- /* proxyArpLib.c - proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) server library */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01p,07may02,kbw man page edits
- 01o,26mar02,vvv fixed proxy broadcast storm (SPR #74518)
- 01n,07dec01,vvv fixed proxy broadcast forwarding enabled by proxyPortFwdOn
- (SPR #71656)
- 01m,05nov01,vvv fixed transfer of broadcasts across networks (SPR #70768)
- 01l,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01p, base o1h (cleanup)
- 01k,26feb01,spm fixed transfer of broadcasts across networks (SPR #31718)
- 0ij,07feb01,spm added merge record for 30jan01 update from version 01i of
- tor2_0_x branch (base 01h) and fixed modification history;
- removed excess code from merge
- 01i,30jan01,ijm merged SPR# 28602 fixes (proxy ARP services are obsolete);
- added permanent flag to proxy ARP entries and fixed handling
- of ARP requests for local addresses
- 01h,09feb99,fle doc: put the library description chart inside .CS / .CE
- markups
- + and removed dash line to stay in the INTERNAL field
- 01g,14dec97,jdi doc: cleanup.
- 01f,25oct97,kbw fixed man page problems found in beta review
- 01e,15apr97,kbw fixed minor format problems in man page
- 01d,29jan97,vin replaced routeCmd with proxyRouteCmd which adds an
- explicit network mask of 0xffffffff. Always added
- the route before adding the arp entry.
- 01c,22nov96,vin added cluster support replaced m_gethdr(..) with
- mHdrClGet(..).
- 01h,11aug93,jmm Changed ioctl.h and socket.h to sys/ioctl.h and sys/socket.h
- 01g,13nov92,dnw added include of semLibP.h
- 01f,21sep92,jdi Documentation cleanup.
- 01e,16aug92,elh documentation changes.
- 01d,15jun92,elh changed parameters, general cleanup.
- 01c,04jun92,ajm quieted ansi warnings on netTypeAdd parameters
- 01b,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- 01a,20sep91,elh written.
- */
- /*
- This library implements a proxy ARP server that uses the Address Resolution
- Protocol (ARP) to make physically distinct networks appear as one logical
- network (that is, the networks share the same address space). The server
- forwards ARP messages between the separate networks so that hosts on the
- main network can access hosts on the proxy network without altering their
- routing tables.
- The proxyArpLibInit() initializes the server and adds this library to the
- VxWorks image. This happens automatically if INCLUDE_PROXY_SERVER is
- defined at the time the image is built. The proxyNetCreate() and
- proxyNetDelete() routines will enable and disable the forwarding of ARP
- messages between networks. The proxyNetShow() routine displays the current
- set of proxy networks and the main network and known clients for each.
- By default, this server automatically adds a client when it first detects
- an ARP message from that host. A VxWorks target can also register as
- a client with the proxyReg() routine and remove that registration with
- the proxyUnreg() routine. See the proxyLib manual pages for details.
- To minimize traffic on the main network, the proxy server will only forward
- broadcast packets to the specified destination ports visible with the
- proxyPortShow() routine. The proxyPortFwdOn() and proxyPortFwdOff() routines
- will alter the current settings. Initially, broadcast forwarding is not
- active for any ports.
- INCLUDE FILES: proxyArpLib.h
- SEE ALSO: proxyLib, RFC 925, RFC 1027, RFC 826
- Proxy Server Structures
- The proxy server must hold information about each of the proxy networks.
- A proxy network is defined by a proxy network structure (PROXY_NET) which
- contains the local interface addresses for each network and a list of the
- current proxy clients. The proxyNetList variable stores all of the proxy
- network information.
- Proxy Clients
- A proxy client corresponds to a host on a proxy network. The proxy server
- stores information about each proxy client in the PROXY_CLNT structure.
- By default, the server adds a client when it detects the initial ARP message
- from the host. Clients may also be added and deleted explicitly with
- proxyLib routines.
- The proxy client information is available as both a hash table and a linked
- list. The hash table (called clientTbl) provides fast lookup using the
- client IP address as the key. Each proxy network structure provides a
- third method for accessing a particular proxy client on that network through
- the clientList element of the structure.
- The combined collection of proxy ARP structures (i.e the proxyNetList, and
- the clientTbl) are protected by a single mutual exclusion semaphore.
- Registering and Unregistering Proxy Clients
- A vxWorks target can explicitly register and unregister itself as a
- proxy client by generating and sending messages of an unused Ethernet
- type to the server. These messages use the format given by the PROXY_MSG
- structure and have either operation type PROXY_REG or PROXY_UNREG. If
- the proxy server receives one of these messages it performs the appropriate
- action by either adding or deleting the node as a proxy client. The server
- notifies the client on completion by sending back an ACK message.
- By default, the proxy server registers a client when it detects the initial
- ARP message from a host and never removes that registration. As a result,
- the proxy client component is normally not required. The explicit registration
- which that library allows is only necessary for protocols such as BOOTP
- that may require proxy ARP services before configuring an interface with
- an IP address (which sends a gratuitous ARP message).
- There are two main hooks into this library from the network modules. The
- in_arpinput() routine in if_ether.c uses the first hook to handle special
- ARP processing. When the server is active, that routine processes all valid
- ARP messages as follows:
- if (proxyArpHook == NULL ||
- (* proxyArpHook)
- ( (struct arpcom *)m->m_pkthdr.rcvif, m) == FALSE)
- in_arpinput(m);
- The proxyArpHook function pointer uses the proxyArpInput() routine to forward
- any ARP requests or replies as appropriate. That routine typically returns
- FALSE since the standard ARP processing handles most cases correctly.
- The ipintr() routine in ip_input.c uses a similar function pointer
- (proxyBroadcastHook) so that the proxy ARP server may forward selected
- broadcast packets to and from the main network with the proxyBroadcastInput
- routine.
- Under VxWorks AE, the functions you assign for either 'proxyArpHook'
- or 'proxyBroadcastHook' must be valid within the kernel protection domain.
- This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- Structure Chart:
- .CS
- v v
- proxyArpLibInit proxyNetShow
- (in_arpinput)
- v
- ----------------proxyArpInput------------------------------------------
- / / |
- v | | | | |
- | proxyArpReplyFwd------|---------------|--|---------------------|-------->
- | | v | | | |
- v | proxyArpRequestFwd---- -|--|---------------------|-------->
- proxyArpReply | / | | | |
- | | | | | | |
- v v v | | | |
- proxyArpSend | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- (ipintr) | | | |
- v | | | |
- --proxyBroadcastInput-----------------|--> | |
- / | | | | |
- v ------ <-----------/ | (do_protocol) | |
- proxyBroadcast | | | v | |
- | | | proxyMsgInput-----> |
- |----/ | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- | | v | | | |
- | | proxyIsAMainNet | | | |
- | v | | /---/ | |
- |proxyNetCreate| | | | |
- | v | | | v |
- |proxyNetDelete| ----------------------|-proxyClientAdd|
- | v v / | v v |
- | proxyNetFind<-/ |proxyClientDelete|
- | v v |
- proxyClientFind<-/
- ------------
- v | v v
- proxyPortFwdOn | proxyPortFwdOff proxyPortShow
- | | | | |
- ------------------>|<-------/<--------------------/ v
- v proxyPortPrint
- proxyPortTblFind
- .CE
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "netinet/if_ether.h"
- #include "proxyArpLib.h"
- #include "sys/socket.h"
- #include "net/if_arp.h"
- #include "net/route.h"
- #include "net/if.h"
- #include "net/mbuf.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "sys/ioctl.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "hashLib.h"
- #include "netinet/ip_var.h"
- #include "netinet/udp.h"
- #include "netinet/udp_var.h"
- #include "inetLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "arpLib.h"
- #include "routeLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "net/unixLib.h"
- #include "net/if_subr.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsProxyArp.h"
- #endif
- /* defines */
- #define CLNT_TBL_SZ 8 /* default client table sz 2^8 */
- #define PORT_TBL_SZ 8 /* default port table sz 2^8 */
- /* useful macros */
- #define proxyIsAproxyNet(pAddr) ((proxyNetFind (pAddr) == NULL) ?
