- /* ObjectTable.cpp -- VxDCOM ObjectTable implementation */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01t,17dec01,nel Add include symbol for diab build.
- 01s,30jul01,dbs fix stupid bug in findByIUnknown as in T2 original
- 01r,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01q,05mar01,nel SPR#62130 - implement CoDisconnectObject.
- 01p,20sep00,nel Add changes made in T2 since branch.
- 01o,18sep00,nel SPR#33730. Merge T2 OPC fixes into T3 branch.
- 01n,19aug99,aim TASK_LOCK now uses mutex
- 01m,19aug99,dbs fix objectFindByOid() bug
- 01l,17aug99,aim removed copy ctor and operator= from ObjectTable
- 01k,29jul99,dbs fix erroneous return of RPC_E_INVALID_IPID
- 01j,27jul99,drm Returning CLSID from interfaceInfoGet()
- 01i,26jul99,dbs dont save p/s clsid any longer
- 01h,08jul99,dbs remove print statements
- 01g,29jun99,dbs remove const-ness warnings
- 01f,29jun99,dbs remove ifdef DEBUG around ostream operators
- 01e,29jun99,dbs make StdStub a member of ObjectTableEntry
- 01d,17jun99,aim uses new SCM
- 01c,10jun99,dbs remove op new and delete
- 01b,02jun99,dbs use new OS-specific macros
- 01a,02jun99,dbs created
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "ObjectTable.h"
- #include "dcomLib.h"
- #include "private/comMisc.h"
- #include "SCM.h"
- #include "StdStub.h"
- #include "orpcLib.h"
- /* Include symbol for diab */
- extern "C" int include_vxdcom_ObjectTable (void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ObjectTableEntry default ctor --
- //
- ObjectTableEntry::ObjectTableEntry ()
- : pstmMarshaledItfPtr (0),
- oid (0),
- punkCF (0),
- dwRegToken (0),
- pingTimeout (0),
- noPing (false)
- {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ObjectTableEntry ctor -- always AddRef() on stream while its in
- // this table entry...
- //
- ObjectTableEntry::ObjectTableEntry
- (
- OID o,
- IStream* pstm,
- bool npng
- )
- : pstmMarshaledItfPtr (pstm),
- oid (o),
- clsid (cls),
- punkCF (0),
- dwRegToken (0),
- pingTimeout (VXDCOM_PING_TIMEOUT),
- noPing (npng)
- {
- if (pstmMarshaledItfPtr)
- pstmMarshaledItfPtr->AddRef ();
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ObjectTableEntry dtor -- releases stream...
- //
- ObjectTableEntry::~ObjectTableEntry ()
- {
- if (pstmMarshaledItfPtr)
- pstmMarshaledItfPtr->Release ();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ObjectTableEntry* VxObjectTable::objectRegister
- (
- IStream* pstmItfPtr,
- bool noPing
- )
- {
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- OID oidNew = SCM::theSCM()->nextOid ();
- // Add new entry to export table, for this OID...
- ObjectTableEntry* pOTE = new ObjectTableEntry (oidNew,
- cls,
- pstmItfPtr,
- noPing);
- m_objectTable [oidNew] = pOTE;
- return pOTE;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ObjectTableEntry* VxObjectTable::objectFindByOid
- (
- OID oid
- )
- {
- // Look for entry...
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- OBJECTMAP::const_iterator i = m_objectTable.find (oid);
- if (i == m_objectTable.end ())
- return 0;
- return (*i).second;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ObjectTableEntry* VxObjectTable::objectFindByStream
- (
- IStream* pStm
- )
- {
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- // Must do linear search, as the table key is OID...
- OBJECTMAP::const_iterator i = m_objectTable.begin ();
- while (i != m_objectTable.end ())
- {
- ObjectTableEntry* pOTE = (*i).second;
- if (pOTE->pstmMarshaledItfPtr == pStm)
- return pOTE;
- ++i;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ObjectTableEntry* VxObjectTable::objectFindByToken
- (
- DWORD dwToken
- )
- {
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- // Must do linear search, as table key is OID...
- OBJECTMAP::const_iterator i = m_objectTable.begin ();
- while (i != m_objectTable.end ())
- {
- ObjectTableEntry* pOTE = (*i).second;
- if (pOTE->dwRegToken == dwToken)
- return pOTE;
- ++i;
- }
- // Not found, if we get here...
- return 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ObjectTableEntry* VxObjectTable::objectFindByIUnknown
- (
- IUnknown* punk
- )
- {
- ObjectTableEntry* pOTE = 0;
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- // Must do linear search, as table key is OID...
- OBJECTMAP::const_iterator i = m_objectTable.begin ();
- while (i != m_objectTable.end ())
- {
- pOTE = (*i).second;
- if (pOTE->stdStub.getIUnknown () == punk)
- return pOTE;
- ++i;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- bool VxObjectTable::objectUnregister (OID oid)
- {
- size_t nErased = 0;
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- ObjectTableEntry* pOTE = objectFindByOid (oid);
- nErased = m_objectTable.erase (oid);
- return (nErased != 0);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VxObjectTable::supportsInterface -- determine if the table contains
- // an entry corresponding to the given interface identifier...
- //
- bool VxObjectTable::supportsInterface (REFIID riid)
- {
- bool bSupports = false;
- // Must do linear search, as table key is OID...
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- OBJECTMAP::iterator i = m_objectTable.begin ();
- while (i != m_objectTable.end ())
- {
- if ((*i).second->stdStub.supportsInterface (riid))
- {
- bSupports = true;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return bSupports;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VxObjectTable::interfaceInfoGet -- returns the info required to
- // dispatch a method call on an Object Interface...
- //
- HRESULT VxObjectTable::interfaceInfoGet
- (
- REFIID riid,
- REFIPID ripid,
- ULONG methodNum,
- IUnknown** ppUnk,
- PFN_ORPC_STUB* ppfn,
- CLSID & classid
- )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- OID oid = orpcOidFromIpid (ripid);
- ObjectTableEntry* pOTE = objectFindByOid (oid);
- if (pOTE)
- {
- // Both the VxStdStub and VxObjectTable inherit from
- // RpcDispatchTable which declares the interfaceInfoGet() method.
- // Only the VxObjectTable knows the CLSID for the class being
- // invoked by RemoteActivation, so we ignore the CLSID from
- // VxStdStub::interfaceInfoGet() and replace it with the value
- // here.
- hr = pOTE->stdStub.interfaceInfoGet (riid,
- ripid,
- methodNum,
- ppUnk,
- ppfn,
- classid);
- if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
- classid = pOTE->clsid;
- else
- classid = GUID_NULL;
- }
- else
- return hr;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void ObjectTableEntry::printOn (ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "ObjectTableEntry:oid=" << (int) oid << endl;
- }
- void VxObjectTable::printOn (ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "ObjectTable:" << endl;
- for (const_iterator i = begin (); i != end (); ++i)
- os << (*i).second;
- }