- /* semSmLib.c - shared memory semaphore library (VxMP Option) */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01n,06may02,mas cache flush and volatile fix (SPR 68334); bridge flush fix
- (SPR 68844)
- 01m,24oct01,mas doc update (SPR 71149)
- 01l,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 01k,22feb99,wsl doc: fixed typo in errno code
- 01j,22mar94,pme added WindView level event logging.
- 01i,24feb93,jdi doc tweaks.
- 01h,08feb93,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01g,29jan93,pme added little endian support.
- 01f,23nov92,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01e,13nov92,dnw added include of smObjLib.h
- 01d,02oct92,pme added SPARC support. documentation cleanup.
- 01c,29sep92,pme changed semSm[BC]Create to sem[BC]SmCreate
- comments cleanup
- 01b,30jul92,pme changed semSm[BC]Init to call qFifoGInit.
- added signal restarting.
- semSm{Create,Init} call semSmLibInit for robustness.
- documentation cleanup.
- 01a,19jul92,pme added semSmLibInit() to reduce coupling.
- reduced interrupt latency in semSmGive and semSmTake.
- merged shared counting and binary semaphores.
- code review clean up.
- written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides the interface to VxWorks shared memory binary and
- counting semaphores. Once a shared memory semaphore is created, the
- generic semaphore-handling routines provided in semLib are used to
- manipulate it. Shared memory binary semaphores are created using
- semBSmCreate(). Shared memory counting semaphores are created using
- semCSmCreate().
- Shared memory binary semaphores are used to: (1) control mutually
- exclusive access to multiprocessor-shared data structures, or (2)
- synchronize multiple tasks running in a multiprocessor system. For
- general information about binary semaphores, see the manual entry
- semBLib.
- Shared memory counting semaphores are used for guarding multiple instances
- of a resource used by multiple CPUs. For general information about shared
- counting semaphores, see the manual entry for semCLib.
- For information about the generic semaphore-handling routines, see the
- manual entry for semLib.
- The semaphore structure is allocated from a dedicated shared memory partition.
- The shared semaphore dedicated shared memory partition is initialized by
- the shared memory objects master CPU. The size of this partition is
- defined by the maximum number of shared semaphores, set in the configuration
- parameter SM_OBJ_MAX_SEM .
- This memory partition is common to shared binary and counting semaphores,
- thus SM_OBJ_MAX_SEM must be set to the sum total of binary and counting
- semaphores to be used in the system.
- Shared memory semaphores differ from local semaphores in the following ways:
- is
- i `Interrupt Use:'
- Shared semaphores may not be given, taken, or flushed at interrupt level.
- i `Deletion:'
- There is no way to delete a shared semaphore and free its associated
- shared memory. Attempts to delete a shared semaphore return ERROR and
- set `errno' to S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY .
- i `Queuing Style:'
- The shared semaphore queuing style specified when the semaphore is created
- must be FIFO.
- ie
- Internally, interrupts are locked while manipulating shared semaphore
- data structures, thus increasing local CPU interrupt latency.
- Before routines in this library can be called, the shared memory object
- facility must be initialized by calling usrSmObjInit(). This is done
- automatically during VxWorks initialization when the component INCLUDE_SM_OBJ
- is included.
- This module is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- support option, VxMP.
- To achieve full transparency, semBSmCreate() and semCSmCreate() returns
- a semaphore of type SEM_ID but the effective structure pointed to by
- this ID is a SM_SEMAPHORE.
- When a task blocks on a shared semaphore a data structure called shared
- memory object task control block (smObjTcb) is added to the shared
- semaphore pend queue. This smObjTcb is allocated from a dedicated
- fixed block size shared memory partition the first time the task
- blocks on a shared semaphore or after each restart signal or timeout
- occuring while taking a shared semaphore.
- In order to use the standard wind kernel routines we use a pseudo multi-way
- queue to manipulate the shared queues and nodes (actually shared TCBs).
