- /* qJobLib.c - fifo queue with singly-linked lists with intLocks */
- /* Copyright 1990-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01w,19oct01,bwa Added MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY options support.
- 01v,06sep00,bwa added extra argument to qJobGet() (msgQid)
- also added an OBJ_VERIFY() on that msgQId (SPR #20195)
- 01u,07sep01,bwa Added VxWorks events support.
- 01t,24jun96,sbs made windview instrumentation conditionally compiled
- 01s,14mar95,rdc fixed MSG_OFFSET macro.
- 01r,02feb94,smb corrected side effect of errno and OBJ_VERIFY SPR #2984
- corrected modhist 01q
- 01q,24jan94,smb added instrumentation macros
- 01p,18jan94,smb instrumentation corrections for msgQDelete
- 01o,17jan94,smb instrumentation corrections
- 01n,10dec93,smb added instrumentation for windView
- 01m,23aug92,jcf cleanup.
- 01l,30jul92,rrr added restarting, put in msgQ fix.
- 01k,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 01j,04jul92,jcf scalable/ANSI/cleanup effort.
- 01i,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01h,19nov91,rrr shut up some ansi warnings.
- 01g,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01f,21aug91,wmd Conditionalized define of PORTABLE flag for MIPS.
- 01e,10aug91,del changed interface to qInit to pass all "optional" args.
- 01d,07jun91,wmd Conditionalized define of PORTABLE flag for CPU!=SPARC.
- 01c,10aug90,dnw changed qJobPut() to void.
- 01b,18jul90,dnw added missing call of windPendQTerminate() to qJobTerminate()
- 01a,01may90,dnw written by modifying qFifoLib.c
- */
- /*
- Deviations for standard queue defs:
- qCreate/Init type
- qGet timeout
- size (bigger than Q_HEAD)
- .CS
- ------------------------
- This Library should not be used by anything other than message queues.
- qJobTerminate causes EVENT_OBJ_MSGDELETE
- qJobPut causes EVENT_OBJ_MSGSEND
- .CE
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "qJobLib.h"
- #include "objLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "eventLib.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "private/sigLibP.h"
- #include "private/msgQLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- /* forward static functions */
- LOCAL STATUS qJobNullRtn (void);
- LOCAL void qJobPendQGet (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead);
- /* locals */
- LOCAL Q_CLASS qJobClass =
- {
- (FUNCPTR)qJobCreate,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobInit,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobDelete,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobTerminate,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobPut,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobGet,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobNullRtn, /* no remove routine */
- (FUNCPTR)qJobNullRtn,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobNullRtn,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobNullRtn,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobNullRtn,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobNullRtn,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobInfo,
- (FUNCPTR)qJobEach,
- &qJobClass
- };
- /* globals */
- Q_CLASS_ID qJobClassId = &qJobClass;
- /* defines */
- /* windview - this is needed by event logging in qJobLib */
- #define MSGQ_VERIFY(objId)
- (
- ((((OBJ_ID)(objId))->pObjClass == msgQClassId) ||
- (((OBJ_ID)(objId))->pObjClass == (CLASS_ID)(msgQClassId->initRtn))
- )
- ?
