- /* RpcStringBinding.cpp - A DCE/RPC endpoints symbolic address */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,03jan02,nel Remove OLE2T.
- 01k,17dec01,nel Add include symbol for diab build.
- 01j,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01i,13mar01,nel SPR#35873 - add extra method to check to see if an address
- string can be resolved.
- 01h,21jul99,aim fix compiler warnings
- 01g,21jul99,aim all ctors use initialiseFromString
- 01f,16jul99,aim fix initialiseFromString
- 01e,15jul99,dbs fix return-value check of gethostname
- 01d,15jul99,dbs add isLocalhost() method
- 01c,08jul99,dbs add equality operator
- 01b,07jul99,aim added strdup; apparently it doesn't exist on the target??
- 01a,06jul99,aim created
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "RpcStringBinding.h"
- #include "private/comMisc.h"
- #include "INETSockAddr.h"
- /* Include symbol for diab */
- extern "C" int include_vxdcom_RpcStringBinding (void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding ()
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (-1),
- m_protocolSeq (0),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding
- (
- int portNumber
- )
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (portNumber),
- m_protocolSeq (0),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- // Check the DUALSTRINGARRAY entries, to find one which can be
- // 'resolved' into an IP address on this machine. Win2K sometimes
- // provides hostnames as well as the IP numbers that NT usually
- // sends, so we need to scan the array to find an IP number...
- OLECHAR* pStart = pdsa->aStringArray;
- OLECHAR* pCurr = pStart;
- while ((pCurr - pStart) < pdsa->wNumEntries)
- {
- // Make a string-binding out of the DSA entry...
- char * pStr = new char [comWideStrLen (pCurr + 1) + 1];
- comWideToAscii (pStr, pCurr + 1, comWideStrLen (pCurr + 1) + 1);
- initialiseFromString (pStr);
- delete []pStr;
- m_protocolSeq = *pCurr;
- // See if it can be 'resolved' into a viable IP number...
- if (! resolve ())
- {
- S_ERR (LOG_DCOM, "Could not resolve " << ipAddress ());
- // Free up the allocated strings.
- delString (m_ipAddress);
- delString (m_strFormat);
- delString (m_strFormatNoPortNumber);
- // Could not make sense of the address, so move on through
- // the array to the next entry, or the end of the array...
- while (((pCurr - pStart) < pdsa->wNumEntries) && (*pCurr))
- ++pCurr;
- ++pCurr;
- }
- else
- {
- S_INFO (LOG_DCOM, "Resolved " << ipAddress ());
- // Take the first one that is viable...
- break;
- }
- }
- // at this point the string binding may have worked or not so the calling
- // routine must make a call to resolve to determine if a valid address was
- // bound since the constructor can't /init
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding
- (
- const char* binding,
- PROTSEQ protocolSeq
- )
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (-1),
- m_protocolSeq (protocolSeq),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- initialiseFromString (binding);
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding
- (
- const OLECHAR* binding,
- PROTSEQ protocolSeq
- )
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (-1),
- m_protocolSeq (protocolSeq),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- char * pStr = new char [comWideStrLen (binding) + 1];
- comWideToAscii (pStr, binding, comWideStrLen (binding) + 1);
- initialiseFromString (pStr);
- delete []pStr;
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding
- (
- const char* binding,
- PROTSEQ protocolSeq,
- int portNumber
- )
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (portNumber),
- m_protocolSeq (protocolSeq),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- initialiseFromString (binding);
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding
- (
- const OLECHAR* binding,
- PROTSEQ protocolSeq,
- int portNumber
- )
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (portNumber),
- m_protocolSeq (protocolSeq),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- if (binding)
- {
- char * pStr = new char [comWideStrLen (binding) + 1];
- comWideToAscii (pStr, binding, comWideStrLen (binding) + 1);
- initialiseFromString (pStr);
- delete []pStr;
- }
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding
- (
- const SockAddr& addr,
- PROTSEQ protocolSeq
- )
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (-1),
- m_protocolSeq (protocolSeq),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- char buf [MAXHOSTNAMELEN +1];
- if (addr.hostAddrGet (buf, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0)
- {
- m_ipAddress = copyString (buf);
- m_portNumber = addr.portGet ();
- }
- }
- RpcStringBinding::~RpcStringBinding ()
- {
- delString (m_ipAddress);
- delString (m_strFormat);
- delString (m_strFormatNoPortNumber);
- }
- RpcStringBinding::RpcStringBinding (const RpcStringBinding& other)
- : m_ipAddress (0),
- m_portNumber (-1),
- m_protocolSeq (0),
- m_strFormat (0),
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber (0)
- {
- *this = other;
- }
- RpcStringBinding& RpcStringBinding::operator=(const RpcStringBinding& rhs)
- {
- if (this != &rhs)
- {
- delString (m_ipAddress);
- delString (m_strFormat);
- delString (m_strFormatNoPortNumber);
- m_ipAddress = copyString (rhs.m_ipAddress);
- m_portNumber = rhs.m_portNumber;
- m_protocolSeq = rhs.m_protocolSeq;
- m_strFormat = copyString (rhs.m_strFormat);
- m_strFormatNoPortNumber = copyString (rhs.m_strFormatNoPortNumber);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- int RpcStringBinding::initialiseFromString (const char* binding)
- {
- if (binding == 0)
- return -1;
- int len = ::strlen (binding);
- char* sb = ::strchr (binding, '[');
- if (sb) // found opening square bracket
- {
- // we copy the whole binding and then set the square bracket
- // to "NULL". Cheap and nasty but we are only going to
- // waste at most 7 bytes.
