- /* bufLib.c - allocate/free a collection of fixed size memory buffers */
- /* Copyright 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01a,04may95,ms written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines to allocate and free a collection
- of fixed size memory buffers.
- It provides an alternative memory allocation scheme to the one provided
- in memPartLib.
- bufLib has several advantages over memPartLib:
- 1) It is an order of magnitude faster than memPartLib.
- 2) It can be used at interrupt time.
- 3) There is no per-buffer bookkeeping overhead.
- 4) There is no memory fragmentation.
- bufLib has several disadvantages compared with memPartLib:
- 1) It only handles fixed size blocks of memory.
- 2) The blocks it handles must be at least eight bytes (2*sizeof(void *)).
- A memory buffer object is initialized with
- BUF_POOL bufPool;
- bufPoolInit (&bufPool, pBufs, bufSize, numBufs);
- Memory is then allocated/freed with
- pBuf = bufAlloc (pBufPool);
- bufFree (pBufPool, pData);
- */
- #define FREE_MAGIC 0x753a012b
- #define ALLOC_MAGIC 0x2e63d498
- typedef struct
- {
- char * next; /* next free buffer */
- int type; /* FREE_MAGIC or ALLOC_MAGIC */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "bufLib.h"
- #if DEBUG
- extern logMsg();
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * bufPoolShow - only used for debugging. XXX - remove.
- */
- void bufPoolShow (BUF_POOL * pBufPool)
- {
- char * pBuf;
- int ix;
- logMsg ("pBufs = 0x%x, numBufs = %d, bufSize = %dn",
- pBufPool->pBufs, pBufPool->numBufs, pBufPool->bufSize);
- for (ix = 0; ix < pBufPool->numBufs; ix++)
- {
- pBuf = pBufPool->pBufs + ix * pBufPool->bufSize;
- logMsg ("0x%x %sn", (int)pBuf,
- ((BUFFER *)pBuf)->type == FREE_MAGIC ? "Free" : "Allocated");
- }
- logMsg ("n");
- }
- #endif
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * bufPoolInit - initialize a buffer pool
- *
- * bufLib manages I/O buffers for the WDB agent. Since the agent
- * can't use malloc(), the buffers are installed at library init time.
- * Currently, the agent uses mbufs.
- */
- void bufPoolInit
- (
- BUF_POOL * pBufPool, /* buffer pool to initialize */
- char * pBufs, /* array of buffers to use */
- int numBufs, /* number of bufs in the array */
- int bufSize /* size of each buffer */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- pBufPool->pBufs = pBufs;
- pBufPool->numBufs = numBufs;
- pBufPool->bufSize = bufSize;
- pBufPool->pFreeBufs = pBufs;
- for (ix = 0; ix < numBufs - 1; ix++)
- {
- ((BUFFER *)(pBufs + bufSize*ix))->next = pBufs + bufSize * (ix + 1);
- ((BUFFER *)(pBufs + bufSize*ix))->type = FREE_MAGIC;
- }
- ((BUFFER *)(pBufs + bufSize*ix))->next = NULL;
- ((BUFFER *)(pBufs + bufSize*ix))->type = FREE_MAGIC;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * bufAlloc - allocate a buffer.
- *
- * RETURNS: a char *, or NULL if none are available.
- */
- char * bufAlloc
- (
- BUF_POOL * pBufPool /* buffer pool from which to alloc */
- )
- {
- int lockKey;
- char * pThisBuf;
- lockKey = intLock ();
- if (pBufPool->pFreeBufs == NULL)
- {
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return (NULL);
- }
- pThisBuf = pBufPool->pFreeBufs;
- pBufPool->pFreeBufs = ((BUFFER *)pBufPool->pFreeBufs)->next;
- ((BUFFER *)pThisBuf)->type = ALLOC_MAGIC;
- ((BUFFER *)pThisBuf)->next = NULL;
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return (pThisBuf);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * bufFree - return a buffer to the buffer pool.
- */
- void bufFree
- (
- BUF_POOL * pBufPool, /* buffer pool to which we free */
- char * pBuf /* buffer to free */
- )
- {
- int lockKey;
- lockKey = intLock();
- /* valid buffer? */
- if ((((BUFFER *)pBuf)->type == FREE_MAGIC) ||
- ((unsigned int)pBuf < (unsigned int)pBufPool->pBufs) ||
- ((unsigned int)pBuf >= (unsigned int)pBufPool->pBufs +
- pBufPool->bufSize * pBufPool->numBufs) ||
- (((unsigned int)pBuf - (unsigned int)pBufPool->pBufs)
- % pBufPool->bufSize != 0))
- {
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return;
- }
- ((BUFFER *)pBuf)->next = pBufPool->pFreeBufs;
- pBufPool->pFreeBufs = pBuf;
- ((BUFFER *)pBuf)->type = FREE_MAGIC;
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- }