- /* distGapLib.c - distributed group agreement protocol library */
- /* Copyright 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01i,24may99,drm added vxfusion prefix to VxFusion related includes
- 01h,11feb99,drm fixed endian bugs in GAP protocol - added htons() / ntohs()
- 01g,11sep98,drm changed #include "distStatLib.h" to "private/distLibP.h"
- 01f,20may98,drm removed local variable distNodeLclState which was no longer
- being used.
- 01e,13may98,ur review of some comments
- 01d,15apr98,ur replaced misleading comments
- 01c,13mar98,ur fixed crash detection
- 01b,07jan98,ur fixed "group id already in use"
- 01a,15jul97,ur written
- */
- /*
- This library contains the "group agreement protocol" (GAP).
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #if defined (DIST_GAP_REPORT) || defined (DIST_DIAGNOSTIC)
- #include "stdio.h"
- #endif
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "sllLib.h"
- #include "dllLib.h"
- #include "msgQLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/msgQDistGrpLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/distIfLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distNameLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/msgQDistGrpLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distNetLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distNodeLibP.h"
- LOCAL DL_LIST gapInProgress;
- LOCAL SEMAPHORE distGapSemaphore;
- /* local prototypes */
- LOCAL void distGapCatchCrashed (DIST_NODE_ID nodeId);
- LOCAL void distGapPh1Done (DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pDistGrp);
- LOCAL STATUS distGapTry (DIST_NODE_ID distNodeId,
- LOCAL BOOL distGapOutstandConc (DIST_NODE_DB_NODE *pDistNodeDbNode,
- SL_LIST *pOutstand);
- LOCAL BOOL distGapOutstandOk (DIST_GAP_NODE *pDistGapNode,
- DIST_NODE_ID distNodeIdOk);
- LOCAL void distGapOutstandDel (DIST_GAP_NODE *pDistGapNode,
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponse,
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponsePrev);
- #ifdef DIST_GAP_TASK
- LOCAL void distGapTimerTask (void);
- LOCAL void distGapTimer (void);
- #endif
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapLibInit -
- *
- */
- STATUS distGapLibInit()
- {
- #ifdef DIST_GAP_TASK
- int tid;
- #endif
- dllInit (&gapInProgress);
- #ifdef DIST_GAP_TASK
- tid = taskSpawn ("tDistGAP",
- (FUNCPTR) distGapTimerTask,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (tid == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- #endif
- distCtl (DIST_CTL_CRASHED_HOOK, (int) distGapCatchCrashed);
- /*
- * Add GAP input function to table of services.
- */
- return (distNetServAdd (DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP, distGapInput,
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapCatchCrashed - get notified by a node crash
- *
- */
- LOCAL void distGapCatchCrashed
- (
- DIST_NODE_ID crashedId
- )
- {
- DIST_GAP_NODE *pGapNode;
- BOOL more;
- printf ("distGapCatchCrashed: node %ld crashedn", crashedId);
- #endif
- pGapNode = (DIST_GAP_NODE *) DLL_FIRST (&gapInProgress);
- while (pGapNode != NULL)
- {
- msgQDistGrpDbLock();
- pGrpDone = pGapNode->pGapGrp;
- distGapLock();
- more = distGapOutstandOk (pGapNode, crashedId);
- distGapUnlock();
- pGapNode = (DIST_GAP_NODE *) DLL_NEXT (pGapNode);
- if (more == FALSE) /* this was the last node we waited for */
- {
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pGrpDone, DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pGrpDone, distNodeLocalGetId());
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- distGapPh1Done (pGrpDone);
- }
- else
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapOutstandLink - link all operational nodes to GAP structure
- *
- */
- void distGapOutstandLink
- (
- DIST_GAP_NODE *distGapNode
- )
- {
- sllInit (&distGapNode->gapOutstand);
- distNodeEach (distGapOutstandConc, (int) &distGapNode->gapOutstand);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapOutstandConc - called by distGapOutstandLink()
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL distGapOutstandConc
- (
- DIST_NODE_DB_NODE *pDistNodeDbNode,
- SL_LIST *pOutstand
- )
- {
- if (pDistNodeDbNode->nodeState == DIST_NODE_STATE_OPERATIONAL &&
- pDistNodeDbNode->nodeId != DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR)
- {
- pDistGapResp =
- (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *) malloc (sizeof (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE));
- if (pDistGapResp == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- pDistGapResp->pGapResponseNode = pDistNodeDbNode;