- (FALSE) : (TRUE))
- #define proxyIsAClient(pAddr) ((proxyClientFind ((pAddr)) == NULL) ?
- (FALSE) : (TRUE))
- #define NODE_TO_CLIENT(pNode) (PROXY_CLNT *)
- ((u_long)(pNode + 1) - sizeof (PROXY_CLNT))
- /* fill in sockaddr_in structure */
- #define SIN_FILL(pSin, family, addr, port)
- {
- bzero ((caddr_t) (pSin), sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
- (pSin)->sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- (pSin)->sin_family = (family);
- (pSin)->sin_addr.s_addr = (addr);
- (pSin)->sin_port = (port);
- }
- /* globals */
- /* debug variables */
- BOOL arpDebug = FALSE; /* ARP debug messages */
- BOOL proxyArpVerbose = FALSE; /* proxy ARP messages */
- BOOL proxyBroadcastVerbose = FALSE; /* broadcast messages */
- /* enabling variables */
- BOOL proxyBroadcastFwd = TRUE; /* forward broadcasts */
- BOOL arpRegister = TRUE; /* use ARP message to */
- /* register clients */
- int clientTblSizeDefault = CLNT_TBL_SZ; /* default size */
- int portTblSizeDefault = PORT_TBL_SZ; /* default size */
- /* locals */
- /*
- * proxy semahore & semid and options and structures
- * protected by proxySem (clientTbl, proxyNetList)
- */
- LOCAL SEMAPHORE proxySem; /* proxy ARP semphore */
- LOCAL SEM_ID proxySemId = &proxySem;
- int proxySemOptions = (SEM_Q_FIFO | SEM_DELETE_SAFE );
- LOCAL HASH_ID clientTbl = NULL; /* hashed clients */
- LOCAL LIST proxyNetList; /* proxy network list */
- /* port table sem semid and options, and port table*/
- LOCAL SEM_ID portTblSemId = &portTblSem;
- int portTblSemOptions = (SEM_Q_FIFO | SEM_DELETE_SAFE );
- LOCAL HASH_ID portTbl = NULL; /* hashed ports */
- LOCAL BOOL proxyLibInitialized = FALSE; /* server initialized */
- LOCAL int hashKeyArg = 425871; /* hash key */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* forward declarations */
- IMPORT FUNCPTR proxyArpHook;
- IMPORT FUNCPTR proxyBroadcastHook;
- IMPORT int in_cksum ();
- IMPORT int in_broadcast ();
- /* locals */
- /* hook routines */
- LOCAL void proxyBroadcastInput (struct mbuf *pMbuf, struct ifnet * pIf);
- LOCAL BOOL proxyArpInput (struct arpcom * pArpcom, struct mbuf * pMbuf);
- LOCAL void proxyMsgInput (struct arpcom * pArpcom, struct mbuf * pMbuf,
- int len);
- LOCAL void proxyArpReply (struct arpcom * pArpcom, struct mbuf * pMbuf,
- int proto);
- LOCAL void proxyArpRequestFwd (struct in_addr * pClientAddr,
- struct mbuf * pMbuf);
- LOCAL void proxyArpReplyFwd (PROXY_CLNT * pClient, struct mbuf * pMbuf);
- LOCAL void proxyArpSend (struct ifnet * pIf, int op, int proto,
- u_char * srcProtoAddr, u_char * dstHwAddr,
- u_char * dstProtoAddr);
- LOCAL void proxyBroadcast (struct ifnet * pIf, struct mbuf * pMbuf, int ttl);
- LOCAL PROXY_NET * proxyNetFind (struct in_addr * pProxyAddr);
- LOCAL PROXY_CLNT * proxyClientFind (struct in_addr * clientAddr);
- LOCAL BOOL proxyIsAMainNet (struct in_addr * pMainAddr);
- LOCAL PORT_NODE * portTblFind (int port);
- LOCAL BOOL proxyPortPrint (PORT_NODE * pPort);
- LOCAL STATUS proxyRouteCmd (int destInetAddr, int gateInetAddr, int ioctlCmd);
- LOCAL STATUS proxyClientAdd (struct arpcom * pArpcom,
- struct in_addr * pClientAddr,
- u_char * pClientHwAddr);
- LOCAL STATUS proxyClientDelete (struct in_addr * pClientAddr);
- LOCAL void proxyClientRemove (PROXY_CLNT * pClient);
- LOCAL M_BLK_ID proxyPacketDup (M_BLK_ID pMblk);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyArpLibInit - initialize proxy ARP
- *
- * This routine starts the proxy ARP server by initializing the required data
- * structures and installing the necessary input hooks. It should be called
- * only once; subsequent calls have no effect. The <clientSizeLog2> and
- * <portSizeLog2> parameters specify the internal hash table sizes. Each
- * must be equal to a power of two, or zero to use a default size value.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- */
- STATUS proxyArpLibInit
- (
- int clientSizeLog2, /* client table size as power of two */
- int portSizeLog2 /* port table size as power of two */
- )
- {
- if (proxyLibInitialized) /* already initialized */
- return (OK);
- /* need to initialize vars */
- arpDebug = FALSE; /* ARP debug messages */
- proxyArpVerbose = FALSE; /* proxy ARP messages */
- proxyBroadcastVerbose = FALSE; /* broadcast messages */
- /* enabling variables */
- proxyBroadcastFwd = TRUE; /* forward broadcasts */
- arpRegister = TRUE; /* use ARP message to */
- /* to register clients */
- clientTblSizeDefault = CLNT_TBL_SZ; /* default size */
- portTblSizeDefault = PORT_TBL_SZ; /* default size */
- proxySemId = &proxySem;
- proxySemOptions = (SEM_Q_FIFO | SEM_DELETE_SAFE );
- clientTbl = NULL; /* hashed clients */
- /* port table sem semid and options, and port table*/
- portTblSemId = &portTblSem;
- portTblSemOptions = (SEM_Q_FIFO | SEM_DELETE_SAFE );
- portTbl = NULL; /* hashed ports */
- proxyLibInitialized = FALSE; /* server initialized */
- hashKeyArg = 425871; /* hash key */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* use default values if zero passed */
- clientSizeLog2 = (clientSizeLog2 == 0) ? clientTblSizeDefault :
- clientSizeLog2;
- portSizeLog2 = (portSizeLog2 == 0) ? portTblSizeDefault : portSizeLog2;
- lstInit (&proxyNetList);
- if ((proxySemId = semMCreate (proxySemOptions)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((portTblSemId = semMCreate (portTblSemOptions)) == NULL)
- {
- semDelete (proxySemId);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((clientTbl = hashTblCreate (clientSizeLog2, hashKeyCmp, hashFuncModulo,
- hashKeyArg)) == NULL)
- {
- semDelete (proxySemId);
- semDelete (portTblSemId);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((portTbl = hashTblCreate (portSizeLog2, hashKeyCmp, hashFuncModulo,
- hashKeyArg)) == NULL)
- {
- semDelete (proxySemId);
- semDelete (portTblSemId);
- hashTblDelete (clientTbl);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- proxyBroadcastHook = (FUNCPTR) proxyBroadcastInput;
- netTypeAdd (PROXY_TYPE, (FUNCPTR) proxyMsgInput);
- proxyArpHook = (FUNCPTR) proxyArpInput;
- proxyLibInitialized = TRUE;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyArpInput - proxy ARP input hook
- *
- * The proxyArpInput routine completes the gateway transparency between a
- * proxy network and the main network, allowing the physically distinct
- * hosts to share the same logical subnet. The standard ARP processing is
- * able to manage all ARP messages except requests from a proxy client for
- * a host on the main network. The arpintr routine in the if_ether.c module
- * calls this routine to relay those requests to the destination network and
- * return the replies. The routine returns TRUE for those messages to prevent
- * redundant (and usually incorrect) processing by the in_arpinput routine.