- OK
- :
- )
- #define MSG_OFFSET (OFFSET(MSG_Q, msgQ))
- #define FREE_OFFSET (OFFSET(MSG_Q, freeQ))
- #endif
- /* local defines */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobCreate - create a job queue
- */
- Q_JOB_HEAD *qJobCreate
- (
- Q_CLASS_ID pendQType /* queue class for task pend queue */
- )
- {
- FAST Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead = (Q_JOB_HEAD *) malloc (sizeof (Q_JOB_HEAD));
- if (pQHead == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if (qJobInit (pQHead, pendQType) != OK)
- {
- free ((char *) pQHead);
- return (NULL);
- }
- return (pQHead);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobInit -
- */
- STATUS qJobInit
- (
- FAST Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead, /* queue head to initialize */
- Q_CLASS_ID pendQType /* queue class for task pend queue */
- )
- {
- pQHead->first = NULL;
- pQHead->last = NULL;
- pQHead->count = 0;
- qInit (&pQHead->pendQ, pendQType, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobDelete -
- */
- STATUS qJobDelete
- (
- Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead
- )
- {
- qJobTerminate (pQHead);
- free ((char *) pQHead);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobTerminate -
- */
- STATUS qJobTerminate
- (
- Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead /* queue head to terminate */
- )
- {
- windPendQTerminate (&pQHead->pendQ);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobPut -
- */
- STATUS qJobPut
- (
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId,
- Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead,
- Q_JOB_NODE *pNode,
- int key
- )
- {
- FAST int level;
- if (key == 0)
- {
- /* add node to tail of queue */
- pNode->next = NULL;
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- if (pQHead->first == NULL)
- pQHead->last = pQHead->first = pNode;
- else
- {
- pQHead->last->next = pNode;
- pQHead->last = pNode;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* add node to head of queue */
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- if ((pNode->next = pQHead->first) == NULL)
- pQHead->last = pNode;
- pQHead->first = pNode;
- }
- pQHead->count++;
- /* interrupts are still locked out */
- if (kernelState == TRUE) /* interrupted kernel? */
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- workQAdd2 ((FUNCPTR)qJobPendQGet, (int)msgQId, (int)pQHead);
- }
- else
- {
- if (Q_FIRST (&pQHead->pendQ) == NULL) /* anybody waiting for msg? */
- {
- /*
- * look if we are putting back the node on the msg Q. If so, it
- * means that we are putting a msg on the queue and since no task
- * is waiting for it, we have to send events.
- */
- if (pQHead == &msgQId->msgQ)
- {
- if (msgQId->events.taskId != (int)NULL)
- {
- STATUS evStatus;
- STATUS retStatus = OK;
- int oldErrno = errno;
- kernelState = TRUE; /* KERNEL ENTER */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- evStatus = eventRsrcSend(msgQId->events.taskId,
- msgQId->events.registered);
- if (evStatus != OK)
- {
- if ((msgQId->options & MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY) != 0)
- {
- oldErrno = S_eventLib_EVENTSEND_FAILED;
- retStatus = ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Error, so remove registration so that next time the
- * queue becomes empty it doesn't try to send events.
- */
- msgQId->events.taskId = (int)NULL;
- }
- else if ((msgQId->events.options & EVENTS_SEND_ONCE) != 0x0)
- msgQId->events.taskId = (int)NULL;
- windExit (); /* KERNEL EXIT */
- errnoSet (oldErrno);
- return (retStatus);
- }
- else
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- }
- else
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- }
- else
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* KERNEL ENTER */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- if (pQHead == &msgQId->msgQ)
- else
- #endif
- windPendQGet (&pQHead->pendQ); /* unblock receiver */
- windExit (); /* KERNEL EXIT */
- }
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobPendQGet - work routine to unblock a receiver (if any)
- *
- * If a task is waiting then unblock first task in pendQ. This routine must
- * be called with kernelState = TRUE. It is called as deferred work from
- * qJobPut().
- *
- */
- LOCAL void qJobPendQGet
- (
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId,
- Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead
- )
- {
- /* this IS a msgQSend since msgQReceive can't be done from ISR */
- if (Q_FIRST (&pQHead->pendQ) != NULL) /* any receivers? */
- {
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- #endif
- windPendQGet (&pQHead->pendQ); /* unblock receiver */
- }
- else
- {
- if (msgQId->events.taskId != (int)NULL)
- {
- if (eventRsrcSend (msgQId->events.taskId,
- msgQId->events.registered) != OK)
- {
- /*
- * Error, so remove registration so that next time the
- * queue becomes empty it doesn't try to send events.
