- /* distNameLib.c - distributed name database library (VxFusion option) */
- /* Copyright 1999-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01r,05dec01,jws no ARM cross endian FP support (SPR 70116 final)
- 01q,06nov01,jws move tmp declaration
- 01p,22oct01,jws eliminate compiler warnings (SPR 71117)
- man pages update (SPR 71239)
- 01o,15oct01,jws merge ARM FP format handling back from AE (SPR 70116 prelim)
- 01n,24may99,drm added vxfusion prefix to VxFusion related includes
- 01m,23feb99,wlf doc edits
- 01l,18feb99,wlf doc cleanup
- 01k,13feb99,drm Added two routines for flipping bytes of UINT64/double
- 01j,12feb99,drm Fixed a bug in DistNameMatchOne to fix SPR #25002
- 01i,28oct98,drm documentation modifications
- 01h,11sep98,drm added #include to pick up distPanic()
- 01g,13may98,ur some cleanup, when distNameInit() fails
- 01f,08may98,ur removed 8 bit node id restriction
- 01e,15apr98,ur distNameRemove() returns node to free list
- 01d,15apr98,ur name database update returns OK, even if broadcast failed
- 01c,30mar98,ur added some more errnos;
- 01b,27jun97,ur tested - ok.
- 01a,06jun97,ur written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains the distributed objects distributed name database and
- routines for manipulating it. Symbolic names are bound to values, such as
- message queue identifiers or simple integers. Entries can be found by name
- or by value and type. The distributed name database is replicated
- throughout the system, with a copy sitting on each node.
- The distributed name database library is initialized by calling
- distInit() in distLib.
- This module is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- message queues option, VxFusion.
- INCLUDE FILES: distNameLib.h
- SEE ALSO: distLib, distNameShow
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #if defined (DIST_NAME_REPORT) || defined (DIST_DIAGNOSTIC)
- #include "stdio.h"
- #endif
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "sllLib.h"
- #include "hashLib.h"
- #include "msgQLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "vxfusion/msgQDistLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/distNameLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/distIfLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/distStatLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distObjLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/msgQDistLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distTBufLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distNetLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distPktLibP.h"
- #include "vxfusion/private/distNameLibP.h"
- /* defines */
- #define UNUSED_ARG(x) if(sizeof(x)) {} /* to suppress compiler warnings */
- #define XFLOAT 0 /* no ARM cross-endian support for VxWorks 5.x */
- #define KEY_ARG 65537 /* seed for hash function */
- #define KEY_CMP_ARG 0 /* not used */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL HASH_ID distNameDbId;
- LOCAL SEMAPHORE distNameDbUpdate;
- LOCAL SL_LIST distNameFreeList;
- LOCAL BOOL distNameLibInstalled = FALSE;
- /* local prototypes */
- LOCAL STATUS distNameLclAdd (char *name, int nameLen, void *value,
- int valueLen, DIST_NAME_TYPE type);
- LOCAL DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * distNameLclAddRaw (char *name, int nameLen,
- void *value, int valueLen,
- LOCAL STATUS distNameRmtAdd (DIST_NODE_ID nodeId, char *name,
- int nameLen, void *value,
- int valueLen,
- LOCAL STATUS distNameLclRemove (char *name, int nameLen);
- LOCAL int distNameHFunc (int elements,
- int seed);
- LOCAL BOOL distNameHCmp (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *pMatchHNode,
- int keyCmpArg);
- LOCAL DIST_STATUS distNameInput (DIST_NODE_ID nodeIdSrc,
- LOCAL BOOL distNameMatchOne (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *pNode,
- LOCAL BOOL distNameBurstOne (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *pNode,
- LOCAL uint32_t * distHton64 (uint32_t* hostValue, DIST_NAME_TYPE type);
- LOCAL uint32_t * distNtoh64 (uint32_t* networkValue, DIST_NAME_TYPE type);
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameLibInit - initialize the distributed name database package (VxFusion option)
- *
- * Initialize the distributed name database package. This routine currently
- * does nothing.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- *
- */
- void distNameLibInit (void)
- {
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameInit - initialize the distributed name database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine allocates space for the distributed name database and
- * initializes it. The database has 2^<sizeLog2> nodes.
- *
- * NOTE: This routine is called by distInit(). If you use distInit() to
- * initialize a node, you need not call distNameInit().