- *
- * The <pArpcom> parameter identifies the interface which received the
- * ARP message contained in the <pMbuf> mbuf chain.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if message handled, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL proxyArpInput
- (
- struct arpcom * pArpcom, /* arpcom structure */
- struct mbuf * pMbuf /* mbuf chain */
- )
- {
- struct ether_arp * pArp; /* ARP message */
- struct in_addr srcAddr; /* source address */
- struct in_addr dstAddr; /* destination address */
- u_short arpOp; /* ARP operation */
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient; /* registration of proxy client */
- PROXY_NET * pNet; /* proxy network */
- /*
- * Extract information from the ARP message which the arpintr()
- * routine has validated.
- */
- pArp = mtod (pMbuf, struct ether_arp *);
- arpOp = ntohs (pArp->arp_op);
- bcopy (pArp->arp_spa, (char *)&srcAddr, sizeof (srcAddr));
- bcopy (pArp->arp_tpa, (char *)&dstAddr, sizeof (dstAddr));
- if (arpDebug) /* ARP debugging info */
- {
- logMsg ("op:%s (if 0x%x) src: 0x%x [%s] dst: 0x%x ",
- (arpOp == ARPOP_REQUEST) ? (int) "request" : (int) "reply",
- ntohl (pArpcom->ac_ipaddr.s_addr), ntohl (srcAddr.s_addr),
- (int) ether_sprintf (pArp->arp_sha), ntohl (dstAddr.s_addr), 0);
- if (arpOp != ARPOP_REQUEST)
- logMsg ("[%s]", (int) ether_sprintf (pArp->arp_tha), 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0);
- logMsg ("n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- /* Ignore any messages containing a broadcast address as the source. */
- if (!(bcmp (pArp->arp_sha, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof (pArp->arp_sha))))
- {
- m_freem (pMbuf);
- return (TRUE); /* Invalid message - skip standard ARP processing. */
- }
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- switch (arpOp)
- {
- /*
- * Handle any ARP requests which must cross a network boundary
- * that the proxy server hides. The standard ARP processing
- * cannot manage those situations. It will handle all requests
- * from a main network since proxy ARP entries exist for all
- * hosts on the proxy network.
- */
- if ((pNet = proxyNetFind (&pArpcom->ac_ipaddr)) != NULL)
- {
- /*
- * Received an ARP request from a proxy network.
- * Add new client if enabled by arpRegister setting.
- */
- if (arpRegister && !proxyIsAClient (&srcAddr))
- (void) proxyClientAdd (pArpcom, &srcAddr, pArp->arp_sha);
- pClient = proxyClientFind (&dstAddr);
- if (pClient)
- {
- /*
- * The destination of the request is also a proxy client.
- * If it is on the same proxy network, ignore the request
- * since the client will reply for itself. If it is on
- * a different proxy network, the standard ARP processing
- * will reply correctly based on the proxy ARP entry.
- */
- if (pClient->pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr
- == pArpcom->ac_ipaddr.s_addr)
- {
- /* Client will answer - avoid proxy reply. */
- semGive (proxySemId);
- m_freem (pMbuf);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * The destination is not a proxy client. These ARP
- * requests from a proxy client for a different host on
- * the main network cannot be handled by the standard
- * ARP processing. If the destination's hardware address
- * is available, send a reply giving ours as an alias.
- * Otherwise, forward the request to the main network.
- */
- if (arpCmd (SIOCGARP, &dstAddr, (u_char *)NULL,
- (int *) NULL) == OK ||
- pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr == dstAddr.s_addr ||
- pNet->mainAddr.s_addr == dstAddr.s_addr)
- proxyArpReply (pArpcom, pMbuf,
- ntohs (pArp->arp_pro));
- else
- proxyArpRequestFwd (&srcAddr, pMbuf);
- semGive (proxySemId);
- m_freem (pMbuf);
- return (TRUE); /* Skip standard ARP processing. */
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Received an ARP reply. If it is a response to an earlier
- * (forwarded) request, generate a reply to the proxy client
- * supplying our hardware address as an alias. Once the
- * hardware address of the actual destination is in the
- * ARP cache, the proxy server will be able to transparently
- * forward packets from the proxy network to that host.
- */
- pClient = proxyClientFind (&dstAddr);
- if (pClient && (pClient->pNet->mainAddr.s_addr ==
- pArpcom->ac_ipaddr.s_addr))
- {
- /*
- * Note: the second condition of the previous test is a
- * sanity check preventing the forwarding of replies
- * between proxy networks, although those messages should
- * never be sent since requests are not forwarded between
- * proxy networks in the first place.
- */
- proxyArpReplyFwd (pClient, pMbuf);
- /*
- * The standard ARP processing would only refresh an existing
- * entry, not create a new one, so add the entry for the
- * actual destination of the original ARP request.
- */
- arpCmd (SIOCSARP, &srcAddr, pArp->arp_sha, (int *) NULL);
- semGive (proxySemId);
- m_freem (pMbuf);
- return (TRUE); /* Skip (redundant) standard ARP processing. */
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- semGive (proxySemId);
- return (FALSE); /* Standard ARP processing handles remaining cases. */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyArpReply - generate an ARP reply
- *
- * This routine responds to ARP request messages which would ordinarily
- * require forwarding across a network boundary hidden by the proxy server.
- * The server advertises the hardware address of its local interface instead
- * of the actual hardware address of the destination host. It will forward
- * the incoming data to the correct destination on the separate network.
- *
- * This routine usually handles ARP requests from the proxy network for a host
- * on the main network. The standard ARP processing is capable of responding
- * to requests from the main network since registering the proxy clients
- * creates the necessary proxy ARP entries, but hosts on a main network are
- * not registered.
