- /* semLib.c - general semaphore library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02j,09nov01,dee add CPU_FAMILY != COLDFIRE in portable test
- 02i,26oct01,bwa Added semEvLib and eventLib to the list of 'SEE ALSO'
- modules.
- 02h,12oct01,cjj Added documentation regarding S_eventLib_EVENTSEND_FAILED
- error
- 02g,06sep01,bwa Added VxWorks events support.
- 02f,16nov98,cdp make ARM CPUs with ARM_THUMB==TRUE use portable routines.
- 02f,03mar00,zl merged SH support into T2
- 02e,05oct98,jmp doc: cleanup.
- 02d,17feb98,cdp undo 02c: put ARM back in list of optimised CPUs.
- 02c,21oct97,kkk undo 02d, take out ARM from list of optimized CPUs.
- 02d,19may97,jpd added ARM to list of optimised CPUs.
- 02c,17oct96,dgp doc: add errnos for user-visible routines per SPR 6893
- 02b,13jun96,ms conditionally compiled the windview instrumentation
- 02a,22oct95,jdi doc: added bit values for semTake() timeout param (SPR 4276).
- 01z,19mar95,dvs removed tron references.
- 01y,03feb95,rhp edit SEMAPHORE DELETION manpage text, duplicate under semDelete()
- 01x,18jan95,rhp Doc errno value on semTake() return due to timeout (SPR#1930)
- 01w,09jun93,hdn added a support for I80X86
- 01z,14apr94,smb fixed class dereferencing for instrumentation macros
- 01y,15mar94,smb modified instrumentation macros
- 01x,24jan94,smb added instrumentation macros
- 01w,10dec93,smb added instrumentation
- 01v,29jan93,pme added little endian support for shared sempahores.
- 01u,20jan93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01t,13nov92,dnw added include of smObjLib.h
- 01s,02oct92,pme added reference to shared semaphores documentation.
- 01r,22jul92,pme made semDestroy return S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY when
- trying to destroy a shared semaphore.
- 01q,19jul92,pme added shared memory semaphores support.
- 01p,04jul92,jcf tables now initialized to null to reduce coupling.
- 01o,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01n,15sep91,ajm added MIPS to list of optimized CPU's
- 01m,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -fixed #else and #endif
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01l,26sep91,hdn added conditional flag for TRON optimized code.
- 01k,15aug91,del changed interface to qInit to pass all "optional" args.
- 01j,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by jcf.
- 01i,24mar91,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01h,05oct90,dnw made semTerminate() be NOMANUAL.
- 01g,28aug90,jcf documentation.
- 01f,10aug90,dnw corrected forward declaration of semQFlushDefer().
- 01e,03aug90,jcf documentation.
- 01d,05jul90,jcf optimized version now available.
- 01c,26jun90,jcf merged into one semaphore class.
- added semFlush ()
- 01b,11may90,jcf fixed up PORTABLE definition.
- 01a,20oct89,jcf written based on v1g of semLib.
- */
- /*
- Semaphores are the basis for synchronization and mutual exclusion in
- VxWorks. They are powerful in their simplicity and form the foundation
- for numerous VxWorks facilities.
- Different semaphore types serve different needs, and while the behavior
- of the types differs, their basic interface is the same. This library
- provides semaphore routines common to all VxWorks semaphore types. For
- all types, the two basic operations are semTake() and semGive(), the
- acquisition or relinquishing of a semaphore.
- Semaphore creation and initialization is handled by other libraries,
- depending on the type of semaphore used. These libraries contain
- full functional descriptions of the semaphore types:
- semBLib - binary semaphores
- semCLib - counting semaphores
- semMLib - mutual exclusion semaphores
- semSmLib - shared memory semaphores
- Binary semaphores offer the greatest speed and the broadest applicability.
- The semLib library provides all other semaphore operations, including
- routines for semaphore control, deletion, and information. Semaphores
- must be validated before any semaphore operation can be undertaken. An
- invalid semaphore ID results in ERROR, and an appropriate `errno' is set.