- m_ipAddress = copyString (binding);
- // copy over the opening "["
- m_ipAddress[sb - binding] = '';
- // convert the portnumber if there is any data left in binding.
- if ((1 + (sb - binding)) < len)
- m_portNumber = ::atoi (++sb);
- else
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- // no square bracket, just copy the address.
- m_ipAddress = copyString (binding);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- const char* RpcStringBinding::ipAddress () const
- {
- return m_ipAddress;
- }
- int RpcStringBinding::portNumber () const
- {
- return m_portNumber;
- }
- PROTSEQ RpcStringBinding::protocolSequence () const
- {
- return m_protocolSeq;
- }
- const char* RpcStringBinding::formatted (bool includePortNumber) const
- {
- char*& p = includePortNumber ? m_strFormat : m_strFormatNoPortNumber;
- if (p == 0 && m_ipAddress != 0)
- {
- char binding [MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; // XXX
- int n = 0;
- n = ::sprintf (binding, "%c%s", protocolSequence (), ipAddress ());
- if (n && includePortNumber)
- ::sprintf (&binding[n], "[%d]", portNumber ());
- p = copyString (binding);
- }
- return p;
- }
- int RpcStringBinding::format
- (
- BSTR* bstr,
- bool includePortNumber
- ) const
- {
- const char* f = formatted (includePortNumber);
- if (f != 0)
- {
- OLECHAR * wStr = new OLECHAR [strlen (f) + 1];
- comAsciiToWide (wStr, f, strlen (f) + 1);
- *bstr = ::SysAllocString (wStr);
- delete []wStr;
- }
- else
- *bstr = 0;
- return *bstr != 0 ? 0 : -1;
- }
- bool RpcStringBinding::isLocalhost () const
- {
- INETSockAddr addr (m_ipAddress);
- char hostname [MAXHOSTNAMELEN +1];
- if (::gethostname (hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) < 0)
- return false;
- INETSockAddr local (hostname);
- return (local == addr);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // RpcStringBinding::resolve - does the IP address of this string
- // binding resolve
- //
- bool RpcStringBinding::resolve () const
- {
- // check to see if a valid address is present.
- if (!m_ipAddress)
- return false;
- // Do a very TCP/IP-specific test to see if the ipAddress can be
- // resolved. This needs to be made more protocol-independent in
- // future...
- // Firstly, check if its a dotted-IP number...
- if (inet_addr (m_ipAddress) == (unsigned long)ERROR)
- {
- // No, so try to resolve the hostname...
- hostent* hp = ::gethostbyname (m_ipAddress);
- if (hp == 0)
- return false;
- #else
- if (::hostGetByName (const_cast<char*> (m_ipAddress)) == ERROR)
- return false;
- #endif
- }
- // Address did resolve...
- return true;
- }
- bool RpcStringBinding::operator== (const RpcStringBinding& sb) const
- {
- const char* s1 = formatted ();
- const char* s2 = sb.formatted ();
- if (s1 && s2 && (strcmp (s1, s2) == 0))
- return true;
- if ((s1 == 0) && (s2 == 0))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool RpcStringBinding::operator< (const RpcStringBinding& sb) const
- {
- const char* s1 = formatted ();
- const char* s2 = sb.formatted ();
- if (s1 && s2)
- return (strcmp (s1, s2) < 0);
- if (s1 == 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool RpcStringBinding::isValid () const
- {
- return m_ipAddress != 0 && m_portNumber != -1;
- }
- ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const RpcStringBinding& obj)
- {
- const char* s = obj.formatted ();
- if (s)
- os << s;
- return os;
- }
- char* RpcStringBinding::copyString (const char* s1) const
- {
- char* s2 = 0;
- if (s1)
- {
- s2 = reinterpret_cast<char*> (::malloc (::strlen (s1) + 1));
- if (s2)
- ::strcpy (s2, s1);
- }
- return s2;
- }
- void RpcStringBinding::delString (char*& s1)
- {
- if (s1)
- ::free (s1);
- s1 = 0;
- }