- *
- * The <pArpcom> parameter identifies the interface which received the
- * ARP message contained in the <pMbuf> mbuf chain. The <proto> parameter
- * identifies the type of the protocol information for the new ARP message.
- * Currently, it is always ETHERTYPE_IP (0x800).
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyArpReply
- (
- FAST struct arpcom * pArpcom, /* arpcom structure */
- FAST struct mbuf * pMbuf, /* mbuf chain */
- int proto /* format of protocol */
- )
- {
- struct ether_arp * pArp; /* ARP message */
- struct in_addr srcAddr; /* source address */
- pArp = mtod (pMbuf, struct ether_arp *);
- /*
- * Add the original source to the ARP cache so that the server can
- * transparently forward data from the proxy client to that host.
- * Ignore failures caused if an entry already exists.
- */
- bcopy (pArp->arp_spa, (char *)&srcAddr, sizeof (srcAddr));
- arpCmd (SIOCSARP, &srcAddr, (u_char *)pArp->arp_sha, (int *)NULL);
- /* switch source and target addresses */
- proxyArpSend ( (struct ifnet *) pArpcom, ARPOP_REPLY, proto,
- pArp->arp_tpa, pArp->arp_sha, pArp->arp_spa);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyArpRequestFwd - forward an ARP request
- *
- * This routine relays an ARP request message from a proxy network to a
- * main network when a proxy client attempts to contact a host across the
- * network boundary which the proxy server conceals. The server supplies
- * the hardware address of the local interface to the host on the main
- * network so that all traffic will be transparently forwarded to the
- * proxy client. The <pMbuf> parameter contains the original ARP request
- * sent by the proxy client using the <pClientAddr> address.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyArpRequestFwd
- (
- struct in_addr * pClientAddr, /* proxy client addr */
- struct mbuf * pMbuf /* mbuf chain */
- )
- {
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient; /* proxy client */
- struct ether_arp * pArp; /* ARP message */
- struct sockaddr_in sin; /* interface sin */
- struct ifaddr * pIfa; /* interface address */
- /* find the client's main network interface */
- if ((pClient = proxyClientFind (pClientAddr)) == NULL)
- return;
- SIN_FILL (&sin, AF_INET, pClient->pNet->mainAddr.s_addr, 0);
- if ((pIfa = ifa_ifwithaddr ((struct sockaddr *) &sin)) == NULL)
- return;
- if (proxyArpVerbose) /* print debugging info */
- logMsg ("(forwarding request to if 0x%x) ", ntohl (pClient->pNet->mainAddr.s_addr),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Leave the client as the source protocol address so when the reply
- * comes back we know where to forward the reply.
- */
- pArp = mtod (pMbuf, struct ether_arp *);
- proxyArpSend (pIfa->ifa_ifp, ntohs (pArp->arp_op), ntohs (pArp->arp_pro),
- pArp->arp_spa, pArp->arp_tha, pArp->arp_tpa);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyArpReplyFwd - forward an ARP reply
- *
- * This routine relays an ARP reply message from a main network to a
- * proxy network following an earlier transfer in the opposite direction.
- * The server supplies the hardware address of the local interface instead
- * of the actual destination host on the main network so that all traffic
- * from the proxy client will be transparently forwarded. The <pMbuf>
- * mbuf chain contains the original ARP reply intended for the proxy client
- * indicated by the <pClient> parameter.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyArpReplyFwd
- (
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient, /* proxy client registration data */
- struct mbuf * pMbuf /* original ARP message */
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sin; /* interface sin */
- struct ifaddr * pIfa; /* interface address */
- struct ether_arp * pArp; /* ARP message */
- u_short arpProto; /* ARP type */
- /* Find the interface connected to the proxy client. */
- SIN_FILL (&sin, AF_INET, pClient->pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr, 0);
- if ((pIfa = ifa_ifwithaddr ((struct sockaddr *) &sin)) == NULL)
- return;
- if (proxyArpVerbose) /* print debugging info */
- logMsg ("(forwarding reply to if 0x%x)", ntohl (pClient->pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- pArp = mtod (pMbuf, struct ether_arp *);
- /*
- * Replace (deprecated) trailer packets with the standard type value. It
- * is theoretically possible to consume those messages since trailer
- * responses are additional replies, but forward them anyway for safety.
- */
- if (ntohs (pArp->arp_pro) == ETHERTYPE_TRAIL)
- arpProto = ETHERTYPE_IP;
- else
- arpProto = ntohs (pArp->arp_pro);
- /*
- * The client's registration data contains a snapshot of the hardware
- * address at that time. Since all clients must register, the lack of
- * dynamic updates (available with an ARP entry) is unimportant.
- */
- proxyArpSend (pIfa->ifa_ifp, ntohs (pArp->arp_op), arpProto,
- pArp->arp_spa, pClient->hwaddr, pArp->arp_tpa);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyArpSend - generate and send an ARP message
- *
- * This routine constructs and sends an ARP message over the network interface
- * specified by <pIf>. <op> specifies the ARP operation, <proto> is the format
- * of protocol address. <srcProtoAddr> is the source protocol address,
- * <dstHwAddr> is the destination hardware address and <dstProtoAddr> is the
- * destination protocol addresses.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyArpSend
- (
- struct ifnet * pIf, /* interface pointer */
- int op, /* ARP op */
- int proto, /* ARP protocol */
- u_char * srcProtoAddr, /* src ip address */
- u_char * dstHwAddr, /* dest hw address */
- u_char * dstProtoAddr /* dest ip address */
- )
- {
- FAST struct mbuf * pMbuf; /* mbuf chain */
- FAST struct ether_arp * pArp; /* ARP message */
- struct ether_header * pEh; /* ether header */
- struct sockaddr sa; /* sockaddr structure */
- if ((pMbuf = mHdrClGet(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA, sizeof(*pArp), TRUE)) == NULL)
- return;
- pMbuf->m_len = sizeof(*pArp);
- pMbuf->m_pkthdr.len = sizeof(*pArp);
- MH_ALIGN(pMbuf, sizeof(*pArp));
- pArp = mtod(pMbuf, struct ether_arp *); /* fill in ARP message */
- bzero ((caddr_t) pArp, sizeof (struct ether_arp));
- pArp->arp_hrd = htons (ARPHRD_ETHER);
- pArp->arp_pro = htons (proto);
- pArp->arp_hln = sizeof (pArp->arp_sha);
- pArp->arp_pln = sizeof (pArp->arp_spa);
- pArp->arp_op = htons (op);
- bcopy ((caddr_t) ((struct arpcom *) pIf)->ac_enaddr,
- (caddr_t) pArp->arp_sha, sizeof (pArp->arp_sha));
- bcopy ((caddr_t) srcProtoAddr, (caddr_t) pArp->arp_spa,
- sizeof (pArp->arp_spa));
- bcopy ((caddr_t) dstProtoAddr, (caddr_t) pArp->arp_tpa,
- sizeof (pArp->arp_tpa));
- bzero ((caddr_t) &sa, sizeof (sa));
- sa.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- pEh = (struct ether_header *) sa.sa_data;
- pEh->ether_type = ETHERTYPE_ARP; /* switched in ether_output */
- if (op == ARPOP_REQUEST)
- {
- bcopy ((caddr_t) etherbroadcastaddr, (caddr_t) pEh->ether_dhost,
- sizeof (pEh->ether_dhost));
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy ((caddr_t) dstHwAddr, (caddr_t) pArp->arp_tha,
- sizeof (pArp->arp_tha));
- bcopy ((caddr_t) dstHwAddr, (caddr_t) pEh->ether_dhost,
- sizeof (pEh->ether_dhost));
- }
- if (proxyArpVerbose)
- {
- logMsg ("%s (%x): src: 0x%x [%s] dst : 0x%x ", (op == ARPOP_REQUEST) ?