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, if nodes successfully initialized.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: distLib
- *
- */
- STATUS distNameInit
- (
- int sizeLog2 /* init 2^sizeLog2 elements */
- )
- {
- STATUS status;
- int hashTblSizeLog2;
- int nameDbNBytes;
- int nameDbSize;
- int ix;
- if (sizeLog2 < 1)
- return (ERROR);
- if (distNameLibInstalled == TRUE)
- return (OK);
- if (hashLibInit () == ERROR) /* hashLibInit() failed */
- return (ERROR);
- semBInit (&distNameDbLock, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY);
- semBInit (&distNameDbUpdate, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY);
- hashTblSizeLog2 = sizeLog2 - 1;
- distNameDbId = hashTblCreate (hashTblSizeLog2, distNameHCmp,
- distNameHFunc, KEY_ARG);
- if (distNameDbId == NULL) /* hashTblCreate() failed */
- return (ERROR);
- nameDbSize = 1 << sizeLog2;
- nameDbNBytes = nameDbSize * sizeof (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE);
- nameDb = (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *) malloc (nameDbNBytes);
- if (nameDb == NULL)
- {
- distStat.memShortage++; /* out of memory */
- hashTblDelete (distNameDbId); /* delete the hash table */
- return (ERROR); /* init failed */
- }
- sllInit (&distNameFreeList);
- for (ix = 0; ix < nameDbSize; ix++)
- sllPutAtHead (&distNameFreeList, (SL_NODE *) &nameDb[ix]);
- /* we are open for requests now */
- semGive (&distNameDbLock);
- /*
- * Add GAP service to table of services.
- */
- status = distNetServAdd (DIST_PKT_TYPE_DNDB, distNameInput,
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- free (nameDb); /* free database memory */
- hashTblDelete (distNameDbId); /* delete the hash table */
- return (ERROR); /* init failed */
- }
- distNameLibInstalled = TRUE;
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameAdd - add an entry to the distributed name database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine adds the name of a specified object, along with its type and
- * value, to the distributed objects distributed name database. All copies of
- * the distributed name database within the system are updated.
- *
- * The <name> parameter is an arbitrary, null-terminated string with a
- * maximum of 20 characters, including the null terminator.
- *
- * The value associated with <name> is located at <value> and is of length
- * <valueLen>, currently limited to 8 bytes.
- *
- * By convention, <type> values of less than 0x1000 are reserved by VxWorks;
- * all other values are user definable. The following types are pre-defined
- * in distNameLib.h :
- *
- * ts
- * Type Name | Value | Datum
- * ----------|------------|------
- * T_DIST_MSG_Q | = 0 | distributed message queue
- * T_DIST_NODE | = 16 | node ID
- * T_DIST_UINT8 | = 64 | 8-bit unsigned integer
- * T_DIST_UINT16 | = 65 | 16-bit unsigned integer
- * T_DIST_UINT32 | = 66 | 32-bit unsigned integer
- * T_DIST_UINT64 | = 67 | 64-bit unsigned integer
- * T_DIST_FLOAT | = 68 | float (32-bit)
- * T_DIST_DOUBLE | = 69 | double (64-bit)
- * te
- *
- * The byte-order of pre-defined types is preserved in a
- * byte-order-heterogeneous network.
- *
- * The value (and type!) bound to a symbolic name can be changed by calling
- * distNameAdd() with a new value (and type).
- *
- * This routine returns OK, even if some nodes on the system do not
- * respond to the add request broadcast. A node that does not acknowledge
- * a transmission is assumed to have crashed. You can use the distCtl() routine
- * in distLib to set a routine to be called in the event that a node crashes.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * If you add a distributed object ID (T_DIST_MSG_Q) to the database,
- * another reference to the object is built. This reference is stored
- * in the database. After the return of distNameAdd(), <value> holds the
- * reference (a new object ID). Use the ID returned by
- * distNameAdd() each time you want to address the global object bound
- * to <name>. Subsequent updates of the binding in the database are
- * transparent. The original object ID specifies exactly the
- * locally created object.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the operation fails.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * is
- * i S_distNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG
- * The name being added to the database is too long.
- * i S_distNameLib_ILLEGAL_LENGTH
- * The argument <valueLen> is not in the range 1 to 8.
- * i S_distNameLib_DATABASE_FULL
- * The database is full.
- * i S_distNameLib_INCORRECT_LENGTH
- * The argument <valueLen> is incorrect for the pre-defined <type>.
