- /* msgQLib.c - message queue library */
- /* Copyright 1990-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02n,10dec01,bwa Added comment about MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY msgQCreate
- option (SPR 72058).
- 02m,26oct01,bwa Added msgQEvLib and eventLib to the list of 'SEE ALSO'
- modules.
- 02l,12oct01,cjj Added documentation regarding S_eventLib_EVENTSEND_FAILED
- error
- 02k,09oct01,gls merged in 02j, 02i, 02h, 02g below from AE.
- 02j,22feb01,ahm ensured errno does'nt change if msgQDelete() is successful
- (SPR#34643)
- 02i,19sep00,bwa passed extra argument (msgQid) to calls to qJobGet()
- added errnoSet after calls to qJobGet()(SPR #34057)
- 02h,06sep00,aeg doc: mentioned INCLUDE_MSG_Q component name.
- 02g,11aug00,aeg fixed updating of timeout stats in msgQSend/Receive (SPR 33683)
- 02f,07sep01,bwa Added VxWorks events support. Fixed SPR #31241 (corrected
- msgQReceive comment for NO_WAIT).
- 02e,18dec00,pes Correct compiler warnings
- 02d,19may98,drm merged code from 3rd party to add distributed message queue
- support.
- - merged code was originally based on version 02a
- 02c,11may98,cjtc fix problem with problem fix!! Multiple calls to object
- instrumentation in msgQDestroy
- 02b,11may98,nps fixed msgQDestroy instrumentation anomaly.
- 02c,17apr98,rlp canceled msgQInit and msgQSend modifications for backward
- compatibility.
- 02b,04nov97,rlp modified msgQInit and msgQSend for tracking messages sent.
- 02a,24jun96,sbs made windview instrumentation conditionally compiled
- 01z,22oct95,jdi doc: added bit values for options (SPR 4276).
- 02d,14apr94,smb fixed class dereferencing for instrumentation macros
- 02c,15mar94,smb modified instrumentation macros
- 02b,24jan94,smb added instrumentation macros
- 02a,18jan94,smb added instrumentation corrections for msgQDelete
- 01z,10dec93,smb added instrumentation
- 01y,30jun93,jmm changed msgQDestroy to look at msgQ as well as freeQ (spr 2070)
- 01x,02feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01w,13nov92,jcf package init called with object creation.
- 01v,19oct92,pme added reference to shared message queue documentation.
- 01u,23aug92,jcf balanced taskSafe with taskUnsafe.
- 01t,11aug92,jcf fixed msgQDestroy safety problem.
- 01s,30jul92,rrr added restart and msgQ fix
- 01r,29jul92,pme added NULL function pointer check for smObj routines.
- 01q,29jul92,jcf package init called with object initialization.
- 01p,22jul92,pme made msgQDestroy return S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY when
- trying to destroy a shared message queue.
- 01o,19jul92,pme added shared message queue support.
- 01n,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 01m,04jul92,jcf show routine removed.
- 01l,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01k,13dec91,gae ANSI fixes.
- 01j,19nov91,rrr shut up some ansi warnings.
- 01i,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01h,10aug91,del changed interface to qInit to pass all "optional" args.
- 01g,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by dnw.
- 01f,22jan91,jaa documentation.
- 01e,08oct90,dnw lint
- 01d,01oct90,dnw fixed bug of msgQSend() not returning ERROR on timeout.
- removed msgQSendArgs()/ReceiveArgs().
- reordered parameters of msgQ{Send,Receive}().
- simplified msgQInfoGet() interface.
- added msgQNumMsgs().
- made msgQDestroy() LOCAL.
- made msgQ{LibInit,Init,Terminate}() be NOMANUAL.
- finished documentation.
- 01c,19jul90,dnw added VARARGS to msgQ{Send,Receive}Args()
- 01b,19jul90,dnw changed call to objAlloc() to objAllocExtra()
- made msgQShow() prettier
- lint
- 01a,10may90,dnw written
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines for creating and using message queues, the
- primary intertask communication mechanism within a single CPU. Message
- queues allow a variable number of messages (varying in length) to be
- queued in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. Any task or interrupt service
- routine can send messages to a message queue. Any task can receive
- messages from a message queue. Multiple tasks can send to and receive
- from the same message queue. Full-duplex communication between two tasks
- generally requires two message queues, one for each direction.
