- /* avlLib.c - AVL trees library */
- /* Copyright 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,10feb00,abd added avlMinimumGet and avlMaximumGet
- 01d,10feb00,abd added avlTreeWalk, avlTreePrint, avlTreeErase, avlTreePrintErase
- 01c,03feb00,abd added avlInsertInform, avlRemoveInsert
- 01b,24jan00,abd added avlSuccessorGet and avlPredecessorGet
- 01a,08feb99,wkn created.
- */
- /*
- This library provides routines to manage some partially-balanced binary trees
- using the AVL algorithm. The tree nodes are ordered according to a given fully
- ordered relation, and there cannot be two nodes in the tree that are considered
- as equals by this relation. A balancing algorithm is run after each insertion
- or deletion operation. The balancing algorithm is guaranteed to run in time
- proportional to the height of the tree, and this height is guaranteed to only
- grow with log(N) where N is the number of nodes in the tree. Thus searching,
- insertion and deletion are all guaranteed to run in time proportional to
- log(N).
- Because the rebalancing operation might require re-rooting the binary tree,
- the arguments to the insertion and deletion operations cannot be simply
- pointers to the root node but they need to be pointers to the root node
- pointer. This way the root node pointer can be modified when the binary tree
- is re-rooted.
- In order to save some memory, the tree nodes does not contains pointers to
- their parent node. However, the rebalancing operation needs to walk from a
- given node up to the root node. We thus expect the insertion and deletion
- routines to keep track of the path they followed from the root down to the
- leaf node they had to insert or delete. See the avlRebalance routine for more
- details about this, and the avlInsert and avlDelete routines for reference
- implementations.
- It is an implementation goal to allow the creation of AVL trees containing
- some various data types in their nodes. However, the searching, insertion,
- and deletion routines needs to be able to compare two data nodes, so they
- are dependant upon the precise type of the search keys. The implementation of
- avlSearch, avlInsert and avlDelete uses a user-provided function that compares
- a tree node with a value and returns -1, 0 or 1 depending if this value is
- inferior, equal or superior to the key of the tree node. The value that is
- passed to this comparison function is typed as a GENERIC_ARGUMENT, which is a
- C union of an integer and a void pointer, thus making argument passing both
- fast and generic.
- For cases where execution speed is more important than code size, one could
- also use his own specialized routines instead of avlInsert, avlDelete and/or
- avlSearch, where the comparison function would be hardcoded to suit the user's
- needs. If one decides to do so, he can still use the generic avlRebalance
- routine because thisone does not needs to use a comparison function.
- INCLUDE FILE: avlLib.h
- */
- /* includes */
- #include <vxWorks.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "avlLib.h"
- /* typedefs */
- typedef struct
- {
- AVL_NODE avl;
- UINT key;
- /* defines */
- #define AVL_MAX_HEIGHT 42 /* The meaning of life, the universe and everything.
- Plus, the nodes for a tree this high would use
- more than 2**32 bytes anyway */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlRebalance - make sure the tree conforms to the AVL balancing rules, while
- * preserving the ordering of the binary tree
- *
- * The AVL tree balancing rules are as follows :
- * - the height of the left and right subtrees under a given node must never
- * differ by more than one
- * - the height of a given subtree is defined as 1 plus the maximum height of
- * the subtrees under his root node
- *
- * The avlRebalance procedure must be called after a leaf node has been inserted
- * or deleted from the tree. It checks that the AVL balancing rules are
- * respected, makes local adjustments to the tree if necessary, recalculates
- * the height field of the modified nodes, and repeats the process for every
- * node up to the root node. This iteration is necessary because the balancing
- * rules for a given node might have been broken by the modification we did on
- * one of the subtrees under it.
- *
- * Because we need to iterate the process up to the root node, and the tree
- * nodes does not contain pointers to their father node, we ask the caller of
- * this procedure to keep a list of all the nodes traversed from the root node
- * to the node just before the recently inserted or deleted node. This is the
- * <ancestors> argument. Because each subtree might have to be re-rooted in the
- * balancing operation, <ancestors> is actually a list pointers to the node
- * pointers - thus if re-rooting occurs, the node pointers can be modified so
- * that they keep pointing to the root of a given subtree.