- The semTake() call acquires a specified semaphore, blocking the calling
- task or making the semaphore unavailable. All semaphore types support a
- timeout on the semTake() operation. The timeout is specified as the
- number of ticks to remain blocked on the semaphore. Timeouts of
- WAIT_FOREVER and NO_WAIT codify common timeouts. If a semTake() times
- out, it returns ERROR. Refer to the library of the specific semaphore
- type for the exact behavior of this operation.
- The semGive() call relinquishes a specified semaphore, unblocking a pended
- task or making the semaphore available. Refer to the library of the
- specific semaphore type for the exact behavior of this operation.
- The semFlush() call may be used to atomically unblock all tasks pended on
- a semaphore queue, i.e., all tasks will be unblocked before any are allowed
- to run. It may be thought of as a broadcast operation in
- synchronization applications. The state of the semaphore is unchanged by
- the use of semFlush(); it is not analogous to semGive().
- The semDelete() call terminates a semaphore and deallocates any
- associated memory. The deletion of a semaphore unblocks tasks pended
- on that semaphore; the routines which were pended return ERROR. Take
- care when deleting semaphores, particularly those used for mutual
- exclusion, to avoid deleting a semaphore out from under a task that
- already has taken (owns) that semaphore. Applications should adopt
- the protocol of only deleting semaphores that the deleting task has
- successfully taken.
- The semInfo() call is a useful debugging aid, reporting all tasks
- blocked on a specified semaphore. It provides a snapshot of the queue at
- the time of the call, but because semaphores are dynamic, the information
- may be out of date by the time it is available. As with the current state of
- the semaphore, use of the queue of pended tasks should be restricted to
- debugging uses only.
- If a task has registered for receiving events with a semaphore, events will be
- sent when that semaphore becomes available. By becoming available, it is
- implied that there is a change of state. For a binary semaphore, there is only
- a change of state when a semGive() is done on a semaphore that was taken.
- For a counting semaphore, there is always a change of state when the semaphore
- is available, since the count is incremented each time. For a mutex, a
- semGive() can only be performed if the current task is the owner, implying that
- the semaphore has been taken; thus, there is always a change of state.
- Level 1:
- semGive() causes EVENT_SEMGIVE (portable only)
- semTake() causes EVENT_SEMTAKE (portable only)
- semFlush() causes EVENT_SEMFLUSH
- semDestroy() causes EVENT_SEMDELETE
- Level 2:
- semGive() causes EVENT_OBJ_SEMGIVE (portable only)
- semTake() causes EVENT_OBJ_SEMTAKE (portable only)
- semFlush() causes EVENT_OBJ_SEMFLUSH
- Level 3:
- N/A
- SEE ALSO: taskLib, semBLib, semCLib, semMLib, semSmLib, semEvLib, eventLib,
- .pG "Basic OS"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "qLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "smObjLib.h"
- #include "private/eventLibP.h"
- #include "private/classLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- #include "private/objLibP.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "private/semSmLibP.h"
- /* optimized version available for 680X0, MIPS, i86, SH, */
- /* COLDFIRE and ARM (excluding Thumb) */
- #if (defined(PORTABLE) ||
- ((CPU_FAMILY != MC680X0) &&
- (CPU_FAMILY != I80X86) &&
- (CPU_FAMILY != SH) &&
- (CPU_FAMILY != ARM)) ||
- #define semLib_PORTABLE
- #endif
- /* locals */
- LOCAL BOOL semLibInstalled; /* protect from muliple inits */
- /* globals */
- OBJ_CLASS semClass; /* semaphore object class */
- CLASS_ID semClassId = &semClass; /* semaphore class ID */
- OBJ_CLASS semInstClass; /* semaphore object class */
- CLASS_ID semInstClassId = &semInstClass; /* semaphore class ID */
- #endif
- FUNCPTR semGiveTbl [MAX_SEM_TYPE] = /* semGive() methods by type */
- {
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid,
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid,
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid
- };
- FUNCPTR semTakeTbl [MAX_SEM_TYPE] = /* semTake() methods by type */
- {
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid,
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid,
