- /* qPriHeapLib.c - heap priority queue management library */
- /* Copyright 1984-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01p,11nov01,dee Add COLDFIRE support
- 01o,04sep98,cdp make ARM CPUs with ARM_THUMB==TRUE use portable routines.
- 01n,22apr97,jpd Added ARM to non-portable list.
- 01m,19mar95,dvs removed tron references.
- 01l,19jul92,pme made qPriHeapRemove return STATUS.
- 01k,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 01j,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01i,19nov91,rrr shut up some ansi warnings.
- 01h,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01g,23jul91,hdn added conditional macro for optimized TRON codes.
- 01f,24may91,wmd added predeclarations to avoid compiler errors.
- 01e,28sep90,jcf documentation.
- 01d,05jul90,jcf added qPriHeapCalibrate().
- 01c,26jun90,jcf add qPriHeapResort().
- 01b,10may90,jcf fixed PORTABLE definition.
- 01a,14jun89,jcf written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines to manage a priority queue. The queue is
- maintained in priority order in a binary tree. This queue performs a
- qPriHeapPut() operation preportional in time with log base 2 of the number of
- nodes in the queue. This queue is used for timer queues. The only restriction
- is that the heap can only handle a static number of nodes as specified at
- creation time.
- This queue complies with the multi-way queue data structures and thus may be
- utilized by any multi-way queue. The priority heap multi-way queue
- class is accessed by the global id qPriHeapClassId.
- SEE ALSO: qLib()
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "qClass.h"
- #include "qPriHeapLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- /* XXX should break out for each architecture */
- /* optimized version available for 680X0 and ARM */
- #if (defined(PORTABLE) ||
- #define qPriHeapLib_PORTABLE
- #endif /* (defined(PORTABLE) || (CPU_FAMILY != MC680X0)) */
- /* imports */
- IMPORT ULONG vxTicks; /* current time in ticks */
- /* globals */
- LOCAL Q_CLASS qPriHeapClass =
- {
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapCreate,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapInit,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapDelete,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapTerminate,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapPut,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapGet,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapRemove,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapResort,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapAdvance,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapGetExpired,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapKey,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapCalibrate,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapInfo,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriHeapEach,
- &qPriHeapClass
- };
- Q_CLASS_ID qPriHeapClassId = &qPriHeapClass;
- /* forward static functions */
- #ifdef qPriHeapLib_PORTABLE
- static void qPriHeapUp (Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead, int index);
- static void qPriHeapDown (Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead, int index);
- #else
- extern void qPriHeapUp (Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead, int index);
- extern void qPriHeapDown (Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead, int index);
- #endif
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapArrayCreate - create and initialized a heap priority queue
- *
- * Create a heap priority queue. Initialize the specified queue header.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if not enough memory to create queue.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: qPriHeapInit (2)
- */
- HEAP_ARRAY *qPriHeapArrayCreate
- (
- int heapSize
- )
- {
- return ((HEAP_ARRAY *) malloc ((unsigned) 4 * heapSize));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapArrayDelete - deallocate a heap array
- *
- * This routine returns an allocated HEAP_ARRAY structure to the free memory
- * pool.
- *
- * OK, or
- * ERROR if could not deallocate heap array.
- */
- STATUS qPriHeapArrayDelete
- (
- HEAP_ARRAY *pHeapArray
- )
- {
- free ((char *) pHeapArray);
- return OK;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapCreate - create and initialized a heap priority queue
- *
- * Create a heap priority queue. Initialize the specified queue header.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if not enough memory to create queue.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: qPriHeapInit (2)
- */
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *qPriHeapCreate
- (
- HEAP_ARRAY *pHeapArray
- )
- {
- malloc (sizeof (Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD));
- if (pQPriHeapHead == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if (qPriHeapInit (pQPriHeapHead, pHeapArray) != OK)
- {
- free ((char *)pQPriHeapHead);
- return (NULL);
- }
- return (pQPriHeapHead);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapInit - initialize a heap priority queue
- *
- * Initialize the heap priority queue pointed to by the specified queue
- * header.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if heap priority queue could not be initialized.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS qPriHeapInit
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead,
- HEAP_ARRAY *pHeapArray
- )
- {
- if (pHeapArray == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_qPriHeapLib_NULL_HEAP_ARRAY);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray = pHeapArray; /* store bmap list pointer */
- pQPriHeapHead->pHighNode = NULL; /* zero the highest node */
- pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex = 0; /* initialize the heap index */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapDelete - delete a priority heap queue
- *
- * This routine deallocates memory associated with the queue. All queued
- * nodes are lost.
- *
- * OK, or
- * ERROR if memory cannot be deallocated.
- */
- STATUS qPriHeapDelete
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead
- )
- {
- free ((char *) pQPriHeapHead);
- return OK;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapTerminate - terminate a heap priority queue
- *
- * This routine terminates a heap priority queue. All queued nodes will be lost.
- *
- */
- STATUS qPriHeapTerminate
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead
- )
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapPut - insert a node into a heap priority queue
- *
- * This routine inserts a node into a heap priority queue. The insertion is
- * based on the priority key. The lower the key the higher the priority.
- */
- void qPriHeapPut
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead,
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *pQPriHeapNode,
- ULONG key
- )
- {
- int index = pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex++;
- pQPriHeapNode->key = key;
- (*pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray)[index] = pQPriHeapNode;
- qPriHeapUp (pQPriHeapHead, index);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapGet - remove and return first node in heap priority queue
- *
- * This routine removes and returns the first node in a heap priority queue. If
- * the queue is empty, NULL is returned.
- *
- * Pointer to first queue node in queue head, or
- * NULL if queue is empty.
- */
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *qPriHeapGet
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead
- )
- {
- FAST Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE **heapArray = *pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray;
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *pQPriHeapNode = pQPriHeapHead->pHighNode;
- if (pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex == 0)
- return (NULL);
- else if (pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex-- == 1)
- pQPriHeapHead->pHighNode = NULL;
- else
- {
- heapArray [0] = heapArray [pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex];
- qPriHeapDown (pQPriHeapHead, 0);
- }
- return (pQPriHeapNode);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapRemove - remove a node from a heap priority queue
- *
- * This routine removes a node from the specified heap priority queue.
- */
- STATUS qPriHeapRemove
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead,
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *pQPriHeapNode
- )
- {
- FAST int index = pQPriHeapNode->index;
- FAST Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE **heapArray = *pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray;
- int heapIndex = pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex;
- if (--pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex == 0)
- pQPriHeapHead->pHighNode = NULL;
- else
- {
- heapArray [index] = heapArray [heapIndex - 1];
- if ((index > 0) &&
- (heapArray [(index - 1) / 2]->key > heapArray [index]->key))
- qPriHeapUp (pQPriHeapHead, index);
- else
- qPriHeapDown (pQPriHeapHead, index);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapResort - resort a node to a new position based on a new key
- *
- * This routine resorts a node to a new position based on a new key.
- */
- void qPriHeapResort
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead,
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *pQPriHeapNode,
- ULONG newKey
- )
- {
- FAST int index = pQPriHeapNode->index;
- FAST Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE **heapArray = *pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray;
- pQPriHeapNode->key = newKey;
- if ((index > 0) &&
- (heapArray [(index - 1) / 2]->key > heapArray [index]->key))
- qPriHeapUp (pQPriHeapHead, index);
- else
- qPriHeapDown (pQPriHeapHead, index);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapAdvance - advance a queues concept of time
- *
- * Heap queues need not keep track of time because nodes contain time of
- * expiration. So this routine is a NOP.
- *
- */
- void qPriHeapAdvance
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead
- )
- {
- /* Absolute queue so advancing key of lead node unnecessary */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapGetExpired - return a time-to-fire expired node
- *
- * This routine returns a time-to-fire expired node in a heap priority timer
- * queue. Expired nodes result from a comparison with the global variable
- * vxTicks. As many nodes may expire on a single advance of vxTicks, this
- * routine should be called inside a while loop until NULL is returned. NULL
- * is returned when there are no expired nodes.
- *
- * Pointer to first queue node in queue head, or
- * NULL if queue is empty.
- */
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *qPriHeapGetExpired
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead
- )
- {
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *pQPriHeapNode = pQPriHeapHead->pHighNode;
- if ((pQPriHeapNode != NULL) && (pQPriHeapNode->key <= vxTicks))
- return (qPriHeapGet (pQPriHeapHead));
- else
- return ((Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *) NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapKey - return the key of a node
- *
- * This routine returns the key of a node currently in a heap priority queue.
- * The keyType determines key style. A normal key style returns the nodes
- * internal key. A timer queue key type style returns the key as the
- * time-to-fire.
- *
- * Node's key, or
- * node's time-to-fire.
- */
- ULONG qPriHeapKey
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *pQPriHeapNode,
- int keyType /* 0 = normal; 1 = time queue */
- )
- {
- if (keyType == 0)
- return (pQPriHeapNode->key);
- else
- return (pQPriHeapNode->key - vxTicks);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapCalibrate - offset every node in a queue by some delta
- *
- * This routine offsets every node in a heap priority queue by some delta. The
- * offset may either by positive or negative.
- */
- void qPriHeapCalibrate
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead, /* queue to calibrate nodes for */
- ULONG keyDelta /* offset to add to each node's key */
- )
- {
- FAST int ix;
- FAST Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE **heapArray = *pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray;
- for (ix = 0; ix < pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex; ix ++)
- heapArray[ix]->key += keyDelta;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapInfo - gather information on a priority heap queue
- *
- * This routine fills up to maxNodes elements of a nodeArray with nodes
- * currently in a priority heap queue. The actual number of nodes copied to the
- * array is returned. If the nodeArray is NULL, then the number of nodes in
- * the priority heap queue is returned.
- *
- * Number of node pointers copied into the nodeArray, or
- * Number of nodes in multi-way queue if nodeArray is NULL
- */
- int qPriHeapInfo
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead, /* heap queue to gather list for */
- FAST int nodeArray[], /* array of node pointers for filling */
- FAST int maxNodes /* max node pointers for nodeArray */
- )
- {
- int numNodes = min (maxNodes, pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex);
- if (nodeArray == NULL) /* NULL node array means return count */
- return (pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex);
- bcopy ((char *)*pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray, (char *)nodeArray, numNodes * 4);
- return (numNodes);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapEach - call a routine for each node in a queue
- *
- * This routine calls a user-supplied routine once for each node in the
- * queue. The routine should be declared as follows:
- * .CS
- * BOOL routine (pQNode, arg)
- * Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *pQNode; /@ pointer to a queue node @/
- * int arg; /@ arbitrary user-supplied argument @/
- * .CE
- * The user-supplied routine should return TRUE if qPriHeapEach (2) is to
- * continue calling it for each entry, or FALSE if it is done and
- * qPriHeapEach can exit.
- *
- * RETURNS: NULL if traversed whole queue, or pointer to Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE that
- * qPriHeapEach stopped on.
- */
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *qPriHeapEach
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQHead, /* queue head of queue to call routine for */
- FUNCPTR routine, /* the routine to call for each table entry */
- int routineArg /* arbitrary user-supplied argument */
- )
- {
- FAST int ix;
- for (ix = 0;
- (ix < pQHead->heapIndex) &&
- ((* routine) ((*pQHead->pHeapArray)[ix], routineArg));
- ix ++)
- ;
- if (ix < pQHead->heapIndex)
- return ((*pQHead->pHeapArray)[ix]); /* return node we ended with */
- else
- return ((Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *) NULL); /* did all nodes */
- }
- #ifdef qPriHeapLib_PORTABLE
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapUp - elevate a node to its proper place in the heap tree
- *
- * This routine elevates a node to its proper place in the heap tree.