- To provide message queue support for a system, VxWorks must be configured
- with the INCLUDE_MSG_Q component.
- A message queue is created with msgQCreate(). Its parameters specify the
- maximum number of messages that can be queued to that message queue and
- the maximum length in bytes of each message. Enough buffer space will
- be pre-allocated to accommodate the specified number of messages of
- specified length.
- A task or interrupt service routine sends a message to a message queue
- with msgQSend(). If no tasks are waiting for messages on the message queue,
- the message is simply added to the buffer of messages for that queue.
- If any tasks are already waiting to receive a message from the message
- queue, the message is immediately delivered to the first waiting task.
- A task receives a message from a message queue with msgQReceive().
- If any messages are already available in the message queue's buffer,
- the first message is immediately dequeued and returned to the caller.
- If no messages are available, the calling task will block and be added to
- a queue of tasks waiting for messages. This queue of waiting tasks can
- be ordered either by task priority or FIFO, as specified in an option
- parameter when the queue is created.
- Both msgQSend() and msgQReceive() take timeout parameters. When sending a
- message, if no buffer space is available to queue the message, the timeout
- specifies how many ticks to wait for space to become available. When
- receiving a message, the timeout specifies how many ticks to wait if no
- message is immediately available. The <timeout> parameter can
- have the special values NO_WAIT (0) or WAIT_FOREVER (-1). NO_WAIT
- means the routine should return immediately; WAIT_FOREVER means the routine
- should never time out.
- The msgQSend() routine allows the priority of a message to be specified
- as either normal or urgent, MSG_PRI_NORMAL (0) and MSG_PRI_URGENT (1),
- respectively. Normal priority messages are added to the tail of the list
- of queued messages, while urgent priority messages are added to the head
- of the list.
- If a task has registered with a message queue via msgQEvStart(), events will
- be sent to that task when a message arrives on that message queue, on the
- condition that no other task is pending on the queue.
- Level 1:
- msgQCreate() causes EVENT_MSGQCREATE
- msgQDestroy() causes EVENT_MSGQDELETE
- msgQSend() causes EVENT_MSGQSEND
- msgQReceive() causes EVENT_MSGQRECEIVE
- Level 2:
- N/A
- Level 3:
- N/A
- SEE ALSO: pipeDrv, msgQSmLib, msgQEvLib, eventLib,
- .pG "Basic OS"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "smObjLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "private/eventLibP.h"
- #include "private/classLibP.h"
- #include "private/objLibP.h"
- #include "private/msgQLibP.h"
- #include "private/msgQSmLibP.h"
- #include "private/distObjTypeP.h"
- #include "private/sigLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/kernelLibP.h"
- /* locals */
- /* globals */
- CLASS_ID msgQClassId = &msgQClass;
- /* Instrumentation locals and globals */
- LOCAL OBJ_CLASS msgQInstClass;
- CLASS_ID msgQInstClassId = &msgQInstClass;
- #endif
- /* shared memory objects function pointers */
- FUNCPTR msgQSmSendRtn;
- FUNCPTR msgQSmReceiveRtn;
- FUNCPTR msgQSmNumMsgsRtn;
- /* distributed objects function pointers */
- FUNCPTR msgQDistSendRtn;
- FUNCPTR msgQDistReceiveRtn;
- FUNCPTR msgQDistNumMsgsRtn;
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS msgQDestroy (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, BOOL dealloc);
- /* locals */
- LOCAL BOOL msgQLibInstalled; /* protect from muliple inits */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQLibInit - initialize message queue library
- *
- * This routine initializes message queue facility.
- * It is called once in kernelInit().
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS msgQLibInit (void)
- {
- /* initialize shared memory objects function pointers */
- if (!msgQLibInstalled)
- {
- if (classInit (msgQClassId, sizeof (MSG_Q), OFFSET (MSG_Q, objCore),
- (FUNCPTR)msgQCreate, (FUNCPTR)msgQInit,
- (FUNCPTR)msgQDestroy) == OK)
- {
- /* Instrumented class for windview */
- msgQClassId->initRtn = msgQInstClassId;
- classInstrument (msgQClassId,msgQInstClassId);
- #endif
- msgQEvLibInit (); /* pull msgQLib in kernel */
- msgQLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return ((msgQLibInstalled) ? OK : ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQCreate - create and initialize a message queue
- *
- * This routine creates a message queue capable of holding up to <maxMsgs>
- * messages, each up to <maxMsgLength> bytes long. The routine returns
- * a message queue ID used to identify the created message queue in all
- * subsequent calls to routines in this library. The queue can be created
- * with the following options:
- * .iP "MSG_Q_FIFO (0x00)" 8
- * queue pended tasks in FIFO order.