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid
- };
- FUNCPTR semFlushTbl [MAX_SEM_TYPE] = /* semFlush() methods by type */
- {
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid,
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid,
- (FUNCPTR) semInvalid, (FUNCPTR) semInvalid
- };
- FUNCPTR semGiveDeferTbl [MAX_SEM_TYPE] = /* semGiveDefer() methods */
- {
- };
- FUNCPTR semFlushDeferTbl [MAX_SEM_TYPE] = /* semFlushDefer() methods */
- {
- };
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semLibInit - initialize the semaphore management package
- *
- * This routine initializes the semaphore object class. No semaphore
- * operation will work until this is called. This routine is called during
- * system configuration within kernelInit(). This routine should only be
- * called once.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: classLib
- */
- STATUS semLibInit (void)
- {
- if ((!semLibInstalled) &&
- (classInit (semClassId, sizeof(SEMAPHORE), OFFSET(SEMAPHORE,objCore),
- {
- /* initialise instrumented class for semaphores */
- semClassId->initRtn = semInstClassId;
- classInstrument (semClassId, semInstClassId);
- #endif
- semEvLibInit (); /* pull semaphore-related events lib in kernel */
- semLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- return ((semLibInstalled) ? OK : ERROR);
- }
- #ifdef semLib_PORTABLE
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semGive - give a semaphore
- *
- * This routine performs the give operation on a specified semaphore.
- * Depending on the type of semaphore, the state of the semaphore and of the
- * pending tasks may be affected. If no tasks are pending on the sempahore and
- * a task has previously registered to receive events from the semaphore, these
- * events are sent in the context of this call. This may result in the
- * unpending of the task waiting for the events. If the semaphore fails to
- * send events and if it was created using the SEM_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY
- * option, ERROR is returned even though the give operation was successful.
- * The behavior of semGive() is discussed fully in the library description
- * of the specific semaphore type being used.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK on success or ERROR otherwise
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * .iP "S_intLib_NOT_ISR_CALLABLE"
- * Routine was called from an ISR for a mutex semaphore.
- * .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR"
- * Semaphore ID is invalid.
- * Current task not owner of mutex semaphore.
- * .iP "S_eventLib_EVENTSEND_FAILED"
- * Semaphore failed to send events to the registered task. This errno
- * value can only exist if the semaphore was created with the
- * .LP
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semBLib, semCLib, semMLib, semSmLib, semEvStart
- */
- STATUS semGive
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to give */
- )
- {
- SM_SEM_ID smObjSemId; /* shared semaphore ID */
- /* check if semaphore is shared */
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (semId))
- {
- smObjSemId = (SM_SEM_ID) SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS(semId);
- return ((*semGiveTbl[ntohl (smObjSemId->objType) & SEM_TYPE_MASK])
- (smObjSemId));
- }
- /* otherwise the semaphore is local */
- /* windview - level 1 event logging */
- EVT_OBJ_3 (OBJ, semId, semClassId, EVENT_SEMGIVE, semId,
- semId->state, semId->recurse);
- #endif
- if (kernelState)
- return (semGiveDefer (semId)); /* defer semaphore give */
- else
- return((* semGiveTbl[semId->semType & SEM_TYPE_MASK]) (semId));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semTake - take a semaphore
- *
- * This routine performs the take operation on a specified semaphore.
- * Depending on the type of semaphore, the state of the semaphore and
- * the calling task may be affected. The behavior of semTake() is
- * discussed fully in the library description of the specific semaphore
- * type being used.
- *
- * A timeout in ticks may be specified. If a task times out, semTake() will
- * return ERROR. Timeouts of WAIT_FOREVER (-1) and NO_WAIT (0) indicate to wait
- * indefinitely or not to wait at all.
- *
- * When semTake() returns due to timeout, it sets the errno to
- * S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT (defined in objLib.h).