- sllPutAtHead (pOutstand, (SL_NODE *) pDistGapResp);
- }
- return (TRUE); /* continue */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapOutstandUnlink - Free all nodes linked to the GAP structure
- *
- */
- void distGapOutstandUnlink
- (
- DIST_GAP_NODE *distGapNode
- )
- {
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponse;
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponsePrev = NULL;
- if (distGapNode == NULL)
- return;
- pDistGapResponse = (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *)
- SLL_FIRST (&distGapNode->gapOutstand);
- while (pDistGapResponse != NULL)
- {
- sllRemove (&distGapNode->gapOutstand, (SL_NODE *) pDistGapResponse,
- (SL_NODE *) pDistGapResponsePrev);
- pDistGapResponsePrev = pDistGapResponse;
- pDistGapResponse = (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *) SLL_NEXT (pDistGapResponse);
- free (pDistGapResponsePrev);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapOutstandOk - Delete a single node from the GAP structure's node list
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if there are more outstanding responses, or FALSE if the
- * job is done.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL distGapOutstandOk
- (
- DIST_GAP_NODE *pDistGapNode,
- DIST_NODE_ID distNodeIdOk
- )
- {
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapRespPrev;
- pDistGapResp = (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *)
- SLL_FIRST (&pDistGapNode->gapOutstand);
- pDistGapRespPrev = NULL;
- while (pDistGapResp != NULL &&
- pDistGapResp->pGapResponseNode->nodeId != distNodeIdOk)
- {
- pDistGapRespPrev = pDistGapResp;
- pDistGapResp = (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *) SLL_NEXT (pDistGapResp);
- }
- if (pDistGapResp != NULL)
- {
- distGapOutstandDel (pDistGapNode, pDistGapResp, pDistGapRespPrev);
- if (SLL_FIRST (&pDistGapNode->gapOutstand) == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapOutstandDel - Delete a single node
- *
- */
- LOCAL void distGapOutstandDel
- (
- DIST_GAP_NODE *pDistGapNode,
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponse,
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponsePrev
- )
- {
- sllRemove ((SL_LIST *) &pDistGapNode->gapOutstand,
- (SL_NODE *) pDistGapResponse, (SL_NODE *) pDistGapResponsePrev);
- free (pDistGapResponse);
- {
- SL_NODE *pNode = SLL_FIRST (&pDistGapNode->gapOutstand);
- int i;
- for (i=0; pNode; i++)
- pNode = SLL_NEXT (pNode);
- printf ("distGapOutstandDel: %d nodes outstandingn", i);
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapPh1Done - phase 1 is done
- *
- */
- LOCAL void distGapPh1Done
- (
- )
- {
- /*
- * List of outstanding responses is empty now. We are done.
- * Send SET telegram and wakeup sleeping task.
- */
- DIST_PKT_GAP_SET distPktGapSet;
- printf ("distGapInput/OK: GAP phase 1 done.n");
- #endif
- /*
- * Build SET telegram and broadcast it.
- */
- distPktGapSet.setHdr.pktType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP;
- distPktGapSet.setHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP_SET;
- distPktGapSet.setId = htons (pDistGrp->grpDbId);
- strcpy ((char *) &distPktGapSet.setName,
- (char *) &pDistGrp->grpDbName);
- printf ("distGapInput/OK: GAP phase 2 -- broadcast SET `%s'/%d.n",
- distPktGapSet.setName, distPktGapSet.setId);
- #endif
- distNetSend (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, (DIST_PKT *) &distPktGapSet,
- sizeof (distPktGapSet), WAIT_FOREVER, DIST_GAP_PRIO);
- /*
- * Wakeup initiator.
- */
- semGive (&pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode->gapWaitFor);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapNodeInit - Initialize a GAP node
- *
- */
- void distGapNodeInit
- (
- DIST_GAP_NODE *pDistGapNode,
- DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pDistGrpDbNode,
- BOOL link
- )
- {
- if (link)
- distGapOutstandLink(pDistGapNode);
- semBInit (&(pDistGapNode->gapWaitFor), SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_EMPTY);
- pDistGapNode->pGapGrp = pDistGrpDbNode;
- pDistGapNode->gapTimeout = DIST_GAP_TRY_TIMO;
- pDistGapNode->gapRetries = 1;
- distGapLock();
- dllInsert (&gapInProgress, NULL, &(pDistGapNode->gapLink));
- distGapUnlock();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapNodeDelete - Delete a GAP node
- *
- */
- void distGapNodeDelete
- (
- DIST_GAP_NODE *pDistGapNode
- )
- {
- distGapLock();
- dllRemove (&gapInProgress, (DL_NODE *) &(pDistGapNode->gapLink));
- distGapUnlock();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapStart - Start GAP (group agreement protocol)
- *
- * Do a TRY in order to create a new group.
