- /* ntlmssp.h - NT LM security headers */
- /* Copyright (c) 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01p,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01o,18sep00,nel SPR#33730. Merge T2 OPC fixes into T3 branch.
- 01n,09dec99,nel Mods to DES routines
- 01m,05aug99,dbs add mutex around channel-map
- 01l,19jul99,dbs add more knowledge of response header layout
- 01k,09jul99,dbs use new filenames
- 01j,06jul99,dbs add accessors
- 01i,29jun99,dbs add more details of protocol
- 01h,28jun99,dbs remove defaultInstance method
- 01g,24jun99,dbs implement more of NTLM protocol
- 01f,23jun99,dbs create class for NTLM authn
- 01e,26may99,dbs add extra magic number
- 01d,26may99,dbs adding more knowledge of protocol
- 01c,10may99,dbs remove refs to rpcDceLib
- 01b,11mar99,dbs add more hooks for authentication
- 01a,15feb99,dbs created
- */
- /*
- This file summarises what we know about the NTLMSSP security
- provider on Windows NT. The format of the packets is 'reverse
- engineered' from the wire, and assumptions have been made about the
- contents of some fields.
- The structure-field 'ntlmssp[8]' contains the 8 characters making up
- the NULL-terminated ASCII string "NTLMSSP". The sequence field
- contains a number which increments on every transaction.
- The
- */
- #ifndef __INCntlmssp_h
- #define __INCntlmssp_h
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "rpcDceProto.h"
- #include "dcomProxy.h"
- #include "RpcPdu.h"
- #include "private/comMisc.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Public 'C' globals which can be set by Project-Facility
- // configuration...
- //
- extern "C" DWORD g_defaultAuthnLevel;
- extern "C" DWORD g_defaultImpLevel;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // A simple string-like structure to keep a username in...
- //
- struct username_t
- {
- char txt [32];
- username_t (const char* s)
- { strncpy (txt, s, sizeof(txt)); }
- username_t (const username_t& x)
- { *this = x; }
- bool operator== (const username_t& x)
- { return (strcmp (txt, x.txt) == 0); }
- bool operator< (const username_t& x) const
- { return (strcmp (txt, x.txt) < 0); }
- username_t& operator= (const username_t& x)
- { strncpy (txt, x.txt, sizeof(txt)); return *this; }
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NTLMSSP -- a class that encapsulates the NT Lan Manager Security
- // Service Provider part of the DCOM protocol. The data-members are
- // effectively set by calls to CoInitializeSecurity() and the only
- // capabilities supported is EOAC_NONE in that API.
- //
- class NTLMSSP
- {
- public:
- // NTLMSSP ctor -- takes required authn and impersonation levels
- // for this particular instance of NTLMSSP service. The default
- // parameter values result in the defaults from the globals
- // 'g_defaultAuthnLevel' and 'g_defaultImpLevel' being assigned to
- // this instance...
- (
- );
- ~NTLMSSP ();
- // serverBindValidate -- validates auth-trailer of received BIND
- // PDUs when this instance of NTMLSSP is representing the
- // server-side of a connection...
- HRESULT serverBindValidate
- (
- int channelId,
- const RpcPdu& bindPdu,
- RpcPdu& reply
- );
- // serverRequestValidate -- validates auth-trailer of received
- // REQUEST PDUs when this instance of NTMLSSP is representing the
- // server-side of a connection...
- HRESULT serverRequestValidate
- (
- int channelId,
- const RpcPdu& reqPdu,
- RpcPdu& reply
- );
- // serverAuth3Validate -- validates incoming auth-trailer in an
- // AUTH3 packet when this instance of NTLMSSP is representing the
- // server-side of a connection.
- HRESULT serverAuth3Validate
- (
- int channelId,
- const RpcPdu& auth3Pdu
- );
- // clientAuthnRequestAdd -- adds auth-trailer to an outgoing BIND
- // PDU appropriate to the current level of authentication
- // established for this instance of NTLMSSP...
- HRESULT clientAuthnRequestAdd
- (
- int channelId,
- RpcPdu& bindPdu
- );
- // clientAuthnResponse -- adds auth-trailer to an outgoing AUTH3
- // PDU appropriate to the current level of authentication
- // established for this instance of NTLMSSP...
- HRESULT clientAuthnResponse
- (
- int channelId,
- const RpcPdu& bindAckPdu,
- bool* pbSendAuth3,
- RpcPdu& auth3Pdu
- );
- // clientAuthn -- adds authn-trailer to client-side request
- // packets, this is just the 'token'...
- HRESULT clientAuthn
- (
- int channelId,
- RpcPdu& reqPdu
- );
- // userAdd -- adds a user/password pair to the internal tables...
- static void userAdd (const char* userName, const char* userPasswd);
- // add/remove channel from table...
- void channelAdd (int channelId);
- void channelRemove (int channelId);
- // get status of a channel...
- HRESULT channelStatusGet (int cid)
- { return m_channelStatus [cid]; }
- // set status of a channel...
- void channelStatusSet (int cid, HRESULT status)
- { m_channelStatus [cid] = status; }
- // get current level
- DWORD authnLevel () const
- { return m_authnLevel; }
- private:
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // There are many items in these packet-layouts which are of the
- // same format, namely 2 shorts and a long, where the 2 shorts are
- // the length and max-length (always the same) of a field
- // (measured in bytes), and the long is the offset from the
- // beginning of the 'response' structure to that field. This
- // structure is described in the Samba documentation as a 'UNIHDR'
- // (Unicode String Header).
- //
- struct UNIHDR
- {
- USHORT len;
- USHORT max;
- ULONG offset;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // request -- client sends this request for authentication, in the
- // auth-trailer of an RPC PDU...
- //
- struct request
- {
- char ntlmssp [8]; // string "NTLMSSP "
- ULONG sequence; // sequence number
- ULONG ignored1; // ignored
- UNIHDR domainName;
- UNIHDR machineName;
- char text [1]; // machine+domain names
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // challenge -- server responds with this challenge, in the
- // outgoing auth-trailer, in response to a received request...
- //
- struct challenge
- {
- char ntlmssp [8]; // string "NTLMSSP "
- ULONG sequence; // sequence number
- ULONG mbz1; // unknown
- ULONG magic1; // value is NTLM_MAGIC1
- ULONG magic2; // value is NTLM_MAGIC2
- char chal [8]; // 8-byte challenge
- ULONG mbz2; // unknown
- ULONG mbz3; // unknown
- };
- enum {
- NTLM_MAGIC1 = 0x00000028,
- NTLM_MAGIC2_BIND = 0x00108201,
- NTLM_MAGIC2_REQ = 0x00008201
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // response -- the client then sends this response, which should
- // include the 'response' to the previous challenge, issued by the
- // server. If this response is correct, then the client is
- // authenticated.
- //
- // The fields described in this way are the 2 encrypted blocks,
- // the domain-name, username, and machine-name.
- //
- struct response
- {
- char ntlmssp [8]; // string "NTLMSSP "
- ULONG sequence; // sequence number
- UNIHDR block1;
- UNIHDR block2;
- UNIHDR domainName;
- UNIHDR userName;
- UNIHDR machineName;
- ULONG mbz1; // MBZ
- ULONG authLen; // same as auth-len
- ULONG magic2; // value same as in BIND
- // ...followed by domain-user-machine as wide-string, followed
- // by 2 lots of 24-byte encrypted response data, of which the
- // first 24-byte block is the NTLM response. When we are
- // sending an AUTH3 we put the same into the second block as
- // we don't have the mechanism to encrypt whatever is supposed
- // to be in there.
- };
- HRESULT authTrailerCheck (const RpcPdu&);
- void encrypt (const BYTE* pwdHash, const BYTE* challenge, BYTE* p24);
- static void ndrUnihdr (UNIHDR*, DREP);
- struct lmhash
- {
- BYTE data [16];
- };
- enum { TOKEN_LEN=16 };
- typedef STL_MAP (username_t, lmhash) USERTABLE;
- DWORD m_authnLevel; // RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_XXX
- STATUSMAP m_channelStatus; // channel => status
- VxMutex m_mutex; // thread safety for map
- static USERTABLE s_userTable; // table of user=>passwd-hash
- static BYTE s_token []; // NT token
- static BYTE s_defaultChallenge [];
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This class implements the Data Encryption Algorithm defined in
- // Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46, 1977 January 15,
- // Specifications for the Data Encryption Standard. This algorithm is commonly
- // refered to as DES.
- //
- // This code does not implement all DES features. It only implements the
- // parts of the algorithm required by VxDCOM. It only implements an unchained
- // forward DES pass. This means that it can only be used as a hash algorithm
- // for validating Microsoft LAN Manager authentication.
- class DES
- {
- public:
- // 16 bit encrypt using standard LAN Manager key.
- static void encrypt16 (const BYTE * input, BYTE * output)
- {
- hash (output, lmKey, input);
- hash (output + 8, lmKey, input + 7);
- };
- // 24 bit encyrpt using any key.
- static void encrypt24 (const BYTE * input, const BYTE * key, BYTE * output)
- {
- hash (output, key, input);
- hash (output + 8, key, input + 7);
- hash (output + 16, key, input + 14);
- };
- private:
- enum { sRowSize = 4 };
- enum { sColSize = 16 };
- enum { sSize = 8 };
- enum { leftShiftSize = 16 };
- enum { ipSize = 64 };
- enum { ip1Size = 64 };
- enum { pSize = 32 };
- enum { eSize = 48 };
- enum { pc1Size = 56 };
- enum { pc2Size = 48 };
- enum { lmKeySize = 8 };
- enum { keySize = 8 };
- enum { bufferSize = 64 };
- // Permute table using supplied hashing table.
- static void permute
- (
- BYTE * output, /* Output buffer */
- const BYTE * input, /* Input buffer */
- const BYTE * table, /* Permute table */
- int n /* Table size */
- )
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- output [i] = input [table [i] - 1];
- }
- // Block left shift.
- static void lshift
- (
- unsigned char *p, // Buffer
- int count, // No of bits to shift left
- int n // Buffer size
- )
- {
- char output [64];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- output [i] = p [(i + count) % n];
- for (i=0;i<n;i++)
- p [i] = output [i];
- }
- // Standard DES tables as defined in Data Encryption Standard.
- static const BYTE s [sSize][sRowSize][sColSize]; // S1 to S8
- static const BYTE noOfLeftShifts [leftShiftSize];
- static const BYTE ip [ipSize];
- static const BYTE ip1 [ip1Size]; // IP^-1
- static const BYTE p [pSize];
- static const BYTE e [eSize];
- static const BYTE pc1 [pc1Size];
- static const BYTE pc2 [pc2Size];
- // LAN Manager decryption key.
- static const BYTE lmKey [lmKeySize];
- static void hash (BYTE * output, const BYTE * input, const BYTE * key);
- static void dohash (BYTE * output, const BYTE * input, const BYTE * key);
- };
- };
- #endif