- * .iP "MSG_Q_PRIORITY (0x01)"
- * queue pended tasks in priority order.
- * When a message is sent, if a task is registered for events and the
- * actual sending of events fails, a value of ERROR is returned and the errno
- * is set accordingly. This option is off by default.
- * .LP
- *
- * MSG_Q_ID, or NULL if error.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib
- */
- MSG_Q_ID msgQCreate
- (
- int maxMsgs, /* max messages that can be queued */
- int maxMsgLength, /* max bytes in a message */
- int options /* message queue options */
- )
- {
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId;
- void * pPool; /* pointer to memory for messages */
- UINT size = (UINT) maxMsgs * MSG_NODE_SIZE (maxMsgLength);
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict ISR from calling */
- return (NULL);
- if ((!msgQLibInstalled) && (msgQLibInit () != OK))
- return (NULL); /* package init problem */
- if ((msgQId = (MSG_Q_ID)objAllocExtra (msgQClassId, size, &pPool)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if (msgQInit (msgQId, maxMsgs, maxMsgLength, options, pPool) != OK)
- {
- objFree (msgQClassId, (char *) msgQId);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
- msgQId, maxMsgs, maxMsgLength, options);
- #endif
- return ((MSG_Q_ID) msgQId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQInit - initialize a message queue
- *
- * This routine initializes a message queue data structure. Like msgQCreate()
- * the resulting message queue is capable of holding up to <maxMsgs> messages,
- * each of up to <maxMsgLength> bytes long.
- * However, instead of dynamically allocating the MSG_Q data structure,
- * this routine takes a pointer <pMsgQ> to the MSG_Q data structure to be
- * initialized, and a pointer <pMsgPool> to the buffer to be use to hold
- * queued messages. <pMsgPool> must point to a 4 byte aligned buffer
- * that is (<maxMsgs> * MSG_NODE_SIZE (<maxMsgLength>)).
- *
- * The queue can be created with the following options:
- *
- * MSG_Q_FIFO queue pended tasks in FIFO order
- * MSG_Q_PRIORITY queue pended tasks in priority order
- *
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: msgQCreate()
- *
- */
- STATUS msgQInit
- (
- FAST MSG_Q *pMsgQ, /* pointer to msg queue to initialize */
- int maxMsgs, /* max messages that can be queued */
- int maxMsgLength, /* max bytes in a message */
- int options, /* message queue options */
- void * pMsgPool /* pointer to memory for messages */
- )
- {
- FAST int nodeSize = MSG_NODE_SIZE (maxMsgLength);
- FAST int ix;
- if ((!msgQLibInstalled) && (msgQLibInit () != OK))
- return (ERROR); /* package init problem */
- bzero ((char *) pMsgQ, sizeof (*pMsgQ)); /* clear out msg q structure */
- /* initialize internal job queues */
- switch (options & MSG_Q_TYPE_MASK)
- {
- case MSG_Q_FIFO: msgQType = Q_FIFO; break;
- case MSG_Q_PRIORITY: msgQType = Q_PRI_LIST; break;
- default:
- errnoSet (S_msgQLib_INVALID_QUEUE_TYPE);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((qInit ((Q_HEAD *) &pMsgQ->msgQ, qJobClassId, msgQType,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) != OK) ||
- (qInit ((Q_HEAD *) &pMsgQ->freeQ, qJobClassId, msgQType,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) != OK))
- return (ERROR);
- /* put msg nodes on free list */
- for (ix = 0; ix < maxMsgs; ix++)
- {
- qJobPut (pMsgQ, &pMsgQ->freeQ, (Q_JOB_NODE *) pMsgPool,
- pMsgPool = (void *) (((char *) pMsgPool) + nodeSize);
- }
- /* initialize rest of msg q */
- pMsgQ->options = options;
- pMsgQ->maxMsgs = maxMsgs;
- pMsgQ->maxMsgLength = maxMsgLength;
- eventInit (&pMsgQ->events);
- if (wvObjIsEnabled)
- {
- /* windview - connect level 1 event logging routine */
- objCoreInit (&pMsgQ->objCore, msgQInstClassId);
- }
- else
- #endif
- objCoreInit (&pMsgQ->objCore, msgQClassId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQTerminate - terminate message queue
- *
- * This routine terminates a static message queue that was initialized with
- * msgQInit.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS msgQTerminate
- (
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId /* message queue id to terminate */
- )
- {
- return (msgQDestroy (msgQId, FALSE));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQDelete - delete a message queue
- *
- * This routine deletes a message queue. All tasks pending on either
- * msgQSend(), msgQReceive() or pending for the reception of events
- * meant to be sent from the message queue will unblock and return