- *
- * The semTake() routine is not callable from interrupt service routines.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the semaphore ID is invalid or the task timed out.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semBLib, semCLib, semMLib, semSmLib
- */
- STATUS semTake
- (
- SEM_ID semId, /* semaphore ID to take */
- int timeout /* timeout in ticks */
- )
- {
- SM_SEM_ID smObjSemId; /* shared semaphore ID */
- /* check if semaphore is global (shared) */
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (semId))
- {
- smObjSemId = (SM_SEM_ID) SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS(semId);
- return ((* semTakeTbl[ntohl (smObjSemId->objType) & SEM_TYPE_MASK ])
- (smObjSemId, timeout));
- }
- /* otherwise sempahore is local */
- /* windview - level 1 event logging */
- EVT_OBJ_3 (OBJ, semId, semClassId, EVENT_SEMTAKE, semId,
- semId->state, semId->recurse);
- #endif
- return ((* (semTakeTbl[semId->semType & SEM_TYPE_MASK])) (semId, timeout));
- }
- #endif /* semLib_PORTABLE */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semFlush - unblock every task pended on a semaphore
- *
- * This routine atomically unblocks all tasks pended on a specified
- * semaphore, i.e., all tasks will be unblocked before any is allowed
- * to run. The state of the underlying semaphore is unchanged. All
- * pended tasks will enter the ready queue before having a chance to
- * execute.
- *
- * The flush operation is useful as a means of broadcast in
- * synchronization applications. Its use is illegal for mutual-exclusion
- * semaphores created with semMCreate().
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the semaphore ID is invalid
- * or the operation is not supported.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semBLib, semCLib, semMLib, semSmLib
- */
- STATUS semFlush
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to unblock everyone for */
- )
- {
- SM_SEM_ID smObjSemId; /* shared semaphore ID */
- /* check if semaphore is global (shared) */
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (semId))
- {
- smObjSemId = (SM_SEM_ID) SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS(semId);
- return ((*semFlushTbl[ntohl (smObjSemId->objType) &SEM_TYPE_MASK])
- (smObjSemId));
- }
- /* otherwise semaphore is local */
- /* windview - level 1 event logging */
- EVT_OBJ_4 (OBJ, semId, semClassId, EVENT_SEMFLUSH, semId,
- semId->state, semId->recurse, &semId->qHead);
- #endif
- if (kernelState)
- return (semFlushDefer (semId));
- else
- return((* semFlushTbl[semId->semType & SEM_TYPE_MASK]) (semId));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semDelete - delete a semaphore
- *
- * This routine terminates and deallocates any memory associated with a
- * specified semaphore. All tasks pending on the semaphore or pending
- * for the reception of events meant to be sent from the semaphore
- * will unblock and return ERROR.
- *
- * Take care when deleting semaphores, particularly those used for
- * mutual exclusion, to avoid deleting a semaphore out from under a
- * task that already has taken (owns) that semaphore. Applications
- * should adopt the protocol of only deleting semaphores that the
- * deleting task has successfully taken.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the semaphore ID is invalid.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * .iP "S_intLib_NOT_ISR_CALLABLE"
- * Routine cannot be called from ISR.
- * .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR"
- * Semaphore ID is invalid.
- * .iP "S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY"
- * Deleting a shared semaphore is not permitted
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semBLib, semCLib, semMLib, semSmLib
- */
- STATUS semDelete
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to delete */
- )
- {
- return (semDestroy (semId, TRUE));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * semTerminate - terminate a semaphore
- *
- * This routine terminates a semaphore. Any pended tasks will be unblocked
- * and returned ERROR. Unlike semDelete(), this routine does not free any
- * associated memory.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if invalid semaphore ID.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semDelete, semBLib, semCLib, semMLib
- *
- */
- STATUS semTerminate
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to initialize */
- )
- {
- return (semDestroy (semId, FALSE));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semDestroy - destroy a semaphore
- *
- * This routine underlies semDelete() and semTerminate() as the function that
- * terminates the semaphore and optionally deallocates memory.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if invalid semaphore ID.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS semDestroy
- (
- SEM_ID semId, /* binary semaphore to destroy */
- BOOL dealloc /* deallocate memory associated with semaphore */
- )
- {
- int level;
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict isr use */
- return (ERROR);
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (semId)) /* if semaphore is shared */
- {
- errno = S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY;
- return (ERROR); /* cannot delete shared sem. */
- }
- /* windview - level 1 event logging */
- EVT_OBJ_4 (OBJ, semId, semClassId, EVENT_SEMDELETE,
- semId, semId->state, semId->recurse, &semId->qHead);
- #endif
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (semId, semClassId) != OK) /* validate semaphore ID */