- *
- * <count> is simply a count of elements in the <ancestors> list.
- *
- */
- void avlRebalance
- (
- AVL_NODE *** ancestors, /* list of pointers to the ancestor
- node pointers */
- int count /* number ancestors to rebalance */
- )
- {
- while (count > 0)
- {
- AVL_NODE ** nodepp; /* address of the pointer to the root node of
- the current subtree */
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* points to root node of current subtree */
- AVL_NODE * leftp; /* points to root node of left subtree */
- int lefth; /* height of the left subtree */
- AVL_NODE * rightp; /* points to root node of right subtree */
- int righth; /* height of the right subtree */
- /*
- * Find the current root node and its two subtrees. By construction,
- * we know that both of them conform to the AVL balancing rules.
- */
- nodepp = ancestors[--count];
- nodep = *nodepp;
- leftp = nodep->left;
- lefth = (leftp != NULL) ? leftp->height : 0;
- rightp = nodep->right;
- righth = (rightp != NULL) ? rightp->height : 0;
- if (righth - lefth < -1)
- {
- /*
- * *
- * /
- * n+2 n
- *
- * The current subtree violates the balancing rules by beeing too
- * high on the left side. We must use one of two different
- * rebalancing methods depending on the configuration of the left
- * subtree.
- *
- * Note that leftp cannot be NULL or we would not pass there !
- */
- AVL_NODE * leftleftp; /* points to root of left left
- subtree */
- AVL_NODE * leftrightp; /* points to root of left right
- subtree */
- int leftrighth; /* height of left right subtree */
- leftleftp = leftp->left;
- leftrightp = leftp->right;
- leftrighth = (leftrightp != NULL) ? leftrightp->height : 0;
- if ((leftleftp != NULL) && (leftleftp->height >= leftrighth))
- {
- /*
- * <D> <B>
- * * n+2|n+3
- * / /
- * <B> <E> ----> <A> <D>
- * n+2 n n+1 n+1|n+2
- * / /
- * <A> <C> <C> <E>
- * n+1 n|n+1 n|n+1 n
- */
- nodep->left = leftrightp; /* D.left = C */
- nodep->height = leftrighth + 1;
- leftp->right = nodep; /* B.right = D */
- leftp->height = leftrighth + 2;
- *nodepp = leftp; /* B becomes root */
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * <F>
- * *
- * / <D>
- * <B> <G> n+2
- * n+2 n /
- * / ----> <B> <F>
- * <A> <D> n+1 n+1
- * n n+1 / /
- * / <A> <C> <E> <G>
- * <C> <E> n n|n-1 n|n-1 n
- * n|n-1 n|n-1
- *
- * We can assume that leftrightp is not NULL because we expect
- * leftp and rightp to conform to the AVL balancing rules.
- * Note that if this assumption is wrong, the algorithm will
- * crash here.
- */
- leftp->right = leftrightp->left; /* B.right = C */
- leftp->height = leftrighth;
- nodep->left = leftrightp->right; /* F.left = E */
- nodep->height = leftrighth;
- leftrightp->left = leftp; /* D.left = B */
- leftrightp->right = nodep; /* D.right = F */
- leftrightp->height = leftrighth + 1;
- *nodepp = leftrightp; /* D becomes root */
- }
- }
- else if (righth - lefth > 1)
- {
- /*
- * *
- * /
- * n n+2
- *
- * The current subtree violates the balancing rules by beeing too
- * high on the right side. This is exactly symmetric to the
- * previous case. We must use one of two different rebalancing
- * methods depending on the configuration of the right subtree.
- *
- * Note that rightp cannot be NULL or we would not pass there !
