- /* RpcEventHandler */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01x,17dec01,nel Add include symbol for diab.
- 01w,02oct01,nel Move debug hooks into SockStream class.
- 01v,25sep01,nel Correct prototype error under test harness build.
- 01u,10sep01,nel Add dcomShow hooks into EventHandler.
- 01t,03aug01,dbs remove usage of Thread class
- 01s,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01r,26jun00,dbs implement presentation context IDs
- 01q,24may00,dbs add fault diagnostics
- 01p,19aug99,aim change assert to VXDCOM_ASSERT
- 01o,30jul99,aim added thread pooling
- 01n,13jul99,aim syslog api changes
- 01m,09jul99,dbs use final filenames
- 01l,09jul99,dbs tidy up logging of packets
- 01k,07jul99,aim added ostream operator<<
- 01j,02jul99,aim fix for name changes in RpcPduFactory
- 01i,28jun99,dbs remove defaultInstance method
- 01h,28jun99,dbs make sure authn-status is preserved after BIND PDU
- 01g,24jun99,dbs add authn checking
- 01f,24jun99,dbs move authn into new class
- 01e,22jun99,dbs fix includes again
- 01d,18jun99,aim set data rep on outgoing packets
- 01c,08jun99,aim rework
- 01b,08jun99,aim now uses NRpcPdu
- 01a,27may99,aim created
- */
- #include "RpcEventHandler.h"
- #include "RpcDispatcher.h"
- #include "RpcDispatchTable.h"
- #include "RpcPduFactory.h"
- #include "RpcIfServer.h"
- #include "Reactor.h"
- #include "SCM.h"
- #include "Syslog.h"
- #include "TraceCall.h"
- #include "private/comMisc.h"
- #include "private/DebugHooks.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- /* Include symbol for diab */
- extern "C" int include_vxdcom_RpcEventHandler (void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- RpcEventHandler::~RpcEventHandler ()
- {
- S_INFO (LOG_RPC, "disconnect: " << (*this));
- NTLMSSP* ssp = SCM::ssp ();
- if (ssp)
- ssp->channelRemove (channelId ());
- DELZERO (m_pdu);
- }
- RpcEventHandler::RpcEventHandler (Reactor* reactor)
- : SvcHandler<SockStream> (reactor),
- m_pdu (0),
- m_hostAddr (),
- m_peerAddr (),
- m_dispatcher (0),
- m_creatorTaskId (::taskIdSelf ()),
- m_acceptor (0)
- {
- NTLMSSP* ssp = SCM::ssp ();
- if (ssp)
- ssp->channelAdd (channelId ());
- }
- RpcEventHandler::RpcEventHandler
- (
- Reactor* reactor,
- RpcDispatcher* dispatcher
- )
- : SvcHandler<SockStream> (reactor),
- m_pdu (0),
- m_hostAddr (),
- m_peerAddr (),
- m_dispatcher (dispatcher),
- m_creatorTaskId (::taskIdSelf ()),
- m_acceptor (0)
- {
- COM_ASSERT (m_dispatcher);
- NTLMSSP* ssp = SCM::ssp ();
- if (ssp)
- ssp->channelAdd (channelId ());
- }
- int RpcEventHandler::open (void* pv)
- {
- acceptorSet (static_cast<RpcIfServer*> (pv));
- if (concurrency() == RpcIfServer::ThreadPerConnection)
- {
- COM_ASSERT (0); // NYI
- }
- return super::open (pv);
- }
- int RpcEventHandler::close (unsigned long flags)
- {
- return super::close (flags);
- }
- const INETSockAddr&
- RpcEventHandler::peerAddr ()
- {
- stream().peerAddrGet (m_peerAddr);
- return m_peerAddr;
- }
- const INETSockAddr&
- RpcEventHandler::hostAddr ()
- {
- stream().hostAddrGet (m_hostAddr);
- return m_hostAddr;
- }
- int
- RpcEventHandler::handleInput (REACTOR_HANDLE handle)
- {
- if (concurrency () == RpcIfServer::ThreadPooled)
- {
- if (::taskIdSelf () == m_creatorTaskId)
- {
- reactorGet()->handlerRemove (this,
- EventHandler::READ_MASK |
- EventHandler::DONT_CALL);
- return threadPool()->enqueue (this);
- }
- }
- // Any strategy other than thread-per-connection will eventually get
- // here. If we're in the single-threaded implementation or the
- // thread-pool, we still have to pass this way.
- int result = process ();
- // Now, we look again to see if we're in the thread-pool
- // implementation. If so then we need to re-register ourselves with
- // the reactor so that we can get more work when it is available.