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- objCoreTerminate (&semId->objCore); /* INVALIDATE */
- kernelState = TRUE; /* KERNEL ENTER */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- windSemDelete (semId); /* unblock any pending tasks */
- eventTerminate (&semId->events); /* unblock task waiting for events*/
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- if (dealloc) /* dealloc memory if selected */
- objFree (semClassId, (char *) semId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semGiveDefer - add appropriate semGive routine to kernel work q
- *
- * This routine defers the work of giving a semaphore by adding the work to the
- * kernel work queue. If the semaphore ID is invalid or the semaphore type is
- * is inheritance this routine will return ERROR, otherwise OK.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS semGiveDefer
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to give */
- )
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (semId, semClassId) != OK) /* verify semaphore */
- return (ERROR);
- if (semGiveDeferTbl [semId->semType] == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_intLib_NOT_ISR_CALLABLE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- workQAdd1 (semGiveDeferTbl [semId->semType], (int) semId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semFlushDefer - add appropriate semFlush routine to kernel work q
- *
- * This routine defers the work of giving a semaphore by adding the work to the
- * kernel work queue. If the semaphore ID is invalid or the semaphore type is
- * is inheritance this routine will return ERROR, otherwise OK.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS semFlushDefer
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to give */
- )
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (semId, semClassId) != OK) /* verify semaphore */
- return (ERROR);
- if (semFlushDeferTbl [semId->semType] == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_intLib_NOT_ISR_CALLABLE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- workQAdd1 (semFlushDeferTbl [semId->semType], (int) semId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * semInvalid - invalid semaphore ID or operation
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR with appropriate errno.
- *
- */
- STATUS semInvalid
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semId of invalid operation */
- )
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (semId, semClassId) != OK) /* verify semaphore */
- return (ERROR);
- errno = S_semLib_INVALID_OPERATION; /* set errno */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * semIntRestrict - operation restricted from ISR use
- *
- */
- STATUS semIntRestrict
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semId of invalid operation */
- )
- {
- return (INT_RESTRICT ()); /* restrict ISR use */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * semQInit - inialize the semaphore queue to the specified queue type
- *
- * This routine initialized the semaphore queue to the specified type.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if queue type not supported.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS semQInit
- (
- SEMAPHORE *pSemaphore, /* semphore core to initialize queue for */
- int options /* semphore options */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- switch (options & SEM_Q_MASK)
- {
- case SEM_Q_FIFO:
- qInit (&pSemaphore->qHead, Q_FIFO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- qInit (&pSemaphore->qHead, Q_PRI_LIST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0);
- break;
- default:
- errno = S_semLib_INVALID_QUEUE_TYPE; /* set errno */
- status = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semQFlush - unblock all tasks pending on this semaphore
- *
- * Unblock pending tasks. If a higher priority task has already taken
- * the semaphore (so that it is now pended waiting for it), that task
- * will now become ready to run, and preempt the task that does the semGive().
- * If the semaphore is already full (it has been given but not taken) this
- * call is essentially a no-op.
- *
- */
- STATUS semQFlush
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to give */
- )
- {
- int level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (semId, semClassId) != OK)
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (Q_FIRST (&semId->qHead) == NULL)
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- }
- else
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* KERNEL ENTER */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- #endif
- windPendQFlush (&semId->qHead); /* flush blocked tasks */
- windExit (); /* KERNEL EXIT */
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semQFlushDefer - unblock pending tasks as deferred work
- *
- * Unblock pending tasks. If a higher priority task has already taken
- * the semaphore (so that it is now pended waiting for it), that task
- * will now become ready to run, and preempt the task that does the semGive().
- * If the semaphore is already full (it has been given but not taken) this
- * call is essentially a no-op.
- *
- */
- void semQFlushDefer
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore ID to give */
- )
- {
- if (Q_FIRST (&semId->qHead) != NULL)
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- #endif
- windPendQFlush (&semId->qHead); /* flush blocked tasks */
- }
- }