- * ie
- *
- * SEE ALSO: distLib
- */
- STATUS distNameAdd
- (
- char * name, /* name to enter in database */
- void * value, /* ptr to value to associate with name */
- int valueLen, /* size of value in bytes */
- DIST_NAME_TYPE type /* type associated with name */
- )
- {
- int nameLen;
- STATUS status;
- #endif
- if ((nameLen = strlen (name)) > DIST_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG);
- return (ERROR); /* name too long */
- }
- if (valueLen <= 0 || valueLen > DIST_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_ILLEGAL_LENGTH);
- return (ERROR); /* size of value out of range */
- }
- switch (type)
- {
- case T_DIST_UINT8:
- if (valueLen != 1)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_INCORRECT_LENGTH);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- break;
- case T_DIST_UINT16:
- if (valueLen != 2)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_INCORRECT_LENGTH);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- break;
- case T_DIST_FLOAT:
- case T_DIST_UINT32:
- case T_DIST_NODE:
- if (valueLen != 4)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_INCORRECT_LENGTH);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- break;
- case T_DIST_UINT64:
- if (valueLen != 8)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_INCORRECT_LENGTH);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* case T_DIST_MSG_Q: no checking for complex object type */
- }
- /* Local name database update. */
- if (distNameLclAdd (name, nameLen, value, valueLen, type) == ERROR)
- {
- distLog ("distNameAdd: error updating local name databasen");
- #endif
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_DATABASE_FULL);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Remote name database update. */
- status = distNameRmtAdd (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, name, nameLen, value,
- valueLen, type);
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- /* Local node has binding--one of the remote nodes may not. */
- distLog ("distNameAdd: error updating remote name databasesn");
- }
- #else
- distNameRmtAdd (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, name, nameLen, value,
- valueLen, type);
- #endif
- return (OK); /* return OK, always */
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameLclAdd - bind name to value in local name database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine binds a name to a given value in name database. If <type>
- * is a distributed object preprocess and postprocess identifier.
- *
- * NOTE: Before calling distNameLclAdd(), nameLen and valueLen
- * must been tested to prevent overflows.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, if successful.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS distNameLclAdd
- (
- char * name, /* name to enter in database */
- int nameLen, /* strlen (name) */
- void * value, /* value associated with name */
- int valueLen, /* size of value in bytes */
- DIST_NAME_TYPE type /* type associated with name */
- )
- {
- DIST_OBJ_NODE * pObjNode;
- void * pVal;
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId;
- /* Preprocessing */
- switch (type)
- {
- case T_DIST_MSG_Q:
- {
- /*
- * A little tricky, what we do here: user gives us a
- * message queue id. Check if it is a distributed
- * message id. If not, return ERROR.
- * Create a new DIST_OBJ_NODE and copy distributed
- * id to new DIST_OBJ_NODE. Return the new MSG_Q_ID
- * (which is in fact another reference to the MSG_Q_ID,
- * the user gave us).
- */
- msgQId = *((MSG_Q_ID *) value);
- if (!ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId))
- return (ERROR); /* not a distributed message queue */
- if (DIST_OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- pObjNode = MSG_Q_ID_TO_DIST_OBJ_NODE (msgQId);
- if (! IS_DIST_MSG_Q_OBJ (pObjNode))
- return (ERROR); /* legal object id, but not a message queue */
- pVal = &(pObjNode->objNodeUniqId);
- valueLen = sizeof (pObjNode->objNodeUniqId);
- break;
- }
- default:
- pVal = value;
- }
- /* Local database update (raw part). */
- pDbNode = distNameLclAddRaw (name, nameLen, pVal, valueLen, type);
- if (pDbNode == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Postprocessing */
- switch (type)
- {
- case T_DIST_MSG_Q:
- *((MSG_Q_ID *) value) = *((MSG_Q_ID *) &pDbNode->value);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameBurst - burst out name database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine is used by INCO to update the remote name database on
- * node <nodeId>. All entries in the database are transmitted.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, if successful.
- *
- */
- STATUS distNameBurst
- (
- DIST_NODE_ID nodeId /* node receiving burst */
- )
- {
- burst.burstNodeId = nodeId;
- burst.burstStatus = OK;
- distNameEach ((FUNCPTR) distNameBurstOne, (int) &burst);
- return (burst.burstStatus);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameBurstOne - burst out single name database entry (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine bursts out a single database entry to a node.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE, if burst out successful
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL distNameBurstOne
- (
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * pNode, /* node receiving burst */
- DIST_NAME_BURST * pBurst /* the entry to send */
- )
- {
- char *name = (char *) &pNode->symName;
- if ((pBurst->burstStatus = distNameRmtAdd (pBurst->burstNodeId,
- name, strlen (name), &pNode->value, pNode->valueLen,
- pNode->type)) == ERROR)
- return (FALSE);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameRmtAdd - bind name to value in remote name databases (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine adds or updates a name/value pair in a remote node.
