- /* resolvLib.c - DNS resolver library */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc */
- #include <copyright_wrs.h>
- /*
- modification history
- -------------------------
- 01k,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01l, base 01j (SPRs 67238, 28659)
- 01j,06oct98,jmp moved doc to resolvLibDoc.c.
- 01i,14dec97,jdi doc: cleanup.
- 01h,19aug97,jag fixed man page problems in resolvInit() SPR#9173, fixed
- SPR#9174, SPR#9175. Deleted getHostInfo(), getbyaddrWrapper()
- 01g,04aug97,kbw fixed man page problems found in beta review
- 01f,19may97,spm added checks for NULL pointers to user interface (SPR #8603)
- 01e,30apr97,kbw fiddled man page text
- 01d,01apr97,kbw fixed man page text, changed parameter name to "length"
- in resolvDNExpand
- 01c,01apr97,jag removed unused variable resolvDefaultDomainName. Added
- routines: resolvHostLibGetByAddr(), resolvHostLibGetByName().
- Added necessary man pages.
- 01b,05feb97,jag added debug function pointer in resolvInit. MAX_DOMAIN_NAME
- 01a,12aug96,rjc written
- */
- /*
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- DOCUMENTATION of this library is located in resolvLibDoc.c
- If you modify any documented routine, please update resolvLibDoc.c.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- */
- /* includes */
- #include <vxWorks.h>
- #include <resolvLib.h>
- #include <semLib.h>
- #include <hostLib.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sockLib.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <inetLib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <errnoLib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- /* defines */
- #define LOCAL_ENTRIES_TTL 60 /* Local entries have a ttl for 60 seconds */
- #define ALIGNMENT 4 /* for word alignment */
- #define MAX_DOMAIN_NAME 260 /* Max domain name including EOS marker */
- #define MAX_HOSTLIB_BUF 512 /* hostLib interface functions buffer */
- /* macro to align ptr to buffer and decrement buffer size accordingly */
- #define ALIGN_BUF_PTR(pBuf, bufLen, alignment)
- while ((UINT) (pBuf) % (alignment) != 0)
- {
- ++ (pBuf);
- -- (bufLen);
- }
- /* typedefs */
- /* Globals */
- /*
- * Resolver state default settings. Structure moved here from res_init.c
- */
- struct __res_state _res =
- {
- RES_TIMEOUT, /* retransmition time interval */
- 4, /* number of times to retransmit */
- RES_DEFAULT, /* options flags */
- 1, /* number of name servers */
- };
- /* This variable point to the optional debug routine */
- FUNCPTR pdnsDebugFunc;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL RESOLV_PARAMS_S resolvParams; /* resolver settings */
- LOCAL STATUS resolvHostLibGetByAddr (int addr, char * pHostName);
- LOCAL int resolvHostLibGetByName (char * pHostName);
- /* externs */
- extern struct hostent * _gethostbyname ();
- extern struct hostent * _gethostbyaddr ();
- /* Ptrs defined in hostLib.c. These ptrs are set by the resolver library */
- extern FUNCPTR _presolvHostLibGetByName;
- extern FUNCPTR _presolvHostLibGetByAddr;
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * hostEntFormat - Formats a char array as a structure of type hostent
- *
- * This routine formarts a character array pointed to by <ppBuf> of the length
- * specified by <pBuflen>. It creates a hostent structure in the buffer along
- * with the `h_aliases' and `h_addr_list' vectors big enough for <numAliases>
- * aliases and <numAddrs> addresses respectively. On a successful return
- * <ppBuf> and <pBuflen> specify the remaining unused part of the buffer.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a hostent structure on success, or NULL if the
- * input buffer is too small.