- */
- msgQId->events.taskId = (int)NULL;
- return;
- }
- else if ((msgQId->events.options & EVENTS_SEND_ONCE) != 0x0)
- msgQId->events.taskId = (int)NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobGet -
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: pNode or NULL if empty list
- *
- *
- */
- Q_JOB_NODE *qJobGet
- (
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId,
- FAST int timeout
- )
- {
- int level;
- int status;
- Q_JOB_NODE *pNode;
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- while ((pNode = pQHead->first) == NULL)
- {
- if (timeout == 0)
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- errnoSet (S_objLib_OBJ_UNAVAILABLE);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* assume not at intlvl since timeout != 0 (?) */
- kernelState = TRUE; /* KERNEL ENTER */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation
- * EVENT_OBJ_MSGRECEIVE needs to return the msgQId so MSG_OFFSET is
- * used to calulate the msgQId from the pQHead
- * EVENT_OBJ_MSGSEND needs FREE_OFFSET to calulate the
- * msgQId from the pQHead
- *
- * msgQDelete() also call this routine but the msgQId will be
- * an invalid id. and thus no events will get logged.
- */
- if (MSGQ_VERIFY ((char *) pQHead - (MSG_OFFSET)) == OK)
- ((char *)pQHead - (MSG_OFFSET)));
- else
- if (MSGQ_VERIFY ((char *) pQHead - (FREE_OFFSET)) == OK)
- ((char *)pQHead - (FREE_OFFSET)));
- #endif
- windPendQPut (&pQHead->pendQ, timeout);
- if ((status = windExit ()) == RESTART) /* KERNEL EXIT */
- return ((Q_JOB_NODE *) NONE); /* restart */
- if (status != OK)
- return (NULL); /* timeout */
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK)
- {
- errnoSet (S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED); /* queue got deleted */
- return NULL;
- }
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- }
- /* exit above loop with queue not empty (pNode != NULL) and
- * interrupts locked out
- */
- pQHead->first = pNode->next;
- pQHead->count--;
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- return (pNode);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobInfo -
- *
- */
- int qJobInfo
- (
- Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead, /* job queue to gather list for */
- FAST int nodeArray[], /* array of node pointers to be filled in */
- FAST int maxNodes /* max node pointers nodeArray can accomodate */
- )
- {
- FAST int *pElement;
- FAST int level;
- if (nodeArray == NULL)
- return (pQHead->count);
- pElement = nodeArray;
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- pNode = pQHead->first;
- while ((pNode != NULL) && (--maxNodes >= 0))
- {
- *(pElement++) = (int)pNode; /* fill in table */
- pNode = pNode->next; /* next node */
- }
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- return (pElement - nodeArray); /* return count of nodes */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobEach - call a routine for each node in a queue
- *
- * This routine calls a user-supplied routine once for each node in the
- * queue. The routine should be declared as follows:
- * .CS
- * BOOL routine (pNode, arg)
- * Q_JOB_NODE *pNode; /@ pointer to a queue node @/
- * int arg; /@ arbitrary user-supplied argument @/
- * .CE
- * The user-supplied routine should return TRUE if qJobEach (2) is to
- * continue calling it for each entry, or FALSE if it is done and qJobEach
- * can exit.
- *
- * WARNING: calls user routine with interrupts locked out!
- *
- * RETURNS: NULL if traversed whole queue, or pointer to Q_JOB_NODE that
- * qJobEach stopped on.
- */
- Q_JOB_NODE *qJobEach
- (
- Q_JOB_HEAD *pQHead, /* queue head of queue to call routine for */
- FUNCPTR routine, /* the routine to call for each table entry */
- int routineArg /* arbitrary user-supplied argument */
- )
- {
- FAST int level;
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- pNode = pQHead->first;
- while ((pNode != NULL) && ((* routine) (pNode, routineArg)))
- pNode = pNode->next; /* next node */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- return (pNode); /* return node we ended with */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qJobNullRtn -
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS qJobNullRtn (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }