- /* NdrTypes.h - ORPC NDR (un)marshaling types */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01s,02aug01,dbs add [v1_enum] support
- 01r,08feb01,nel SPR#63885. SAFEARRAYs added.
- 01q,24aug00,dbs fix many OPC-related SPRs, copied over from T2 VxDCOM
- 01p,18jul00,dbs add enum NDR type
- 01o,29feb00,dbs fix typo and previous unmarshaling bug
- 01n,28feb00,dbs fix nasty bug when unmarshaling arrays of pointers
- 01m,24feb00,dbs add back-ptr to NDRTYPES
- 01l,07feb00,dbs simplify NdrType classes, enhance marshaling of arrays to
- support all kinds
- 01k,14oct99,dbs apply fix for ARM double format
- 01j,23sep99,dbs add final parts of VARIANT marshaling
- 01i,16sep99,dbs marshaling enhancements, part 2
- 01h,14sep99,dbs add VARIANT, pointer and string types - first stage
- 01g,16aug99,dbs add variant and string support
- 01f,12aug99,dbs improve struct support
- 01e,30jul99,dbs tighten up type-safety of NDR types
- 01d,24may99,dbs fix interface-ptr marshaling
- 01c,20may99,dbs add type-kind method to all classes
- 01b,14may99,dbs add alignment requirement to NdrType
- 01a,12may99,dbs created
- */
- #ifndef __INCNdrTypes_h
- #define __INCNdrTypes_h
- #include "dcomProxy.h"
- #include "NdrStreams.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrSimple<T> -- an NdrType subclass for all basic C/C++ primitive
- // types.
- //
- template <typename PrimT>
- class NdrSimple : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrSimple (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrType (n), m_pValue (0) {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_SIMPLE; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*) { return sizeof (PrimT); }
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (PrimT); }
- long value () const { return (long) *m_pValue; }
- void bind (void* pv) { m_pValue = (PrimT*) pv; }
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm)
- {
- pStrm->align (sizeof (PrimT));
- return pStrm->insert (sizeof (PrimT), m_pValue, true);
- }
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm)
- {
- pStrm->align (sizeof (PrimT));
- return pStrm->extract (sizeof (PrimT), m_pValue, true);
- }
- private:
- PrimT* m_pValue;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrEnum -- an NdrType subclass for handling old-style (16-bit)
- // enumerated values. These are conveyed on the wire as 16-bit values
- // (if declared as IDL enums) but need to be marshaled from (and
- // unmarshaled to) true 'enum' types as understood by the local
- // compiler.
- //
- class NdrEnum : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrEnum (NDRTYPES& n)
- : NdrType (n),
- m_pValue (0),
- m_bV1Enum (false)
- {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_SIMPLE; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*) { return sizeof (DUMMY); }
- size_t alignment () const;
- long value () const { return (long) *m_pValue; }
- void bind (void* pv) { m_pValue = (DUMMY*) pv; }
- void init (bool isV1Enum = false) { m_bV1Enum = isV1Enum; }
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- private:
- DUMMY* m_pValue;
- bool m_bV1Enum;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrStruct -- an NdrType subclass that represents 'structures' at
- // the 'C' or IDL level. The init() method is given an array of
- // StructMemberInfo items, each of which describes one member of the
- // structure, in terms of its type (via an NdrType pointer) and its
- // offset within the structure, plus the index of the 'size_is'
- // member, i.e. the one holding the array-length.
- //
- class NdrStruct : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrStruct (NDRTYPES& n)
- : NdrType (n),
- m_nMembers (0),
- m_pMemberInfo (0),
- m_pInstance (0),
- m_nSizeIs (0)
- {}
- virtual ~NdrStruct ();
- void init (size_t nmems, const NdrMemberInfo mems [], int nsize_is);
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_STRUCT; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- size_t alignment () const;
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void*);
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT marshal2 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal2 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- size_t m_nMembers; // number of members
- NdrMemberInfo* m_pMemberInfo; // member descriptions
- void* m_pInstance; // ptr to current instance
- int m_nSizeIs; // index of 'size_is' member
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrPointer -- an NdrType subclass that represents a [unique] or
- // [ptr] pointer to some other type...