- *
- */
- DIST_MSG_Q_GRP_ID distGapStart
- (
- DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pDistGrpDbNode
- )
- {
- DIST_GAP_NODE distGapNode;
- DIST_MSG_Q_GRP_ID uniqGrpId;
- if (distNodeGetNumNodes(DIST_NODE_NUM_NODES_ALIVE) == 1)
- {
- /* we are alone */
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pDistGrpDbNode, DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pDistGrpDbNode, distNodeLocalGetId());
- return (pDistGrpDbNode->grpDbId);
- }
- /*
- * Init GAP Node and link it to the group database node and
- * the list of active GAPs.
- * GAP initialization includes the linking of all nodes,
- * currently known in the system. When a response comes in,
- * the linked list is updated (the node is removed from the
- * list).
- */
- distGapNodeInit(&distGapNode, pDistGrpDbNode, TRUE);
- pDistGrpDbNode->pGrpDbGapNode = &distGapNode;
- /*
- * Send TRY.
- */
- distGapTry (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, pDistGrpDbNode);
- /*
- * Wait on GAP Node.
- */
- semTake (&distGapNode.gapWaitFor, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /*
- * Cleanup
- */
- if (pDistGrpDbNode->pGrpDbGapNode)
- {
- DIST_GAP_NODE *pGapNode = pDistGrpDbNode->pGrpDbGapNode;
- pDistGrpDbNode->pGrpDbGapNode = NULL;
- distGapNodeDelete (pGapNode);
- }
- if (pDistGrpDbNode->grpDbState != DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL)
- distLog ("distGapStart: group has no global staten");
- #endif
- /*
- * Ask for group id.
- */
- msgQDistGrpDbLock();
- uniqGrpId = msgQDistGrpLclGetId (pDistGrpDbNode);
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- return (uniqGrpId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapTry - Send a TRY, for a specified group
- *
- */
- (
- DIST_NODE_ID distNodeId, /* node address */
- DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pDistGrpDbNode /* group to try */
- )
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_TRY distPktGapTry;
- STATUS status;
- /*
- * Build TRY telegram and send it.
- */
- distPktGapTry.tryHdr.pktType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP;
- distPktGapTry.tryHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP_TRY;
- distPktGapTry.tryId = htons (pDistGrpDbNode->grpDbId); /* uint16 */
- strcpy ((char *) &distPktGapTry.tryName,
- (char *) &pDistGrpDbNode->grpDbName);
- printf ("distGapTry: send a TRY for `%s'/%d to node %ldn",
- (char *) &pDistGrpDbNode->grpDbName,
- pDistGrpDbNode->grpDbId, distNodeId);
- #endif
- status = distNetSend (distNodeId, (DIST_PKT *) &distPktGapTry,
- sizeof (distPktGapTry), WAIT_FOREVER, DIST_GAP_PRIO);
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapInput - GAP incoming message dispatcher
- *
- */
- (
- DIST_NODE_ID distNodeIdSrc,
- )
- {
- char distPktGap[DIST_PKT_GAP_MAX_LEN];
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr), 0, (char *) &distPktGap,
- switch (((DIST_PKT *) &distPktGap)->pktSubType)
- {
- /*
- * We have received a TRY. Look if there are conflicts. If not,
- * respond with OK, else compare the node ids (buddy algorithm)
- * and send either OK or REJECT.
- */
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_TRY *pDistPktGapTry = (DIST_PKT_GAP_TRY *) &distPktGap;
- DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pGrpFoundById;
- DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pGrpFoundByName;
- DIST_GRP_STATE grpState;
- /* Convert tryId (uint16) to host order */
- pDistPktGapTry->tryId = ntohs (pDistPktGapTry->tryId);
- /*
- * What can we read out form the TRY-id?
- *
- * If we receive a TRY for an id that is greater the one
- * we would try, we have missed a TRY.
- * This can happen, if some node sent a TRY, which is correctly
- * received by some other node, but not by us--retransmission
- * is enforced, but takes some time. The other node immediately
- * starts sendind a TRY of its own, which in turn is received by us
- * correctly. As you can see, it seams for us that we have
- * missed a TRY--in fact the missing TRY is just delayed.
