- /* rBuffShow.c - dynamic ring buffer (rBuff) show routines */
- /* Copyright 1984-1997 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,04mar99,dgp replace INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES with INCLUDE_RBUFF_SHOW
- 01e,28aug98,dgp FCS man page edit
- 01d,06may98,dgp clean up man pages for WV 2.0 beta release
- 01c,18dec97,cth added include of wvBufferP.h
- 01b,16nov97,cth changed rBuffId to WV2.0 generic-buffer id in rBuffShow
- 01a,23Sep97,nps extracted from rBuffLib.c (based upon memShow.c).
- */
- /*
- This library contains display routines for the dynamic ring buffer.
- These routines are included automatically when INCLUDE_RBUFF_SHOW and
- INCLUDE_WINDVIEW are defined.
- SEE ALSO: rBuffLib, windsh,
- .pG "Target Shell,"
- .tG "Shell"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "dllLib.h"
- #include "rBuffLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "private/wvBufferP.h"
- /* globals */
- FUNCPTR rBuffShowRtn; /* rBuff show routine */
- /* forward declarations */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffShowInit - initialize the rBuff show facility
- *
- * This routine links the rBuff show facility into the VxWorks system.
- * These routines are included automatically when INCLUDE_RBUFF_SHOW is
- * defined.
- *
- */
- void rBuffShowInit (void)
- {
- classShowConnect (rBuffClassId, (FUNCPTR)rBuffShow);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffShow - show rBuff details and statistics
- *
- * If <type> is 1, the routine displays a list of all the buffers in
- * the rBuff.
- *
- * Protection is provided to ensure the snapshot shown is consistent.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> rBuffShow buffId,1
- * .CE
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: windsh, memPartShow(),
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- STATUS rBuffShow
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic buffer identifier */
- UINT32 type /* 0 = statistics, 1 = statistics & list */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* access to private members of this rBuff */
- /* Get access to this buffer's private information. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Check validity of arguments. */
- if (rBuff == NULL)
- {
- printf ("No rBuffId specified.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (rBuff, rBuffClassId) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- printf ("nSummary of rBuff id: %p :n",rBuff);
- printf ("---------------------------------n");
- if (rBuff->info.srcPart == memSysPartId)
- {
- printf ("source partition : System Partitionn");
- }
- else
- {
- printf ("source partition : %pn", rBuff->info.srcPart);
- }
- printf ("options : %08xn", rBuff->info.options);
- printf ("buffer size : %#xn", rBuff->info.buffSize);
- printf ("curr no. of buffs : %d", rBuff->info.currBuffs);
- if (rBuff->info.currBuffs == rBuff->info.minBuffs)
- {
- printf (" (min)");
- }
- else if (rBuff->info.currBuffs == rBuff->info.maxBuffs)
- {
- printf (" (max)");
- }
- printf ("nmin/actualMax/max : %d / %d / %dn",
- rBuff->info.minBuffs,
- rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual,
- rBuff->info.maxBuffs);
- printf ("empty buffs : %dn", rBuff->info.emptyBuffs);
- printf ("times extended : %dn", rBuff->info.timesExtended);
- #if 0
- printf ("curr buff to read : %pn", rBuff->info.buffRead);
- printf ("curr buff to write : %pn", rBuff->info.buffWrite);
- #endif
- printf ("threshold (X'd) : %#x (%#x)", rBuff->info.threshold,
- rBuff->info.timesXThreshold);
- if (rBuff->info.dataContent > rBuff->info.threshold)
- {
- printf (" *");
- }
- printf ("ndata content : %#x (%d%%)n",
- rBuff->info.dataContent,
- (rBuff->info.dataContent * 100) /
- (rBuff->info.buffSize * rBuff->info.currBuffs));
- printf ("access count w / r : %d / %dn",
- rBuff->info.writesSinceReset,
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset);
- printf ("bytes total w / r : %d / %dn",
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten,
- rBuff->info.bytesRead);
- printf ("average w / r : %d / %dn",
- (rBuff->info.writesSinceReset == 0 ? 0 :
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten / rBuff->info.writesSinceReset),
- (rBuff->info.readsSinceReset == 0 ? 0 :
- rBuff->info.bytesRead / rBuff->info.readsSinceReset));
- if (type == 1)
- {
- /* now traverse the ring displaying the individual buffers */
- RBUFF_PTR backHome, currBuff;
- UINT32 buffCount = 1;
- backHome = currBuff = rBuff->buffRead;
- printf ("n- traversing ring of buffers -n");
- do
- {
- printf ("%03d: addr: %p buff: %p dataLen: 0x%04x spaceAvail: 0x%04x",
- buffCount++, currBuff, currBuff->dataStart,
- currBuff->dataLen, currBuff->spaceAvail);
- if (currBuff == rBuff->buffWrite)
- {
- printf (" W");
- }
- if (currBuff == rBuff->buffRead)
- {
- printf (" R");
- }
- printf ("n");
- currBuff = currBuff->next;
- }
- while(currBuff != backHome);
- printf ("... and back to %pn",backHome);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffInfoGet - get rBuff information
- *
- * This routine takes a rBuff ID and a pointer to a 'rBuff_STATS' structure.
- * All the parameters of the structure are filled in with the current partition
- * information.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if the structure has valid data, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: rBuffShow()
- */
- STATUS rBuffInfoGet
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic buffer identifier */
- RBUFF_INFO_TYPE *pRBuffInfo /* rBuff info structure */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* access to private members of this rBuff */
- /* Get access to this buffer's private information. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Check validity of the arguments. */
- if (rBuff == NULL)
- {
- printf ("No rBuffId specified.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (rBuff, rBuffClassId) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- pRBuffInfo->srcPart = rBuff->info.srcPart;
- pRBuffInfo->options = rBuff->info.options;
- pRBuffInfo->buffSize = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- pRBuffInfo->currBuffs = rBuff->info.currBuffs;
- pRBuffInfo->minBuffs = rBuff->info.minBuffs;
- pRBuffInfo->maxBuffs = rBuff->info.maxBuffs;
- pRBuffInfo->maxBuffsActual = rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual;
- pRBuffInfo->emptyBuffs = rBuff->info.emptyBuffs;
- pRBuffInfo->timesExtended = rBuff->info.timesExtended;
- pRBuffInfo->threshold = rBuff->info.threshold;
- pRBuffInfo->timesXThreshold = rBuff->info.timesXThreshold;
- pRBuffInfo->dataContent = rBuff->info.dataContent;
- pRBuffInfo->writesSinceReset = rBuff->info.writesSinceReset;
- pRBuffInfo->writesSinceReset = rBuff->info.readsSinceReset;
- pRBuffInfo->bytesWritten = rBuff->info.bytesWritten;
- pRBuffInfo->bytesRead = rBuff->info.bytesRead;
- return (OK);
- }