- //
- class NdrPointer : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrPointer (NDRTYPES& n, bool bRefPtr=false)
- : NdrType (n),
- m_pPtr (0),
- m_pointeeType (0),
- m_refptr (bRefPtr)
- {}
- void init (const NdrTypeDesc& pt) { m_pointeeType=pt; }
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_PTR; }
- void resize (size_t);
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*) { return sizeof (void*); }
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (long); }
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void* pv) { m_pPtr = (void**) pv; }
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT marshal2 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal2 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- void** m_pPtr; // ptr to pointer-variable
- NdrTypeDesc m_pointeeType; // type of pointee
- bool m_refptr; // true when [ref] pointer
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrArray -- an NdrType subclass that represents a fixed-size array
- // at the IDL/C++ level. Its init() method is given the NdrType
- // representation of each of its elements, the size (in raw memory
- // bytes) of each element of the array, and the number of elements in
- // the array.
- //
- class NdrArray : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrArray (NDRTYPES& n)
- : NdrType (n),
- m_pElementType (0),
- m_nElementSize (0),
- m_ptr (0) ,
- m_arraySize (0),
- m_offset (0),
- m_max (0)
- {}
- void init
- (
- const NdrTypeDesc& elementType,
- size_t elemSize,
- size_t max,
- size_t offset,
- size_t len
- );
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_ARRAY; }
- void resize (size_t n) { m_arraySize = n; }
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- size_t alignment () const;
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void*);
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT marshal2 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal2 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- NdrTypeDesc m_pElementType; // type of element
- size_t m_nElementSize; // size of one element
- void* m_ptr; // ptr to current element
- size_t m_arraySize; // (transmitted) size of array
- size_t m_offset; // offset of mshl data
- size_t m_max; // max len of array
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrConfArray -- an NdrType subclass that represents a 'conformant
- // array' at the IDL/C++ level. It sub-classes NdrArray (the
- // fixed-size array representation) and over-rides the marshal() and
- // unmarshal() methods. Note that conformant arrays inside structures
- // (conformant structures) are actual typed by WIDL as plain arrays,
- // and conformant arrays are only used for method args, or are behind
- // [unique] pointers if inside structures.
- //
- class NdrConfArray : public NdrArray
- {
- public:
- NdrConfArray (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrArray (n)
- {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_CARRAY; }
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrConfVarArray -- an NdrType subclass that represents a
- // 'conformant varying array' at the IDL/C++ level. It sub-classes
- // NdrConfArray and records the 'max' size of the array, which is
- // different from the transmitted size of the array, and is declared
- // like:-
- //
- // [size_is(max), length_is(num)] FOO* pFoo
- //
- // meaning that although the maximum size of the array is 'max' only
- // 'num' elements are actually transmitted. Thanks DCE!
- //
- class NdrConfVarArray : public NdrConfArray
- {
- public:
- NdrConfVarArray (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrConfArray (n)
- {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_CVARRAY; }
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrConfStruct -- an NdrType subclass that represents a 'conformant
- // structure' at the IDL/C++ level, i.e. a structure whose final member
- // is a conformant array, and the length of this array is held in one
- // of the structures other members.
- //
- // To achieve this, the final member is treated as if it were a
- // fixed-size array, i.e. the WIDL-generated code should contain a
- // pointer to an NdrArray as the last member of the structure
- // definition, and it will be manipulated by the NdrConfStruct
- // marshaling routines so that it works correctly. When the conformant
- // structure is marshaled, the array-length is marshaled before the
- // structure itself.
- //
- class NdrConfStruct : public NdrStruct
- {
- public:
- NdrConfStruct (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrStruct (n)
- {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_CSTRUCT; }
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- private:
- size_t confElemResize ();
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrInterface -- an NdrType subclass that represents a COM interface
- // pointer at the 'C' or IDL level. The bind() method always takes the
- // address of the interface-pointer variable, whether marshaling or
- // unmarshaling.
