- /* m2TcpLib.c - MIB-II TCP-group API for SNMP agents */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01j, base 01e (VIRTUAL_STACK)
- 01e,08mar97,vin added changes to accomodate changes in pcb structure.
- 01d,25jan95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 01c,11nov94,rhp edit man pages
- 01b,10nov94,rhp fixed typo in m2TcpInit man page
- 01a,08dec93,jag written
- */
- /*
- This library provides MIB-II services for the TCP group. It provides routines
- to initialize the group, access the group global variables, read the table
- of TCP connections, and change the state of a TCP connection. For a broader
- description of MIB-II services, see the manual entry for m2Lib.
- To use this feature, include the following component:
- This library can be initialized and deleted by calling m2TcpInit() and
- m2TcpDelete() respectively, if only the TCP group's services are needed.
- If full MIB-II support is used, this group and all other groups can be
- initialized and deleted by calling m2Init() and m2Delete().
- The group global variables are accessed by calling
- m2TcpGroupInfoGet() as follows:
- .CS
- M2_TCP tcpVars;
- if (m2TcpGroupInfoGet (&tcpVars) == OK)
- /@ values in tcpVars are valid @/
- .CE
- The TCP table of connections can be accessed in lexicographical order. The
- first entry in the table can be accessed by setting the table index to
- zero. Every other entry thereafter can be accessed by passing to
- m2TcpConnTblEntryGet() the index retrieved in the previous invocation
- incremented to the next lexicographical value by giving
- M2_NEXT_VALUE as the search parameter. For example:
- .CS
- M2_TCPCONNTBL tcpEntry;
- /@ Specify a zero index to get the first entry in the table @/
- tcpEntry.tcpConnLocalAddress = 0; /@ Local IP address in host byte order @/
- tcpEntry.tcpConnLocalPort = 0; /@ Local TCP port @/
- tcpEntry.tcpConnRemAddress = 0; /@ remote IP address @/
- tcpEntry.tcpConnRemPort = 0; /@ remote TCP port in host byte order @/
- /@ get the first entry in the table @/
- if ((m2TcpConnTblEntryGet (M2_NEXT_VALUE, &tcpEntry) == OK)
- /@ values in tcpEntry in the first entry are valid @/
- /@ process first entry in the table @/
- /@
- * For the next call, increment the index returned in the previous call.
- * The increment is to the next possible lexicographic entry; for
- * example, if the returned index was
- * the index passed in the next invocation should be
- * If an entry in the table
- * matches the specified index, then that entry is returned.
- * Otherwise the closest entry following it, in lexicographic order,
- * is returned.
- @/
- /@ get the second entry in the table @/
- if ((m2TcpConnTblEntryGet (M2_NEXT_VALUE, &tcpEntry) == OK)
- /@ values in tcpEntry in the second entry are valid @/
- .CE
- The TCP table of connections allows only for a connection to be deleted as
- specified in the MIB-II. For example:
- .CS
- M2_TCPCONNTBL tcpEntry;
- /@ Fill in the index for the connection to be deleted in the table @/
- /@ Local IP address in host byte order, and local port number @/
- tcpEntry.tcpConnLocalAddress = 0x930b2e08;
- tcpEntry.tcpConnLocalPort = 3000;
- /@ Remote IP address in host byte order, and remote port number @/
- tcpEntry.tcpConnRemAddress = 0x930b2e9e;
- tcpEntry.tcpConnRemPort = 3000;
- tcpEntry.tcpConnState = 12; /@ MIB-II state value for delete @/
- /@ set the entry in the table @/
- if ((m2TcpConnTblEntrySet (&tcpEntry) == OK)
- /@ tcpEntry deleted successfuly @/
- .CE
- m2Lib, m2IfLib, m2IpLib, m2IcmpLib, m2UdpLib, m2SysLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "m2Lib.h"
- #include <socket.h>
- #include <net/route.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <netinet/tcp.h>
- #include <netinet/tcp_timer.h>
- #include <netinet/tcp_fsm.h>
- #include <netinet/tcp_var.h>
- #include <netinet/tcp_timer.h>
- #include <netinet/in_pcb.h>
- #include <net/protosw.h>
- #include <private/iosLibP.h>
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif
- /* defines */
- /* MIB-II TCP state definitions */
- #define M2TCP_CLOSED 1
- #define M2TCP_LISTEN 2
- #define M2TCP_SYNSENT 3
- #define M2TCP_FINWAIT1 6
- #define M2TCP_FINWAIT2 7
- #define M2TCP_CLOSEWAIT 8
- #define M2TCP_LASTACK 9
- #define M2TCP_CLOSING 10
- #define M2TCP_TIMEWAIT 11
- #define M2TCP_DELETETCB 12
- /* globals */
- /*
- * This table maps the BSD TCP states to the MIB-II TCP specified states. The
- * table is indexed using the BSD TCP states.