- (int) "request" : (int) "reply", proto,
- *((int *) pArp->arp_spa), (int) ether_sprintf (pArp->arp_sha),
- *((int *) pArp->arp_tpa), 0);
- if (op != ARPOP_REQUEST)
- logMsg ("[%s]", (int) ether_sprintf (pArp->arp_tha), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- logMsg ("n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- (*pIf->if_output) (pIf, pMbuf, &sa, (struct rtentry *) NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyNetCreate - create a proxy ARP network
- *
- * This routine activates proxy services between the proxy network connected
- * to the interface with the <proxyAddr> IP address and the main network
- * connected to the interface with the <mainAddr> address. Once registration
- * is complete, the proxy server will disguise the physically separated
- * networks as a single logical network.
- *
- * The corresponding interfaces must be attached and configured with IP
- * addresses before calling this routine. If the proxy network shares the
- * same logical subnet number as the main network, the corresponding interface
- * to the proxy network must use a value of for the netmask.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- */
- STATUS proxyNetCreate
- (
- char * proxyAddr, /* address of proxy network interface */
- char * mainAddr /* address of main network interface */
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr_in proxyAddrKey;
- struct sockaddr_in mainAddrKey;
- PROXY_NET * pNet;
- struct ifaddr * pIfa;
- int flags;
- /*
- * Verify that local interfaces can reach the addresses of the
- * proxy and main networks.
- */
- SIN_FILL (&proxyAddrKey, AF_INET, inet_addr (proxyAddr), 0);
- SIN_FILL (&mainAddrKey, AF_INET, inet_addr (mainAddr), 0);
- if ( (ifa_ifwithaddr ( (struct sockaddr *)&mainAddrKey) == NULL) ||
- ( (pIfa = ifa_ifwithaddr ( (struct sockaddr *)&proxyAddrKey)) == NULL))
- {
- errno = S_proxyArpLib_INVALID_ADDRESS;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((pNet = (PROXY_NET *) calloc (1, sizeof (PROXY_NET))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Replace any existing proxy network entry with the new values. */
- proxyNetDelete (proxyAddr);
- pNet->proxyAddr = proxyAddrKey.sin_addr;
- pNet->mainAddr = mainAddrKey.sin_addr;
- lstInit (&pNet->clientList);
- lstAdd (&proxyNetList, &pNet->netNode);
- /*
- * Add a proxy ARP entry allowing the standard ARP processing
- * to reply to requests for this local interface from hosts on
- * other networks. The ATF_PROXY flag indicates a "wildcard" hardware
- * address. Ignore failures caused if an entry already exists.
- */
- arpCmd (SIOCSARP, &pNet->proxyAddr, NULL, &flags);
- semGive (proxySemId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyNetDelete - delete a proxy network
- *
- * This routine deletes the proxy network specified by <proxyAddr>. It also
- * removes all the proxy clients that exist on that network.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- *
- */
- STATUS proxyNetDelete
- (
- char * proxyAddr /* proxy net address */
- )
- {
- PROXY_NET * pNet; /* proxy network */
- NODE * pNode; /* client node */
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient; /* proxy client */
- STATUS status = ERROR; /* return value */
- struct in_addr proxyAddrIn;
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- proxyAddrIn.s_addr = inet_addr (proxyAddr);
- if ((pNet = proxyNetFind (&proxyAddrIn)) != NULL)
- { /* clear out the clients */
- for (pNode = lstFirst (&pNet->clientList); pNode != NULL;)
- {
- pClient = NODE_TO_CLIENT (pNode);
- proxyClientRemove (pClient);
- pNode = lstNext (pNode);
- KHEAP_FREE((caddr_t)pClient);
- }
- lstDelete (&proxyNetList, &pNet->netNode);
- KHEAP_FREE((caddr_t)pNet);
- status = OK;
- }
- semGive (proxySemId);
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyNetFind - find a proxy network structure
- *
- * This routine finds the proxy network structure associated
- * with <proxyAddr>. The `proxySemId' semaphore must already
- * be taken before calling this routine.
- *
- * RETURNS: A PROXY_NET pointer if found, otherwise NULL.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_proxyArpLib_INVALID_NET
- *
- */
- LOCAL PROXY_NET * proxyNetFind
- (
- struct in_addr * pProxyAddr /* proxy address */
- )
- {
- PROXY_NET * pNet; /* proxy network */
- for (pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstFirst (&proxyNetList); (pNet != NULL);
- pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstNext (&pNet->netNode))
- if (pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr == pProxyAddr->s_addr)
- return (pNet);
- errno = S_proxyArpLib_INVALID_PROXY_NET;
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyIsAMainNet - is the interface a main network ?
- *
- * This routine determines if <mainAddr> is a main network.
- * `proxySemId' must already be taken before this routine is called.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if a main network, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL proxyIsAMainNet
- (
- struct in_addr * pMainAddr /* main address */
- )
- {
- PROXY_NET * pNet; /* proxy network */
- for (pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstFirst (&proxyNetList); (pNet != NULL);
- pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstNext (&pNet->netNode))
- if (pNet->mainAddr.s_addr == pMainAddr->s_addr)
- return (TRUE);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyNetShow - show proxy ARP networks
- *
- * This routine displays the proxy networks and their associated clients.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> proxyNetShow
- * main interface proxy interface
- * client
- * .CE
- *
- *
- * calls printf while semaphore taken.