- *
- * If we receive a TRY for an id that is lower the one
- * we would try, it is *NOT* for sure, that the remote
- * node has missed a TRY. This can happen if an outgoing
- * TRY is delayed at the remote node.
- */
- printf ("distGapInput: received TRY for `%s'/%d from node %ldn",
- pDistPktGapTry->tryName, pDistPktGapTry->tryId, distNodeIdSrc);
- #endif
- msgQDistGrpDbLock();
- /*
- * Test for conflicts. Try to find id and name in local database.
- * If found, ask for GLOBAL state.
- */
- pGrpFoundById = msgQDistGrpLclFindById (pDistPktGapTry->tryId);
- if (pGrpFoundById)
- {
- grpState = msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pGrpFoundById);
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: group id %d already in %s usen",
- pDistPktGapTry->tryId,
- (grpState == DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL) ? "global" : "local");
- #endif
- if (grpState == DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL)
- {
- /*
- * Someone sends a TRY for an id, already confirmed
- * by GAP. Give him a reject.
- */
- DIST_PKT_GAP_REJECT *pDistPktGapReject;
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- printf ("distGapInput:TRY: group id already in use; rejectn");
- #endif
- pDistPktGapReject = (DIST_PKT_GAP_REJECT *) &distPktGap;
- pDistPktGapReject->rejectHdr.pktSubType =
- pDistPktGapReject->rejectId = htons (pDistPktGapReject->rejectId);
- distNetSend(distNodeIdSrc, (DIST_PKT *) pDistPktGapReject,
- sizeof (*pDistPktGapReject), WAIT_FOREVER,
- break;
- }
- }
- pGrpFoundByName = msgQDistGrpLclFindByName (pDistPktGapTry->tryName);
- if (pGrpFoundByName)
- {
- grpState = msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pGrpFoundByName);
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: group name `%s' already in %s usen",
- pDistPktGapTry->tryName,
- (grpState == DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL) ? "global" : "local");
- #endif
- if (grpState == DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL)
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_SET *pDistPktGapSet;
- /*
- * Someone sends a TRY for a group that is in GLOBAL
- * state here.
- * This can happen, if
- * 1) someone did a TRY before receiving our
- * SET (remote TRYs do not force creation of a
- * database entry).
- * 2) a WAIT timed out and the state shifts to
- * WAIT_TRY. In this case the remote node has
- * missed the SET. Directly respond with SET.
- */
- /*
- * Respond with SET.
- */
- pDistPktGapSet = (DIST_PKT_GAP_SET *) &distPktGap;
- pDistPktGapSet->setHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP_SET;
- pDistPktGapSet->setId = msgQDistGrpLclGetId (pGrpFoundByName);
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: respond with SET `%s'/%dn",
- pDistPktGapSet->setName, pDistPktGapSet->setId);
- #endif
- /* Convert setId (uint16) to network byte order */
- pDistPktGapSet->setId = htons (pDistPktGapSet->setId);
- distNetSend(distNodeIdSrc, (DIST_PKT *) pDistPktGapSet,
- sizeof (*pDistPktGapSet), WAIT_FOREVER,
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Create DB entry for new group.
- */
- pDistGrp = msgQDistGrpLclCreate (pDistPktGapTry->tryName,
- pDistPktGapTry->tryId, DIST_GRP_STATE_REMOTE_TRY);
- if (pDistGrp == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * We cannot create a new node in the group database.
- * This is a fatal error.
- */
- distPanic ("distGapInput:TRY: creation of new node failedn");
- }
- /* only temporary, creator may change */
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pDistGrp, distNodeIdSrc);
- pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * If there is a local group with the same name as currently
- * tried, it is not in GLOBAL state. We have checked this
- * before.
- */
- if (pGrpFoundById == NULL && pGrpFoundByName == NULL)
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *pDistPktGapOk;
- /*
- * No conflicts. Neither group id nor group name
- * are used in the local database.
- */
- distGrpIdNext++;
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- /*
- * Respond with OK.
- */
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: neither id nor name used; respond OKn");
- #endif
- pDistPktGapOk = (DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *) &distPktGap;
- pDistPktGapOk->okHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP_OK;
- /* Convert okId (uint16) to network byte order */
- pDistPktGapOk->okId = htons (pDistPktGapOk->okId);
- distNetSend(distNodeIdSrc, (DIST_PKT *) pDistPktGapOk,
- sizeof (*pDistPktGapOk), WAIT_FOREVER, DIST_GAP_PRIO);
- break;
- }
- if (pGrpFoundById == pGrpFoundByName)
- {
- /*
- * No conflict. There is already an object that
- * exactly matches the remote one.
