- /* RpcDispatcher */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01r,17dec01,nel Add include symbol for diab.
- 01q,13jul01,dbs fix up includes, exclude priority propagation for now
- 01p,13jul00,nel Win2K fix.
- 01o,26jun00,dbs implement presentation context IDs
- 01n,19aug99,aim added TraceCall header
- 01m,13aug99,drm Documentation updates
- 01l,10aug99,aim fix compiler warnings on solaris
- 01k,06aug99,drm Correcting bug related to error checking.
- 01j,03aug99,drm Adding code to set server priority.
- 01i,28jul99,drm Adding clsid argument to interfaceInfoGet() call.
- 01h,09jul99,dbs convert to final naming scheme
- 01g,02jul99,aim fix for name changes in RpcPduFactory
- 01f,29jun99,dbs release IUnknown-ptr after use
- 01e,25jun99,dbs add channel ID to stub msg
- 01d,24jun99,dbs move authn into new class
- 01c,23jun99,dbs fix authn on response packets
- 01b,08jun99,aim rework
- 01a,27may99,aim created
- */
- #include "RpcDispatcher.h"
- #include "RpcPdu.h"
- #include "RpcPduFactory.h"
- #include "NdrStreams.h" // marshaling streams
- #include "Syslog.h"
- #include "orpcLib.h"
- #include "orpc.h"
- #include "vxdcomExtent.h"
- #include "TraceCall.h"
- /* Include symbol for diab */
- extern "C" int include_vxdcom_RpcDispatcher (void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- RpcDispatcher::RpcDispatcher (RpcDispatchTable* dispatchTable)
- : m_dispatchTable (dispatchTable)
- {
- }
- RpcDispatcher::~RpcDispatcher ()
- {
- }
- bool
- RpcDispatcher::supportsInterface (REFIID riid)
- {
- return m_dispatchTable->supportsInterface (riid);
- }
- extern IID IID_ISystemActivator;
- int
- RpcDispatcher::dispatch (const RpcPdu& request, RpcPdu& reply, int channelId, REFIID iid)
- {
- IUnknown* punkItf=0;
- CLSID classid = GUID_NULL; // CLSID of object
- ORPCTHIS orpcThis; // holds unmarshalled ORPCTHIS
- HRESULT hr = m_dispatchTable->interfaceInfoGet (iid,
- request.objectId (),
- request.opnum (),
- &punkItf,
- &pfn,
- classid);
- // Here, we test explicitly for S_OK (rather than using FAILED())
- // since there is only one success (S_OK) and *any* other result
- // is a kind of failure...
- if (hr == S_OK)
- {
- // Create a marshaling-stream ready to hold the reply
- NdrMarshalStream ms (NdrPhase::STUB_MSHL, request.drep ());
- // Create an unmarshaling-stream holding the received
- // stub-data
- NdrUnmarshalStream us (NdrPhase::STUB_UNMSHL,
- request.drep (),
- (byte*) request.stubData (),
- request.stubDataLen ());
- if (request.objectId() != GUID_NULL)
- {
- // Remove the ORPCTHIS from the stream...
- hr = ndrUnmarshalORPCTHIS (&us, &orpcThis);
- // Insert an ORPCTHAT at the start of the stub-data
- ORPCTHAT orpcThat = { 0, 0 };
- ms.insert (sizeof (ORPCTHAT), &orpcThat, false);
- }
- // Fill in msg structure
- RPC_STUB_MSG msg (&us, &ms, channelId);
- #if 0
- int oldPriority; // used to restore priority
- int currentId=0; // task ID of current task
- BOOL priorityChanged=FALSE; // whether or not priority was set
- ORPC_EXTENT* pExtent; // ptr to VXDCOM_EXTENT
- currentId = taskIdSelf ();
- // Lookup the priority scheme for the object and set the
- // priority to the appropriate value.
- if (classid != GUID_NULL)
- {
- int priority;
- vxdcomClassObjRegInfo regInfo; // result of lookup
- hr = vxdcomSymLookup (classid, ®Info);
- if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
- {
- switch (regInfo.priorityScheme)
- {
- case PS_DEFAULT:
- priority = g_defaultServerPriority;
- break;
- priority = regInfo.priority;
- break;
- // If client propagated priority is not present,
- // use the default server priority.
- if (orpcThis.orpcExtentFind (GUID_VXDCOM_EXTENT,
- &pExtent) == S_OK)
- {
- VXDCOM_EXTENT* pVExtent=NULL; // ptr to derived type
- pVExtent = static_cast<VXDCOM_EXTENT*> (pExtent);
- if (pVExtent != NULL)
- pVExtent->getPriority(priority);
- else
- priority = g_defaultServerPriority;
- }
- else
- {
- priority = regInfo.priority;
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Unknown priority scheme. Rather than produce an error
- // we will simply use the default server priority.
- priority = g_defaultServerPriority;
- break;
- }
- // Check for valid priority
- if ( (priority < 0) || (priority > 255) )
- {
- // Invalid priority.
- // Let's use the system default priority.
- priority = g_defaultServerPriority;
- }
- if (taskPriorityGet (currentId, &oldPriority) == OK)
- {
- if (taskPrioritySet (currentId, priority) == OK)
- {
- priorityChanged = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Unable to set priority
- // There's really nothing we can do in this case - we'll
- // just run the function at the current priority.
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Unable to get priority.
- // We might be able to set the priority here, but we wouldn't be
- // able to restore, so we'll just run the function at the current
- // priority.
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Since we can't find the class object, we don't know what priority
- // scheme to use. We'll try to run the function at the default server
- // priority.
- if (taskPriorityGet (currentId, &oldPriority) == OK)
- {
- if (taskPrioritySet (currentId, g_defaultServerPriority) == OK)
- {
- priorityChanged = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Unable to set priority
- // There's really nothing we can do in this case - we'll
- // just run the function at the current priority.
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Unable to get priority.
- // We might be able to set the priority here, but we wouldn't be
- // able to restore, so we'll just run the function at the current
- // priority.
- }
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- // Call stub function...
- hr = pfn (punkItf, msg);
- #if 0
- // Restore the priority to its previous value.
- if (priorityChanged)
- {
- if (taskPrioritySet (currentId, oldPriority) != OK)
- {
- // We were unable to restore the priority to the default value.
- // There's not really anything we can do, but leave the thread at the
- // new priority.
- }
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- // Release itf ptr...
- if (punkItf)
- punkItf->Release ();
- if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
- {
- RpcPduFactory::formatResponsePdu (request, reply);
- if (ms.size() > 0)
- reply.stubDataAppend (ms.begin (), ms.size ());
- }
- else
- {
- RpcPduFactory::formatFaultPdu (request, reply, hr, false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- RpcPduFactory::formatFaultPdu (request, reply, hr, true);
- }
- return hr;
- }