- */
- void proxyNetShow (void)
- {
- PROXY_NET * pNet; /* proxy net */
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient; /* proxy client */
- NODE * pNode; /* pointer to node */
- /* address in ascii */
- char asciiAddr [ INET_ADDR_LEN ];
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstFirst (&proxyNetList);
- pNet != NULL; pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstNext (&pNet->netNode))
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (pNet->mainAddr, asciiAddr);
- printf ("main interface %s ", asciiAddr);
- inet_ntoa_b (pNet->proxyAddr, asciiAddr);
- printf ("proxy interface %sn", asciiAddr);
- for (pNode = lstFirst (&pNet->clientList); pNode != NULL;
- pNode = lstNext (pNode))
- {
- pClient = NODE_TO_CLIENT (pNode);
- inet_ntoa_b (pClient->ipaddr, asciiAddr);
- printf (" client:%sn", asciiAddr);
- }
- }
- semGive (proxySemId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyClientAdd - add a proxy client
- *
- * This routine adds the client, whose ip address is <pArpcom>.ac_ipaddr, onto
- * the proxy network identified by <pProxyNetAddr>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS proxyClientAdd
- (
- struct arpcom * pArpcom, /* interface on proxy network */
- struct in_addr * pClientAddr, /* client internet address */
- u_char * pClientHwAddr /* client hardware address */
- )
- {
- PROXY_NET * pNet; /* proxy net */
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient; /* proxy client */
- struct sockaddr_in sin; /* sin structure */
- struct ifaddr * pIfa; /* interface address */
- struct in_addr * pProxyNetAddr; /* proxy net address */
- int flags; /* ARP flags */
- /* validate addresses */
- pProxyNetAddr = &pArpcom->ac_ipaddr;
- if ((in_netof (*pProxyNetAddr) != in_netof (*pClientAddr)) ||
- in_broadcast (*pClientAddr, (struct ifnet *)pArpcom))
- {
- errno = S_proxyArpLib_INVALID_ADDRESS;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((pClient = (PROXY_CLNT *) KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof(PROXY_CLNT))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- bzero ((char *)pClient, sizeof(PROXY_CLNT));
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (!proxyIsAproxyNet (pClientAddr) &&
- ((pNet = (PROXY_NET *) proxyNetFind (pProxyNetAddr)) != NULL))
- {
- /* find main interface */
- SIN_FILL (&sin, AF_INET, pNet->mainAddr.s_addr, 0);
- if ((pIfa = ifa_ifwithaddr ((struct sockaddr *) &sin)) != NULL)
- {
- (void) proxyClientDelete (pClientAddr);
- /*
- * Create a cloneable route (which will ultimately produce a
- * standard ARP entry for the client) and add the client to
- * the active list.
- */
- if (proxyRouteCmd (pClientAddr->s_addr, pProxyNetAddr->s_addr,
- {
- pClient->pNet = pNet;
- pClient->ipaddr = *pClientAddr;
- bcopy (pClientHwAddr, pClient->hwaddr,
- sizeof (struct ether_addr));
- hashTblPut (clientTbl, &pClient->hashNode);
- lstAdd (&pNet->clientList, &pClient->clientNode);
- /*
- * Send a gratuitous ARP request to update any entries
- * on the main network.
- */
- proxyArpSend (pIfa->ifa_ifp, ARPOP_REQUEST, ETHERTYPE_IP,
- (u_char *) pClientAddr, (u_char *) NULL,
- (u_char *) pClientAddr);
- /*
- * Add a proxy ARP entry allowing the standard ARP processing
- * to reply to requests for this client from hosts on other
- * networks. Ignore failures caused if an entry already exists.
- */
- arpCmd (SIOCSARP, pClientAddr, pClientHwAddr, &flags);
- if (proxyArpVerbose)
- logMsg ("added client 0x%x proxyNet 0x%xn",
- ntohl (pClientAddr->s_addr),
- ntohl (pProxyNetAddr->s_addr), 0, 0, 0, 0);
- semGive (proxySemId);
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (proxyArpVerbose)
- logMsg ("proxyClientAdd: no main if 0x%xn",
- ntohl (pNet->mainAddr.s_addr), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- semGive (proxySemId);
- KHEAP_FREE((caddr_t)pClient);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyClientDelete - delete a proxy client
- *
- * This routines deletes the proxy client specified by <pClientAddr>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS proxyClientDelete
- (
- struct in_addr * pClientAddr /* client address */
- )
- {
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient; /* proxy client */
- STATUS status = ERROR; /* return status */
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if ((pClient = proxyClientFind (pClientAddr)) != NULL)
- {
- proxyClientRemove (pClient);
- lstDelete (&pClient->pNet->clientList, &pClient->clientNode);
- if (proxyArpVerbose)
- logMsg ("deleted client 0x%xn", ntohl (pClientAddr->s_addr), 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0);
- status = OK;
- }
- semGive (proxySemId);
- if (pClient != NULL)
- KHEAP_FREE((caddr_t)pClient);
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyClientFind - find a proxy client
- *
- * This routine finds the proxy client structure associated with <pClientAddr>.
- * Caller must have taken `proxySemId' before this routine is called.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to PROXY_CLNT if found, NULL otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_proxyArpLib_INVALID_CLIENT
- *
- */
- LOCAL PROXY_CLNT * proxyClientFind
- (
- struct in_addr * pClientAddr /* client address */
- )
- {
- PROXY_CLNT client; /* client to find */
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient; /* pointer to client */
- client.ipaddr.s_addr = pClientAddr->s_addr;
- if ((pClient = (PROXY_CLNT *)
- hashTblFind (clientTbl, &client.hashNode, 0)) == NULL)
- errno = S_proxyArpLib_INVALID_CLIENT;
- return (pClient);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyPortFwdOn - enable broadcast forwarding for a particular port
- *
- * This routine enables broadcasts destined for the port, <port>, to be
- * forwarded to and from the proxy network. To enable all ports, specify
- * zero for <port>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- */
- STATUS proxyPortFwdOn
- (
- int port /* port number */
- )
- {
- PORT_NODE * pPort; /* port node */
- if ((pPort = (PORT_NODE *) KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof(PORT_NODE))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- bzero ((char *)pPort, sizeof(PORT_NODE));
- semTake (portTblSemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (portTblFind (port) != NULL) /* already enabled so ok */
- {
- semGive (portTblSemId);
- KHEAP_FREE((caddr_t)pPort);
- return (OK);
- }
- pPort->port = (int) port;
- (void) hashTblPut (portTbl, &pPort->hashNode);
- semGive (portTblSemId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyPortFwdOff - disable broadcast forwarding for a particular port
- *
- * This routine disables broadcast forwarding on port number <port>. To
- * disable the (previously enabled) forwarding of all ports via
- * proxyPortFwdOn(), specify zero for <port>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- */
- STATUS proxyPortFwdOff
- (
- int port /* port number */
- )
- {
- PORT_NODE * pPort; /* port node */
- semTake (portTblSemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if ((pPort = portTblFind (port)) == NULL)
- { /* not in port table so ok */
- semGive (portTblSemId);
- return (OK);
- }
- (void) hashTblRemove (portTbl, &pPort->hashNode);
- semGive (portTblSemId);
- KHEAP_FREE((caddr_t)pPort);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * portTblFind - find the port node
- *
- * This routine finds the port node associated with port number <port>.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to the port node, or NULL if not found.
- *
- */
- LOCAL PORT_NODE * portTblFind
- (
- int port /* port number */
- )
- {
- PORT_NODE portNode; /* port node */
- portNode.port = (int) port;
- return ((PORT_NODE *) hashTblFind (portTbl, &portNode.hashNode, 0));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyPortShow - show ports enabled for broadcast forwarding
- *
- * This routine displays the destination ports for which the proxy ARP server
- * will forward broadcast messages between the physically separate networks.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> proxyPortShow
- * enabled ports:
- * port 67
- * .CE
- *
- *
- * calls printf() while semaphore taken.
- */
- void proxyPortShow (void)
- {
- semTake (portTblSemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- printf ("enabled ports:n");
- if (portTblFind (0) != NULL)
- printf (" all ports enabledn");
- else
- hashTblEach (portTbl, proxyPortPrint, 0);
- semGive (portTblSemId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyPortPrint - print ports enabled
- *
- * This routine prints the list of enabled ports.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE (always)
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL proxyPortPrint
- (
- PORT_NODE * pPort /* port node */
- )
- {
- printf (" port %dn", pPort->port);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyBroadcastInput - hook routine for broadcasts
- *
- * This routine is the hook routine that forwards a broadcast datagram
- * <pMbuf> which was received on interface <pIf> to and from proxy interfaces.