- if (concurrency () == RpcIfServer::ThreadPooled)
- {
- if (result != -1)
- reactorGet()->handlerAdd (this, EventHandler::READ_MASK);
- }
- return result;
- }
- int RpcEventHandler::process ()
- {
- const int buflen = 1024;
- char buf [buflen];
- char* pbuf = buf;
- ssize_t n = stream().recv (pbuf, buflen);
- if (n > 0)
- {
- S_DEBUG (LOG_RPC, (*this) << " read: " << (int) n);
- /* We only process the first fragment of the packet because */
- /* RpcPdu doesn't store the data contiguiouly in memory at the */
- /* moment so we can't just feed the byte stream into the debug */
- /* hook */
- stream ().processDebugOutput (pRpcServerInput, (BYTE *)pbuf, n);
- }
- int result = -1; // guilty until proved innocent
- while (n > 0)
- {
- if (m_pdu == 0 && (m_pdu = new RpcPdu ()) == 0)
- break; // ENOMEM
- int consumed = m_pdu->append (pbuf, n);
- if (m_pdu->complete ())
- {
- result = dispatchPdu (*m_pdu);
- DELZERO (m_pdu);
- if (result != 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- S_DEBUG (LOG_RPC, "pdu not complete");
- result = 0; // hang on for more data
- }
- // move offset into appended data
- pbuf += consumed;
- n -= consumed;
- }
- if (result < 0)
- DELZERO (m_pdu);
- return result;
- }
- int
- RpcEventHandler::dispatchAuth3 (const RpcPdu& auth3Pdu)
- {
- NTLMSSP* ssp = SCM::ssp ();
- if (ssp)
- ssp->serverAuth3Validate (channelId (), auth3Pdu);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- RpcEventHandler::dispatchBind (const RpcPdu& bindPdu)
- {
- if (m_dispatcher == 0)
- return -1;
- RpcPdu responsePdu;
- IID iid = bindPdu.bind().presCtxList.presCtxElem[0].abstractSyntax.id;
- USHORT presCtxId = bindPdu.bind().presCtxList.presCtxElem[0].presCtxId;
- // If the dispatcher supports this interface-ID, then we are bound
- // to it, via the given presentation-context ID...
- if (m_dispatcher->supportsInterface (iid))
- RpcPduFactory::formatBindAckPdu (bindPdu,
- responsePdu,
- reinterpret_cast<ULONG> (this));
- else
- RpcPduFactory::formatBindNakPdu (bindPdu, responsePdu);
- // Process authentication trailers...
- NTLMSSP* ssp = SCM::ssp ();
- if (ssp)
- ssp->serverBindValidate (channelId (),
- bindPdu,
- responsePdu);
- // Reply to the BIND...
- int result = reply (bindPdu, responsePdu);
- // If successful, record the presentation context...
- if (result == 0)
- m_presCtxMap [presCtxId] = iid;
- return result;
- }
- int
- RpcEventHandler::dispatchRequest (const RpcPdu& requestPdu)
- {
- RpcPdu responsePdu;
- // Find which presentation context this request is for, and so,
- // which interface ID to use...
- USHORT presCtxId = requestPdu.request().presCtxId;
- PresCtxMap::const_iterator i = m_presCtxMap.find (presCtxId);
- if (i == m_presCtxMap.end ())
- return -1;
- // Use the presentation context to select the right IID...
- m_dispatcher->dispatch (requestPdu,
- responsePdu,
- channelId (),
- (*i).second);
- // Process authentication trailers...
- NTLMSSP* ssp = SCM::ssp ();
- if (ssp)
- ssp->serverRequestValidate (channelId (),
- requestPdu,
- responsePdu);
- return reply (requestPdu, responsePdu);
- }
- int
- RpcEventHandler::dispatchPdu (const RpcPdu& pdu)
- {
- S_DEBUG (LOG_RPC, "recvPdu: " << pdu);
- if (pdu.isRequest ())
- return dispatchRequest (pdu);
- else if (pdu.isBind ())
- return dispatchBind (pdu);
- else if (pdu.isAuth3 ())
- return dispatchAuth3 (pdu);
- return 0;
- }
- int RpcEventHandler::sendPdu (RpcPdu& pdu)
- {
- size_t len;
- char *buf = 0;
- int status = -1;
- S_DEBUG (LOG_RPC, "sendPdu: " << pdu);
- if (pdu.makeReplyBuffer (buf, len) < 0)
- stream().close ();
- else if (stream().send (buf, len) == len)
- {
- stream ().processDebugOutput (pRpcServerOutput, (BYTE *)buf, len);
- status = 0;
- }
- delete [] buf;
- return status;
- }
- int
- RpcEventHandler::reply (const RpcPdu& pdu, RpcPdu& replyPdu)
- {
- replyPdu.drepSet (pdu.drep ());
- if (replyPdu.isFault ())
- {
- S_ERR (LOG_RPC, "RxREQUEST:" << pdu);
- S_ERR (LOG_RPC, "TxFAULT:" << replyPdu);
- }
- // send reply
- return sendPdu (replyPdu);
- }
- int
- RpcEventHandler::channelId () const
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<int> (this);
- }
- int RpcEventHandler::concurrency ()
- {
- return acceptorGet()->concurrency ();
- }
- ThreadPool* RpcEventHandler::threadPool ()
- {
- return acceptorGet()->threadPool ();
- }
- RpcIfServer* RpcEventHandler::acceptorGet () const
- {
- return m_acceptor;
- }
- RpcIfServer* RpcEventHandler::acceptorSet (RpcIfServer* pRpcIfServer)
- {
- return m_acceptor = pRpcIfServer;
- }
- ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const RpcEventHandler& eh)
- {
- RpcEventHandler* p = const_cast<RpcEventHandler*> (&eh);
- os << p->hostAddr ()
- << " => "
- << p->peerAddr ()
- << " (fd="
- << p->handleGet ()
- << ") ";
- return os;
- }