- *
- * NOTE: Before calling distNameRmtAdd(), nameLen and valueLen
- * must been tested to prevent overflows.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, if successful.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS distNameRmtAdd
- (
- DIST_NODE_ID nodeId, /* node to address */
- char * name, /* name to enter in database */
- int nameLen, /* strlen (name) */
- void * value, /* value associated with name */
- int valueLen, /* size of value in bytes */
- DIST_NAME_TYPE type /* type associated with name */
- )
- {
- STATUS status;
- void * pValNet;
- DIST_OBJ_UNIQ_ID * pObjUniqId;
- DIST_OBJ_NODE * pObjNode;
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId;
- /*
- * We have to copy data, since some processors allow
- * memory requests to non-aligned addresses, others
- * don't.
- */
- switch (type)
- {
- case T_DIST_UINT8:
- {
- pValNet = value;
- break;
- }
- case T_DIST_UINT16:
- {
- bcopy (value, (char *) &(valNet.uint16), valueLen);
- valNet.uint16 = htons (valNet.uint16);
- pValNet = &(valNet.uint16);
- break;
- }
- case T_DIST_NODE:
- case T_DIST_FLOAT:
- case T_DIST_UINT32:
- {
- bcopy (value, (char *) &(valNet.uint32), valueLen);
- valNet.uint32 = htonl (valNet.uint32);
- pValNet = &valNet.uint32;
- break;
- }
- case T_DIST_UINT64:
- {
- bcopy (value, (char *) &(valNet.uint64), valueLen);
- pValNet = distHton64((uint32_t*)&(valNet.uint64),type);
- break;
- }
- case T_DIST_MSG_Q: /* complex objects go here */
- {
- /*
- * A little tricky, what we do here: user gives us a
- * message queue id. Check if it is a distributed
- * message id. If not, return ERROR.
- * Get the distributed (unique!) id instead of the
- * local MSG_Q_ID (local pointer).
- */
- msgQId = *((MSG_Q_ID *) value);
- if (!ID_IS_DISTRIBUTED (msgQId))
- return (ERROR); /* not a distributed message queue */
- if (DIST_OBJ_VERIFY (msgQId) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- pObjNode = MSG_Q_ID_TO_DIST_OBJ_NODE (msgQId);
- if (! IS_DIST_MSG_Q_OBJ (pObjNode))
- return (ERROR); /* legal object id, but not a message queue */
- bcopy ((char *) &(pObjNode->objNodeUniqId),
- (char *) &(valNet.objUniqId),
- sizeof (pObjNode->objNodeUniqId));
- pObjUniqId = (DIST_OBJ_UNIQ_ID *) &(valNet.objUniqId);
- pObjUniqId->objUniqReside = htonl (pObjUniqId->objUniqReside);
- pObjUniqId->objUniqId = htonl (pObjUniqId->objUniqId);
- pValNet = pObjUniqId;
- valueLen = sizeof (*pObjUniqId);
- break;
- }
- default:
- pValNet = value; /* user defined, do not know what to do */
- }
- /* Remote database update. */
- pktDndbAdd.dndbAddHdr.pktType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_DNDB;
- pktDndbAdd.dndbAddHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_DNDB_ADD;
- pktDndbAdd.dndbAddType = htons (type);
- pktDndbAdd.dndbAddValueLen = (UINT8) valueLen;
- pktDndbAdd.dndbAddNameLen = (UINT8) nameLen;
- IOVec[0].pIOBuffer = &pktDndbAdd;
- IOVec[1].pIOBuffer = pValNet;
- IOVec[1].IOLen = valueLen;
- IOVec[2].pIOBuffer = name;
- IOVec[2].IOLen = nameLen;
- status = distNetIOVSend (nodeId, &IOVec[0], 3, WAIT_FOREVER,
- return (status);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameFind - find an object by name in the local database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine searches the distributed name database for an object matching
- * a specified <name>. If the object is found, a pointer to the value and its
- * type are copied to the address pointed to by <pValue> and <pType>.
- * If the type is T_DIST_MSG_Q, the identifier returned can be used with
- * generic message queue handling routines in msgQLib, such as msgQSend(),
- * msgQReceive(), and msgQNumMsgs().
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the search fails.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * is
- * i S_distNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG
- * The name to be found in the database is too long.
- * i S_distNameLib_INVALID_WAIT_TYPE
- * The wait type should be either NO_WAIT or WAIT_FOREVER .