- */
- DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *pDistPktGapOk = (DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *) &distPktGap;
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- /*
- * Respond with OK.
- */
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: id and name match; respond OKn");
- #endif
- pDistPktGapOk->okHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP_OK;
- /* Convert okId (uint16) to network byte order */
- pDistPktGapOk->okId = htons (pDistPktGapOk->okId);
- distNetSend(distNodeIdSrc, (DIST_PKT *) pDistPktGapOk,
- sizeof (*pDistPktGapOk), WAIT_FOREVER, DIST_GAP_PRIO);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * There is a conflict. Compare node ids to solve the conflict.
- * This is kind of a game: the one with the higher node id wins.
- */
- if (distNodeLocalGetId() < distNodeIdSrc)
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *pDistPktGapOk;
- /*
- * We have lost. Do a local cleanup and send OK.
- */
- distGrpIdNext++;
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: we have lost, trying %dn",
- pDistPktGapTry->tryId);
- #endif
- if (pGrpFoundByName)
- {
- /*
- * Someone else is trying to create the same group, but has
- * a different group id. We have lost, so let us wait until
- * we receive a SET.
- */
- /*
- * Remove linked list of outstanding responses.
- */
- distGapOutstandUnlink (pGrpFoundByName->pGrpDbGapNode);
- /*
- * Set WAIT state.
- */
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pGrpFoundByName, DIST_GRP_STATE_WAIT);
- pGrpFoundByName->pGrpDbGapNode->gapTimeout = DIST_GAP_WAIT_TIMO;
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock ();
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Someone else is trying to create a group with an
- * id, that was also proposed by us. We have lost,
- * so forget about the id and try another one.
- */
- /*
- * Cleanup and reinitialize the GAP structure.
- */
- distGapOutstandUnlink (pGrpFoundById->pGrpDbGapNode);
- distGapOutstandLink (pGrpFoundById->pGrpDbGapNode);
- pGrpFoundById->pGrpDbGapNode->gapTimeout = DIST_GAP_TRY_TIMO;
- pGrpFoundById->pGrpDbGapNode->gapRetries = 1;
- /*
- * Get a new id and reset state.
- */
- msgQDistGrpLclSetId (pGrpFoundByName, distGrpIdNext++);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pGrpFoundByName,
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- /*
- * Have a different TRY.
- */
- distGapTry (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, pGrpFoundByName);
- }
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: respond with OKn");
- #endif
- pDistPktGapOk = (DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *) &distPktGap;
- pDistPktGapOk->okHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_GAP_OK;
- /* Convert okId (uint16) to network byte order */
- pDistPktGapOk->okId = htons (pDistPktGapOk->okId);
- distNetSend(distNodeIdSrc, (DIST_PKT *) pDistPktGapOk,
- sizeof (*pDistPktGapOk), WAIT_FOREVER, DIST_GAP_PRIO);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * We won.
- */
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: we have won, trying %dn",
- pDistPktGapTry->tryId);
- #endif
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- if (pGrpFoundByName)
- {
- /*
- * Someone is trying to create the same group, we
- * are trying, with a different group id. We won
- * the game, ask him to wait (ASK_WAIT).
- */
- DIST_PKT_GAP_ASK_WAIT *pDistPktGapAskWait;
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: respond with ASK_WAITn");
- #endif
- pDistPktGapAskWait = (DIST_PKT_GAP_ASK_WAIT *) &distPktGap;
- pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitHdr.pktSubType =
- /* Convert askWaitId (uint16) to network byte order */
- pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitId = htons (pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitId);
- distNetSend(distNodeIdSrc, (DIST_PKT *) pDistPktGapAskWait,
- sizeof (*pDistPktGapAskWait), WAIT_FOREVER,
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Someone is trying to create a group with an
- * id, already in use by us. We won the game, so
- * give him a REJECT.
- */
- DIST_PKT_GAP_REJECT *pDistPktGapReject;
- printf ("distGapInput/TRY: respond with REJECTn");
- #endif
- pDistPktGapReject = (DIST_PKT_GAP_REJECT *) &distPktGap;
- pDistPktGapReject->rejectHdr.pktSubType =
- /* Convert rejectId (uint16) to network byte order */
- pDistPktGapReject->rejectId = htons (pDistPktGapReject->rejectId);
- distNetSend(distNodeIdSrc, (DIST_PKT *) pDistPktGapReject,
- sizeof (*pDistPktGapReject), WAIT_FOREVER,
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * We have received an OK in response to an earlier TRY.
