- /* usrDosFsOld.c - old DosFs compatibility library */
- /* Copyright 1998-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01j,15may02,jkf SPR#77063, adding dosFsVolFormat option to dosFsDevInit
- 01i,14nov01,jkf general clean up, removed void * use.
- 01h,20sep01,jkf SPR#69031, common code for both AE & 5.x.
- 01g,26dec99,jkf T3 changes
- 01f,31jul99,jkf T2 merge, tidiness & spelling.
- 01e,23nov98,??? clean warning
- 01d,14jul98,lrn usrFsLib now linked in by usrLib
- 01c,09jul98,lrn moved definitions to dosFsLib.h, added dosFsCacheSizeDefault
- 01b,30jun98,lrn added dosFsInit() installing all sub-modules,
- added PCMCIA comment, dosFsDateTimeInstall
- 01a,24jun98,mjc written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides backward compatibility with old DosFs implementation.
- Many of the routines here are just stubs and the other are simply envelopes to
- new DosFs user interface.
- This backwards compatibility module is intended to allow easy upgrade of
- the MS-DOS file system without modification of any of the VxWorks
- configuration and initialization files.
- In some cases however this backwards compatibility interface is
- insufficient, and will require the user to modify the VxWorks
- configuration code to use the new interface. One such configuration is
- the PCMCIA support for x86 targets.
- This is strongly recommended do not use the routines from this library in the
- new application design. Instead, they may be used as examples which
- demonstrate use of routines to initialize and configure devices in the new
- DosFs.
- SEE ALSO: dosFsLib, dcacheLib, dpartLib
- */
- /* INCLUDES */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "private/dosFsVerP.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "dosFsLib.h"
- #include "dcacheCbio.h"
- #include "time.h"
- #include "timers.h"
- #include "usrLib.h"
- /* DEFINES */
- #define DEFAULT_OPTIONS 0 /* default volume options */
- /* locals */
- /* options to use during mkfs */
- LOCAL FUNCPTR pDosFsDateTimeFunc = NULL ;
- LOCAL BOOL dosFsInitCalled = FALSE ;
- /* globals */
- int dosFsCacheSizeDefault = 128 * 1024 ;
- /* forward */
- LOCAL void dosFsDateTimeSet (void );
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsInit - initialize the MS-DOS file system and related libraries
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system, and configure
- * all sub-modules of the new file system implementation.
- *
- * In order to avoid modifying the VxWorks configuration files, this
- * backward compatibility function will install all available MS-DOS file
- * system sub-modules. This code is provided in source so that the user may
- * eliminate the options which they do not require and save memory.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if the main dosFsLib module has failed to initialize
- *
- * SEE ALSO dosFsLib
- */
- STATUS dosFsInit (int ignored )
- {
- IMPORT STATUS dosFsFat16Init(void);
- if( TRUE == dosFsInitCalled )
- {
- return OK;
- }
- /* First initialize the main module */
- if( dosFsLibInit( 0 ) == ERROR )
- return ERROR;
- /* Initialize sub-modules */
- /* Sub-module: VFAT Directory Handler */
- dosVDirLibInit();
- /* Sub-module: Vintage 8.2 and VxLong Directory Handler */
- dosDirOldLibInit();
- /* Sub-module: FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 FAT Handler */
- dosFsFatInit();
- /* Sub-module: Consistency check handler */
- dosChkLibInit();
- /* Sub-module: Formatter */
- dosFsFmtLibInit();
- dosFsInitCalled = TRUE ;
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsDevInit - associate a block device with dosFs file system functions
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * This routine takes a block device structure (BLK_DEV) created by
- * a device driver and defines it as a DosFs volume. As a result, when
- * high-level I/O operations (e.g., open(), write()) are performed on
- * the device, the calls will be routed through dosFsLib. The <pBlkDev>
- * parameter is the address of the BLK_DEV structure which describes this
- * device.
- *
- * This routine associates the name <pDevName> with the device and installs
- * it in the VxWorks I/O system's device table. The driver number used when
- * the device is added to the table is that which was assigned to the
- * DosFs library during dosFsInit().
- *
- * The <pConfig> parameter is now minimally supported. If <pConfig> is NULL,
- * it is ignored. If <pConfig> is not NULL, dosFsVolFormat is called with
- * default formatting options.
- *
- * If the device being initialized already has a valid DosFs file system on it,
- * the configuration data will be read from the boot sector of the disk while
- * the volume will be mounted.
- *
- * The specific dosFs configuration data to be used for this volume may be
- * provided during the volume formatting with the new dosFsVolFormat() call.
- *
- * The FIODISKINIT ioctl() command can be issued now on a preformatted device
- * only to reformat this one.