- */
- LOCAL struct hostent * hostEntFormat
- (
- char ** ppBuf, /* Pointer to character buffer pointer */
- int * pBufLen, /* Pointer to the buffer length */
- int numAliases, /* Max # of host aliases expected */
- int numAddrs /* Max # of host addresses expected */
- )
- {
- char * pTmp;
- struct hostent * pHostEnt;
- pTmp = *ppBuf;
- if (((numAliases + 1 + numAddrs + 1) * sizeof (char *) +
- sizeof (struct hostent) + 3 + 3) > *pBufLen)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- pHostEnt = (struct hostent *) pTmp;
- pTmp += sizeof (struct hostent);
- *pBufLen -= sizeof (struct hostent);
- pHostEnt->h_aliases = (char **) pTmp;
- pTmp += (numAliases + 1)* sizeof (char **);
- *pBufLen -= (numAliases + 1) * sizeof (char **);
- pHostEnt->h_addr_list = (char **) pTmp;
- pTmp += (numAddrs + 1) * sizeof (char **);
- *pBufLen -= (numAddrs + 1) * sizeof (char **);
- *ppBuf = pTmp;
- return (pHostEnt);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvInit - initialize the resolver library
- *
- * This function initializes the resolver. <pNameServer> is a single IP address
- * for a name server in dotted decimal notation. <pDefaultDomainName> is the
- * default domain name to be appended to names without a dot. The function
- * pointer <pdnsDebugRtn> is set to the resolver debug function. Additional
- * name servers can be configured using the function resolvParamsSet().
- *
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvSend(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvQuery()
- */
- STATUS resolvInit
- (
- char * pNameServer, /* pointer to Name server IP address */
- char * pDefaultDomainName, /* default domain name */
- FUNCPTR pdnsDebugRtn /* function ptr to debug routine */
- )
- {
- int nserv = 0; /* number of nameserver records read from file */
- struct in_addr ipAddr;
- /* Initialize global pointer to the DNS debug routine */
- pdnsDebugFunc = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- if (pdnsDebugRtn != NULL)
- pdnsDebugFunc = pdnsDebugRtn;
- _res.nsaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- _res.nsaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- _res.nsaddr.sin_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
- _res.ndots = 1;
- _res.pfcode = 0;
- strncpy (_res.lookups, "b", sizeof _res.lookups);
- if (inet_aton (pNameServer, &ipAddr) == OK)
- {
- _res.nsaddr_list [nserv].sin_addr = ipAddr;
- _res.nsaddr_list [nserv].sin_family = AF_INET;
- _res.nsaddr_list [nserv].sin_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
- nserv++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Illegal IP address for DNS server */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- _res.nscount = nserv; /* Number of name servers */
- _res.dnsrch [0] = _res.defdname;
- _res.options |= RES_INIT | RES_DEFNAMES | RES_DEBUG;
- (void) strcpy (_res.defdname, pDefaultDomainName);
- /* The resolver is initialized to query only the DNS server */
- resolvParams.queryOrder = QUERY_DNS_ONLY;
- /* Install pointers used by hostLib to access the resolver library */
- _presolvHostLibGetByName = resolvHostLibGetByName;
- _presolvHostLibGetByAddr = resolvHostLibGetByAddr;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvHostGetByName - queries the static host table for the host name
- *
- * Retrieve host information installed by hostAdd() and install it in the
- * `hostent' structure referenced in <pHostEnt>. This routine uses the
- * buffer referenced in <pBuf> to store hostname and network address
- * information.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to hostent, or NULL if the entry was not found.
- */
- LOCAL struct hostent * resolvHostGetByName
- (
- char * pHostName, /* pointer to the name of the host */
- struct hostent * pHostEnt, /* ptr to hostent to hold the results */
- char * pBuf, /* buffer to be used by hostnt */
- int bufLen /* length of the buffer */
- )
- {
- *(int*) pBuf = hostTblSearchByName (pHostName);
- if (*(int*)pBuf != ERROR)
- {
- pHostEnt->h_addr_list [0] = pBuf;
- pHostEnt->h_addr_list [1] = NULL;
- pHostEnt->h_addrtype = AF_INET;
- pHostEnt->h_length = sizeof (int);
- pBuf += sizeof (int);
- pHostEnt->h_name = pBuf;
- strcpy (pBuf, pHostName);
- pHostEnt->h_ttl = LOCAL_ENTRIES_TTL;
- return (pHostEnt);
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvHostGetByAddr - queries the static host table for the IP address
- *
- * Retrieve host information installed by hostAdd(). Copies the entry into
- * the hostent specified by <pHostEnt>, using the buffer specified by <pBuf> and
- * bufLen for storing hostname and network address info.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to hostent on sucess, or NULL.