- */
- AVL_NODE * rightleftp; /* points to the root of right left
- subtree */
- int rightlefth; /* height of right left subtree */
- AVL_NODE * rightrightp; /* points to the root of right right
- subtree */
- rightleftp = rightp->left;
- rightlefth = (rightleftp != NULL) ? rightleftp->height : 0;
- rightrightp = rightp->right;
- if ((rightrightp != NULL) && (rightrightp->height >= rightlefth))
- {
- /* <B> <D>
- * * n+2|n+3
- * / /
- * <A> <D> ----> <B> <E>
- * n n+2 n+1|n+2 n+1
- * / /
- * <C> <E> <A> <C>
- * n|n+1 n+1 n n|n+1
- */
- nodep->right = rightleftp; /* B.right = C */
- nodep->height = rightlefth + 1;
- rightp->left = nodep; /* D.left = B */
- rightp->height = rightlefth + 2;
- *nodepp = rightp; /* D becomes root */
- }
- else
- {
- /* <B>
- * *
- * / <D>
- * <A> <F> n+2
- * n n+2 /
- * / ----> <B> <F>
- * <D> <G> n+1 n+1
- * n+1 n / /
- * / <A> <C> <E> <G>
- * <C> <E> n n|n-1 n|n-1 n
- * n|n-1 n|n-1
- *
- * We can assume that rightleftp is not NULL because we expect
- * leftp and rightp to conform to the AVL balancing rules.
- * Note that if this assumption is wrong, the algorithm will
- * crash here.
- */
- nodep->right = rightleftp->left; /* B.right = C */
- nodep->height = rightlefth;
- rightp->left = rightleftp->right; /* F.left = E */
- rightp->height = rightlefth;
- rightleftp->left = nodep; /* D.left = B */
- rightleftp->right = rightp; /* D.right = F */
- rightleftp->height = rightlefth + 1;
- *nodepp = rightleftp; /* D becomes root */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * No rebalancing, just set the tree height
- *
- * If the height of the current subtree has not changed, we can
- * stop here because we know that we have not broken the AVL
- * balancing rules for our ancestors.
- */
- int height;
- height = ((righth > lefth) ? righth : lefth) + 1;
- if (nodep->height == height)
- break;
- nodep->height = height;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlSearch - search a node in an AVL tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <root> is the root node pointer. <key> is the value
- * we want to search, and <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * Note that we cannot have several nodes with the equal keys in the tree, so
- * there is no ambiguity about which node will be found.
- *
- * Also note that the search procedure does not depend on the tree balancing
- * rules, but because the tree is balanced, we know that the search procedure
- * will always be efficient.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node whose key equals <key>, or NULL if there is
- * no such node in the tree
- */
- void * avlSearch
- (
- AVL_TREE root, /* root node pointer */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key, /* search key */
- int compare (void *, GENERIC_ARGUMENT) /* comparison function */
- )
- {
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- nodep = root;
- while (1)
- {
- int delta; /* result of the comparison operation */
- if (nodep == NULL)
- return NULL; /* not found ! */
- delta = compare (nodep, key);
- if (0 == delta)
- return nodep; /* found the node */
- else if (delta < 0)
- nodep = nodep->left;
- else
- nodep = nodep->right;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlSearchUnsigned - search a node in an AVL tree
- *
- * This is a specialized implementation of avlSearch for cases where the
- * node to be searched is an AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node whose key equals <key>, or NULL if there is
- * no such node in the tree
- */
- void * avlSearchUnsigned
- (
- AVL_TREE root, /* root node pointer */
- UINT key /* search key */
- )
- {
- AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- nodep = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE *) root;
- while (1)
- {
- if (nodep == NULL)
- return NULL; /* not found ! */
- if (key == nodep->key)
- return nodep; /* found the node */
- else if (key < nodep->key)
- nodep = nodep->avl.left;
- else
- nodep = nodep->avl.right;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlInsert - insert a node in an AVL tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <root> points to the root node pointer. This root
- * node pointer is possibly NULL if the tree is empty. <newNode> points to the
- * node we want to insert. His left, right and height fields need not be filled,
- * but the user will probably have added his own data fields after those. <key>
- * is newNode's key, that will be passed to the comparison function. This is
- * redundant because it could really be derived from newNode, but the way to do
- * this depends on the precise type of newNode so we cannot do this in a generic
- * routine. <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * Note that we cannot have several nodes with the equal keys in the tree, so
- * the insertion operation will fail if we try to insert a node that has a
- * duplicate key.
- *
- * Also note that because we keep the tree balanced, the root node pointer that
- * is pointed by the <root> argument can be modified in this function.
