- /* ObjectTable.h - VxDCOM ObjectTable class definition */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01o,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01n,05mar01,nel SPR#62130 - implement CoDisconnectObject.
- 01m,20sep00,nel Add changes made in T2 since branch.
- 01l,17aug99,aim removed copy ctor and operator= from ObjectTable
- 01k,27jul99,drm Returning CLSID from interfaceInfoGet()
- 01j,26jul99,dbs dont save p/s clsid any longer
- 01i,16jul99,dbs convert map/set with long long key to use new macros
- 01h,29jun99,dbs remove const-ness warnings
- 01g,29jun99,dbs remove ifdef DEBUG around ostream operators
- 01f,29jun99,dbs make StdStub a member of ObjectTableEntry
- 01e,17jun99,aim uses new SCM
- 01d,10jun99,dbs remove inclusion of comNew.h
- 01c,03jun99,dbs no return value from mutex lock
- 01b,03jun99,dbs fix includes for VxMutex class
- 01a,02jun99,dbs created
- */
- #ifndef __INCObjectTable_h
- #define __INCObjectTable_h
- #include "dcomLib.h" // basic types, structs, etc
- #include "RpcDispatchTable.h" // for table class
- #include "MemoryStream.h" // for IStream impl
- #include "private/comMisc.h" // for VxMutex class
- #include "StdStub.h" // StdStub class
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ObjectTableEntry - each object exported by an Object Exporter
- // requires a record of this form. It records the useful information
- // relating to the object, and allows incoming ORPCs to be dispatched
- // against the object.
- //
- // The table-entry always adds a reference to the stream holding the
- // marshaled interface ptr, and releases it upon destruction. It is up
- // to the user (usually CoMarshalInterface()) to determine whether an
- // extra ref is needed for 'strong' marshaling.
- //
- #define VXDCOM_PING_TIMEOUT (120 * 3)
- struct ObjectTableEntry
- {
- IStream* pstmMarshaledItfPtr; // stream with marshaled itf ptr
- VxStdStub stdStub; // std-mshl stub object
- OID oid; // OID of marshaled object
- CLSID clsid; // CLSID of object
- IUnknown* punkCF; // class-factory ptr
- DWORD dwRegToken; // factory reg token
- long pingTimeout; // ping timeout (secs)
- bool noPing; // ping defeat mechanism
- ObjectTableEntry ();
- ObjectTableEntry (OID o, REFCLSID psc, IStream* pstm, bool);
- ~ObjectTableEntry ();
- void printOn (ostream&) const;
- private:
- // unsupported
- ObjectTableEntry& operator= (const ObjectTableEntry&);
- ObjectTableEntry (const ObjectTableEntry&);
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VxObjectTable -- this class implements a type of RpcDispatchTable
- // which records all exported objects owned by an Object Exporter.
- //
- class VxObjectTable : public RpcDispatchTable
- {
- typedef STL_MAP_LL(ObjectTableEntry*) OBJECTMAP;
- public:
- typedef OBJECTMAP::iterator iterator;
- typedef OBJECTMAP::const_iterator const_iterator;
- VxObjectTable () {}
- virtual ~VxObjectTable () {}
- // methods inherited from RpcDispatchTable base-class, to look-up
- // interface IDs, and interface pointers
- bool supportsInterface (REFIID);
- HRESULT interfaceInfoGet (REFIID riid, REFIPID, ULONG, IUnknown**, PFN_ORPC_STUB*, CLSID &);
- // methods to manage exported objects
- ObjectTableEntry* objectRegister (IStream*, REFCLSID, bool noPing);
- ObjectTableEntry* objectFindByOid (OID o);
- ObjectTableEntry* objectFindByStream (IStream* pstm);
- ObjectTableEntry* objectFindByToken (DWORD dwToken);
- ObjectTableEntry* objectFindByIUnknown (IUnknown* punk);
- bool objectUnregister (OID o);
- iterator begin () { return m_objectTable.begin (); }
- iterator end () { return m_objectTable.end (); }
- const_iterator begin () const { return m_objectTable.begin (); }
- const_iterator end () const { return m_objectTable.end (); }
- void lock () { m_mutex.lock (); }
- void unlock () { m_mutex.unlock (); }
- void printOn (ostream&) const;
- private:
- VxMutex m_mutex; // for task safety
- OBJECTMAP m_objectTable; // OID -> ObjectTableEntry
- };
- inline ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const ObjectTableEntry& ote)
- {
- ote.printOn (os);
- return os;
- }
- inline ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const VxObjectTable& ot)
- {
- ot.printOn (os);
- return os;
- }
- #endif