- //
- class NdrInterface : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrInterface (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrType (n), m_pPointer (0)
- {}
- void init (REFIID riid) { m_iid = riid; }
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_INTERFACE; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*) { return sizeof (void*); }
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (void*); }
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void* pv);
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT marshal2 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal2 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- IUnknown** m_pPointer; // address of interface-ptr
- IID m_iid; // IID of interface
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrBSTR -- an NdrType subclass that represents a BSTR type...
- //
- class NdrBSTR : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrBSTR (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrType (n), m_pBstr (0)
- {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_BSTR; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*) { return sizeof (void*); }
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (void*); }
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void* pv) { m_pBstr = (BSTR*) pv; }
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT marshal2 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal2 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- BSTR* m_pBstr; // ptr to BSTR variable
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrVariant -- an NdrType subclass that represents a VARIANT type...
- //
- class NdrVariant : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrVariant (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrType (n), m_pVariant (0)
- {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_STRUCT; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (long); }
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void* pv) { m_pVariant = (VARIANT*) pv; }
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT marshal2 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal2 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- VARIANT* m_pVariant; // ptr to VARIANT variable
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrSafearray -- an NdrType subclass that represents a SAFEARRAY type...
- //
- class NdrSafearray : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrSafearray (NDRTYPES& n);
- ~NdrSafearray ();
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_STRUCT; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*) { return sizeof (ULONG); }
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (long); }
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void * pv);
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT marshal2 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal2 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- VARIANT* m_pVariant; // ptr to VARIANT variable. This contains the
- // memory rep of the SAFEARRAY.
- private:
- enum
- {
- PHASE1 = 0,
- } m_phase; // used in unmarshalling pointer types.
- SAFEARRAY * m_pTag; // used to hold a list of the tags for
- // unmarshalling pointer types.
- HRESULT actionArray
- (
- int dim,
- NdrMarshalStream * pMaStrm,
- NdrUnmarshalStream * pUnStrm,
- long * ix
- );
- HRESULT marshalBody (NdrMarshalStream * pStrm, long * ix);
- HRESULT unmarshalBody (NdrUnmarshalStream * pStrm, long * ix);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrWString -- an NdrType subclass that represents a wide-string,
- // NULL-terminated...
- //
- class NdrWString : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrWString (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrType (n), m_pString (0) {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_PTR; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (long); }
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void* pv) { m_pString = (OLECHAR*) pv; }
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- OLECHAR* m_pString; // ptr to string
- size_t m_max; // max length of string
- size_t m_offset; // offset of mshl data
- size_t m_len; // len of mshl data
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrCString -- an NdrType subclass that represents a wide-string,
- // NULL-terminated...
- //
- class NdrCString : public NdrType
- {
- public:
- NdrCString (NDRTYPES& n) : NdrType (n), m_pString (0) {}
- TypeKind kind () const { return TK_PTR; }
- void resize (size_t) {}
- size_t size (NdrUnmarshalStream*);
- size_t alignment () const { return sizeof (long); }
- long value () const { return 0; }
- void bind (void* pv) { m_pString = (char*) pv; }
- HRESULT marshal1 (NdrMarshalStream* pStrm);
- HRESULT unmarshal1 (NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm);
- protected:
- char* m_pString; // ptr to string
- size_t m_max; // max length of string
- size_t m_offset; // offset of mshl data
- size_t m_len; // len of mshl data
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrTypeFactory -- serves up memory for instances of any of the
- // supported marshalable types, and records them so that they are
- // destroyed when this object is destroyed. It achieves this by
- // allocating the type elements from a private heap, which is
- // destroyed upon destruction of the object itself. It relies on the
- // class NdrType having a special placement-new operator which
- // allocates memory from this factory object's private heap.
- //
- class NdrTypeFactory
- {
- enum { TYPESIZE=32 };
- public:
- NdrTypeFactory (int hint=256);
- ~NdrTypeFactory ();
- void* allocate (size_t);
- private:
- char* m_begin;
- char* m_curr;
- char* m_end;
- };
- #endif