- *
- * The insertion routine works just like in a non-balanced binary tree : we
- * walk down the tree like if we were searching a node, and when we reach a leaf
- * node we insert newNode at this position.
- *
- * Because the balancing procedure needs to be able to walk back to the root
- * node, we keep a list of pointers to the pointers we followed on our way down
- * the tree.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the tree already contained a node with the same key
- */
- STATUS avlInsert
- (
- AVL_TREE * root, /* pointer to the root node ptr */
- void * newNode, /* ptr to the node we want to insert */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key, /* search key of newNode */
- int compare (void *, GENERIC_ARGUMENT) /* comparison function */
- )
- {
- AVL_NODE ** nodepp; /* ptr to current node ptr */
- AVL_NODE ** ancestor[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* list of pointers to all
- our ancestor node ptrs */
- int ancestorCount; /* number of ancestors */
- nodepp = root;
- ancestorCount = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- int delta; /* result of the comparison operation */
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep == NULL)
- break; /* we can insert a leaf node here ! */
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- delta = compare (nodep, key);
- if (0 == delta)
- return ERROR;
- else if (delta < 0)
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->left);
- else
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->right);
- }
- ((AVL_NODE *)newNode)->left = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)newNode)->right = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)newNode)->height = 1;
- *nodepp = newNode;
- avlRebalance (ancestor, ancestorCount);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlInsertUnsigned - insert a node in an AVL tree
- *
- * This is a specialized implementation of avlInsert for cases where the
- * node to be inserted is an AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the tree already contained a node with the same key
- */
- STATUS avlInsertUnsigned
- (
- AVL_TREE * root, /* pointer to the root node ptr */
- void * newNode /* ptr to the node we want to insert */
- )
- {
- AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE ** nodepp; /* ptr to current node ptr */
- /* list of pointers to all our ancestor node ptrs */
- int ancestorCount; /* number of ancestors */
- UINT key;
- key = ((AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE *)newNode)->key;
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **) root;
- ancestorCount = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep == NULL)
- break; /* we can insert a leaf node here ! */
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- if (key == nodep->key)
- return ERROR;
- else if (key < nodep->key)
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)&(nodep->avl.left);
- else
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)&(nodep->avl.right);
- }
- ((AVL_NODE *)newNode)->left = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)newNode)->right = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)newNode)->height = 1;
- *nodepp = newNode;
- avlRebalance ((AVL_NODE ***)ancestor, ancestorCount);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlDelete - delete a node in an AVL tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <root> points to the root node pointer and
- * <key> is the key of the node we want to delete. <compare> is the
- * user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * The deletion operation will of course fail if the desired node was not
- * already in the tree.
- *
- * Also note that because we keep the tree balanced, the root node pointer that
- * is pointed by the <root> argument can be modified in this function.
- *
- * On exit, the node is removed from the AVL tree but it is not free()'d.
- *
- * The deletion routine works just like in a non-balanced binary tree : we
- * walk down the tree like searching the node we have to delete. When we find
- * it, if it is not a leaf node, we have to replace it with a leaf node that
- * has an adjacent key. Then the rebalancing operation will have to enforce the
- * balancing rules by walking up the path from the leaf node that got deleted
- * or moved.
- *
- * Because the balancing procedure needs to be able to walk back to the root
- * node, we keep a list of pointers to the pointers we followed on our way down
- * the tree.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node we deleted, or NULL if the tree does not
- * contain any such node
- */
- void * avlDelete
- (
- AVL_TREE * root, /* pointer to the root node pointer */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key, /* search key of node we want to delete */
- int compare (void *, GENERIC_ARGUMENT) /* comparison function */
- )
- {
- AVL_NODE ** nodepp; /* ptr to current node ptr */
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* ptr to the current node */
- AVL_NODE ** ancestor[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* list of pointers to all our
- ancestor node pointers */
- int ancestorCount; /* number of ancestors */
- AVL_NODE * deletep; /* ptr to the node we have to
- delete */
- nodepp = root;
- ancestorCount = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- int delta; /* result of the comparison operation */
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep == NULL)
- return NULL; /* node was not in the tree ! */
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- delta = compare (nodep, key);
- if (0 == delta)
- break; /* we found the node we have to delete */
- else if (delta < 0)
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->left);
- else
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->right);
- }
- deletep = nodep;
- if (nodep->left == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * There is no node on the left subtree of delNode.