- */
- LOCAL struct hostent * resolvHostGetByAddr
- (
- const char * pAddr, /* pointer to IP address in network order */
- struct hostent * pHostEnt, /* ptr to hostent to hold the results */
- char * pBuf, /* buffer used by hostent */
- int bufLen /* length of the buffer */
- )
- {
- *(int*) pBuf = *(int*)pAddr;
- pHostEnt->h_addr_list [0] = pBuf;
- pHostEnt->h_addr_list [1] = NULL;
- pBuf += 4;
- if (hostTblSearchByAddr (*((int *)pAddr), pBuf) != OK)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- pHostEnt->h_name = pBuf;
- pHostEnt->h_aliases [0] = NULL;
- pHostEnt->h_ttl = LOCAL_ENTRIES_TTL;
- return (pHostEnt);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName - query the DNS server for the IP address of a host
- *
- * This function returns a `hostent' structure. This structure is defined as
- * follows:
- *
- * .CS
- * struct hostent
- * {
- * char * h_name; /@ official name of host @/
- * char ** h_aliases; /@ alias list @/
- * int h_addrtype; /@ address type @/
- * int h_length; /@ length of address @/
- * char ** h_addr_list; /@ list of addresses from name server @/
- * unsigned int h_ttl; /@ Time to Live in Seconds for this entry @/
- * }
- * .CE
- * The `h_aliases' and `h_addr_type' vectors are NULL-terminated.
- *
- * Specify the host you want to query in <pHostname>. Use <pBuf> and <bufLen>
- * to specify the location and size of a buffer to receive the `hostent'
- * structure and its associated contents. Host addresses are returned in
- * network byte order. Given the information this routine retrieves, the
- * <pBuf> buffer should be 512 bytes or larger.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a `hostent' structure if the host is found, or
- * NULL if the parameters are invalid, the host is not found, or the
- * buffer is too small.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_resolvLib_BUFFER_2_SMALL
- * S_resolvLib_TRY_AGAIN
- * S_resolvLib_HOST_NOT_FOUND
- * S_resolvLib_NO_DATA
- * S_resolvLib_NO_RECOVERY
- *
- * resolvInit(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvSend(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvMkQuery(), resolvQuery()
- */
- struct hostent * resolvGetHostByName
- (
- char * pHostName, /* ptr to the name of the host */
- char * pHostBuf, /* ptr to the buffer used by hostent structure */
- int bufLen /* length of the buffer */
- )
- {
- struct hostent * pHostEnt; /* Ptr to host entry */
- /* Validate input parameters */
- if (pHostName == NULL || pHostBuf == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_resolvLib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Format input buffer for use as a hostent structure */
- pHostEnt = hostEntFormat (&pHostBuf, &bufLen, MAXALIASES, MAXADDRS);
- if (pHostEnt == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_resolvLib_BUFFER_2_SMALL;
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Check the hostLib static host table first ? */
- if (resolvParams.queryOrder == QUERY_LOCAL_FIRST)
- {
- if (resolvHostGetByName (pHostName, pHostEnt, pHostBuf, bufLen) != NULL)
- {
- return (pHostEnt);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Ask the DNS Server to resolve the query. In the case of queryOrder set
- * to QUERY_ DNS_ONLY, this is the only query done.