- */
- LOCAL long m2TcpStates [TCP_NSTATES] =
- {
- };
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2TcpInit - initialize MIB-II TCP-group access
- *
- * This routine allocates the resources needed to allow access to the TCP
- * MIB-II variables. This routine must be called before any TCP variables
- * can be accessed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * m2TcpGroupInfoGet(), m2TcpConnEntryGet(), m2TcpConnEntrySet(), m2TcpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2TcpInit (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2TcpGroupInfoGet - get MIB-II TCP-group scalar variables
- *
- * This routine fills in the TCP structure pointed to by <pTcpInfo> with the
- * values of MIB-II TCP-group scalar variables.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pTcpInfo> is not a valid pointer.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2TcpInit(), m2TcpConnEntryGet(), m2TcpConnEntrySet(), m2TcpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2TcpGroupInfoGet
- (
- M2_TCPINFO * pTcpInfo /* pointer to the TCP group structure */
- )
- {
- int netLock; /* Use to secure the Network Code Access */
- struct inpcb * pInpCb; /* Ptr to an internet control block */
- struct tcpcb * pTcpCb; /* Ptr to a TCP connection control block */
- /* Validate Pointer to TCP structure */
- if (pTcpInfo == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- netLock = splnet (); /* Get exclusive access to Network Code */
- /* Traverse the list of TCP control block and count the # of connections */
- /*
- * To avoid introducing a conflict with the "tcpcb" structure tag,
- * virtual stacks do not alias the head of the pcb list.
- */
- for (pInpCb = tcb.lh_first, pTcpInfo->tcpCurrEstab = 0;
- #else
- for (pInpCb = tcpcb.lh_first, pTcpInfo->tcpCurrEstab = 0;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- pInpCb != NULL; pInpCb = pInpCb->inp_list.le_next)
- {
- /* Get TCP Connection control structure */
- pTcpCb = (struct tcpcb *) pInpCb->inp_ppcb;
- if ((pTcpCb->t_state == TCPS_ESTABLISHED) ||
- (pTcpCb->t_state == TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT))
- pTcpInfo->tcpCurrEstab++;
- }
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- pTcpInfo->tcpRtoAlgorithm = M2_tcpRtoAlgorithm_vanj;
- pTcpInfo->tcpRtoMin = (TCPTV_MIN * 1000) / PR_SLOWHZ;
- pTcpInfo->tcpRtoMax = (TCPTV_REXMTMAX * 1000) / PR_SLOWHZ;
- /* The Maximum number of TCP connections is determined Dynamically == -1 */
- pTcpInfo->tcpMaxConn = -1;
- pTcpInfo->tcpActiveOpens = tcpstat.tcps_connattempt;
- pTcpInfo->tcpPassiveOpens = tcpstat.tcps_accepts;
- pTcpInfo->tcpAttemptFails = tcpstat.tcps_conndrops;
- pTcpInfo->tcpEstabResets = tcpstat.tcps_drops;
- pTcpInfo->tcpInSegs = tcpstat.tcps_rcvtotal;
- pTcpInfo->tcpOutSegs = tcpstat.tcps_sndtotal -
- tcpstat.tcps_sndrexmitpack -
- tcpstat.tcps_persisttimeo;
- pTcpInfo->tcpRetransSegs = tcpstat.tcps_sndrexmitpack;
- pTcpInfo->tcpInErrs = tcpstat.tcps_rcvbadsum +
- tcpstat.tcps_rcvbadoff +
- tcpstat.tcps_rcvshort;
- /*
- * (Former) tcpOutRsts global renamed for virtual stacks to prevent
- * name conflict with existing structure element.
- */
- pTcpInfo->tcpOutRsts = tcpOutResets;
- #else
- pTcpInfo->tcpOutRsts = tcpOutRsts;
- #endif
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * tcpConnCmp - compare two TCP connections in lexicographical order
- *
- * This routine compares two TCP connection control blocks. It compares the
- * value 1 with value 2. It returns equal, value 1 greater than
- * value 2, or value 1 less than value 2. The comparison is done based on the
- * lexicographical order specified by MIB-II.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 = equal, 1 > greater than, and -1 < less than.