- We have defined a new class of queue called qFifoG for which the queue head
- contains :
- - a pointer to qFifoGClass.
- - a pointer to the Fifo pending queue associated with the
- shared object where task is pending on.
- - a pointer to the shared memory object pend queue lock. This
- pointer is initialized to NULL if we already have the lock.
- This pointer is necessary because when a timeout expires,
- when a signal is sent to the task, or when a task is deleted
- Q_REMOVE is called to remove the shared TCB from the semaphore
- pending list without having previously acquired semaphore
- lock access. Thus only qFifoGRemove(), which is called by Q_REMOVE ,
- need to check if this pointer is NULL before manipulating the queue.
- - Shared Semaphore Flush
- The issue here is to keep a per CPU semaphore flush indivisibility while
- keeping a reasonable interrupt latency. Note that a system wide flush
- indivisibility is impossible to achieve.
- This implies that only one notification is made to any CPU where there's
- one or more tasks pending on the flushed semaphore.
- Since no modifications are made to the semaphore status, semaphore flush
- is the same for binary and counting semaphores and is called semSmFlush().
- - Optional Facility:
- Since this facility is optional, 'flush', 'give' and 'take' routines are
- called via function pointers in semFlush(), semGive(), and semTake(),
- respectively, to avoid this code being imported into VxWorks when the VxMP
- option is not available.
- Functions pointers are initialized by semSmLibInit() which is called
- in smObjInit().
- routine structure:
- semBSmCreate semCSmCreate
- | | | |
- (o) semSmBInit (o) semSmCInit
- | |
- /
- ------ --------
- /
- qFifoGInit
- |
- smDllInit
- semGive semFlush semTake
- | | Interrupt |
- semSmGive semSmFlush / semSmTake
- / | | / | | / | |
- / * | -------- * | / | *
- / | / | / |
- | smObjEventSend smObjEventProcess smObjTcbInit/|
- | / | | | / |
- | * ----- windReadyQPut | * (i) / |
- | ----------- | / |
- windReadyQPut -------------- | windReadyQRemove |
- | | |
- qFifoGRemove | qFifoGPut
- | | |
- smDllRemove * smDllConcat smDllPut
- * * (o) (i)
- | | | |
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_TAKE SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE smMemPartAlloc smFixBlkPartAlloc
- SEE ALSO: semLib, semBLib, semCLib, smObjLib, semShow, usrSmObjInit(),
- tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Shared Memory Objects,
- tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Basic OS
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "objLib.h"
- #include "classLib.h"
- #include "qFifoGLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "smObjLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "private/semSmLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/smObjLibP.h"
- #include "private/smMemLibP.h"
- #include "private/sigLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- /* locals */
- LOCAL BOOL semSmLibInstalled; /* protect from muliple inits */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmLibInit - initialize the shared semaphore management package
- *
- * This routine initializes the shared memory semaphore library by installing
- * the addresses of its give, take, and flush routines for both binary and
- * counting semaphores in the kernel's semaphore function dispatch table.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smObjLibInit().
- *
- *
- */
- void semSmLibInit (void)
- {
- if ((!semSmLibInstalled) & (semLibInit () == OK))
- {
- /* fill the semaphore function tables */
- semGiveTbl [SEM_TYPE_SM_BINARY] = (FUNCPTR) semSmGive;
- semTakeTbl [SEM_TYPE_SM_BINARY] = (FUNCPTR) semSmTake;
- semFlushTbl [SEM_TYPE_SM_BINARY] = (FUNCPTR) semSmFlush;
- semGiveTbl [SEM_TYPE_SM_COUNTING] = (FUNCPTR) semSmGive;
- semTakeTbl [SEM_TYPE_SM_COUNTING] = (FUNCPTR) semSmTake;
- semFlushTbl [SEM_TYPE_SM_COUNTING] = (FUNCPTR) semSmFlush;
- semSmLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semBSmCreate - create and initialize a shared memory binary semaphore (VxMP Option)
- *
- * This routine allocates and initializes a shared memory binary semaphore.