- */
- if (_gethostbyname (pHostName, pHostEnt, pHostBuf, bufLen))
- {
- return (pHostEnt); /* Got an answer from the DNS server */
- }
- /* We need to check the hostLib static host table next */
- if (resolvParams.queryOrder == QUERY_DNS_FIRST)
- {
- if (resolvHostGetByName (pHostName, pHostEnt, pHostBuf, bufLen) != NULL)
- {
- return (pHostEnt);
- }
- }
- return (NULL); /* Host IP Address Not Found */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvGetHostByAddr - query the DNS server for the host name of an IP address
- *
- * This function returns a `hostent' structure, which is defined as follows:
- *
- * .CS
- * struct hostent
- * {
- * char * h_name; /@ official name of host @/
- * char ** h_aliases; /@ alias list @/
- * int h_addrtype; /@ address type @/
- * int h_length; /@ length of address @/
- * char ** h_addr_list; /@ list of addresses from name server @/
- * unsigned int h_ttl; /@ Time to Live in Seconds for this entry @/
- * }
- * .CE
- * The `h_aliases' and `h_addr_type' vectors are NULL-terminated.
- *
- * The <pinetAddr> parameter passes in the IP address (in network byte order)
- * for the host whose name you want to discover. The <pBuf> and <bufLen>
- * parameters specify the location and size (512 bytes or more) of the buffer
- * that is to receive the hostent structure. resolvGetHostByAddr() returns
- * host addresses are returned in network byte order.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a `hostent' structure if the host is found, or
- * NULL if the parameters are invalid, host is not found, or the buffer
- * is too small.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_resolvLib_BUFFER_2_SMALL
- * S_resolvLib_TRY_AGAIN
- * S_resolvLib_HOST_NOT_FOUND
- * S_resolvLib_NO_DATA
- * S_resolvLib_NO_RECOVERY
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvInit(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvSend(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvMkQuery(), resolvQuery()
- */
- struct hostent * resolvGetHostByAddr
- (
- const char * pInetAddr,
- char * pHostBuf,
- int bufLen
- )
- {
- struct hostent * pHostEnt; /* Ptr to host entry */
- if (pInetAddr == NULL || pHostBuf == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_resolvLib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Format input buffer for use as a hostent structure */
- pHostEnt = hostEntFormat (&pHostBuf, &bufLen, MAXALIASES, MAXADDRS);
- if (pHostEnt == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_resolvLib_BUFFER_2_SMALL;
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Check the hostLib static host table first ? */
- if (resolvParams.queryOrder == QUERY_LOCAL_FIRST)
- {
- if (resolvHostGetByAddr (pInetAddr, pHostEnt, pHostBuf, bufLen) != NULL)
- {
- return (pHostEnt);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Ask the DNS Server to resolve the query. In the case of queryOrder set
- * to QUERY_ DNS_ONLY, this is the only query done.
- */
- if (_gethostbyaddr (pInetAddr, 4, AF_INET, pHostEnt, pHostBuf, bufLen))
- {
- return (pHostEnt); /* Got an answer from the DNS server */
- }
- /* We need to check the hostLib static host table next */
- if (resolvParams.queryOrder == QUERY_DNS_FIRST)
- {
- if (resolvHostGetByAddr (pInetAddr, pHostEnt, pHostBuf, bufLen) != NULL)
- {
- return (pHostEnt);
- }
- }
- return (NULL); /* Host Name Not found */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvParamsSet - set the parameters which control the resolver library
- *
- * This routine sets the resolver parameters. <pResolvParams> passes in
- * a pointer to a RESOLV_PARAMS_S structure, which is defined as follows:
- * .CS
- * typedef struct
- * {
- * char queryOrder;
- * char domainName [MAXDNAME];
- * char nameServersAddr [MAXNS][MAXIPADDRLEN];
- * .CE
- * Use the members of this structure to specify the settings you want to
- * apply to the resolver. It is important to remember that multiple tasks
- * can use the resolver library and that the settings specified in
- * this RESOLV_PARAMS_S structure affect all queries from all tasks. In
- * addition, you should set resolver parameters at initialization and not
- * while queries could be in progress. Otherwise, the results of the query
- * are unpredictable.
- *
- * Before calling resolvParamsSet(), you should first call resolvParamsGet()
- * to populate a RESOLV_PARAMS_S structure with the current settings. Then
- * you change the values of the members that interest you.