- */
- LOCAL void qPriHeapUp
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead,
- int index
- )
- {
- int workIx = index;
- int parentIx = (workIx - 1) / 2;
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE **heapArray = *pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray;
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *workNode = heapArray [workIx];
- while ((workIx > 0) && (heapArray [parentIx]->key > workNode->key))
- {
- heapArray [workIx] = heapArray [parentIx];
- workIx = parentIx;
- parentIx = (workIx - 1) / 2;
- }
- heapArray [workIx] = workNode;
- pQPriHeapHead->pHighNode = heapArray [0];
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapDown - move a node down to its proper place in the heap tree
- *
- * This routine moves a node down to its proper place in the heap tree.
- */
- LOCAL void qPriHeapDown
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pQPriHeapHead,
- int index
- )
- {
- int workIx = index;
- int lesserChildIx;
- int leftChildIx = 2 * workIx + 1;
- int rightChildIx = leftChildIx + 1;
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE **heapArray = *pQPriHeapHead->pHeapArray;
- Q_PRI_HEAP_NODE *workNode = heapArray [workIx];
- while (leftChildIx < pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex)
- {
- if ((rightChildIx >= pQPriHeapHead->heapIndex) ||
- (heapArray [leftChildIx]->key < heapArray [rightChildIx]->key))
- lesserChildIx = leftChildIx;
- else
- lesserChildIx = rightChildIx;
- if (heapArray [lesserChildIx]->key < workNode->key)
- {
- heapArray [workIx] = heapArray [lesserChildIx];
- workIx = lesserChildIx;
- }
- else
- break;
- leftChildIx = 2 * workIx + 1;
- rightChildIx = 2 * workIx + 2;
- }
- heapArray [workIx] = workNode;
- pQPriHeapHead->pHighNode = heapArray [0];
- }
- #endif /* qPriHeapLib_PORTABLE */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriHeapShow - dump the heap in human readable form by key or node
- *
- * This routine prints a humun readable representation of the heap to standard
- * out. The two output formats are selected as: 0 node format, 1 key format.
- *
- * The output is only printed for the first 16 nodes, because beyond this the
- * output is unintelligible.
- */
- void qPriHeapShow
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAP_HEAD *pHeap, /* pointer to heap head to dump */
- int format /* 0 - node format; 1 - key format */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- char gap[100];
- char halfgap[100];
- char *space = " ";
- int nodesPerLine = 1;
- int endOfLine = 0;
- int fmtlen = 3;
- int limit = 15;
- if (pHeap->heapIndex > 0)
- printf ("First: %xn", pHeap->pHighNode);
- else
- printf ("First: NULLn");
- if (format > 0)
- {
- limit = 7;
- fmtlen = 8;
- printf ("%24s"," ");
- }
- else
- printf ("%29s"," ");
- for (ix = 0; ix < min (pHeap->heapIndex, limit); ix ++)
- {
- if (ix == endOfLine)
- {
- strncpy (gap, space, 32 / nodesPerLine);
- gap [(32 / nodesPerLine) - fmtlen] = EOS;
- strncpy (halfgap, space, 16 / nodesPerLine);
- halfgap [(16 / nodesPerLine) - fmtlen] = EOS;
- nodesPerLine = nodesPerLine << 1;
- endOfLine += nodesPerLine;
- if (format > 0)
- printf ("%8xn%s", (*pHeap->pHeapArray)[ix], halfgap);
- else
- printf ("%3dn%s", (*pHeap->pHeapArray)[ix]->key, halfgap);
- }
- else
- if (format > 0)
- printf ("%8x%s", (*pHeap->pHeapArray)[ix], gap);
- else
- printf ("%3d%s", (*pHeap->pHeapArray)[ix]->key, gap);
- }
- if (ix == limit)
- printf ("nTerminated at %d nodes because output gets ugly.n", limit);
- else
- printf ("n");
- }