- /* tickLib.c - clock tick support library */
- /* Copyright 1984-1994 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01q,22may02,jgn add tick64Get() interface - SPR #70255
- 01p,24jun96,sbs made windview instrumentation conditionally compiled
- 01o,24jan94,smb added instrumentation macros
- 01n,10dec93,smb added instrumentation
- 01m,20jan93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01l,04jul92,jcf private header files.
- 01k,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01j,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01i,30mar91,jdi documentation cleanup; doc review by jcf.
- 01h,29aug90,jcf documentation.
- 01g,10jul90,jcf changed to support 64 bit internal tick count.
- 01f,26jun90,jcf removed queue overflow stuff.
- 01e,28aug89,jcf modified to support version 2.0 of wind.
- 01d,23sep88,gae documentation touchup.
- 01c,23aug88,gae documentation.
- 01b,12aug88,jcf clean up.
- 01a,19jan87,jcf written.
- */
- /*
- This library is the interface to the VxWorks kernel routines that announce a
- clock tick to the kernel, get the current time in ticks, and set the
- current time in ticks.
- Kernel facilities that rely on clock ticks include taskDelay(), wdStart(),
- kernelTimeslice(), and semaphore timeouts. In each case, the specified
- timeout is relative to the current time, also referred to as "time to fire."
- Relative timeouts are not affected by calls to tickSet(), which only changes
- absolute time. The routines tickSet() and tickGet() keep track of absolute
- time in isolation from the rest of the kernel.
- Time-of-day clocks or other auxiliary time bases are preferable for lengthy
- timeouts of days or more. The accuracy of such time bases is greater, and
- some external time bases even calibrate themselves periodically.
- Level 1:
- N/A
- Level 2:
- N/A
- Level 3:
- tickAnnounce() causes EVENT_TICKANNOUNCE
- INCLUDE FILES: tickLib.h
- SEE ALSO: kernelLib, taskLib, semLib, wdLib,
- .pG "Basic OS"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- /* globals */
- ULONG vxTicks; /* current time in ticks */
- UINT64 vxAbsTicks; /* absolute time since power on in ticks */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tickAnnounce - announce a clock tick to the kernel
- *
- * This routine informs the kernel of the passing of time. It should be
- * called from an interrupt service routine that is connected to the system
- * clock. The most common frequencies are 60Hz or 100Hz. Frequencies in
- * excess of 600Hz are an inefficient use of processor power because the
- * system will spend most of its time advancing the clock. By default,
- * this routine is called by usrClock() in usrConfig.c.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: kernelLib, taskLib, semLib, wdLib,
- * .pG "Basic OS"
- */
- void tickAnnounce (void)
- {
- /* windview - level 3 event */
- #endif
- if (kernelState) /* defer work if in kernel */
- workQAdd0 ((FUNCPTR)windTickAnnounce);
- else
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* KERNEL_ENT */
- windTickAnnounce (); /* advance tick queue */
- windExit (); /* KERNEL_EXIT */
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tickSet - set the value of the kernel's tick counter
- *
- * This routine sets the internal tick counter to a specified value in
- * ticks. The new count will be reflected by tickGet(), but will not change
- * any delay fields or timeouts selected for any tasks. For example, if a
- * task is delayed for ten ticks, and this routine is called to advance time,
- * the delayed task will still be delayed until ten tickAnnounce() calls have
- * been made.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: tickGet(), tickAnnounce()
- *
- * The routine locks interrupts while obtaining the copy of the 64 value to
- * prevent an interrupt from splitting what is unlikely to be an atomic operation
- * on a 32 bit CPU.
- */
- void tickSet
- (
- ULONG ticks /* new time in ticks */
- )
- {
- int key = intLock(); /* INTERRUPTS LOCKED */
- vxAbsTicks = ticks; /* effectively zero the upper bits */
- intUnlock(key); /* INTERRUPTS UNLOCKED */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tickGet - get the value of the kernel's tick counter
- *
- * This routine returns the current value of the tick counter.
- * This value is set to zero at startup, incremented by tickAnnounce(),
- * and can be changed using tickSet().
- *
- * RETURNS: The most recent tickSet() value, plus all tickAnnounce() calls since.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: tickSet(), tickAnnounce()
- *
- * There should be no need to lock interrupts on this one; the compiler should
- * only generate a read from one half of the UINT64 which means that the read
- * can never be interrupted.
- */
- ULONG tickGet (void)
- {
- return (ULONG) (vxAbsTicks & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tick64Set - set the value of the kernel's tick counter in 64 bits
- *
- * This routine sets the internal tick counter to a specified value in
- * ticks. The new count will be reflected by tick64Get() and tickGet() (only
- * the lower 32 bits), but will not change any delay fields or timeouts selected
- * for any tasks. For example, if a task is delayed for ten ticks, and this
- * routine is called to advance time, the delayed task will still be delayed
- * until ten tickAnnounce() calls have been made.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: tick64Get(), tickGet(), tickSet(), tickAnnounce()
- *
- * The routine locks interrupts while obtaining the copy of the 64 value to
- * prevent an interrupt from splitting what is unlikely to be an atomic operation
- * on a 32 bit CPU.
- *
- */
- void tick64Set
- (
- UINT64 ticks /* new time in ticks */
- )
- {
- int key = intLock(); /* INTERRUPTS LOCKED */
- vxAbsTicks = ticks;
- intUnlock (key); /* INTERRUPTS UNLOCKED */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tick64Get - get the value of the kernel's tick counter as a 64 bit value
- *
- * This routine returns the current value of the 64 bit absolute tick counter.
- * This value is set to zero at startup, incremented by tickAnnounce(),
- * and can be changed using tickSet() or tick64Set().
- *
- * RETURNS: The most recent tickSet()/tick64Set() value, plus all
- * tickAnnounce() calls since.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: tickGet(), tick64Set(), tickSet(), tickAnnounce()
- *
- * The routine locks interrupts while obtaining the copy of the 64 value to
- * prevent an interrupt from splitting what is unlikely to be an atomic operation
- * on a 32 bit CPU.
- *
- */
- UINT64 tick64Get (void)
- {
- UINT64 ret;
- int key = intLock(); /* INTERRUPTS LOCKED */
- ret = vxAbsTicks;
- intUnlock (key); /* INTERRUPTS UNLOCKED */
- return ret;
- }