- */
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *pDistPktGapOk = (DIST_PKT_GAP_OK *) &distPktGap;
- BOOL more;
- /* Convert okId (uint16) to host order */
- pDistPktGapOk->okId = ntohs (pDistPktGapOk->okId);
- printf ("distGapInput: received OK for `%s'/%d from node %ldn",
- pDistPktGapOk->okName, pDistPktGapOk->okId, distNodeIdSrc);
- #endif
- msgQDistGrpDbLock();
- /*
- * Try to find the confirmed id.
- */
- pDistGrp = msgQDistGrpLclFindById (pDistPktGapOk->okId);
- if (pDistGrp == NULL ||
- msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pDistGrp) == DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL)
- {
- /*
- * This is an OK for an id, that
- * 1) does not exist anymore (due to earlier REJECTs):
- * This means, someone sent us a REJECT. As a
- * consequence of this, we destoyed the local entry
- * for this group and tried again with a new id.
- * 2) was confirmed by GAP earlier (group is in GLOBAL state).
- *
- * All responses to the old group id go here and will be ignored.
- */
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- distGapLock();
- /*
- * Update list of outstanding responses.
- */
- more = distGapOutstandOk(pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode, distNodeIdSrc);
- distGapUnlock();
- if (more == FALSE)
- {
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pDistGrp, DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pDistGrp, distNodeLocalGetId());
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- distGapPh1Done (pDistGrp);
- break;
- }
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- /*
- * We have received a REJECT.
- * Someone else is trying to create another group with an
- * id, that was also proposed by us. It seams, we have
- * lost a remote comparison, so forget about the old group
- * id and try a new one.
- */
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_REJECT *pDistPktGapReject;
- pDistPktGapReject = (DIST_PKT_GAP_REJECT *) &distPktGap;
- /* Convert rejectId (uint16) to host order */
- pDistPktGapReject->rejectId = ntohs (pDistPktGapReject->rejectId);
- printf ("distGapInput: received REJECT for `%s'/%d from node %ldn",
- pDistPktGapReject->rejectName, pDistPktGapReject->rejectId,
- distNodeIdSrc);
- #endif
- msgQDistGrpDbLock();
- pDistGrp = msgQDistGrpLclFindById (pDistPktGapReject->rejectId);
- if (pDistGrp == NULL ||
- msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pDistGrp) == DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL)
- {
- /*
- * This is a REJECT for an id, that
- * 1) does not exist anymore (due to earlier REJECTs):
- * This means, someone sent us a REJECT. As a
- * consequence of this, we destoyed the local entry
- * for this group and tried again with a new id.
- * 2) was confirmed by GAP earlier (group is in GLOBAL state).
- *
- * All responses to the old group id go here and will be ignored.
- */
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Cleanup and reinitialize the GAP structure.
- */
- distGapOutstandUnlink (pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode);
- distGapOutstandLink (pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode);
- pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode->gapTimeout = DIST_GAP_TRY_TIMO;
- pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode->gapRetries = 1;
- /*
- * Get a new id and reset state.
- */
- msgQDistGrpLclSetId (pDistGrp, distGrpIdNext++);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pDistGrp, DIST_GRP_STATE_LOCAL_TRY);
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- /*
- * Have a different TRY.
- */
- distGapTry (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, pDistGrp);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * We received an ASK_WAIT. We have send a TRY before. Someone else
- * found a conflict, where it is trying to create the same group, but
- * with an alternate id. Since the other node has a higher node id
- * it asks us to wait for a SET.
- */
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_ASK_WAIT *pDistPktGapAskWait;
- pDistPktGapAskWait = (DIST_PKT_GAP_ASK_WAIT *) &distPktGap;
- /* Convert askWaitId (uint16) to host byte order */
- pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitId = ntohs (pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitId);
- printf ("distGapInput: received ASK_WAIT for `%s'/%d from node %ldn",
- pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitName, pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitId,
- distNodeIdSrc);
- #endif
- msgQDistGrpDbLock();
- pDistGrp = msgQDistGrpLclFindByName (pDistPktGapAskWait->askWaitName);
- if (pDistGrp == NULL ||
- msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pDistGrp) == DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL)
- {
- /*
- * This is an ASK_WAIT for an id, that
- * 1) does not exist anymore (due to earlier REJECTs):
- * This means, someone sent us a REJECT. As a
- * consequence of this, we destoyed the local entry
- * for this group and tried again with a new id.