- * The semaphore is initialized to an <initialState> of either
- * SEM_FULL (available) or SEM_EMPTY (not available). The shared semaphore
- * structure is allocated from the shared semaphore dedicated memory
- * partition.
- *
- * The semaphore ID returned by this routine can be used directly by the
- * generic semaphore-handling routines in semLib -- semGive(), semTake(), and
- * semFlush() -- and the show routines, such as show() and semShow().
- *
- * The queuing style for blocked tasks is set by <options>; the only
- * supported queuing style for shared memory semaphores is first-in-first-out,
- * selected by SEM_Q_FIFO .
- *
- * Before this routine can be called, the shared memory objects facility must
- * be initialized (see semSmLib).
- *
- * The maximum number of shared memory semaphores (binary plus counting) that
- * can be created is SM_OBJ_MAX_SEM , a configurable parameter.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- * support option, VxMP.
- *
- * RETURNS: The semaphore ID, or NULL if memory cannot be allocated
- * from the shared semaphore dedicated memory partition.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semLib, semBLib, smObjLib, semShow,
- * tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Basic OS
- *
- * The least significant bit of the semaphore id is set to 1 in order to
- * differentiate shared and local semaphores.
- */
- SEM_ID semBSmCreate
- (
- int options, /* semaphore options */
- SEM_B_STATE initialState /* initial semaphore state */
- )
- {
- SM_SEM_ID smSemId;
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- /*
- * Allocate semaphore structure from shared semaphores
- * dedicated shared memory partition.
- */
- smSemId = (SM_SEM_ID) smMemPartAlloc ((SM_PART_ID) smSemPartId,
- sizeof (SM_SEMAPHORE));
- if (smSemId == NULL)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* clear shared semaphore structure */
- bzero ((char *) smSemId, sizeof (SM_SEMAPHORE));
- /* initialize allocated semaphore */
- if (semSmBInit ((SM_SEMAPHORE *) (smSemId), options, initialState) != OK)
- {
- smMemPartFree ((SM_PART_ID) smSemPartId, (char *) smSemId);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* update shared memory objects statistics */
- temp = pSmObjHdr->curNumSemB; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pSmObjHdr->curNumSemB = htonl (ntohl (pSmObjHdr->curNumSemB) + 1);
- temp = pSmObjHdr->curNumSemB; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return ((SEM_ID) (SM_OBJ_ADRS_TO_ID (smSemId)));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmBInit - initialize a declared shared binary semaphore
- *
- * The initialization of a static shared binary semaphore, or a shared binary
- * semaphore embedded in some larger shared object need not deal with
- * allocation. This routine may be called to initialize such a semaphore. The
- * semaphore is initialized to the specified initial state of either SEM_FULL
- * or SEM_EMPTY .
- *
- * Binary semaphore options include the queuing style for blocked tasks.
- * For now, the only available shared semaphore queueing style is
- * first-in-first-out, type SEM_Q_FIFO defined as 0 in semLib.h.
