- /* Connector - Encapsulates a Socket connection */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01a,05jun99,aim created
- */
- #ifndef __INCConnector_h
- #define __INCConnector_h
- #include "ReactorTypes.h"
- #include "EventHandler.h"
- class Reactor;
- template <class SVC_HANDLER, PEER_CONNECTOR_1>
- class Connector : public EventHandler
- {
- public:
- virtual ~Connector ();
- Connector (Reactor *r);
- //virtual int open (Reactor *r = Reactor::instance ());
- virtual int open (Reactor *r);
- // Connection establishment methods.
- virtual int connect
- (
- const PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR& remoteAddr,
- SVC_HANDLER*& svcHandler = 0
- );
- virtual int close ();
- // Close down the Connector
- protected:
- Connector (); // ensure Connector is an ABC.
- virtual int newSvcHandler (SVC_HANDLER*& svcHandler);
- // Bridge method for creating a SVC_HANDLER. The default is to
- // create a new SVC_HANDLER only if SVC_HANDLER == 0.
- virtual int connectSvcHandler
- (
- const PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR& remoteAddr,
- SVC_HANDLER*& svcHandler = 0
- );
- // Bridge method for connecting the <SvcHandler> to the
- // <remote_addr>. The default behavior delegates to the
- // <PEER_CONNECTOR::connect>.
- virtual int activateSvcHandler (SVC_HANDLER* svcHandler);
- // Bridge method for activating a <svc_handler> with the appropriate
- // concurrency strategy. The default behavior of this method is to
- // activate the SVC_HANDLER by calling its open() method (which
- // allows the SVC_HANDLER to define its own concurrency strategy).
- // However, subclasses can override this strategy to do more
- // sophisticated concurrency activations (such as creating the
- // SVC_HANDLER as an "active object" via multi-threading or
- // multi-processing).
- // = Demultiplexing hooks.
- virtual int handleClose
- (
- );
- private:
- PEER_CONNECTOR m_connector;
- // This is the concrete connector factory (it keeps no state so the
- // <Connector> is reentrant).
- bool m_closing;
- // unsupported
- Connector (const Connector& other);
- Connector& operator= (const Connector& rhs);
- };
- #include "Connector.tcc" // template implementations
- #endif // __INCConnector_h