- * 2) was confirmed by GAP earlier (group is in GLOBAL state).
- *
- * All responses to the old group id go here and will be ignored.
- */
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- if (msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pDistGrp) != DIST_GRP_STATE_WAIT)
- {
- /*
- * Remove the list of outstanding responses. Do *NOT*
- * remove the GAP structure.
- */
- distGapOutstandUnlink (pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pDistGrp, DIST_GRP_STATE_WAIT);
- pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode->gapTimeout = DIST_GAP_WAIT_TIMO;
- }
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- /*
- * We have received a SET. When receiving a SET, we already should
- * have received a TRY and responded to it with OK.
- */
- {
- DIST_PKT_GAP_SET *pDistPktGapSet;
- DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pGrpFoundById;
- DIST_GRP_DB_NODE *pGrpFoundByName;
- pDistPktGapSet = (DIST_PKT_GAP_SET *) &distPktGap;
- /* Convert setId (uint16) to host byte order */
- pDistPktGapSet->setId = ntohs (pDistPktGapSet->setId);
- printf ("distGapInput: received SET for `%s'/%d from node %ldn",
- pDistPktGapSet->setName, pDistPktGapSet->setId, distNodeIdSrc);
- #endif
- /*
- * Sanity check: Is this a SET from future?
- */
- if (pDistPktGapSet->setId >= distGrpIdNext)
- {
- /*
- * There was no TRY for this SET! Just ignore this.
- */
- distLog ("distGapInput/SET: no TRY for SETn");
- #endif
- break;
- }
- msgQDistGrpDbLock();
- pGrpFoundById = msgQDistGrpLclFindById (pDistPktGapSet->setId);
- pGrpFoundByName = msgQDistGrpLclFindByName (pDistPktGapSet->setName);
- if (pGrpFoundByName &&
- (!pGrpFoundById || pGrpFoundById == pGrpFoundByName) &&
- (msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pGrpFoundByName) != DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL))
- {
- /*
- * When do we get here?
- * We were waiting for this one. An earlier TRY asked us to
- * wait. Here is the SET we waited for.
- */
- printf ("distGapInput/SET: got SET for existing nonglobal group");
- #endif
- msgQDistGrpLclSetId (pGrpFoundByName, pDistPktGapSet->setId);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pGrpFoundByName, DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pGrpFoundByName, distNodeIdSrc);
- if (pGrpFoundByName->pGrpDbGapNode)
- {
- distGapOutstandUnlink (pGrpFoundByName->pGrpDbGapNode);
- semFlush (&pGrpFoundByName->pGrpDbGapNode->gapWaitFor);
- }
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- if (pGrpFoundById != pGrpFoundByName)
- {
- /*
- * Id or name are already in database but do not point
- * to the same object. This can happen, if we receive
- * multiple SETs.
- */
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- printf ("distGapInput/SET: id or name already in databasen");
- #endif
- break;
- }
- if (pGrpFoundById && pGrpFoundById == pGrpFoundByName)
- {
- /*
- * An exact copy of this object is already in the database.
- * Ignore state.
- */
- printf ("distGapInput/SET: `%s' (0x%lx) is already in databasen",
- pDistPktGapSet->setName, (u_long) pDistPktGapSet->setId);
- #endif
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pGrpFoundByName, DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pGrpFoundByName, distNodeIdSrc);
- if (pGrpFoundByName->pGrpDbGapNode != NULL)
- semFlush (&pGrpFoundByName->pGrpDbGapNode->gapWaitFor);
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Neither id nor name are found in the database.
- * Create node in group database.
- */
- printf ("distGapInput/SET: creating local db entry `%s' (0x%lx)n",
- pDistPktGapSet->setName, (u_long) pDistPktGapSet->setId);
- #endif
- pDistGrp = msgQDistGrpLclCreate (pDistPktGapSet->setName,
- pDistPktGapSet->setId, DIST_GRP_STATE_GLOBAL);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pDistGrp, distNodeLocalGetId ());
- if (pDistGrp == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * We have a SET from remote and cannot create a new
- * node in the group database. This is a fatal error.
- */
- distPanic ("distGapInput:SET: creation of new node failedn");
- }
- msgQDistGrpLclSetCreator (pDistGrp, distNodeIdSrc);
- msgQDistGrpDbUnlock();
- break;
- }
- /*
- * This type of telegram is unknown.