- *
- * Valid values for the `queryOrder' member of RESOLV_PARAMS_S structure
- * are defined in resolvLib.h. Set the `domainName' member to the domain to
- * which this resolver belongs. Set the `nameServersAddr' member to the IP
- * addresses of the DNS server that the resolver can query. You must specify
- * the IP addresses in standard dotted decimal notation. This function tries
- * to validate the values in the `queryOrder' and `nameServerAddr' members.
- * This function does not try to validate the domain name.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if the parameters are valid, ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvSend(), resolvInit(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvMkQuery(), resolvQuery()
- */
- STATUS resolvParamsSet
- (
- RESOLV_PARAMS_S * pResolvParams /* ptr to resolver parameter struct */
- )
- {
- struct in_addr ipAddr;
- int index;
- /* Validate queryOrder parameters */
- if (pResolvParams->queryOrder != QUERY_LOCAL_FIRST &&
- pResolvParams->queryOrder != QUERY_DNS_FIRST &&
- pResolvParams->queryOrder != QUERY_DNS_ONLY)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Validate IP addresses */
- for (index = 0 ; (index < MAXNS) &&
- (pResolvParams->nameServersAddr [index][0] != ' '); index++)
- {
- if (inet_aton (pResolvParams->nameServersAddr [index], &ipAddr) != OK)
- return(ERROR);
- }
- /* Update queryOrder parameter */
- resolvParams.queryOrder = pResolvParams->queryOrder;
- /* Update the name server IP addresses in decimal dot notation */
- for (index = 0, _res.nscount = 0; (index < MAXNS) &&
- (pResolvParams->nameServersAddr [index][0] != ' '); index++)
- {
- (void) inet_aton (pResolvParams->nameServersAddr [index], &ipAddr);
- /* update the resolver server entry */
- _res.nsaddr_list [index].sin_addr = ipAddr;
- _res.nsaddr_list [index].sin_family = AF_INET;
- _res.nsaddr_list [index].sin_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
- _res.lookups [index] = 'b';
- _res.nscount++; /* Number of DNS servers to query */
- }
- _res.lookups [index] = 'f';
- /* Update domain name; Assume a valid domain name */
- (void) strcpy (_res.defdname, pResolvParams->domainName);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvParamsGet - get the parameters which control the resolver library
- *
- * This routine copies the resolver parameters to the RESOLV_PARAMS_S
- * structure referenced in the <pResolvParms> parameter. The RESOLV_PARAMS_S
- * structure is defined in resolvLib.h as follows:
- * .CS
- * typedef struct
- * {
- * char queryOrder;
- * char domainName [MAXDNAME];
- * char nameServersAddr [MAXNS][MAXIPADDRLEN];
- * .CE
- * Typically, you call this function just before calling resolvParamsSet().
- * The resolvParamsGet() call populates the RESOLV_PARAMS_S structure.
- * You can then modify the default values just before calling
- * resolvParamsSet().
- *
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvSend(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvInit(),
- * resolvMkQuery(), resolvQuery()
- */
- void resolvParamsGet
- (
- RESOLV_PARAMS_S * pResolvParams /* ptr to resolver parameter struct */
- )
- {
- int index;
- pResolvParams->queryOrder = resolvParams.queryOrder;
- (void) strcpy (pResolvParams->domainName, _res.defdname);
- /* Copy the name server IP addresses in decimal dot notation */
- for ( index = 0 ; index < MAXNS ; index++)
- {
- if (index < _res.nscount)
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (_res.nsaddr_list [index].sin_addr,
- pResolvParams->nameServersAddr [index]);
- }
- else
- {
- pResolvParams->nameServersAddr [index][0] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvHostLibGetByName - query the DNS server in behalf of hostGetByName
- *
- * When the resolver library is installed, the routine hostGetByName() in the
- * hostLib library invokes this routine. When the host name is not found by
- * hostGetByName in the static host table. This feature allows existing
- * applications to take advantage of the resolver without any changes.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_resolvLib_TRY_AGAIN
- * S_resolvLib_HOST_NOT_FOUND
- * S_resolvLib_NO_DATA
- * S_resolvLib_NO_RECOVERY
- *
- * RETURNS: IP address of host, or ERROR if the host was not found.