- *
- * This routine allocates and initializes a dummy volume descriptor
- * (DOS_VOL_DESC) for the device. It returns a pointer to DOS_VOL_DESC.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to the dummy volume descriptor DOS_VOL_DESC, or NULL if
- * there is an error.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsMkfs()
- */
- DOS_VOL_DESC *dosFsDevInit
- (
- char * pDevName, /* device name */
- BLK_DEV * pBlkDev, /* pointer to block device struct */
- DOS_VOL_CONFIG * pConfig /* pointer to volume config data */
- )
- {
- DOS_VOL_DESC * pVolDesc; /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- CBIO_DEV_ID cbio;
- /* Return error if no BLK_DEV */
- if (pBlkDev == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* make sure all modules are initialized */
- if( FALSE == dosFsInitCalled )
- {
- dosFsInit( 0 );
- }
- /* Create e.g. 128 Kbytes disk cache */
- if ( (cbio = dcacheDevCreate( (CBIO_DEV_ID) pBlkDev, NULL,
- dosFsCacheSizeDefault, pDevName)) == NULL )
- return NULL;
- /*
- * Create file system with 20 (default) simultaneously open files and
- * default volume integrity check on mount level (repair + verbous_1).
- */
- if (dosFsDevCreate (pDevName, cbio, 0, NONE) != OK)
- return NULL;
- /*
- * if <pConfig> is not NULL, then dosFsVolFormat the volume
- * This will help a subsequent diskInit() to function closer
- * to how dosFs1 user may expect...
- */
- if (NULL != pConfig)
- {
- dosFsVolFormat (cbio, DOS_OPT_DEFAULT, NULL);
- }
- /* Allocate a dummy dosFs volume descriptor */
- pVolDesc = (DOS_VOL_DESC *) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (DOS_VOL_DESC)));
- if (NULL == pVolDesc)
- return (NULL); /* no memory */
- bzero ((char *)pVolDesc, sizeof (DOS_VOL_DESC));
- if ( (*pVolDesc = KHEAP_ALLOC((strlen (pDevName) + 1))) == NULL )
- return NULL; /* no memory */
- strcpy (*pVolDesc, pDevName);
- dosFsDateTimeSet();
- return (pVolDesc);
- } /* dosFsDevInit */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsDevInitOptionsSet - specify volume options for dosFsDevInit()
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * Since the volume options which might be specified in this call are
- * inapplicable now, this routine just returns OK.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsDevInit(), dosFsVolOptionsSet()
- *
- */
- STATUS dosFsDevInitOptionsSet
- (
- UINT options /* options for future dosFsDevInit() calls */
- )
- {
- return (OK);
- } /* dosFsDevInitOptionsSet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsMkfs - initialize a device and create a dosFs file system
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * This routine provides a quick method of creating a DosFs file system on
- * a device.
- *
- * It uses default values for various DosFs configuration parameters.
- * These defaults differ from old DosFs ones.
- *
- * The only long filenames volume option is enabled by this routine now.
- * This option can be set using dosFsMkfsOptionsSet(). By default, no it is
- * enabled for disks initialized by dosFsMkfs().
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a dummy DosFs volume descriptor, or NULL if there is an
- * error.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsDevInit()
- */
- DOS_VOL_DESC * dosFsMkfs
- (
- char * pVolName, /* volume name to use */
- BLK_DEV * pBlkDev /* pointer to block device structure */
- )
- {
- DOS_VOL_DESC * pVolDesc; /* pointer to dummy volume descriptor */
- int options;
- dosFsDateTimeSet() ;
- if ( (dosFsMkfsOptions & DOS_OPT_LONGNAMES) == 0 )
- options = DOS_OPT_DEFAULT;
- else
- /* Init as dosFs device */
- if ( (pVolDesc = dosFsDevInit (pVolName, pBlkDev, NULL)) == NULL )
- return (NULL);
- /* Init dosFs structures on disk */
- if (dosFsVolFormat (pVolName, options, NULL) != OK)
- return NULL;
- return (pVolDesc);
- } /* dosFsMkfs */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsMkfsOptionsSet - specify volume options for dosFsMkfs()
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * This routine allows long filenames volume option to be set that will be
- * enabled by subsequent calls to dosFsMkfs(). The value of <options>
- * will be used for all volumes that are initialized by dosFsMkfs().
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsMkfs(), dosFsVolOptionsSet()
- *
- */
- STATUS dosFsMkfsOptionsSet
- (
- UINT options /* options for future dosFsMkfs() calls */
- )
- {
- dosFsMkfsOptions = options; /* change options */
- return (OK);
- } /* dosFsMkfsOptionsSet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsConfigInit - initialize dosFs volume configuration structure
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * Since dosFsDevInit() routine does not take care about the <pConfig> parameter
- * now, this routine just return OK.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsDevInit()
- */
- STATUS dosFsConfigInit
- (
- DOS_VOL_CONFIG * pConfig, /* pointer to volume config structure */
- char mediaByte, /* media descriptor byte */
- UINT8 secPerClust, /* sectors per cluster */
- short nResrvd, /* number of reserved sectors */
- char nFats, /* number of FAT copies */
- UINT16 secPerFat, /* number of sectors per FAT copy */
- short maxRootEnts, /* max number of entries in root dir */
- UINT nHidden, /* number of hidden sectors */
- UINT options /* volume options */
- )
- {
- return (OK);
- } /* dosFsConfigInit */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsConfigGet - obtain dosFs volume configuration values
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * Since dosFsDevInit() routine does not take care about the <pConfig> parameter
- * now, this routine just return OK.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always.