- *
- * The semaphore address parameter is the local address of a shared semaphore
- * structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if queue type or initial state is invalid.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semBSmCreate
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS semSmBInit
- (
- SM_SEMAPHORE * pSem, /* pointer to semaphore to initialize */
- int options, /* semaphore options */
- SEM_B_STATE initialState /* initial semaphore state */
- )
- {
- Q_FIFO_G_HEAD pseudoPendQ; /* pseudo pendQ to init sem pend Q */
- SM_SEMAPHORE volatile * pSemv = (SM_SEMAPHORE volatile *) pSem;
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- if (!semSmLibInstalled)
- {
- semSmLibInit (); /* initialize package */
- }
- if (options != SEM_Q_FIFO) /* only FIFO queuing for now */
- {
- errno = S_semLib_INVALID_QUEUE_TYPE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pSemv->objType = htonl (SEM_TYPE_SM_BINARY); /* semaphore type is binary */
- pSemv->lock = 0; /* lock available */
- /* initialize pseudo multi way queue */
- pseudoPendQ.pLock = NULL; /* we already have the lock */
- pseudoPendQ.pFifoQ = &pSem->smPendQ; /* address of actual queue */
- pseudoPendQ.pQClass = qFifoGClassId; /* global fifo multi way Q */
- qFifoGInit (&pseudoPendQ); /* initialize sem pend Q */
- /* fill state flag according to initial state */
- switch (initialState)
- {
- case SEM_EMPTY:
- case SEM_FULL:
- pSemv->state.flag = htonl (initialState);
- break;
- default:
- errno = S_semLib_INVALID_STATE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* verify field must contain the global address of semaphore */
- pSemv->verify = (UINT32) htonl (LOC_TO_GLOB_ADRS (pSem));
- temp = pSemv->lock; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semCSmCreate - create and initialize a shared memory counting semaphore (VxMP Option)
- *
- * This routine allocates and initializes a shared memory counting
- * semaphore. The initial count value of the semaphore is specified
- * by <initialCount>.
- *
- * The semaphore ID returned by this routine can be used directly by the
- * generic semaphore-handling routines in semLib -- semGive(), semTake() and
- * semFlush() -- and the show routines, such as show() and semShow().
- *
- * The queuing style for blocked tasks is set by <options>; the only
- * supported queuing style for shared memory semaphores is first-in-first-out,
- * selected by SEM_Q_FIFO .
- *
- * Before this routine can be called, the shared memory objects facility must
- * be initialized (see semSmLib).
- *
- * The maximum number of shared memory semaphores (binary plus counting) that
- * can be created is SM_OBJ_MAX_SEM , a configurable paramter.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- * support option, VxMP.
- *
- * RETURNS: The semaphore ID, or NULL if memory cannot be allocated
- * from the shared semaphore dedicated memory partition.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semLib, semCLib, smObjLib, semShow,
- * tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Basic OS
- *
- * The least significant bit of the semaphore ID is set to 1 in order to
- * differentiate shared and local semaphores.
- */
- SEM_ID semCSmCreate
- (
- int options, /* semaphore options */
- int initialCount /* initial semaphore count */
- )
- {
- SM_SEM_ID smSemId;
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- /* allocate semaphore structure from shared semaphore dedicated pool */
- smSemId = (SM_SEM_ID) smMemPartAlloc ((SM_PART_ID) smSemPartId,
- sizeof (SM_SEMAPHORE));
- if (smSemId == NULL)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- bzero ((char *) smSemId, sizeof(SM_SEMAPHORE));
- /* initialize allocated semaphore */
- if (semSmCInit ((SM_SEMAPHORE *) (smSemId), options, initialCount) != OK)
- {
- smMemPartFree ((SM_PART_ID) smSemPartId, (char *) smSemId);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* update shared memory objects statistics */
- temp = pSmObjHdr->curNumSemC; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pSmObjHdr->curNumSemC = htonl (ntohl (pSmObjHdr->curNumSemC) + 1);
- temp = pSmObjHdr->curNumSemC; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return ((SEM_ID) (SM_OBJ_ADRS_TO_ID (smSemId)));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmCInit - initialize a declared shared counting semaphore
- *
- * The initialization of a static counting semaphore, or a shared
- * counting semaphore embedded in some larger object need not deal
- * with allocation.
- * This routine may be called to initialize such a semaphore. The semaphore
- * <pSem> is initialized to the specified <initialCount>.
- *
- * Counting semaphore <options> include the queuing style for blocked tasks.
- * The only available pending queue type is first-in-first-out, type
- * SEM_Q_FIFO defined as 0 in semLib.h.