- */
- LOCAL int resolvHostLibGetByName
- (
- char * pHostName /* Pointer to host name */
- )
- {
- char reqBuf [MAX_HOSTLIB_BUF]; /* Holding buffer */
- char * pHostBuf;
- int bufLen;
- struct hostent * pHostEnt; /* Ptr to host entry */
- /* Try to get the answer from the DNS Server */
- pHostBuf = reqBuf;
- bufLen = sizeof(reqBuf);
- pHostEnt = hostEntFormat (& pHostBuf, & bufLen, MAXALIASES, MAXADDRS);
- pHostEnt = _gethostbyname (pHostName, pHostEnt, pHostBuf, bufLen);
- if (pHostEnt != NULL)
- {
- return (*(int *)(pHostEnt->h_addr_list [0])); /* Host IP address */
- }
- return (ERROR); /* Host IP address not found ! */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvHostLibGetByAddr - query the DNS server in behalf of hostGetByAddr()
- *
- * When the resolver library is installed the routine hostGetByAddr() in the
- * hostLib library invokes this routine. When the IP address is not found by
- * hostGetByAddr() in the static host table. This feature allows existing
- * applications to take advantage of the resolver without any changes. The
- * <addr> paramter specifies the IP address and <pHostName> points to the
- * official name of the host when the query is successful.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_resolvLib_TRY_AGAIN
- * S_resolvLib_HOST_NOT_FOUND
- * S_resolvLib_NO_DATA
- * S_resolvLib_NO_RECOVERY
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the host name was not found.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS resolvHostLibGetByAddr
- (
- int addr, /* IP address of requested host name */
- char * pHostName /* host name output by this routine */
- )
- {
- char reqBuf [MAX_HOSTLIB_BUF]; /* Holding buffer */
- char * pHostBuf;
- int bufLen;
- struct hostent * pHostEnt; /* Ptr to host entry */
- /* Try to get the answer from the DNS Server */
- pHostBuf = reqBuf;
- bufLen = sizeof(reqBuf);
- pHostEnt = hostEntFormat (& pHostBuf, & bufLen, MAXALIASES, MAXADDRS);
- pHostEnt = _gethostbyaddr ((char *)&addr, 4, AF_INET, pHostEnt,
- pHostBuf, bufLen);
- if (pHostEnt != NULL)
- {
- strcpy (pHostName, pHostEnt->h_name); /* Copy the host official name */
- return (OK);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvDNExpand - expand a DNS compressed name from a DNS packet
- *
- * This functions expands a compressed DNS name from a DNS packet. The <msg>
- * parameter points to that start of the DNS packet. The <eomorig> parameter
- * points to the last location of the DNS packet plus 1. The <comp_dn>
- * parameter points to the compress domain name, and <exp_dn> parameter
- * expects a pointer to a buffer. Upon function completion, this buffer
- * contains the expanded domain name. Use the <length> parameter to pass in
- * the size of the buffer referenced by the <exp_dn> parameter.
- *
- * RETURNS: The length of the expanded domain name, or ERROR on failure.
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvInit(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvSend(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvMkQuery(), resolvQuery()
- */
- int resolvDNExpand
- (
- const u_char * msg, /* ptr to the start of the DNS packet */
- const u_char * eomorig, /* ptr to the last location +1 of the DNS packet */
- const u_char * comp_dn, /* ptr to the compressed domain name */
- u_char * exp_dn, /* ptr to where the expanded DN is output */
- int length /* length of the buffer pointed by <expd_dn> */
- );
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvDNComp - compress a DNS name in a DNS packet
- *
- * This routine takes the expanded domain name referenced in the <exp_dn>
- * parameter, compresses it, and stores the compressed name in the location
- * pointed to by the <comp_dn> parameter. The <length> parameter passes in
- * the length of the buffer starting at <comp_dn>. The <dnptrs> parameter
- * is a pointer to a list of pointers to previously compressed names. The
- * <lastdnptr> parameter points to the last entry in the <dnptrs> array.