- * ie
- */
- STATUS distNameFind
- (
- char * name, /* name to search for */
- void ** pValue, /* where to return ptr to value */
- DIST_NAME_TYPE * pType, /* where to return type */
- int waitType /* NO_WAIT or WAIT_FOREVER */
- )
- {
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE matchNode;
- int nameLen;
- if ((nameLen = strlen (name)) > DIST_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG);
- return (ERROR); /* name too long */
- }
- if (waitType != NO_WAIT && waitType != WAIT_FOREVER)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_INVALID_WAIT_TYPE);
- return (ERROR); /* wait type is invalid */
- }
- bcopy (name, (char *) &matchNode.symName, nameLen + 1);
- again:
- distNameLclLock();
- pNode = (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *) hashTblFind (distNameDbId,
- (HASH_NODE *)&matchNode, KEY_CMP_ARG);
- distNameLclUnlock();
- if (!pNode)
- {
- if (waitType == WAIT_FOREVER)
- {
- /* object not found; we have to wait ... */
- distNameLclBlockOnAdd();
- goto again;
- }
- else
- return (ERROR); /* object not found */
- }
- *pType = pNode->type;
- *pValue = &pNode->value;
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameFindByValueAndType - look up the name of an object by value and type (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine searches the distributed name database for an object matching
- * a specified <value> and <type>. If the object is found, its name is
- * copied to the address pointed to by <name>.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * Unlike the smNameFindByValue() routine, used with the shared-memory
- * objects name database, this routine must know the type of the object
- * being searched for. Searching on the value only might not return a
- * unique object.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the search fails.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * is
- * i S_distNameLib_INVALID_WAIT_TYPE
- * The wait type should be either NO_WAIT or WAIT_FOREVER .
- * ie
- */
- STATUS distNameFindByValueAndType
- (
- void * value, /* value to search for */
- DIST_NAME_TYPE type, /* type of object for which to search */
- char * name, /* where to return name */
- int waitType /* NO_WAIT or WAIT_FOREVER */
- )
- {
- if (waitType != NO_WAIT && waitType != WAIT_FOREVER)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_INVALID_WAIT_TYPE);
- return (ERROR); /* wait type is invalid */
- }
- match.pMatchValue = value;
- match.matchType = type;
- again:
- pNode = distNameEach ((FUNCPTR) distNameMatchOne, (int) &match);
- if (!pNode)
- {
- if (waitType == WAIT_FOREVER)
- {
- /* object not found; we have to wait ... */
- distNameLclBlockOnAdd();
- goto again;
- }
- else
- return (ERROR); /* object not found */
- }
- strcpy (name, (char *) &(pNode->symName));
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameMatchOne - helper for distNameFindByValueAndType() (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine is called by distNameFindByValueAndType() to check a database
- * node for a match.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE, if a match is found.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL distNameMatchOne
- (
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * pNode, /* database node to match */
- DIST_NAME_MATCH * pMatch /* match data */
- )
- {
- DIST_OBJ_NODE * pObjNodeMatch;
- DIST_OBJ_NODE * pObjNodeDb;
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId;
- if (pNode->type == pMatch->matchType)
- {
- switch (pNode->type)
- {
- case T_DIST_MSG_Q:
- {
- pObjNodeDb = MSG_Q_ID_TO_DIST_OBJ_NODE (pNode->value.msgQId);
- msgQId = *((MSG_Q_ID *) pMatch->pMatchValue);
- pObjNodeMatch = MSG_Q_ID_TO_DIST_OBJ_NODE (msgQId);
- /*
- * Check for equality. For group IDs, the objUniqId
- * referenced using objNodeId is enough. However, for
- * normal message queues, we need to check both the objUniqId
- * (using objNodeId) and objUniqReside (using objNodeReside)
- * fields.
- */
- pObjNodeMatch->objNodeId))
- {
- if (pObjNodeDb->objNodeId == pObjNodeMatch->objNodeId)
- return (FALSE); /* matched */
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pObjNodeDb->objNodeId ==
- pObjNodeMatch->objNodeId)
- &&
- (pObjNodeDb->objNodeReside ==
- pObjNodeMatch->objNodeReside))
- {
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- char *valDb = (char *) &(pNode->value);
- char *valMatch = (char *) pMatch->pMatchValue;
- if (! bcmp (valDb, valMatch, pNode->valueLen))
- return (FALSE); /* matched */
- }
- }
- }
- return (TRUE); /* continue */
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameRemove - remove an entry from the distributed name database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine removes an object, that is bound to <name>, from the
- * distributed name database. All copies of the distributed name database
- * get updated.