- * ERROR. When this function returns, <msgQId> is no longer a valid
- * message queue ID.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK on success or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR"
- * Message queue ID is invalid
- * .iP "S_intLib_NOT_ISR_CALLABLE"
- * Routine cannot be called from ISR
- * .iP "S_distLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY"
- * Deleting a distributed message queue is not permitted
- * .iP "S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY"
- * Deleting a shared message queue is not permitted
- * SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib
- */
- STATUS msgQDelete
- (
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId /* message queue to delete */
- )
- {
- return (msgQDestroy (msgQId, TRUE));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQDestroy - destroy message queue
- *
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS msgQDestroy
- (
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId, /* message queue to destroy */
- BOOL dealloc /* deallocate memory associated with message queue */
- )
- {
- Q_JOB_NODE *pNode;
- FAST int timeout;
- FAST int nMsgs;
- int errnoCopy;
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (msgQId)) /* message Q is shared?*/
- {
- if (ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId)) /* message queue is distributed? */
- {
- errno = S_distLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY;
- return (ERROR); /* cannot delete distributed msgQ */
- }
- errno = S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY;
- return (ERROR); /* cannot delete sm. msgQ */
- }
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict isr use */
- return (ERROR);
- /* Indicate that msgQDelete has been initiated */
- /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
- EVT_OBJ_1 (OBJ, msgQId, msgQClassId, EVENT_MSGQDELETE, msgQId);
- #endif
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK) /* validate message queue id */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- objCoreTerminate (&msgQId->objCore); /* INVALIDATE */
- /* Indicate that the msgQDelete has succeeded (before TASK_UNLOCK, as
- * that causes unnecessary WV parser confusion).
- */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation
- * EVENT_OBJ_MSGDELETE needs to return the msgQId so MSG_OFFSET is
- * used to calulate the msgQId from the pQHead
- */
- #endif
- /* gobble up all messages in the message and free queues */
- timeout = NO_WAIT; /* first time through gobble without waiting */
- nMsgs = 0;
- errnoCopy = errnoGet ();
- while (nMsgs < msgQId->maxMsgs)
- {
- while (((pNode = qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->freeQ, timeout)) != NULL) &&
- (pNode != (Q_JOB_NODE *) NONE))
- nMsgs++;
- while (((pNode = qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->msgQ, timeout)) != NULL) &&
- (pNode != (Q_JOB_NODE *) NONE))
- nMsgs++;
- timeout = 1; /* after first time, wait a bit */
- }
- errnoSet (errnoCopy);
- /* terminate both the queues */
- /*
- * Since eventTerminate() can wake up a task, we want to put all tasks
- * in the ready queue before doing a windExit(), so that it is sure that
- * the task of highest priority runs first. To achieve that, the
- * statements 'kernelState = TRUE;' and 'windExit();' have been moved
- * from qJobTerminate() to here. This is the only place that qJobTerminate
- * is called.
- */
- kernelState = TRUE;
- qJobTerminate (&msgQId->msgQ);
- qJobTerminate (&msgQId->freeQ);
- eventTerminate (&msgQId->events);/* free task waiting for events if any */
- windExit ();
- if (dealloc)
- objFree (msgQClassId, (char *) msgQId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQSend - send a message to a message queue
- *
- * This routine sends the message in <buffer> of length <nBytes> to the message
- * queue <msgQId>. If any tasks are already waiting to receive messages
- * on the queue, the message will immediately be delivered to the first
- * waiting task. If no task is waiting to receive messages, the message
- * is saved in the message queue and if a task has previously registered to
- * receive events from the message queue, these events are sent in the context
- * of this call. This may result in the unpending of the task waiting for
- * the events. If the message queue fails to send events and if it was
- * created using the MSG_Q_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY option, ERROR is returned
- * even though the send operation was successful.