- *
- */
- LOCAL int tcpConnCmp
- (
- M2_TCPCONNTBL * pConnVal1, /* pointer to control block (Compare againts) */
- M2_TCPCONNTBL * pConnVal2 /* pointer to control block (Second entry) */
- )
- {
- int result;
- /* Comparison of two unsigned values */
- if (pConnVal1->tcpConnLocalAddress > pConnVal2->tcpConnLocalAddress)
- {
- return 1; /* First Entry is Greater */
- }
- if (pConnVal1->tcpConnLocalAddress < pConnVal2->tcpConnLocalAddress)
- {
- return -1; /* First Entry is Smaller */
- }
- /* Comparison of two signed values */
- result = pConnVal1->tcpConnLocalPort - pConnVal2->tcpConnLocalPort;
- if (result != 0)
- return (result); /* Value > 0 or < 0 */
- /* Comparison of two unsigned values */
- if (pConnVal1->tcpConnRemAddress > pConnVal2->tcpConnRemAddress)
- {
- return 1; /* First Entry is Greater */
- }
- if (pConnVal1->tcpConnRemAddress < pConnVal2->tcpConnRemAddress)
- {
- return -1; /* First Entry is Smaller */
- }
- /* Result will determine Equal, Less than or Greater than */
- return (pConnVal1->tcpConnRemPort - pConnVal2->tcpConnRemPort);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2TcpConnEntryGet - get a MIB-II TCP connection table entry
- *
- * This routine traverses the TCP table of users and does an
- * M2_EXACT_VALUE or a M2_NEXT_VALUE search based on the
- * <search> parameter (see m2Lib). The calling routine is responsible
- * for supplying a valid MIB-II entry index in the input structure
- * <pReqTcpConnEntry>. The index is made up of the local IP address,
- * the local port number, the remote IP address, and the remote port.
- * The first entry in the table is retrieved by doing a M2_NEXT_VALUE
- * search with the index fields set to zero.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified or a
- * match is not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2Lib, m2TcpInit(), m2TcpGroupInfoGet(), m2TcpConnEntrySet(), m2TcpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2TcpConnEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE */
- M2_TCPCONNTBL * pReqTcpConnEntry /* input = Index, Output = Entry */
- )
- {
- M2_TCPCONNTBL savedEntry; /* Use to save the table entry to return */
- M2_TCPCONNTBL tableEntry; /* Use to test an entry in the table */
- int netLock; /* Use to secure the Network Code Access */
- struct inpcb * pPcb; /* Pointer to an entry in TCP Connection List */
- /* Validate Pointer to TCP Table Entry structure */
- if (pReqTcpConnEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Setup structure used in the search for the requested TCP entry */
- savedEntry.tcpConnState = TCP_NSTATES; /* Invalid TCP State */
- savedEntry.tcpConnLocalAddress = -1; /* Largest local IP Addr */
- savedEntry.tcpConnLocalPort = -1; /* Largest local port */
- savedEntry.tcpConnRemAddress = -1; /* Largest Remote IP Addr */
- savedEntry.tcpConnRemPort = -1; /* Largest Remote Port */
- netLock = splnet (); /* Get exclusive access to Network Code */
- /*
- * Traverse the circular list of TCP control blocks. The first item in the
- * list is a dummy header, skip it and used it as the loop exit condition.
- */
- /*
- * To avoid introducing a conflict with the "tcpcb" structure tag,
- * virtual stacks do not alias the head of the pcb list.
- */
- for (pPcb = tcb.lh_first; pPcb != NULL; pPcb = pPcb->inp_list.le_next)
- #else
- for (pPcb = tcpcb.lh_first; pPcb != NULL; pPcb = pPcb->inp_list.le_next)
- #endif
- {
- /* Convert control block format into a more convenient format */
- tableEntry.tcpConnLocalAddress = ntohl(pPcb->inp_laddr.s_addr);
- tableEntry.tcpConnLocalPort = ntohs(pPcb->inp_lport);
- tableEntry.tcpConnRemAddress = ntohl(pPcb->inp_faddr.s_addr);
- tableEntry.tcpConnRemPort = ntohs(pPcb->inp_fport);
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE &&
- (tcpConnCmp(&tableEntry, pReqTcpConnEntry) == 0))
- {
- /* Match, map the connection state to MIB-II format and exit */
- pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnState =
- m2TcpStates [((struct tcpcb *) pPcb->inp_ppcb)->t_state];
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- return (OK);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * A NEXT search is satisfied by an entry that is lexicographicaly
- * greater than the input TCP connection entry. Because the TCP
- * connection list is not in order, the list must be traverse
- * completly before a selection is made. The rules for a
- * lexicographicaly comparison are built in the routine tcpConnCmp.