- *
- * This routine returns OK, even if some nodes on the system do not
- * respond to the remove request broadcast. A node that does not acknowledge
- * a transmission is assumed to have crashed.
- * You can use the distCtl() routine
- * in distLib to set a routine to be called in the event that a node crashes.
- *
- * Removing the name of a distributed object ID (T_DIST_MSG_Q) does not
- * invalidate the object ID.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the operation fails.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * is
- * i S_distNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG
- * The name to be removed from the database is too long.
- * ie
- *
- * SEE ALSO: distLib
- */
- STATUS distNameRemove
- (
- char * name /* name of object to remove */
- )
- {
- int nameLen;
- STATUS status;
- #endif
- if ((nameLen = strlen (name)) > DIST_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)
- {
- errnoSet (S_distNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG);
- return (ERROR); /* name too long */
- }
- if (distNameLclRemove (name, nameLen) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR); /* name not in database */
- pktDndbRm.dndbRmHdr.pktType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_DNDB;
- pktDndbRm.dndbRmHdr.pktSubType = DIST_PKT_TYPE_DNDB_RM;
- pktDndbRm.dndbRmNameLen = (UINT8) nameLen;
- IOVec[0].pIOBuffer = &pktDndbRm;
- IOVec[1].pIOBuffer = name;
- IOVec[1].IOLen = nameLen;
- status = distNetIOVSend (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, &IOVec[0], 2,
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- /* Local node has removed binding--one of the remote nodes may not. */
- distLog ("distNameRemove: error updating remote name databasesn");
- }
- #else
- distNetIOVSend (DIST_IF_BROADCAST_ADDR, &IOVec[0], 2,
- #endif
- return (OK); /* return OK, always */
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameInput - called when a DNDB packet arrives (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine processes incoming DNDB packets.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: Status of packet processing.
- *
- */
- (
- DIST_NODE_ID nodeIdSrc, /* not currently used */
- DIST_TBUF_HDR * pTBufHdr /* points to input packet */
- )
- {
- DIST_PKT * pPkt;
- int pktLen;
- UNUSED_ARG(nodeIdSrc);
- distStat.dndbInReceived++;
- if ((pktLen = pTBufHdr->tBufHdrOverall) < sizeof (DIST_PKT))
- distPanic ("distNameInput: packet too shortn");
- pPkt = (DIST_PKT *) (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr))->pTBufData;
- switch (pPkt->pktSubType)
- {
- {
- void * pValNet;
- char name[DIST_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
- int valueLen;
- int nameLen;
- distPanic ("distNameInput/ADD: packet too shortn");
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr), 0,
- valueLen = pktAdd.dndbAddValueLen;
- nameLen = pktAdd.dndbAddNameLen;
- valueLen + nameLen)
- distPanic ("distNameInput/ADD: packet has wrong lengthn");
- if (valueLen > DIST_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH)
- distPanic ("distNameInput/ADD: value too longn");
- if (nameLen > DIST_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)
- distPanic ("distNameInput/ADD: name too longn");
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr),
- (char *) &name, nameLen);
- switch ((type = ntohs (pktAdd.dndbAddType)))
- {
- case T_DIST_UINT16:
- {
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr),
- (char *) &(valNet.uint16), valueLen);
- valNet.uint16 = ntohs (valNet.uint16);
- pValNet = &(valNet.uint16);
- break;
- }
- case T_DIST_FLOAT:
- case T_DIST_UINT32:
- case T_DIST_NODE:
- {
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr),
- (char *) &(valNet.uint32), valueLen);
- valNet.uint32 = ntohl (valNet.uint32);
- pValNet = &(valNet.uint32);
- break;
- }
- case T_DIST_UINT64:
- {
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr),
- (char *) &(valNet.uint64), valueLen);
- pValNet = distNtoh64((uint32_t *)&(valNet.uint64),type);
- break;
- }
- case T_DIST_MSG_Q: /* complex objects go here */
- {
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr),
- (char *) &(valNet.objUniqId), valueLen);
- pObjUniqId = (DIST_OBJ_UNIQ_ID *) &(valNet.objUniqId);
- pObjUniqId->objUniqReside =
- ntohl (pObjUniqId->objUniqReside);
- pObjUniqId->objUniqId =
- ntohl (pObjUniqId->objUniqId);
- pValNet = pObjUniqId;
- break;
- }
- default: /* T_DIST_UINT8 and user defined */
- {
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr),
- (char *) &(valNet.field), valueLen);
- pValNet = &valNet.field;
- }
- }
- pNode = distNameLclAddRaw ((char *) &name, nameLen, pValNet,
- valueLen, type);
- if (! pNode)
- distPanic ("distNameInput/ADD: database add failedn");
- }
- {
- char name[DIST_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
- int nameLen;
- distPanic ("distNameInput/RM: packet too shortn");
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr), 0,
- nameLen = pktRm.dndbRmNameLen;
- if (pktLen != DIST_PKT_HDR_SIZEOF (DIST_PKT_DNDB_RM) + nameLen)
- distPanic ("distNameInput/RM: packet has wrong lengthn");
- if (nameLen > DIST_NAME_MAX_LENGTH)
- distPanic ("distNameInput/RM: name too longn");
- distTBufCopy (DIST_TBUF_GET_NEXT (pTBufHdr),
- (char *) &name, nameLen);
- if (distNameLclRemove (name, nameLen) == ERROR)
- distPanic ("distNameInput/RM: not in databasen");
- }
- default:
- distLog ("distNameInput: unknown subtype %dn",
- pPkt->pktSubType);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameLclAddRaw - bind name to raw value in local name database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * Internally used function to bind name in local database.