- *
- * The <timeout> parameter specifies the number of ticks to wait for free
- * space if the message queue is full. The <timeout> parameter can also have
- * the following special values:
- * .iP "NO_WAIT (0)" 8
- * return immediately, even if the message has not been sent.
- * .iP "WAIT_FOREVER (-1)"
- * never time out.
- * .LP
- *
- * The <priority> parameter specifies the priority of the message being sent.
- * The possible values are:
- * .iP "MSG_PRI_NORMAL (0)" 8
- * normal priority; add the message to the tail of the list of queued
- * messages.
- * .iP "MSG_PRI_URGENT (1)"
- * urgent priority; add the message to the head of the list of queued messages.
- * .LP
- *
- * This routine can be called by interrupt service routines as well as
- * by tasks. This is one of the primary means of communication
- * between an interrupt service routine and a task. When called from an
- * interrupt service routine, <timeout> must be NO_WAIT.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK on success or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * .iP "S_distLib_NOT_INITIALIZED"
- * Distributed objects message queue library (VxFusion) not initialized.
- * .iP "S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED"
- * Shared memory message queue library (VxMP Option) not initialized.
- * .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR"
- * Invalid message queue ID.
- * .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED"
- * Message queue deleted while calling task was pended.
- * .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_UNAVAILABLE"
- * No free buffer space when NO_WAIT timeout specified.
- * .iP "S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT"
- * Timeout occurred while waiting for buffer space.
- * Message length exceeds limit.
- * Called from ISR with non-zero timeout.
- * .iP "S_eventLib_EVENTSEND_FAILED"
- * Message queue failed to send events to registered task. This errno
- * value can only exist if the message queue was created with the
- * .LP
- *
- * SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib, msgQEvStart
- */
- STATUS msgQSend
- (
- FAST MSG_Q_ID msgQId, /* message queue on which to send */
- char * buffer, /* message to send */
- FAST UINT nBytes, /* length of message */
- int timeout, /* ticks to wait */
- int priority /* MSG_PRI_NORMAL or MSG_PRI_URGENT */
- )
- {
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (msgQId)) /* message Q is shared? */
- {
- if (ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId)) /* message queue is distributed? */
- {
- if (msgQDistSendRtn == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_distLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return ((*msgQDistSendRtn) (msgQId, buffer, nBytes,
- timeout, WAIT_FOREVER, priority));
- }
- if (msgQSmSendRtn == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return ((*msgQSmSendRtn) (SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS (msgQId), buffer, nBytes,
- timeout, priority));
- }
- /* message queue is local */
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- else
- {
- if (timeout != 0)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- restart:
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK)
- {
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
- EVT_OBJ_5 (OBJ, msgQId, msgQClassId, EVENT_MSGQSEND, msgQId,
- buffer, nBytes, timeout, priority);
- #endif
- if (nBytes > msgQId->maxMsgLength)
- {
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- errnoSet (S_msgQLib_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pMsg = (MSG_NODE *) qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->freeQ, timeout);
- if (pMsg == (MSG_NODE *) NONE)
- {
- timeout = SIG_TIMEOUT_RECALC(timeout);
- goto restart;
- }
- if (pMsg == NULL)
- {
- #if FALSE
- msgQId->sendTimeouts++;
- #else
- /*
- * The timeout stat should only be updated if a timeout has occured.
- * An OBJ_VERIFY needs to be performed to catch the case where a
- * timeout indeed occured, but the message queue is subsequently
- * deleted before the current task is rescheduled.
- */
- if (errnoGet() == S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT)
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) == OK)
- msgQId->sendTimeouts++;
- else
- errnoSet(S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED);
- }
- #endif /* FALSE */
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pMsg->msgLength = nBytes;
- bcopy (buffer, MSG_NODE_DATA (pMsg), (int) nBytes);
- if (qJobPut (msgQId, &msgQId->msgQ, &pMsg->node, priority) != OK)
- {
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- return (ERROR); /* errno set by qJobPut() */
- }
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQReceive - receive a message from a message queue
- *
- * This routine receives a message from the message queue <msgQId>.