- */
- default:
- {
- /*
- * When we get here, the packet is already acknowledged.
- * But this makes no difference since an unknown type of
- * telegram is a fatal error. Let's panic!
- */
- distPanic ("distGapInput: unknown type of telegramn");
- #endif
- }
- }
- return (DIST_GAP_STATUS_OK);
- }
- #ifdef DIST_GAP_TASK
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapTimerTask - Timeout management task
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void distGapTimerTask ()
- {
- while (1)
- {
- distGapTimer ();
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * distGapTimer - Timeout management
- *
- * The job of the distGapTimer() is to go through the list of active
- * GAPs to see if a GAP has timed out.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void distGapTimer ()
- {
- DIST_GAP_NODE *pGapNode;
- distGapLock();
- /*
- * Run through list of open GAPs.
- */
- pGapNode = (DIST_GAP_NODE *) DLL_FIRST (&gapInProgress);
- while (pGapNode != NULL)
- {
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponse =
- (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *) SLL_FIRST (&pGapNode->gapOutstand);
- switch (msgQDistGrpLclGetState (pGapNode->pGapGrp))
- {
- case DIST_GRP_STATE_LOCAL_TRY: /* try initiated by us */
- case DIST_GRP_STATE_WAIT_TRY: /* retry after wait */
- {
- /*
- * This GAP is open and we are still trying.
- */
- if (pGapNode->gapTimeout == 0)
- {
- /*
- * GAP has timed out. Lookup the missing nodes.
- */
- DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *pDistGapResponsePrev;
- while (pDistGapResponse != NULL)
- {
- if (distNodeGetState (pDistGapResponse->pGapResponseNode) ==
- {
- /*
- * According to our local database the node is OPERATIONAL.
- * Check the number of retries.
- */
- DIST_NODE_ID distNodeIdMissing =
- pDistGapResponse->pGapResponseNode->nodeId;
- if (pGapNode->gapRetries++ > DIST_GAP_MAX_RETRIES)
- {
- /*
- * The number of retries is within the limit.
- * Send a unicast TRY with a higher timeout to the
- * missing node.
- */
- pGapNode->gapTimeout =
- pGapNode->gapRetries * DIST_GAP_TRY_TIMO;
- distGapTry (distNodeIdMissing, pGapNode->pGapGrp);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * We have exceeded the limit of max retries.
- * The remote node seams to be dead. Tell the node
- * database about our assumption.
- */
- (void) distNodeCrashed (distNodeIdMissing);
- distGapOutstandDel (pGapNode, pDistGapResponse,
- pDistGapResponsePrev);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Node has died, while we were waiting for a response.
- * Dying is something like agreeing.
- */
- distGapOutstandDel (pGapNode, pDistGapResponse,
- pDistGapResponsePrev);
- }
- pDistGapResponsePrev = pDistGapResponse;
- pDistGapResponse = (DIST_GAP_RESPONSE *)
- SLL_NEXT (pDistGapResponse);
- } /* while (pDistGapResponse != NULL) */
- }
- pGapNode->gapTimeout--;
- break;
- }
- {
- /*
- * Someone told us to wait.
- */
- if (pGapNode->gapTimeout == 0)
- {
- /*
- * GAP timed out and we are still waiting for a SET. We will
- * return to try again, but we must not forget the WAITing
- * state we were in, since the missing SET might come in at
- * any time.
- */
- /*
- * Reinitialize the GAP structure. Cleanup was done,
- * before entering WAITing state.
- */
- distGapOutstandLink (pGapNode);
- pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode->gapTimeout = DIST_GAP_TRY_TIMO;
- pDistGrp->pGrpDbGapNode->gapRetries = 1;
- /*
- * Get a new id and reset state.
- */
- pDistGrp = pGapNode->pGapGrp;
- msgQDistGrpLclSetId (pDistGrp, distGrpIdNext++);
- msgQDistGrpLclSetState (pDistGrp, DIST_GRP_STATE_WAIT_TRY);
- /*
- * Have another TRY with a different id.
- */
- distGapTry (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, pDistGrp);
- }
- pGapNode->gapTimeout--;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- distLog ("distGapTimer: `%s' in unknown or unexpected state %dn",
- &pGapNode->pGapGrp->grpDbName,
- pGapNode->pGapGrp->grpDbState);
- #endif
- }
- } /* switch (state) */
- pGapNode = (DIST_GAP_NODE *) DLL_NEXT (pGapNode);
- } /* while (pGapNode != NULL) */
- distGapUnlock();
- }
- #endif