- *
- * NOTE: Before calling distNameLclAddRaw(), nameLen and valueLen
- * must been tested to prevent overflows.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to added node, or NULL.
- *
- */
- (
- char * name, /* name to enter in database */
- int nameLen, /* length of name in bytes */
- void * value, /* value associated with name */
- int valueLen, /* size of value in bytes */
- DIST_NAME_TYPE type /* type associated with name */
- )
- {
- DIST_OBJ_NODE * pObjNode;
- char * nameDest;
- char * valDest;
- printf ("distNameLclAddRaw: type %d, value: ", type);
- distDump (value, valueLen);
- #endif
- /* Get a free database node. */
- if (! (pDbNode = (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *) sllGet (&distNameFreeList)))
- return (NULL); /* database is full */
- nameDest = (char *) &pDbNode->symName;
- bcopy (name, nameDest, nameLen);
- *(nameDest + nameLen) = 0;
- distNameLclLock();
- /* Try to find symbolic name in database. */
- pDbNodeOld = (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *) hashTblFind (distNameDbId,
- (HASH_NODE *) pDbNode, KEY_CMP_ARG);
- if (pDbNodeOld)
- {
- /* Symbolic name is alreay in database. Update the node. */
- sllPutAtHead (&distNameFreeList, (SL_NODE *) pDbNode);
- pDbNode = pDbNodeOld;
- if (type == T_DIST_MSG_Q)
- {
- /* New object is a distributed message queue. */
- MSG_Q_ID msgQId;
- if (pDbNode->type == T_DIST_MSG_Q)
- {
- /* Old object is also a distributed message queue. */
- msgQId = *((MSG_Q_ID *) &pDbNode->value);
- pObjNode = MSG_Q_ID_TO_DIST_OBJ_NODE (msgQId);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Old object was *NOT* a distributed message queue. */
- pObjNode = distObjNodeGet();
- pObjNode->objNodeType = DIST_OBJ_TYPE_MSG_Q;
- pDbNode->value.msgQId = DIST_OBJ_NODE_TO_MSG_Q_ID (pObjNode);
- }
- valDest = (char *) &(pObjNode->objNodeUniqId);
- }
- else
- valDest = (char *) &pDbNode->value;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Symbolic name is *NOT* in the database. */
- if (type == T_DIST_MSG_Q)
- {
- pObjNode = distObjNodeGet();
- pObjNode->objNodeType = DIST_OBJ_TYPE_MSG_Q;
- pDbNode->value.msgQId = DIST_OBJ_NODE_TO_MSG_Q_ID (pObjNode);
- valDest = (char *) &(pObjNode->objNodeUniqId);
- }
- else
- valDest = (char *) &pDbNode->value;
- }
- pDbNode->type = type;
- pDbNode->valueLen = valueLen;
- bcopy (value, valDest, valueLen);
- if (!pDbNodeOld)
- hashTblPut (distNameDbId, (HASH_NODE *) pDbNode);
- distNameLclUnlock();
- /* signal a database update to waiting tasks */
- distNameLclSigAdd();
- return (pDbNode);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameLclRemove - remove an object from the distributed database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routines removes a name from the local name database.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if name could not be removed.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS distNameLclRemove
- (
- char * name, /* name of object to remove */
- int nameLen /* length of name without EOS */
- )
- {
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE matchNode;
- bcopy (name, (char *) &matchNode.symName, nameLen);
- *(((char *) &matchNode.symName) + nameLen) = ' ';
- distNameLclLock();
- pNode = (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *) hashTblFind (distNameDbId,
- (HASH_NODE *) &matchNode, KEY_CMP_ARG);
- if (!pNode || hashTblRemove(distNameDbId, (HASH_NODE *) pNode) == ERROR)
- {
- distNameLclUnlock();
- return (ERROR);
- }
- sllPutAtHead (&distNameFreeList, (SL_NODE *) pNode); /* return node */
- distNameLclUnlock();
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameHCmp - compare keys based on strings (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This is the hash compare function for names in the database.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE, if the names of the DB nodes are the same.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL distNameHCmp
- (
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * pMatchHNode, /* first node */
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * pHNode, /* second node */
- int keyCmpArg /* not used */
- )
- {
- UNUSED_ARG(keyCmpArg);
- if (strcmp ((char *)&pMatchHNode->symName, (char *)&pHNode->symName) == 0)
- return (TRUE);
- else
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameHFunc - hashing function for strings (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This is the hashing function for database object names.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: A hash index.