- *
- */
- STATUS dosFsConfigGet
- (
- DOS_VOL_DESC * pVolDesc, /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- DOS_VOL_CONFIG * pConfig /* ptr to config structure to fill */
- )
- {
- return (OK);
- } /* dosFsConfigGet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsConfigShow - display dosFs volume configuration data
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * This routine obtains the dosFs volume configuration for the named
- * device, formats the data, and displays it on the standard output.
- *
- * If no device name is specified, the current default device is described.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS dosFsConfigShow
- (
- char *pDevName /* name of device */
- )
- {
- return dosFsShow (pDevName, 1);
- } /* dosFsConfigShow */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsModeChange - modify the mode of a dosFs volume
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * This routine do nothing, because O_RDONLY mod is not implemented in the
- * current release.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsReadyChange()
- */
- void dosFsModeChange
- (
- DOS_VOL_DESC * pVolDesc, /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- int newMod /* O_RDONLY/O_WRONLY/O_RDWR (both) */
- )
- {
- return; /* not implemented yet */
- } /* dosFsModeChange */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsReadyChange - notify dosFs of a change in ready status
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * Since the Disk Cache module takes care about disk removal now, this routine
- * do nothing.
- *
- */
- void dosFsReadyChange
- (
- DOS_VOL_DESC * pVolDesc /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- )
- {
- return; /* unnecessary in new DosFs design */
- } /* dosFsReadyChange */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsVolOptionsGet - get current dosFs volume options
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * The main purpose of this routine is to allow dosFsVolOptionsSet() setting of
- * the desired options without clearing of another ones.
- * Since the volume options which might be specified in the dosFsVolOptionsSet()
- * call are inapplicable now, this routine just stores zero in the field pointed
- * to by <pOptions> and return OK.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsVolOptionsSet()
- *
- */
- STATUS dosFsVolOptionsGet
- (
- DOS_VOL_DESC * pVolDesc, /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- UINT * pOptions /* where to put current options value */
- )
- {
- *pOptions = 0;
- return (OK); /* N/A for new DosFs design */
- } /* dosFsVolOptionsGet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsVolOptionsSet - set dosFs volume options
- *
- * This function is part of the backward compatibility library delivered
- * with the new MS-DOS file system. It is intended to provide the same
- * interface as the old version of the MS-DOS file system.
- *
- * Since the volume options which might be specified in this call are
- * inapplicable now, this routine just returns OK.
- *
- * DOS_OPT_CHANGENOWARN - detection of replaced removable disk is automatically
- * performed by the Disk Cache module.
- * DOS_OPT_AUTOSYNC - set <syncInterval> parameter of dcacheDevTune()
- * procedure to 0 to achieve similar behavior.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsDevInitOptionsSet(), dosFsMkfsOptionsSet(),
- * dosFsVolOptionsGet()
- *
- */
- STATUS dosFsVolOptionsSet
- (
- DOS_VOL_DESC * pVolDesc, /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- UINT options /* new options for volume */
- )
- {
- return (OK); /* N/A for new DosFs design */
- } /* dosFsVolOptionsSet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsDateTimeInstall - set system date and time
- *
- * This is a stub function for backward compatibility only.
- * Since the new MS-DOS file system implementation will only use the
- * system time and date to set modification and creation times on files,
- * this function will simply get the current time and date, and set the
- * system time accordingly.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsLib, ansiTime
- */
- void dosFsDateTimeInstall (FUNCPTR pDateTimeFunc)
- {
- pDosFsDateTimeFunc = pDateTimeFunc ;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsDateTimeSet - set system time using old dosFs type function
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dosFsDateTimeSet (void )
- {
- DOS_DATE_TIME dosdt ; /* old dosFs date time format */
- struct tm tm ; /* ANSII time format */
- struct timespec tv ; /* POSIX time */
- if( pDosFsDateTimeFunc == NULL )
- return ;
- /* call the user-supplied function */
- (*pDosFsDateTimeFunc) ( &dosdt );
- /* convert this to ANSI time */
- tm.tm_sec = dosdt.dosdt_second ;
- tm.tm_min = dosdt.dosdt_minute ;
- tm.tm_hour = dosdt.dosdt_hour ;
- tm.tm_mday = dosdt.dosdt_day ;
- tm.tm_mon = dosdt.dosdt_month -1 ;
- tm.tm_year = dosdt.dosdt_year -1900 ;
- tm.tm_wday = 0 ;
- tm.tm_yday = 0 ;
- tm.tm_isdst = 0 ;
- /* convert ANSI to POSIX */
- tv.tv_sec = mktime( &tm );
- tv.tv_nsec = 0;
- /* set system time */
- clock_settime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv );
- }