- *
- * The semaphore address parameter <pSem> is the local address of a
- * shared semaphore data structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if queue type invalid.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semCSmCreate()
- *
- */
- STATUS semSmCInit
- (
- SM_SEMAPHORE * pSem, /* pointer to semaphore to initialize */
- int options, /* semaphore options */
- int initialCount /* initial semaphore count */
- )
- {
- Q_FIFO_G_HEAD pseudoPendQ; /* pseudo pendQ to init sem pend Q */
- SM_SEMAPHORE volatile * pSemv = (SM_SEMAPHORE volatile *) pSem;
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- if (!semSmLibInstalled)
- {
- semSmLibInit (); /* initialize package */
- }
- if (options != SEM_Q_FIFO) /* only FIFO queuing for now */
- {
- errno = S_semLib_INVALID_QUEUE_TYPE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pSemv->objType = htonl(SEM_TYPE_SM_COUNTING);/* fill semaphore type */
- pSemv->lock = 0; /* lock available */
- /* initialize pseudo multi way queue */
- pseudoPendQ.pLock = NULL; /* we already have the lock */
- pseudoPendQ.pFifoQ = &pSem->smPendQ; /* address of actual queue */
- pseudoPendQ.pQClass = qFifoGClassId; /* global fifo multi way Q */
- qFifoGInit (&pseudoPendQ); /* initialize sem pend Q */
- pSemv->state.count = htonl (initialCount); /* set initial count */
- /* verify field must contain the global address of semaphore */
- pSemv->verify = (UINT32) htonl (LOC_TO_GLOB_ADRS (pSem));
- temp = pSemv->lock; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmGive - give shared memory binary or counting semaphore
- *
- * Gives the semaphore. If a higher priority task has already taken
- * the semaphore (so that it is now pended waiting for it), that task
- * will now become ready to run. If that task is local to this CPU and is of
- * higher priority than the task that does the semGive, it will preempt this
- * task. If the first pended task is located on a remote processor, the
- * availability of the semaphore is made known to the remote processor via
- * an internal notification mecanism.
- *
- * For a shared binary semaphore, if the semaphore is already full (it has
- * been given but not taken), this call is essentially a no-op.
- *
- * For a shared counting semaphore, if the semaphore count is already
- * greater than 0 (semaphore was given but not taken), this call is
- * essentially a no-op.
- *
- * The <smSemId> passed to this routine must be the local semaphore address.
- *
- * This routine is usually called by semGive() which first converts the
- * semaphore ID to the shared semaphore local address.
- *
- * This routine may not be used from interrupt level.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS semSmGive
- (
- SM_SEM_ID smSemId /* global semaphore ID to give */
- )
- {
- Q_FIFO_G_HEAD pendQ; /* temporary pendQ to unpend task */
- int level; /* processor specific inLock return value */
- SM_DL_LIST eventList; /* list of events used to notify give */
- SM_OBJ_TCB volatile * firstSmTcb; /* first pending shared memory tcb */
- SM_SEM_ID volatile smSemIdv = (SM_SEM_ID volatile) smSemId;
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* not ISR callable */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- temp = smSemIdv->verify; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (SM_OBJ_VERIFY (smSemIdv) != OK) /* check semaphore id */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (SM_OBJ_LOCK_TAKE (&smSemId->lock, &level) != OK)
- {
- smObjTimeoutLogMsg ("semGive", (char *) &smSemId->lock);
- return (ERROR); /* can't take lock */
- }
- /* get first pending shared TCB */
- firstSmTcb = (SM_OBJ_TCB volatile *) SM_DL_FIRST (&smSemId->smPendQ);
- /* pendQ is empty */
- if (firstSmTcb == (SM_OBJ_TCB volatile *) LOC_NULL)
- {
- /* binary semaphore: sem available */
- if (ntohl (smSemIdv->objType) == SEM_TYPE_SM_BINARY)
- {
- smSemIdv->state.flag = htonl (SEM_FULL);
- }
- /* counting semaphore: increment sem count */
- else
- {
- smSemIdv->state.count = htonl (ntohl (smSemIdv->state.count) + 1);
- }
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level);
- return (OK);
- }
- /* pendQ is not empty, initialize pseudo multi way queue */
- pendQ.pLock = NULL; /* we already have the lock */
- pendQ.pFifoQ = &smSemId->smPendQ; /* address of actual queue */
- pendQ.pQClass = qFifoGClassId; /* global fifo multi way Q */
- /*
- * Do now the necessary manipulations in shared memory
- * in order to be able to release lock access ASAP
- * thus reducing interrupt latency.