- * Either there is one (and only one, because of the balancing rules)
- * on its right subtree, and it replaces delNode, or it has no child
- * nodes at all and it just gets deleted
- */
- *nodepp = nodep->right;
- /*
- * we know that nodep->right was already balanced so we don't have to
- * check it again
- */
- ancestorCount--;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * We will find the node that is just before delNode in the ordering
- * of the tree and promote it to delNode's position in the tree.
- */
- AVL_NODE ** deletepp; /* ptr to the ptr to the node
- we have to delete */
- int deleteAncestorCount; /* place where the replacing
- node will have to be
- inserted in the ancestor
- list */
- deleteAncestorCount = ancestorCount;
- deletepp = nodepp;
- deletep = nodep;
- /* search for node just before delNode in the tree ordering */
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->left);
- while (1)
- {
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep->right == NULL)
- break;
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->right);
- }
- /*
- * this node gets replaced by its (unique, because of balancing rules)
- * left child, or deleted if it has no childs at all
- */
- *nodepp = nodep->left;
- /* now this node replaces delNode in the tree */
- nodep->left = deletep->left;
- nodep->right = deletep->right;
- nodep->height = deletep->height;
- *deletepp = nodep;
- /*
- * We have replaced delNode with nodep. Thus the pointer to the left
- * subtree of delNode was stored in delNode->left and it is now
- * stored in nodep->left. We have to adjust the ancestor list to
- * reflect this.
- */
- ancestor[deleteAncestorCount] = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->left);
- }
- avlRebalance (ancestor, ancestorCount);
- return deletep;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlDeleteUnsigned - delete a node in an AVL tree
- *
- * This is a specialized implementation of avlDelete for cases where the
- * node to be deleted is an AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node we deleted, or NULL if the tree does not
- * contain any such node
- */
- void * avlDeleteUnsigned
- (
- AVL_TREE * root, /* pointer to the root node pointer */
- UINT key /* search key of node we want to delete */
- )
- {
- AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE ** nodepp; /* ptr to current node ptr */
- AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE * nodep; /* ptr to the current node */
- /* list of pointers to all our ancestor node pointers */
- int ancestorCount; /* number of ancestors */
- AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE * deletep; /* ptr to the node we have to
- delete */
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)root;
- ancestorCount = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep == NULL)
- return NULL; /* node was not in the tree ! */
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- if (key == nodep->key)
- break; /* we found the node we have to delete */
- else if (key < nodep->key)
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)&(nodep->avl.left);
- else
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)&(nodep->avl.right);
- }
- deletep = nodep;
- if (nodep->avl.left == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * There is no node on the left subtree of delNode.
- * Either there is one (and only one, because of the balancing rules)
- * on its right subtree, and it replaces delNode, or it has no child
- * nodes at all and it just gets deleted
- */
- *nodepp = nodep->avl.right;
- /*
- * we know that nodep->right was already balanced so we don't have to
- * check it again
- */
- ancestorCount--;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * We will find the node that is just before delNode in the ordering
- * of the tree and promote it to delNode's position in the tree.
- */
- AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE ** deletepp; /* ptr to the ptr to the node
- we have to delete */
- int deleteAncestorCount; /* place where the replacing node will
- have to be inserted in the ancestor
- list */
- deleteAncestorCount = ancestorCount;
- deletepp = nodepp;
- deletep = nodep;
- /* search for node just before delNode in the tree ordering */
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)&(nodep->avl.left);
- while (1)
- {
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep->avl.right == NULL)
- break;
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- nodepp = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)&(nodep->avl.right);
- }
- /*
- * this node gets replaced by its (unique, because of balancing rules)
- * left child, or deleted if it has no childs at all
- */
- *nodepp = nodep->avl.left;
- /* now this node replaces delNode in the tree */
- nodep->avl.left = deletep->avl.left;
- nodep->avl.right = deletep->avl.right;
- nodep->avl.height = deletep->avl.height;
- *deletepp = nodep;
- /*
- * We have replaced delNode with nodep. Thus the pointer to the left
- * subtree of delNode was stored in delNode->left and it is now
- * stored in nodep->left. We have to adjust the ancestor list to
- * reflect this.
