- /* comObjLibExt.h - VxCOM Embeded Extensions to comObjLib.h */
- /* Copyright (c) 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01d,03jan02,nel Remove references to T2OLE and OLE2T.
- 01c,09aug01,nel Add wide string conversion.
- 01b,07aug01,nel Add extra methods to VxComBSTR to allow creation from numeric
- values.
- 01a,23jul01,nel created
- */
- /*
- This file provides VxWorks specific extensions to the existing ATL like
- classes defined in comObjLib.h
- */
- #ifndef __INCcomObjLibExt_h__
- #define __INCcomObjLibExt_h__
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- class VxComBSTR : public CComBSTR
- {
- public:
- VxComBSTR () : CComBSTR ()
- {
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- explicit VxComBSTR (int nSize, LPCOLESTR sz = 0) : CComBSTR (nSize, sz)
- {
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- explicit VxComBSTR (const char * pstr) : CComBSTR (pstr)
- {
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- explicit VxComBSTR (LPCOLESTR psz) : CComBSTR (psz)
- {
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- explicit VxComBSTR (const CComBSTR& src) : CComBSTR (src)
- {
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- explicit VxComBSTR (DWORD src) : CComBSTR ()
- {
- m_text = NULL;
- *this = src;
- }
- explicit VxComBSTR (DOUBLE src) : CComBSTR ()
- {
- m_text = NULL;
- *this = src;
- }
- ~VxComBSTR ()
- {
- if (m_text != NULL)
- {
- delete []m_text;
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- }
- operator char * ()
- {
- char * ptr;
- if (m_text != NULL)
- {
- delete []m_text;
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- if ((BSTR)(*this) == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- #ifdef _WIN32
- m_text = new char [wcslen ((BSTR)(*this)) + 1];
- #else
- m_text = new char [comWideStrLen ((BSTR)(*this)) + 1];
- #endif
- if (m_text == NULL) return NULL;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- wcstombs (m_text, (BSTR)(*this), wcslen ((BSTR)(*this)) + 1);
- #else
- comWideToAscii (m_text, (BSTR)(*this), comWideStrLen ((BSTR)(*this)) + 1);
- #endif
- return m_text;
- }
- operator DWORD ()
- {
- return (DWORD)atol (*this);
- }
- VxComBSTR& operator = (const DWORD& src)
- {
- if (m_text)
- {
- delete []m_text;
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- char buffer [32];
- sprintf (buffer, "%ld", src);
- *this = buffer;
- return *this;
- }
- void SetHex (const DWORD src)
- {
- if (m_text)
- {
- delete []m_text;
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- char buffer [32];
- sprintf (buffer, "%lX", src);
- *this = buffer;
- }
- VxComBSTR& operator = (const DOUBLE& src)
- {
- if (m_text)
- {
- delete []m_text;
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- char buffer [32];
- sprintf (buffer, "%f", src);
- *this = buffer;
- return *this;
- }
- VxComBSTR& operator = (const char * src)
- {
- if (m_text)
- {
- delete []m_text;
- m_text = NULL;
- }
- OLECHAR * wStr = new OLECHAR [(strlen (src) + 1)];
- #ifdef _WIN32
- mbstowcs (wStr, src, strlen (src) + 1);
- #else
- comAsciiToWide (wStr, src, strlen (src) + 1);
- #endif
- *((CComBSTR *)this) = wStr;
- delete []wStr;
- return *this;
- }
- bool const operator == (const VxComBSTR& src)
- {
- long int i;
- if (Length () != src.Length ())
- {
- return false;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < (long int)Length (); i++)
- {
- if (((BSTR)(*this)) [i] != ((BSTR)src)[i])
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool const operator != (const VxComBSTR& src)
- {
- return !(*this == src);
- }
- private:
- char * m_text;
- };
- #endif