- */
- kernelState = TRUE;
- /* remove from pending list */
- Q_REMOVE (&pendQ, (SM_DL_NODE *) firstSmTcb);
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level);
- /* pending task is local */
- if (ntohl (firstSmTcb->ownerCpu) == smObjProcNum)
- {
- /*
- * The shared TCB has been removed from the shared semaphore
- * pendQ by qFifoGRemove(), during that call removedByGive is
- * set to TRUE to avoid non-null notification time race.
- * Then, if the task that has taken the semaphore is remote,
- * an event notification is done and removedByGive is reset
- * by smObjEventProcess() on the remote processor.
- * If the pended task is local removedByGive must be reset
- * here to avoid the shared TCB being screwed up.
- */
- firstSmTcb->removedByGive = htonl (FALSE);
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- temp = (int) firstSmTcb->localTcb; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- windReadyQPut ((WIND_TCB *) ntohl ((int) firstSmTcb->localTcb));
- }
- /* pending task is remote */
- else
- {
- /*
- * Add the shared TCB that was pended on the semaphore
- * pend queue to the list of events to send to the
- * CPU where the pended task is located.
- */
- eventList.head = (SM_DL_NODE *) htonl (LOC_TO_GLOB_ADRS (firstSmTcb));
- eventList.tail = eventList.head;
- /*
- * Unlink the shared TCB from other shared TCBs of the semaphore
- * pend queue.
- */
- firstSmTcb-> = NULL;
- /* notify remote CPU */
- temp = firstSmTcb->ownerCpu; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (smObjEventSend (&eventList, ntohl (firstSmTcb->ownerCpu)) != OK)
- {
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmTake - take shared memory binary or counting semaphore
- *
- * Takes a shared semaphore. If the semaphore is empty, i.e., it has not been
- * given since the last semTake() or semInit(), this task will become pended
- * until the semaphore becomes available by some other local or remote task
- * doing a semGive() of it or if the optional <timeout> value is not NO_WAIT,
- * in which case the task will pend for no more than <timeout> system clock
- * ticks. If <timeout> is WAIT_FOREVER , the task may never return if a remote
- * task has the semaphore and crashes.
- *
- * For binary semaphores, if the semaphore is already available, this
- * call will empty the semaphore, so that no other task can take it
- * until this task gives it back, and this task will continue running.
- *
- * For counting semaphores, if the semaphore count is already greater
- * than 0, this call will decrement the semaphore count, and this task
- * will continue running.
- *
- * The <smSemId> passed to this routine must be the local semaphore address.
- *
- * This routine is usually called by semTake() which first converts the
- * semaphore ID to the shared semaphore local address.
- *
- * This routine may not be used from interrupt level.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * When semSmTake is called for the first time or after a timeout or a
- * RESTART signal occuring while this task was blocked on a shared
- * semaphore, a shared TCB is created in shared memory.
- * This is done by allocating a shared TCB structure
- * from a shared partition dedicated to shared TCBs. A pointer to this
- * shared TCB is then initialized in the local Task Control Block.