- *
- * RETURNS: The size of the compressed name, or ERROR.
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvInit(), resolvSend(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvMkQuery(), resolvQuery()
- */
- int resolvDNComp
- (
- const u_char * exp_dn, /* ptr to the expanded domain name */
- u_char * comp_dn, /* ptr to where to output the compressed name */
- int length, /* length of the buffer pointed by <comp_dn> */
- u_char ** dnptrs, /* ptr to a ptr list of compressed names */
- u_char ** lastdnptr /* ptr to the last entry pointed by <dnptrs> */
- );
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvQuery - construct a query, send it, wait for a response
- *
- * This routine constructs a query for the domain specified in the <name>
- * parameter. The <class> parameter specifies the class of the query.
- * The <type> parameter specifies the type of query. The routine then sends
- * the query to the DNS server. When the server responds, the response is
- * validated and copied to the buffer you supplied in the <answer> parameter.
- * Use the <anslen> parameter to pass in the size of the buffer referenced
- * in <answer>.
- *
- * RETURNS: The length of the response or ERROR.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_resolvLib_TRY_AGAIN
- * S_resolvLib_HOST_NOT_FOUND
- * S_resolvLib_NO_DATA
- * S_resolvLib_NO_RECOVERY
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvInit(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvMkQuery()
- */
- int resolvQuery
- (
- char *name, /* domain name */
- int class, /* query class for IP is C_IN */
- int type, /* type is T_A, T_PTR, ... */
- u_char *answer, /* buffer to put answer */
- int anslen /* length of answer buffer */
- );
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvMkQuery - create all types of DNS queries
- *
- * This routine uses the input parameters to create a domain name query.
- * You can set the <op> parameter to QUERY or IQUERY. Specify the domain
- * name in <dname>, the class in <class>, the query type in <type>. Valid
- * values for type include T_A, T_PTR, and so on. Use <data> to add Resource
- * Record data to the query. Use <datalen> to pass in the length of the
- * data buffer. Set <newrr_in> to NULL. This parameter is reserved for
- * future use. The <buf> parameter expects a pointer to the output buffer
- * for the constructed query. Use <buflen> to pass in the length of the
- * buffer referenced in <buf>.
- *
- * RETURNS: The length of the constructed query or ERROR.
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvSend(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvInit(), resolvQuery()
- */
- int resolvMkQuery
- (
- int op, /* set to desire query QUERY or IQUERY */
- const char * dname, /* domain name to be use in the query */
- int class, /* query class for IP is C_IN */
- int type, /* type is T_A, T_PTR, ... */
- const char * data, /* resource Record (RR) data */
- int datalen, /* length of the RR */
- const char * newrr_in, /* not used always set to NULL */
- char * buf, /* out of the constructed query */
- int buflen /* length of the buffer for the query */
- );
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resolvSend - send a pre-formatted query and return the answer
- *
- * This routine takes a pre-formatted DNS query and sends it to the domain
- * server. Use <buf> to pass in a pointer to the query. Use <buflen> to
- * pass in the size of the buffer referenced in <buf>. The <answer> parameter
- * expects a pointer to a buffer into which this routine can write the
- * answer retrieved from the server. Use <anslen> to pass in the size of
- * the buffer you have provided in <anslen>.
- *
- * RETURNS: The length of the response or ERROR.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_resolvLib_TRY_AGAIN
- *
- * resolvGetHostByName(), resolvGetHostByAddr(), resolvDNExpand(),
- * resolvDNComp(), resolvInit(), resolvParamsSet(), resolvParamsGet(),
- * resolvMkQuery(), resolvQuery()
- */
- int resolvSend
- (
- const char * buf, /* pre-formatted query */
- int buflen, /* length of query */
- char * answer, /* buffer for answer */
- int anslen /* length of answer */
- );