- * As a measure of control, it only forwards broadcasts that are destined for
- * ports that have been previously enabled (with proxyPortFwdOn()).
- * proxyBroadcastInput() gets called from routine ipintr(), in file ip_input.c.
- * It assumes the datagram is whole (i.e., if the datagram was fragmented,
- * then it was previously reassembled).
- *
- * If the broadcast datagram came from a main network, then forward the
- * broadcast to all proxy network's that have the input interface as their
- * main network. If the broadcast came from a proxy network, then forward
- * the broadcast to all other proxy networks that have that proxy network's main
- * network as their main network (and forward it to the main network as well).
- *
- * Would we ever want to forward anything beyond UDP broadcasts (what
- * about ICMP?)? The old backplane driver makes a local copy of broadcasts
- * so we'll get an extra copy of broadcast packets if we are using the old
- * backplane driver.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyBroadcastInput
- (
- struct mbuf * pMbuf, /* mbuf chain */
- struct ifnet * pIf /* interface pointer */
- )
- {
- struct in_addr inputAddr; /* input interface */
- PROXY_NET * pNet; /* proxy network */
- struct in_addr mainAddr; /* main interface */
- struct ifaddr * pIfa; /* if address */
- struct sockaddr_in sin; /* sin structure */
- struct ip * pIP; /* ip header pointer */
- int hlen; /* ip header length */
- struct udphdr * pUDP; /* udp header */
- if (!proxyBroadcastFwd) /* broadcasts got turned off */
- return;
- if (pMbuf->m_len < sizeof (struct ip) &&
- (pMbuf = m_pullup(pMbuf, sizeof (struct ip))) == 0)
- return;
- pIP = mtod (pMbuf, struct ip *); /* pulled tight in ip_input */
- /*
- * Only forward UDP broadcast packets.
- */
- if (pIP->ip_p != IPPROTO_UDP)
- return;
- hlen = pIP->ip_hl << 2;
- /*
- * make sure IP header (with options) and UDP header fit into the
- * first mbuf.
- */
- if (pMbuf->m_len < (hlen + sizeof (struct udphdr)))
- {
- if ((pMbuf = m_pullup (pMbuf, hlen + sizeof (struct udphdr))) == 0)
- return;
- pIP = mtod (pMbuf, struct ip *);
- }
- pUDP = (struct udphdr *) ((u_char *) pIP + hlen);
- if (!portTblFind (ntohs (pUDP->uh_dport)) && !portTblFind ((u_short) 0))
- return;
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- inputAddr.s_addr = ((struct arpcom *) pIf)->ac_ipaddr.s_addr;
- /* Validate the interface which received the original broadcast message. */
- pNet = proxyNetFind (&inputAddr);
- if (pNet == NULL && !proxyIsAMainNet (&inputAddr))
- {
- /*
- * The receiving interface is not part of any proxy network or
- * main network. Don't forward the broadcast message.
- */
- semGive (proxySemId);
- return;
- }
- if (pNet)
- {
- /*
- * Input interface was a proxy network. Find main network associated
- * with that proxy network (and the interface to the main network)
- * and forward the datagram onto it.
- */
- mainAddr.s_addr = pNet->mainAddr.s_addr;
- SIN_FILL(&sin, AF_INET, pNet->mainAddr.s_addr, 0);
- if ((pIfa = ifa_ifwithaddr ((struct sockaddr *) &sin)) != NULL)
- proxyBroadcast (pIfa->ifa_ifp, pMbuf, pIP->ip_ttl - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- mainAddr.s_addr = inputAddr.s_addr;
- }
- for (pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstFirst (&proxyNetList); (pNet != NULL);
- pNet = (PROXY_NET *) lstNext (&pNet->netNode))
- {
- /*
- * Forward packet to all appropriate proxy networks. (A copy is not
- * sent to any proxy network which contained the original broadcast).
- */
- if ((pNet->mainAddr.s_addr == mainAddr.s_addr) &&
- (pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr != inputAddr.s_addr))
- {
- /* find proxy interface and ship it off */
- SIN_FILL(&sin, AF_INET, pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr, 0);
- if ((pIfa = ifa_ifwithaddr ((struct sockaddr *) &sin)) != NULL)
- proxyBroadcast (pIfa->ifa_ifp, pMbuf, 1);
- }
- }
- semGive (proxySemId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyBroadcast - send a broadcast
- *
- * This routine sends a copy of the broadcast message <pMbuf> on the interface
- * <pIf> so that all (physically separated) hosts on a logical subnet receive
- * the expected broadcasts.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyBroadcast
- (
- FAST struct ifnet * pIf, /* output interface pointer */
- struct mbuf * pMbuf, /* mbuf chain */
- int ttl /* time to live */
- )
- {
- struct mbuf * pMbufCopy; /* mbuf chain (copy) */
- struct sockaddr_in sin; /* address */
- struct ip * pIP; /* ip header pointer */
- /*
- * Copy the message to protect forwarded packet from changes made by
- * upper layers.
- */
- if ((pMbufCopy = (struct mbuf *) proxyPacketDup (pMbuf)) == NULL)
- return;
- pMbufCopy->mBlkHdr.mFlags |= M_PROXY;
- pIP = mtod (pMbufCopy, struct ip *);
- if (proxyBroadcastVerbose)
- logMsg ("forward broadcast (if:0x%x) src 0x%x [%d] dst 0x%x [%d]n",
- ((struct arpcom *) pIf)->ac_ipaddr.s_addr,
- pIP->ip_src.s_addr, ((struct udpiphdr *) pIP)->ui_sport,
- pIP->ip_dst.s_addr, ((struct udpiphdr *) pIP)->ui_dport, 0);
- SIN_FILL(&sin, AF_INET, pIP->ip_dst.s_addr, 0);
- /* Adjust the IP packet length (modified in receive processing). */
- pIP->ip_len += pIP->ip_hl << 2;
- /* Convert appropriate header fields to network order for transmission. */
- pIP->ip_id = htons ((u_short) pIP->ip_id);
- pIP->ip_len = htons ((u_short) pIP->ip_len);
- pIP->ip_off = htons ((u_short) pIP->ip_off);
- pIP->ip_ttl = ttl;
- pIP->ip_sum = 0;
- pIP->ip_sum = in_cksum (pMbufCopy, pIP->ip_hl << 2);
- (*pIf->if_output)(pIf, pMbufCopy, (struct sockaddr *) &sin,
- (struct rtentry *) NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyMsgInput - input routine for proxy messages
- *
- * This routine is the input hook routine for proxy messages. It handles
- * the probe, client register and client unregister messages. For a probe
- * message it just sends an ACK. PROXY_REG and PROXY_UNREG messages cause
- * the proxy server to add the client (via proxyClientAdd()) and delete the
- * (via proxyClientDelete()), respectively then reply with an ACK.
- *
- * <pArpcom> is the arpcom structure for the input interface. <pMbuf> is the
- * mbuf chain. <len> is the length of the message.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyMsgInput
- (
- FAST struct arpcom * pArpcom, /* arpcom structure */
- FAST struct mbuf * pMbuf, /* mbuf chain */
- int len /* length */
- )
- {
- PROXY_MSG * pMsg; /* proxy message */
- int op; /* operation */
- BOOL sendACK = FALSE;/* send client ack */
- if (pMbuf->m_len < sizeof (PROXY_MSG)) /* check message length */
- {
- m_freem (pMbuf);
- return;
- }
- pMsg = mtod (pMbuf, PROXY_MSG *);
- op = ntohl (pMsg->op);
- if (proxyArpVerbose)
- logMsg ("(%d) from 0x%x [%s]n", op, ntohl (pMsg->clientAddr.s_addr),
- (int) ether_sprintf (pMsg->clientHwAddr), 0, 0, 0);
- if (proxyLibInitialized)
- {
- if (op == PROXY_PROBE) /* probe message */
- sendACK = TRUE;
- semTake (proxySemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (op == PROXY_REG) /* add client message */
- {
- if (proxyIsAClient (&pMsg->clientAddr))
- sendACK = TRUE; /* Acknowledge duplicate registrations. */
- else if (proxyClientAdd (pArpcom, &pMsg->clientAddr,
- pMsg->clientHwAddr) == OK)
- sendACK = TRUE;
- }
- if (op == PROXY_UNREG) /* delete client message */
- {
- (void) proxyClientDelete (&pMsg->clientAddr);
- sendACK = TRUE;
- }
- semGive (proxySemId);
- if (sendACK)
- {
- struct ether_header * pEh; /* ether header */
- struct sockaddr sa; /* sockaddr structure */
- struct ifnet * pIf; /* interface pointer */
- /* fill in proxy message */
- pMsg->op = htonl (PROXY_ACK);
- pMsg->serverAddr.s_addr = pArpcom->ac_ipaddr.s_addr;
- bcopy ((caddr_t) pArpcom->ac_enaddr, (caddr_t) pMsg->serverHwAddr,
- sizeof (pMsg->serverHwAddr));
- if (proxyArpVerbose)
- logMsg ("proxy ACK sent to 0x%xn",
- ntohl (pMsg->clientAddr.s_addr), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- bzero ((caddr_t) &sa, sizeof (sa));
- sa.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- /* fill in ethernet header */
- pEh = (struct ether_header *) sa.sa_data;
- pEh->ether_type = PROXY_TYPE;
- pIf = (struct ifnet *) pArpcom;
- bcopy ((caddr_t) pMsg->clientHwAddr, (caddr_t) pEh->ether_dhost,
- sizeof (pEh->ether_dhost));
- (*pIf->if_output) (pIf, pMbuf, &sa, (struct rtentry *) NULL);
- return;
- }
- }
- m_freem (pMbuf);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyRouteCmd - add and delete a proxy client routes
- *
- * This routine adds and deletes routes to the proxy clients with the netmask
- * of 0xffffffff so that arp route entries to the proxy clients can be cloned
- * from the route added by this routine.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unsuccessful.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS proxyRouteCmd
- (
- int destInetAddr, /* destination adrs */
- int gateInetAddr, /* gateway adrs */
- int ioctlCmd /* route command */
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr destAddr;
- struct sockaddr gateWayAddr;
- struct sockaddr netMask;
- bzero((char *)(&destAddr), sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- destAddr.sa_family = AF_INET;
- destAddr.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&destAddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = (u_long)destInetAddr;
- /* zero out sockaddr_in, fill in gateway info */
- bzero ((char *)&gateWayAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
- gateWayAddr.sa_family = AF_INET;
- gateWayAddr.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&gateWayAddr)->sin_addr.s_addr =
- (u_long)gateInetAddr;
- /* initialize the netmask to 0xffffffff */
- netMask.sa_family = AF_INET;
- netMask.sa_len = 8;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&netMask)->sin_addr.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- in_socktrim ((struct sockaddr_in *)&netMask);
- return (rtrequest (((ioctlCmd == SIOCADDRT) ? RTM_ADD : RTM_DELETE),
- &destAddr, &gateWayAddr, &netMask, RTF_CLONING, NULL));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyClientRemove - clear client structures
- *
- * This routine deletes the client routes from the route table.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void proxyClientRemove
- (
- PROXY_CLNT * pClient
- )
- {
- int flags = ATF_PROXY;
- (void) hashTblRemove (clientTbl, &pClient->hashNode);
- /* Remove proxy ARP entry explicitly */
- (void) arpCmd (SIOCDARP, &pClient->ipaddr, (u_char *) NULL,
- &flags);
- /* Remove regular ARP entry */
- (void) arpCmd (SIOCDARP, &pClient->ipaddr, (u_char *) NULL,
- (int *) NULL);
- (void) proxyRouteCmd (pClient->ipaddr.s_addr,
- pClient->pNet->proxyAddr.s_addr, SIOCDELRT);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proxyPacketDup - copies IP header, dups the rest of the packet
- *
- * This routine makes a new mbuf chain copying the IP header of the
- * original packet to a newly allocated cluster and copying by reference
- * the rest of the packet. This kind of copying is necessary if the IP
- * header must be altered to reflect a new TTL when broadcast packets
- * are forwarded.
- *
- * RETURNS: An M_BLK_ID for the new mbuf chain if successful, NULL
- * otherwise.
- *
- */
- LOCAL M_BLK_ID proxyPacketDup
- (
- M_BLK_ID pMblk /* pointer to source mBlk */
- )
- {
- M_BLK_ID pNewMblk = NULL;
- M_BLK_ID pPktMblk = NULL;
- int ipHeaderSize = sizeof (struct ip);
- int bytesDuped = 0;
- if (pMblk == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* First mbuf must have enough room for link layer header */
- if ((pNewMblk = netTupleGet (_pNetDpool, max_linkhdr + ipHeaderSize,
- return (NULL);
- /* Copy IP header which is in the first mbuf (done by m_pullup) */
- pNewMblk->mBlkHdr.mData += max_linkhdr; /* Leave room */
- bcopy (pMblk->mBlkHdr.mData, pNewMblk->mBlkHdr.mData, ipHeaderSize);
- pNewMblk->mBlkHdr.mLen = ipHeaderSize;
- if (pMblk->mBlkHdr.mFlags & M_PKTHDR)
- {
- /* Copy packet header information */
- pNewMblk->mBlkPktHdr = pMblk->mBlkPktHdr;
- pNewMblk->mBlkHdr.mFlags = pMblk->mBlkHdr.mFlags;
- }
- /* Copy by reference the rest of the packet */
- bytesDuped = pMblk->mBlkPktHdr.len - ipHeaderSize;
- pPktMblk = netMblkChainDup (_pNetDpool, pMblk, ipHeaderSize,
- bytesDuped, M_DONTWAIT);
- if (pPktMblk == NULL)
- {
- netMblkClChainFree(pNewMblk);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Make chain */
- pNewMblk->mBlkPktHdr.len = pMblk->mBlkPktHdr.len;
- pNewMblk->mBlkHdr.mNext = pPktMblk;
- return (pNewMblk);
- }