- */
- STATUS semSmTake
- (
- SM_SEM_ID smSemId, /* global semaphore ID to take */
- int timeout /* timeout in ticks */
- )
- {
- Q_FIFO_G_HEAD pendQ; /* global FIFO to pend on */
- int level; /* processor specific inLock return value */
- int status; /* returned status */
- WIND_TCB * pTcb; /* current task tcb pointer */
- SM_SEM_ID volatile smSemIdv = (SM_SEM_ID volatile) smSemId;
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* not ISR callable */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- again:
- temp = smSemIdv->verify; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (SM_OBJ_VERIFY (smSemIdv) != OK) /* check semaphore */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * If it's the first call to semSmBTake, or if a timeout or a
- * RESTART signal has occured while this task was blocked on a shared
- * semaphore, the pSmObjTcb field of the TCB is NULL, we allocate
- * and initialize a shared TCB.
- */
- pTcb = (WIND_TCB *) taskIdCurrent;
- if (pTcb->pSmObjTcb == NULL)
- {
- if (smObjTcbInit () != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- if (SM_OBJ_LOCK_TAKE (&smSemId->lock, &level) != OK)
- {
- smObjTimeoutLogMsg ("semTake", (char *) &smSemId->lock);
- return (ERROR); /* can't take lock */
- }
- temp = smSemIdv->objType; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (ntohl (smSemIdv->objType) == SEM_TYPE_SM_BINARY) /* binary semaphore */
- {
- if (ntohl (smSemIdv->state.flag) == SEM_FULL)
- {
- smSemIdv->state.flag = htonl (SEM_EMPTY); /* set sem unavailable */
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level); /* EXIT LOCKED SECTION */
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- else /* counting samaphore */
- {
- if (ntohl (smSemId->state.count) > 0)
- {
- /* decrement semaphore count */
- smSemId->state.count = htonl (ntohl (smSemId->state.count) - 1);
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE(&smSemId->lock, level); /* EXIT LOCKED SECTION */
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- kernelState = TRUE; /* ENTER KERNEL */
- if (timeout == NO_WAIT) /* NO_WAIT = no block */
- {
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level); /* EXIT LOCKED SECTION */
- errno = S_objLib_OBJ_UNAVAILABLE; /* resource gone */
- windExit (); /* KERNEL EXIT */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * We get here if the semaphore is not available and we must wait.
- * The calling task must be added to the shared semaphore
- * queue using standard wind kernel functions. For that we
- * initialize a pseudo multi-way queue header that points to
- * the shared semaphore pend queue and which will be used
- * by the multi-way queue manipulation macros.
- */
- /*
- * We optimize interrupt latency by doing only the Q_PUT on the
- * shared semaphore pend Q while interrupts are locked.
- * The remaining part of blocking the task is done in
- * windReadyQRemove() with interrupts unlocked.
- */
- pendQ.pLock = NULL; /* we already have the lock */
- pendQ.pFifoQ = &smSemId->smPendQ; /* address of actual queue */
- pendQ.pQClass = qFifoGClassId; /* global fifo multi way Q */
- Q_PUT (&pendQ, taskIdCurrent, taskIdCurrent->priority);
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level); /* EXIT LOCKED SECTION */
- pendQ.pLock = &smSemId->lock; /* now we don't have lock */
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- windReadyQRemove ((Q_HEAD *) &pendQ, timeout); /* block task */
- if ((status = windExit ()) == RESTART) /* KERNEL EXIT */
- {
- timeout = SIG_TIMEOUT_RECALC (timeout);
- goto again;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmFlush - flush shared binary or counting semaphore
- *
- * Flush the shared semaphore. If one or more tasks have already taken
- * the semaphore (so that it is now pended waiting for it), those tasks
- * will now become ready to run. If a local higher priority task was
- * pending on the semaphore it will preempt the task that does the semFlush().
- * If the semaphore pend queue is empty, this call is essentially a no-op.
- * The smSemId passed to this routine must be the local semaphore address.
- *
- * This routine is usually called by semFlush() which first converts the
- * semaphore ID to the shared semaphore local address.
- *
- * This routine may not be used from interrupt level.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS semSmFlush
- (
- SM_SEM_ID smSemId /* global semaphore ID to flush */
- )
- {
- SM_OBJ_TCB volatile * firstSmTcb; /* first pending shared memory TCB */
- SM_OBJ_TCB volatile * pSmObjTcb; /* useful shared TCB pointer */
- SM_OBJ_TCB volatile * pSmObjTcbTmp; /* useful shared TCB pointer */
- int level; /* CPU specific inLock return value */
- int cpuNum; /* loop counter for remote flush */
- SM_DL_LIST flushQ [SM_OBJ_MAX_CPU]; /* per CPU flush Q */
- SM_SEM_ID volatile smSemIdv = (SM_SEM_ID volatile) smSemId;
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* not ISR callable */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- temp = smSemIdv->verify; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (SM_OBJ_VERIFY (smSemIdv) != OK) /* check semaphore */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (SM_OBJ_LOCK_TAKE (&smSemId->lock, &level) != OK)
- {
- smObjTimeoutLogMsg ("semFlush", (char *) &smSemId->lock);
- return (ERROR); /* can't take lock */
- }
- /*
- * In order to reduce interrupt latency we get the first
- * shared TCB from the shared semaphore pend queue, then
- * we empty the pend queue by clearing the pend queue head.
- * All the previously pended shared TCBs are still linked
- * to the first pending TCB and we can give back lock access
- * to the shared semaphore.
- */
- firstSmTcb = (SM_OBJ_TCB volatile *) SM_DL_FIRST (&smSemId->smPendQ);
- if (firstSmTcb == (SM_OBJ_TCB volatile *) LOC_NULL) /* pendQ is empty */
- {
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level);/* EXIT LOCKED SECTION */
- return (OK);
- }
- smSemIdv->smPendQ.head = NULL; /* empty semaphore pend queue */
- smSemIdv->smPendQ.tail = NULL;
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level); /* EXIT LOCKED SECTION */
- /* create a list of pending task per cpu */
- bzero ((char *) flushQ, sizeof (flushQ)); /* clear flush Q table */
- pSmObjTcb = firstSmTcb;
- do
- {
- /* get next shared TCB behind current shared TCB */
- pSmObjTcbTmp = (SM_OBJ_TCB volatile *) SM_DL_NEXT (pSmObjTcb);
- /* add the shared TCB to its CPU flush Queue */
- smDllAdd (&flushQ [ntohl (pSmObjTcb->ownerCpu)],
- (SM_DL_NODE *) pSmObjTcb);
- /* make current shared TCB be next shared TCB */
- pSmObjTcb = pSmObjTcbTmp;
- } while (pSmObjTcbTmp != LOC_NULL);
- /* notify remote flush */
- for (cpuNum = 0; cpuNum < SM_OBJ_MAX_CPU; cpuNum ++)
- {
- if ((SM_DL_FIRST (&flushQ [cpuNum]) != (int) LOC_NULL) &&
- (cpuNum != smObjProcNum))
- {
- /*
- * There is one or more task running on cpuNum to unblock and
- * cpuNum is not the local CPU so notify cpuNum.
- */
- if (smObjEventSend (&flushQ [cpuNum], cpuNum) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- /* perform local flush if needed */
- if (SM_DL_FIRST (&flushQ [smObjProcNum]) != (int) LOC_NULL)
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* ENTER KERNEL */
- /*
- * Since all tasks have been removed from the shared
- * semaphore pend queue, unblocking them now consists
- * of putting all the tasks for which the shared TCBs
- * are in the flush Queue in the ready Queue.
- * This is exacly what smObjEventProcess() does on the remote
- * side so we just call it.
- */
- smObjEventProcess (&flushQ [smObjProcNum]);
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- }
- return (OK);
- }