_ADDR_T) pNode->pESF;
- /* mark the node invalid and put back in queue (after valid nodes) */
- pNode->valid = FALSE;
- lockKey = intLock();
- for (pTmpNode = (wdbExcInfoNode_t *) dll_head (&wdbExcEvtList);
- pTmpNode != (wdbExcInfoNode_t *) dll_end (&wdbExcEvtList);
- pTmpNode = (wdbExcInfoNode_t *) dll_next (&pTmpNode->node))
- {
- if (pTmpNode->valid == FALSE)
- break;
- }
- pTmpNode = (wdbExcInfoNode_t *) dll_prev (&pTmpNode->node);
- dll_insert (&pNode->node, &pTmpNode->node);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExcDeqEvent - dequeue the event node.
- */
- void wdbExcDeqEvent
- (
- void *arg
- )
- {
- int lockKey;
- wdbExcInfoNode_t * pNode;
- lockKey = intLock();
- pNode = (wdbExcInfoNode_t *) dll_head (&wdbExcEvtList);
- if (pNode->valid)
- {
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- wdbEventPost (&wdbExcEvtNode);
- return;
- }
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- }