- */
- ancestor[deleteAncestorCount] = (AVL_UNSIGNED_NODE **)&(nodep->avl.left);
- }
- avlRebalance ((AVL_NODE ***)ancestor, ancestorCount);
- return deletep;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlSuccessorGet - find node with key successor to input key on an AVL tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <root> is the root node pointer. <key> is the value
- * we want to search, and <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * Note that we cannot have several nodes with the equal keys in the tree, so
- * there is no ambiguity about which node will be found.
- *
- * Also note that the search procedure does not depend on the tree balancing
- * rules, but because the tree is balanced, we know that the search procedure
- * will always be efficient.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node whose key is the immediate successor of <key>,
- * or NULL if there is no such node in the tree
- */
- void * avlSuccessorGet
- (
- AVL_TREE root, /* root node pointer */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key, /* search key */
- int compare (void *, GENERIC_ARGUMENT) /* comparison function */
- )
- {
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- AVL_NODE * superiorp; /* pointer to the current superior*/
- nodep = root;
- superiorp = NULL;
- while (1)
- {
- int delta; /* result of the comparison operation */
- if (nodep == NULL)
- return superiorp;
- delta = compare (nodep, key);
- if (delta < 0)
- {
- superiorp = nodep; /* update superiorp */
- nodep = nodep->left;
- }
- else
- nodep = nodep->right;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlPredecessorGet - find node with key predecessor to input key on an AVL tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <root> is the root node pointer. <key> is the value
- * we want to search, and <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * Note that we cannot have several nodes with the equal keys in the tree, so
- * there is no ambiguity about which node will be found.
- *
- * Also note that the search procedure does not depend on the tree balancing
- * rules, but because the tree is balanced, we know that the search procedure
- * will always be efficient.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node whose key is the immediate predecessor of <key>,
- * or NULL if there is no such node in the tree
- */
- void * avlPredecessorGet
- (
- AVL_TREE root, /* root node pointer */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key, /* search key */
- int compare (void *, GENERIC_ARGUMENT) /* comparison function */
- )
- {
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- AVL_NODE * inferiorp; /* pointer to the current inferior*/
- nodep = root;
- inferiorp = NULL;
- while (1)
- {
- int delta; /* result of the comparison operation */
- if (nodep == NULL)
- return inferiorp;
- delta = compare (nodep, key);
- if (delta > 0)
- {
- inferiorp = nodep; /* update inferiorp */
- nodep = nodep->right;
- }
- else
- nodep = nodep->left;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlMinimumGet - find node with minimum key
- *
- * At the time of the call, <root> is the root node pointer. <key> is the value
- * we want to search, and <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node with minimum key; NULL if the tree is empty
- */
- void * avlMinimumGet
- (
- AVL_TREE root /* root node pointer */
- )
- {
- if (NULL == root)
- return NULL;
- while (root->left != NULL)
- {
- root = root->left;
- }
- return root;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlMaximumGet - find node with maximum key
- *
- * At the time of the call, <root> is the root node pointer. <key> is the value
- * we want to search, and <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the node with maximum key; NULL if the tree is empty
- */
- void * avlMaximumGet
- (
- AVL_TREE root /* root node pointer */
- )
- {
- if (NULL == root)
- return NULL;
- while (root->right != NULL)
- {
- root = root->right;
- }
- return root;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlInsertInform - insert a node in an AVL tree and report key holder
- *
- * At the time of the call, <pRoot> points to the root node pointer. This root
- * node pointer is possibly NULL if the tree is empty. <pNewNode> points to the
- * node we want to insert. His left, right and height fields need not be filled,
- * but the user will probably have added his own data fields after those. <key>
- * is newNode's key, that will be passed to the comparison function. This is
- * redundant because it could really be derived from newNode, but the way to do
- * this depends on the precise type of newNode so we cannot do this in a generic
- * routine. <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * Note that we cannot have several nodes with the equal keys in the tree, so
- * the insertion operation will fail if we try to insert a node that has a
- * duplicate key. However, if the <replace> boolean is set to true then in
- * case of conflict we will remove the old node, we will put in its position the
- * new one, and we will return the old node pointer in the postion pointed by
- * <ppReplacedNode>.
