- /* comCoreLib.h - core COM definitions */
- /* Copyright (c) 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,07aug01,dbs return multiple interfaces during creation
- 01e,06aug01,dbs add registry-show capability
- 01d,28jun01,dbs add interlocked inc/dec funcs
- 01c,27jun01,dbs add GUID string len definition
- 01b,22jun01,dbs add const to args for comGuidCmp
- 01a,20jun01,dbs created
- */
- #ifndef __INCcomCoreLib_h
- #define __INCcomCoreLib_h
- /* includes */
- #include "comCoreTypes.h" /* IDL-derived types */
- #include "comErr.h" /* error codes & macros */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- #include <string.h>
- inline bool operator < (const GUID& a, const GUID& b)
- {
- return (memcmp (&a, &b, sizeof (GUID)) < 0);
- }
- inline bool operator == (const GUID& a, const GUID& b)
- {
- return (memcmp (&a, &b, sizeof (GUID)) == 0);
- }
- inline bool operator != (const GUID& a, const GUID& b)
- {
- return ! (a == b);
- }
- extern "C"
- {
- #endif
- /* defines */
- #define GUID_STRING_LEN 64
- /* types */
- typedef enum
- {
- PS_DEFAULT=0, /* use system default priority */
- PS_SVR_ASSIGNED, /* use priority in reg. info */
- PS_CLNT_PROPAGATED /* use priority from client */
- /* prototypes */
- STATUS comCoreLibInit (void);
- STATUS comCoreRegShow (void);
- HRESULT comCoreGUID2String
- (
- const GUID * pGuid, /* GUID to print */
- char * buf /* GUID_STRING_LEN */
- );
- HRESULT comInstanceCreate
- (
- REFCLSID clsid, /* class ID */
- IUnknown * pUnkOuter, /* aggregating interface */
- DWORD dwClsCtx, /* class context */
- const char * hint, /* service hint */
- ULONG cMQIs, /* number of MQIs */
- MULTI_QI * pMQIs /* MQI array */
- );
- HRESULT comClassObjectGet
- (
- REFCLSID clsid, /* class ID */
- DWORD dwClsCtx, /* class context */
- const char * hint, /* service hint */
- REFIID iid, /* class-obj IID */
- void ** ppvClsObj /* resulting interface ptr */
- );
- HRESULT comRegistryAdd
- (
- const char * regName, /* registry name */
- DWORD dwClsCtx, /* class context */
- IRegistry* pReg /* registry to add */
- );
- HRESULT comClassRegister
- (
- REFCLSID clsid, /* class ID */
- DWORD dwClsCtx, /* class context */
- PFN_GETCLASSOBJECT pfnGCO, /* GetClassObject() func */
- VXDCOMPRIORITYSCHEME priScheme, /* priority scheme */
- int priority /* priority assoc. with scheme */
- );
- BOOL comGuidCmp
- (
- const GUID * a, /* one GUID */
- const GUID * b /* another GUID */
- );
- long comSafeInc
- (
- long * pVar /* variable to increment */
- );
- long comSafeDec
- (
- long * pVar /* variable to decrement */
- );
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INCcomCoreLib_h */