- /* SockEP */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01c,11aug99,aim keepalive no longer the default
- 01b,30jul99,aim add keepAliveSet method
- 01a,10may99,aim created
- */
- #ifndef __INCSockEP_h_
- #define __INCSockEP_h_
- #include "ReactorHandle.h"
- #include "SockAddr.h"
- #include "iostream"
- class SockEP : public ReactorHandle
- {
- public:
- virtual ~SockEP ();
- int optSet
- (
- int level,
- int option,
- void* optval,
- int optlen
- ) const;
- // Wrapper around the setsockopt() system call.
- int optGet
- (
- int level,
- int option,
- void* optval,
- int* optlen
- ) const;
- // Wrapper around the getsockopt() system call.
- int optReuseAddrSet ();
- int optKeepAliveSet ();
- int open
- (
- int type,
- int protocolFamily,
- int protocol,
- int reuseAddr,
- int keepAliveSet = 0
- );
- // Invokes the <socket> system call
- int close (void);
- // Close down the socket.
- int hostAddrGet (SockAddr& sa) const;
- int peerAddrGet (SockAddr& sa) const;
- friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const SockEP&);
- protected:
- SockEP ();
- SockEP (const SockAddr& sa);
- SockEP
- (
- int type,
- int protocolFamily = PF_INET,
- int protocol = 0,
- int reuseAddr = 0
- );
- };
- #endif // __INCSockEP_h