- *
- * Also note that because we keep the tree balanced, the root node pointer that
- * is pointed by the <pRoot> argument can be modified in this function.
- *
- * The insertion routine works just like in a non-balanced binary tree : we
- * walk down the tree like if we were searching a node, and when we reach a leaf
- * node we insert newNode at this position.
- *
- * Because the balancing procedure needs to be able to walk back to the root
- * node, we keep a list of pointers to the pointers we followed on our way down
- * the tree.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the tree already contained a node with the same key
- * and replacement was not allowed. In both cases it will place a pointer to
- * the key holder in the position pointed by <ppKeyHolder>.
- */
- STATUS avlInsertInform
- (
- AVL_TREE * pRoot, /* ptr to the root node pointer */
- void * pNewNode, /* pointer to the candidate node */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key, /* unique key of new node */
- void ** ppKeyHolder, /* ptr to final key holder */
- int compare (void *, GENERIC_ARGUMENT) /* comparison function */
- )
- {
- AVL_NODE ** nodepp; /* ptr to current node ptr */
- AVL_NODE ** ancestor[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* list of pointers to all
- our ancestor node ptrs */
- int ancestorCount; /* number of ancestors */
- if (NULL == ppKeyHolder)
- {
- printf("invalid input data were passed to avlInsertInformn");
- return ERROR;
- };
- nodepp = pRoot;
- ancestorCount = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- int delta; /* result of the comparison operation */
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep == NULL)
- break; /* we can insert a leaf node here ! */
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- delta = compare (nodep, key);
- if (0 == delta)
- {
- /* we inform the caller of the key holder node and return ERROR */
- *ppKeyHolder = nodep;
- return ERROR;
- }
- else if (delta < 0)
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->left);
- else
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->right);
- }
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->left = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->right = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->height = 1;
- *nodepp = pNewNode;
- *ppKeyHolder = pNewNode;
- avlRebalance (ancestor, ancestorCount);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlRemoveInsert - forcefully insert a node in an AVL tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <pRoot> points to the root node pointer. This root
- * node pointer is possibly NULL if the tree is empty. <pNewNode> points to the
- * node we want to insert. His left, right and height fields need not be filled,
- * but the user will probably have added his own data fields after those. <key>
- * is newNode's key, that will be passed to the comparison function. This is
- * redundant because it could really be derived from newNode, but the way to do
- * this depends on the precise type of newNode so we cannot do this in a generic
- * routine. <compare> is the user-provided comparison function.
- *
- * Note that we cannot have several nodes with the equal keys in the tree, so
- * the insertion operation will fail if we try to insert a node that has a
- * duplicate key. However, in case of conflict we will remove the old node, we
- * will put in its position the new one, and we will return the old node pointer
- *
- * Also note that because we keep the tree balanced, the root node pointer that
- * is pointed by the <pRoot> argument can be modified in this function.
- *
- * The insertion routine works just like in a non-balanced binary tree : we
- * walk down the tree like if we were searching a node, and when we reach a leaf
- * node we insert newNode at this position.
- *
- * Because the balancing procedure needs to be able to walk back to the root
- * node, we keep a list of pointers to the pointers we followed on our way down
- * the tree.