- * The received message is copied into the specified <buffer>, which is
- * <maxNBytes> in length. If the message is longer than <maxNBytes>,
- * the remainder of the message is discarded (no error indication
- * is returned).
- *
- * The <timeout> parameter specifies the number of ticks to wait for
- * a message to be sent to the queue, if no message is available when
- * msgQReceive() is called. The <timeout> parameter can also have
- * the following special values:
- * .iP "NO_WAIT (0)" 8
- * return immediately, whether a message has been received or not.
- * .iP "WAIT_FOREVER (-1)"
- * never time out.
- * .LP
- *
- * WARNING: This routine must not be called by interrupt service routines.
- *
- * The number of bytes copied to <buffer>, or ERROR.
- *
- * S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR, S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED,
- *
- * SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib
- */
- int msgQReceive
- (
- FAST MSG_Q_ID msgQId, /* message queue from which to receive */
- char * buffer, /* buffer to receive message */
- UINT maxNBytes, /* length of buffer */
- int timeout /* ticks to wait */
- )
- {
- FAST int bytesReturned;
- if (INT_RESTRICT() != OK) /* errno set by INT_RESTRICT() */
- return ERROR;
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (msgQId)) /* message Q is shared? */
- {
- if (ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId)) /* message queue is distributed? */
- {
- if (msgQDistReceiveRtn == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_distLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return ((*msgQDistReceiveRtn) (msgQId, buffer,
- maxNBytes, timeout, WAIT_FOREVER));
- }
- if (msgQSmReceiveRtn == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return ((*msgQSmReceiveRtn) (SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS (msgQId), buffer,
- maxNBytes, timeout));
- }
- /* message queue is local */
- /* even though maxNBytes is unsigned, check for < 0 to catch possible
- * caller errors
- */
- if ((int) maxNBytes < 0)
- {
- errnoSet (S_msgQLib_INVALID_MSG_LENGTH);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- restart:
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* windview - level 1 event logging routine */
- EVT_OBJ_4 (OBJ, msgQId, msgQClassId, EVENT_MSGQRECEIVE, msgQId,
- buffer, maxNBytes, timeout);
- #endif
- pMsg = (MSG_NODE *) qJobGet (msgQId, &msgQId->msgQ, timeout);
- if (pMsg == (MSG_NODE *) NONE)
- {
- timeout = SIG_TIMEOUT_RECALC(timeout);
- goto restart;
- }
- if (pMsg == NULL)
- {
- #if FALSE
- msgQId->recvTimeouts++;
- #else
- /*
- * The timeout stat should only be updated if a timeout has occured.
- * An OBJ_VERIFY needs to be performed to catch the case where a
- * timeout indeed occured, but the message queue is subsequently
- * deleted before the current task is rescheduled.
- */
- if (errnoGet() == S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT)
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) == OK)
- msgQId->sendTimeouts++;
- else
- errnoSet(S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED);
- }
- #endif /* FALSE */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bytesReturned = min (pMsg->msgLength, maxNBytes);
- bcopy (MSG_NODE_DATA (pMsg), buffer, bytesReturned);
- qJobPut (msgQId, &msgQId->freeQ, &pMsg->node, Q_JOB_PRI_DONT_CARE);
- return (bytesReturned);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * msgQNumMsgs - get the number of messages queued to a message queue
- *
- * This routine returns the number of messages currently queued to a specified
- * message queue.
- *
- * The number of messages queued, or ERROR.
- *
- * S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR
- *
- * SEE ALSO: msgQSmLib
- */
- int msgQNumMsgs
- (
- FAST MSG_Q_ID msgQId /* message queue to examine */
- )
- {
- if (ID_IS_SHARED (msgQId)) /* message Q is shared? */
- {
- if (ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId)) /* message queue is distributed? */
- {
- if (msgQDistNumMsgsRtn == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_distLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return ((*msgQDistNumMsgsRtn) (msgQId, WAIT_FOREVER));
- }
- if (msgQSmNumMsgsRtn == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return ((*msgQSmNumMsgsRtn) (SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS (msgQId)));
- }
- /* message queue is local */
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId, msgQClassId) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- return (msgQId->msgQ.count);
- }