- *
- */
- LOCAL int distNameHFunc
- (
- int elements, /* size of hash table */
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * pHNode, /* node whose name to hash */
- int seed /* hash seed */
- )
- {
- char *tkey;
- int hash = 0;
- /* Compute string signature (sparse 32-bit hash value) */
- for (tkey = (char *) &pHNode->symName; *tkey != ' '; tkey++)
- hash = hash * seed + (unsigned int) *tkey;
- return (hash & (elements - 1)); /* mask hash to (0, elements - 1) */
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNameEach - each functionality on name database (VxFusion option)
- *
- * Successively visits every node in the database and invokes <routine>,
- * passing it argument <routineArg>.
- *
- * NOTE: Takes <distNameDbLock>.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to last node visited.
- *
- */
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * distNameEach
- (
- FUNCPTR routine, /* routine to invoke */
- int routineArg /* argument for routine */
- )
- {
- DIST_NAME_DB_NODE * lastNode;
- distNameLclLock();
- lastNode = (DIST_NAME_DB_NODE *) hashTblEach (distNameDbId, routine,
- routineArg);
- distNameLclUnlock();
- return (lastNode);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distHton64 - convert a 64 bit value from host to network byte order (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine converts T_DIST_UINT64 and T_DIST_DOUBLE
- * values from host to network
- * byte order. The value is converted in place.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: <hostValue>
- *
- */
- LOCAL uint32_t * distHton64
- (
- uint32_t * hostValue, /* ptr to value to convert */
- )
- {
- uint32_t tmp;
- #endif
- #if !XFLOAT
- UNUSED_ARG(type);
- #endif
- #ifndef _BYTE_ORDER
- # error "no byte order specified !!"
- #endif
- # if XFLOAT /* ARM little-endian with double cross */
- if (type == T_DIST_DOUBLE)
- {
- hostValue[0] = htonl(hostValue[0]);
- hostValue[1] = htonl(hostValue[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = hostValue[0];
- hostValue[0] = htonl (hostValue[1]);
- hostValue[1] = htonl (tmp);
- }
- # else /* non-ARM little-endian */
- tmp = hostValue[0];
- hostValue[0] = htonl (hostValue[1]);
- hostValue[1] = htonl (tmp);
- # endif /* XFLOAT */
- #endif /* _BYTE_ORDER test */
- return hostValue;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distNtoh64 - convert a 64 bit value from network to host byte order (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine converts T_DIST_UINT64 and T_DIST_DOUBLE values from
- * network to host byte order. The value is converted in place.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: <networkValue>
- *
- */
- LOCAL uint32_t * distNtoh64
- (
- uint32_t * networkValue, /* ptr to value to convert */
- )
- {
- uint32_t tmp;
- #endif
- #if !XFLOAT
- UNUSED_ARG(type);
- #endif
- #ifndef _BYTE_ORDER
- # error "no byte order specified !!"
- #endif
- # if XFLOAT
- if (type == T_DIST_DOUBLE)
- {
- networkValue[0] = ntohl (networkValue[0]);
- networkValue[1] = ntohl (networkValue[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- tmp=networkValue[0];
- networkValue[0] = ntohl (networkValue[1]);
- networkValue[1] = ntohl (tmp);
- }
- # else
- tmp=networkValue[0];
- networkValue[0] = ntohl (networkValue[1]);
- networkValue[1] = ntohl (tmp);
- # endif /* XFLOAT */
- #endif /* _BYTE_ORDER test */
- return networkValue;
- }