- *
- * RETURNS: NULL if insertion was carried out without replacement, or if
- * replacement occured the pointer to the replaced node
- *
- */
- void * avlRemoveInsert
- (
- AVL_TREE * pRoot, /* ptr to the root node pointer */
- void * pNewNode, /* pointer to the candidate node */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key, /* unique key of new node */
- int compare (void *, GENERIC_ARGUMENT) /* comparison function */
- )
- {
- AVL_NODE ** nodepp; /* ptr to current node ptr */
- AVL_NODE ** ancestor[AVL_MAX_HEIGHT]; /* list of pointers to all
- our ancestor node ptrs */
- int ancestorCount; /* number of ancestors */
- nodepp = pRoot;
- ancestorCount = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- AVL_NODE * nodep; /* pointer to the current node */
- int delta; /* result of the comparison operation */
- nodep = *nodepp;
- if (nodep == NULL)
- break; /* we can insert a leaf node here ! */
- ancestor[ancestorCount++] = nodepp;
- delta = compare (nodep, key);
- if (0 == delta)
- {
- /* we copy the tree data from the old node to the new node */
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->left = nodep->left;
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->right = nodep->right;
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->height = nodep->height;
- /* and we make the new node child of the old node's parent */
- *nodepp = pNewNode;
- /* before we return it we sterilize the old node */
- nodep->left = NULL;
- nodep->right = NULL;
- nodep->height = 1;
- return nodep;
- }
- else if (delta < 0)
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->left);
- else
- nodepp = (AVL_NODE **)&(nodep->right);
- }
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->left = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->right = NULL;
- ((AVL_NODE *)pNewNode)->height = 1;
- *nodepp = pNewNode;
- avlRebalance (ancestor, ancestorCount);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlTreeWalk- walk the whole tree and execute a function on each node
- *
- * At the time of the call, <pRoot> points to the root node pointer.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always
- *
- */
- STATUS avlTreeWalk(AVL_TREE * pRoot, void walkExec(AVL_TREE * ppNode))
- {
- if ((NULL == pRoot) || (NULL == *pRoot))
- {
- return OK;
- };
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->left))
- {
- avlTreeWalk((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->left)), walkExec);
- }
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->right))
- {
- avlTreeWalk((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->right)), walkExec);
- }
- walkExec(pRoot);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlTreePrint- print the whole tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <pRoot> points to the root node pointer.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always
- *
- */
- STATUS avlTreePrint(AVL_TREE * pRoot, void printNode(void * nodep))
- {
- if ((NULL == pRoot) || (NULL == *pRoot))
- {
- return OK;
- };
- printNode(*pRoot);
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->left))
- {
- avlTreePrint((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->left)), printNode);
- }
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->right))
- {
- avlTreePrint((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->right)), printNode);
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlTreeErase - erase the whole tree
- *
- * At the time of the call, <pRoot> points to the root node pointer.
- * Unlike the avlDelete routine here we do perform memory management
- * ASSUMING that all nodes carry shallow data only. Otherwise we should
- * use avlTreeWalk with the appropriate walkExec memory freeing function.
- * Since we do not plan to reuse the tree intermediate rebalancing is not needed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always
- *
- */
- STATUS avlTreeErase(AVL_TREE * pRoot)
- {
- if ((NULL == pRoot) || (NULL == *pRoot))
- {
- return OK;
- };
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->left))
- {
- avlTreeErase((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->left)));
- free((*pRoot)->left);
- (*pRoot)->left = NULL;
- }
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->right))
- {
- avlTreeErase((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->right)));
- free((*pRoot)->right);
- (*pRoot)->right = NULL;
- }
- free(*pRoot);
- *pRoot = NULL;
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * avlTreePrintErase - erase the whole tree assuming that all nodes were
- * created using malloc.
- *
- * At the time of the call, <pRoot> points to the root node pointer.
- * Unlike the avlDelete routine here we do perform memory management.
- * Since we do not plan to reuse the tree intermediate rebalancing is not needed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always and assigns NULL to *pRoot.
- *
- */
- STATUS avlTreePrintErase(AVL_TREE * pRoot, void printNode(void * nodep))
- {
- if ((NULL == pRoot) || (NULL == *pRoot))
- {
- return OK;
- };
- printNode(*pRoot);
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->left))
- {
- avlTreePrintErase((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->left)), printNode);
- free((*pRoot)->left);
- (*pRoot)->left = NULL;
- }
- if (!(NULL == (*pRoot)->right))
- {
- avlTreePrintErase((AVL_TREE *)(&((*pRoot)->right)), printNode);
- free((*pRoot)->right);
- (*pRoot)->right = NULL;
- }
- free(*pRoot);
- *pRoot = NULL;
- return OK;
- }