- */
- if ((tcpConnCmp(&tableEntry, pReqTcpConnEntry) >= 0) &&
- (tcpConnCmp(&tableEntry, &savedEntry) < 0))
- {
- savedEntry.tcpConnLocalAddress = ntohl(pPcb->inp_laddr.s_addr);
- savedEntry.tcpConnLocalPort = ntohs(pPcb->inp_lport);
- savedEntry.tcpConnRemAddress = ntohl(pPcb->inp_faddr.s_addr);
- savedEntry.tcpConnRemPort = ntohs(pPcb->inp_fport);
- /* Save the connection state in BSD format */
- savedEntry.tcpConnState =
- ((struct tcpcb *) pPcb->inp_ppcb)->t_state;
- }
- }
- }
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- if (savedEntry.tcpConnState == TCP_NSTATES)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR); /* Requested Entry Not Found */
- }
- pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnState = m2TcpStates [savedEntry.tcpConnState];
- pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnLocalAddress = savedEntry.tcpConnLocalAddress;
- pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnLocalPort = savedEntry.tcpConnLocalPort;
- pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnRemAddress = savedEntry.tcpConnRemAddress;
- pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnRemPort = savedEntry.tcpConnRemPort;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2TcpConnEntrySet - set a TCP connection to the closed state
- *
- * This routine traverses the TCP connection table and searches for the
- * connection specified by the input parameter <pReqTcpConnEntry>. The
- * calling routine is responsible for providing a valid index as the
- * input parameter <pReqTcpConnEntry>. The index is made up of the
- * local IP address, the local port number, the remote IP address, and
- * the remote port. This call can only succeed if the connection is in
- * the MIB-II state "deleteTCB" (12). If a match is found, the socket
- * associated with the TCP connection is closed.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is invalid, the state of the
- * connection specified at <pReqTcpConnEntry> is not "closed,"
- * the specified connection is not found, a socket is not associated
- * with the connection, or the close() call fails.
- *
- * m2TcpInit(), m2TcpGroupInfoGet(), m2TcpConnEntryGet(), m2TcpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2TcpConnEntrySet
- (
- M2_TCPCONNTBL * pReqTcpConnEntry /* pointer to TCP connection to close */
- )
- {
- int fdToClose; /* Selected File Descriptor to close */
- int netLock; /* Use to secure the Network Code Access */
- struct inpcb * pInp; /* Pointer to BSD PCB list */
- struct in_addr loc_addr; /* Local IP Address structure */
- struct in_addr rem_addr; /* Remote IP Address structure */
- unsigned short locPort;
- unsigned short remPort;
- /* Validate Pointer to TCP Table Entry structure and operation */
- if (pReqTcpConnEntry == NULL ||
- pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnState != M2TCP_DELETETCB)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Look for the Internet Control Block which maps to the TCP Entry */
- locPort = pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnLocalPort;
- remPort = pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnRemPort;
- loc_addr.s_addr = htonl(pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnLocalAddress);
- locPort = htons(locPort);
- rem_addr.s_addr = htonl(pReqTcpConnEntry->tcpConnRemAddress);
- remPort = htons(remPort);
- netLock = splnet (); /* Get exclusive access to Network Code */
- if ((pInp = in_pcblookup (&tcbinfo, rem_addr,
- remPort, loc_addr, locPort, 0)) == NULL)
- {
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR); /* Entry not found */
- }
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- /* Look for the FD to issue close in the File Descriptor Table */
- for (fdToClose = 0; fdToClose < maxFiles ; fdToClose++)
- {
- #ifdef _WRS_VXWORKS_5_X
- if (fdTable [fdToClose].value == (int) pInp->inp_socket)
- #else
- if (fdTable [fdToClose] &&
- fdTable [fdToClose]->value == (int) pInp->inp_socket)
- #endif /* _WRS_VXWORKS_5_X */
- break;
- }
- if (fdToClose >= maxFiles)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_TCPCONN_FD_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Issue Close */
- fdToClose = STD_FIX(fdToClose);
- return (close (fdToClose));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2TcpDelete - delete all resources used to access the TCP group
- *
- * This routine frees all the resources allocated at the time the group was
- * initialized. The TCP group should not be accessed after this routine has been
- * called.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * m2TcpInit(), m2TcpGroupInfoGet(), m2TcpConnEntryGet(), m2TcpConnEntrySet()
- */
- STATUS m2TcpDelete (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }