- /* zbufLib.c - zbuf interface library */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,07may02,kbw man page edits
- 01g,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01g, base 01f (AE / 5_X)
- 01f,26jan95,jdi format tweak.
- 01e,24jan95,rhp revisions based on jdi feedback
- 01d,16jan95,rhp fix SEE ALSO subroutine ref format
- 01c,15nov94,dzb doc tweaks.
- 01b,09nov94,rhp library man page added, subroutine man pages edited.
- 01a,08nov94,dzb written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines to create, build, manipulate, and
- delete zbufs. Zbufs, also known as "zero copy buffers," are a data
- abstraction designed to allow software modules to share buffers
- without unnecessarily copying data.
- To support the data abstraction, the subroutines in this library hide
- the implementation details of zbufs. This also maintains the
- library's independence from any particular implementation mechanism,
- thus permitting the zbuf interface to be used with other buffering schemes.
- Zbufs have three essential properties. First, a zbuf holds a
- sequence of bytes. Second, these bytes are organized into one or more
- segments of contiguous data, although the successive segments
- themselves are not usually contiguous. Third, the data within a
- segment may be shared with other segments; that is, the data may be in use
- by more than one zbuf at a time.
- The following data types are used in managing zbufs:
- .iP ZBUF_ID 16 3
- An arbitrary (but unique) integer that identifies a particular zbuf.
- An arbitrary (but unique within a single zbuf) integer that identifies
- a segment within a zbuf.
- .LP
- The bytes in a zbuf are addressed by the combination <zbufSeg>,
- <offset>. The <offset> may be positive or negative, and is simply the
- number of bytes from the beginning of the segment <zbufSeg>.
- A <zbufSeg> can be specified as NULL, to identify the segment at the
- beginning of a zbuf. If <zbufseg> is NULL, <offset> is the
- absolute offset to any byte in the zbuf. However, it is more
- efficient to identify a zbuf byte location relative to the <zbufSeg>
- that contains it; see zbufSegFind() to convert any <zbufSeg>, <offset>
- pair to the most efficient equivalent.
- Negative <offset> values always refer to bytes before the
- corresponding <zbufSeg>, and are not usually the most efficient
- address formulation (though using them may save your
- program other work in some cases).
- The following special <offset> values, defined as constants,
- allow you to specify the very beginning or the very end of an entire zbuf,
- regardless of the <zbufSeg> value:
- .iP ZBUF_BEGIN 16 3
- The beginning of the entire zbuf.
- The end of the entire zbuf (useful for appending to a zbuf; see below).
- .LP
- An <offset> is not valid if it points outside the zbuf. Thus, to
- address data currently within an N-byte zbuf, the valid offsets
- relative to the first segment are 0 through N-1.
- Insertion routines are a special case: they obey the usual
- convention, but they use <offset> to specify where the new data
- begins after the insertion is complete. Therefore, the original
- zbuf data is always inserted just before the byte
- location addressed by the <offset> value. The value of this
- convention is that it permits inserting (or concatenating) data either
- before or after the existing data. To insert before all the data
- currently in a zbuf segment, use 0 as <offset>. To insert after all
- the data in an N-byte segment, use N as <offset>. An <offset> of N-1
- inserts the data just before the last byte in an N-byte segment.
- An <offset> of 0 is always a valid insertion point; for an empty zbuf,
- 0 is the only valid <offset> (and NULL the only valid <zbufSeg>).
- The routines in this library avoid copying segment data whenever
- possible. Thus, by passing and manipulating ZBUF_IDs rather than
- copying data, multiple programs can communicate with greater
- efficiency. However, each program must be aware of data sharing:
- changes to the data in a zbuf segment are visible to all zbuf segments
- that reference the data.
- To alter your own program's view of zbuf data without affecting other
- programs, first use zbufDup() to make a new zbuf; then you can use an
- insertion or deletion routine, such as zbufInsertBuf(), to add a
- segment that only your program sees (until you pass a zbuf containing
- it to another program). It is safest to do all direct data
- manipulation in a private buffer, before enrolling it in a zbuf: in
- principle, you should regard all zbuf segment data as shared.
- Once a data buffer is enrolled in a zbuf segment, the zbuf library is
- responsible for noticing when the buffer is no longer in use by any
- program, and freeing it. To support this, zbufInsertBuf() requires
- that you specify a callback to a free routine each time you build a
- zbuf segment around an existing buffer. You can use this callback to notify
- your application when a data buffer is no longer in use.
- Under VxWorks AE, this feature is restricted to the kernel protection
- domain. This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- To use this feature, include the following component:
- zbufSockLib
- Extensions:
- zbufJoin (zbufId, zbufSeg) - coalesce two adjacent segment fragments
- This routine combines two or more contiguous zbuf segments into a single
- zbuf segment. Such an operation is only feasible for joining segments
- that have the same freeRtn and freeArg, and that follow eachother in
- the zbuf. This could be useful for coalescing zbuf segments fragmented
- by split operations.
- zbufOwn (zbufId, zbufSeg, offset, len) - own a local copy of zbuf data
- This routine makes a local copy of a portion of a zbuf. This
- is useful if you want to change the actual data in a zbuf, but want to
- make sure that you are not corrupting another zbuf that shares the
- same data. If you are the only zbuf segment using a particular buffer,
- this routine does nothing. If other zbufs reference the same data, this
- routine inserts a copy of the requested data, then deletes reference
- to the original data.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "zbufLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- /* locals */
- /*
- * N.B.
- * As other back-ends to zbuf are ever developed, and need to be run
- * concurrently with existing back-ends, the zbufFunc table needs to have
- * the back-end resident function table pointer in the ZBUF_ID. This will
- * require a modification to the current method of simply passing through
- * the ZBUF_ID to the back-end. Instead, the ZBUF_ID will have to point
- * to a structure, which would contain the back-end function table pointer
- * and a back-end-specific XX_ID pointer.
- */
- LOCAL ZBUF_FUNC zbufFuncNull = /* null funcs for unconnected zbufs */
- {
- NULL, /* zbufCreate() */
- NULL, /* zbufDelete() */
- NULL, /* zbufInsert() */
- NULL, /* zbufInsertBuf() */
- NULL, /* zbufInsertCopy() */
- NULL, /* zbufExtractCopy() */
- NULL, /* zbufCut() */
- NULL, /* zbufSplit() */
- NULL, /* zbufDup() */
- NULL, /* zbufLength() */
- NULL, /* zbufSegFind() */
- NULL, /* zbufSegNext() */
- NULL, /* zbufSegPrev() */
- NULL, /* zbufSegData() */
- NULL /* zbufSegLength() */
- };
- LOCAL ZBUF_FUNC * pZbufFunc = &zbufFuncNull;
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufLibInit - initialize the zbuf interface library
- *
- * This routine initializes the zbuf interface facility. It
- * must be called before any zbuf routines are used. This routine is
- * typically called during the initialization of a VxWorks facility which
- * uses or extends the zbuf interface, although this is not a requirement.
- * The zbuf library may be used on its own, provided an appropriate back-end
- * buffer mechanism is available, and is specified by <libInitRtn>.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the zbuf interface cannot be initialized.
- *
- */
- STATUS zbufLibInit
- (
- FUNCPTR libInitRtn /* back-end buffer mechanism init rtn */
- )
- {
- ZBUF_FUNC * pZbufFuncTemp; /* temp return of back-end func table */
- /* call the back-end initialization routine - watch for NULL func ptr */
- if ((libInitRtn == NULL) || ((pZbufFuncTemp =
- (ZBUF_FUNC *) (libInitRtn) ()) == NULL))
- return (ERROR);
- pZbufFunc = pZbufFuncTemp; /* connect back-end func tbl */
- return (OK);
- }
- #if FALSE /* Pool routines not in service yet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegPoolCreate - create an empty zbuf segment pool
- *
- * This routine creates a zbuf segment pool. It remains empty (that is, does
- * not contain any free segments) until segments are added by calling
- * zbufSegPoolAdd(). Operations performed on zbuf segments pools require
- * a zbuf segment pool ID, which is returned by this routine.
- *
- * A zbuf segment pool ID, or NULL if an ID cannot be created.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: zbufSegPoolDelete(), zbufSegPoolAdd()
- *
- */
- ZBUF_POOL_ID zbufSegPoolCreate (void)
- {
- ZBUF_POOL_ID zbufPoolId; /* new ID */
- if ((zbufPoolId = (ZBUF_POOL_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof(struct zbufPoolId))) ==
- return (NULL); /* malloc pool ID struct */
- /* create mutex sem for guarding access to zbuf segment pool */
- if ((zbufPoolId->poolSem = semMCreate ((SEM_Q_PRIORITY |
- {
- KHEAP_FREE(zbufPoolId); /* free resources */
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* create binary sem for waiting for free segments to come into pool */
- if ((zbufPoolId->waitSem = semBCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY)) == ERROR)
- {
- semDelete (zbufPoolId->poolSem); /* free resources */
- KHEAP_FREE(zbufPoolId);
- return (NULL);
- }
- zbufPoolId->use = 0; /* no loaned buffers yet */
- zbufPoolId->blockHead = NULL; /* no blocks/segs yet */
- return (zbufPoolId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegPoolDelete - delete a zbuf segment pool and free associated segments
- *
- * This routine will free any segments associated with <zbufPoolId>,
- * then delete the zbuf segment pool ID itself. To do this, all segments
- * must be in the pool (that is, no segments may currently be part of a zbuf).
- * <zbufPoolId> must not be used after this routine executes successfully.
- *
- * Associated segments will be returned to the system memory pool if they
- * were allocated with zbufSegPoolAdd(). No action will be taken upon
- * user segments added to the segment pool by specifying the segment block
- * start address. These segments should be considered free after this
- * routine executes successfully.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the zbuf segment pool has outstanding segments.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: zbufSegPoolCreate(), zbufSegPoolAdd()
- *
- */
- STATUS zbufSegPoolDelete
- (
- ZBUF_POOL_ID zbufPoolId /* zbuf segment pool to delete */
- )
- {
- ZBUF_BLOCK_ID zbufBlock; /* ptr to block headers */
- ZBUF_BLOCK_ID zbufBlockTemp; /* temp storage of block hdr */
- /* obtain exclusive access to zbuf segment pool structures */
- if ((semTake (zbufPoolId->poolSem, WAIT_FOREVER)) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- if (zbufPoolId->use != 0) /* any segments in use ? */
- {
- semGive (zbufPoolId->poolSem); /* give up access */
- return (ERROR); /* cannot feee if in use */
- }
- /* go through list of block headers, freein all alloc'ed mem */
- for (zbufBlock = zbufPoolId->blockHead; zbufBlock != NULL;)
- {
- zbufBlockTemp = zbufBlock->blockNext;
- KHEAP_FREE(zbufBlock); /* free each hdr & memory */
- zbufBlock = zbufBlockTemp; /* bump to next block hdr */
- }
- semDelete (zbufPoolId->waitSem); /* free wait binary sem */
- semDelete (zbufPoolId->poolSem); /* free pool mutex sem */
- KHEAP_FREE(zbufPoolId); /* free actual pool ID struct */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegPoolAdd - add a block of zbuf segments to a zbuf segment pool
- *
- * This routine adds a block of zbuf segments to <zbufPoolId>. This routine
- * may be called multiple times to add segment blocks of different sizes and
- * numbers.
- *
- * The segment size <segSise> will be rounded up to the memory allignment
- * requirements of the target architecture. The minimum size of a
- * segment is the size of a void pointer.
- *
- * If system memory is to be used for the segment allocation, set <blockStart>
- * to NULL, in which case <blockLength> parameter will be ignored.
- * Otherwise, a block of memory to be used may be specified by <blockStart> and
- * <blockLen>. If a segment block is specified with <blockStart>, the
- * <segNum> parameter is ignored. Instead, the number of alligned segments
- * that can be obtained from <memLength> are added to the pool.
- *
- * If a zbuf segment pool is deleted with zbufSegPoolDelete(), any allocated
- * segment blocks will be returned to the system memory pool. Specific memory
- * blocks obtained through <blockStart> should be considered free after
- * zbufSegPoolDelete() executes successfully, but the user will not be
- * given any further indication of the memory being released from the pool.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the zbuf segment block cannot be added to the pool.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: zbufSegPoolDelete()
- *
- */
- STATUS zbufSegPoolAdd
- (
- ZBUF_POOL_ID zbufPoolId, /* pool to add zbuf segments to */
- int segSize, /* size of new segments */
- int segNum, /* number of new segs (system memory) */
- caddr_t blockStart, /* start of seg block (user memory) */
- int blockLen /* length of seg block (user memory) */
- )
- {
- ZBUF_BLOCK_ID zbufBlockNew; /* new block header */
- ZBUF_BLOCK_ID zbufBlock = NULL; /* location to insert new hdr */
- STATUS status = ERROR; /* return value */
- int ix; /* counter for block init */
- /* obtain exclusive access to zbuf segment pool structures */
- if ((semTake (zbufPoolId->poolSem, WAIT_FOREVER)) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* adjust segSize for mem allign - must be at least void * (see below) */
- segSize = min (MEM_ROUND_UP(segSize), sizeof (void *));
- if (blockStart == NULL) /* if allocating from system */
- {
- if ((zbufBlockNew = (ZBUF_BLOCK_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof(struct zbufBlockId)
- + (segSize * segNum)))) == NULL) /* allocate hdr and seg block */
- goto release;
- blockStart = (caddr_t) (zbufBlockNew + 1);/* set start of seg block */
- }
- else /* use supplied user memory */
- {
- /* calc the number of segments that can be obtained from user mem */
- if ((segNum = blockLen / segSize) == 0) /* must be at least one */
- goto release;
- if ((zbufBlockNew = (ZBUF_BLOCK_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC
- (sizeof(struct zbufBlockId))) == NULL)/* allocate block hdr only */
- goto release;
- }
- zbufBlockNew->length = segSize; /* block is for "segSize" */
- zbufBlockNew->zbufPoolId = zbufPoolId; /* for _zbufSegPoolFree() */
- zbufBlockNew->segFree = (void *) blockStart;/* first seg in block is free */
- /*
- * Go through block, and divide up into segNum number of segments.
- * The first location of each segment points to the next free segment,
- * with the last segment pointing to NULL. In this way, a sll of free
- * segments is kept, with the pointer in the segment memory itself.
- */
- for (ix = 1; ix < segNum; ix++, blockStart += segSize)
- *((void **) blockStart) = (void *) (blockStart + segSize);
- *((void **) blockStart) = NULL;
- /* find the proper location in the pool to insert the new seg block */
- if ((zbufPoolId->blockHead != NULL) &&
- (zbufPoolId->blockHead->length < segSize))
- {
- zbufBlock = zbufPoolId->blockHead;
- for (; zbufBlock->blockNext != NULL; zbufBlock = zbufBlock->blockNext)
- if (zbufBlock->blockNext->length >= segSize)
- break;
- }
- if (zbufBlock == NULL) /* insert new block at start */
- {
- zbufBlockNew->blockNext = zbufPoolId->blockHead;/* new to first */
- zbufPoolId->blockHead = zbufBlockNew; /* head to new */
- }
- else /* insert in middle or end */
- {
- zbufBlockNew->blockNext = zbufBlock->blockNext; /* new to next */
- zbufBlock->blockNext = zbufBlockNew; /* prev to new */
- }
- status = OK; /* done! */
- release: /* error encountered */
- semGive (zbufPoolId->poolSem); /* give up access */
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _zbufSegPoolFree - return a zbuf segment to a zbuf segment pool
- *
- * This routine returns a zbuf segment to a zbuf segment pool.
- * To return <buf> to the zbuf segment block that it was originally allocated
- * from, place the segment <buf> at the start of the segment block associated
- * with <zbufBlockId>. If <zbufBlockId> is NULL, the segment <buf> was
- * allocated from system memory, and should be returned with free().
- *
- *
- */
- void _zbufSegPoolFree
- (
- caddr_t buf, /* zbuf segment to return */
- ZBUF_BLOCK_ID zbufBlockId /* seg block to return <buf> to */
- )
- {
- ZBUF_POOL_ID zbufPoolId; /* back pointer to pool ID */
- if (zbufBlockId == NULL) /* if originally malloc'ed */
- KHEAP_FREE(buf);
- else /* else return to pool */
- {
- zbufPoolId = zbufBlockId->zbufPoolId; /* obtain back pointer to ID */
- /* obtain exclusive access to zbuf segment pool structures */
- if ((semTake (zbufPoolId->poolSem, WAIT_FOREVER)) == ERROR)
- return;
- *((void **) buf) = zbufBlockId->segFree;/* hook my next to first */
- zbufBlockId->segFree = (void *) buf; /* hook head to me */
- zbufPoolId->use--; /* check it in */
- semFlush (zbufPoolId->waitSem); /* free those waiting for seg */
- semGive (zbufPoolId->poolSem); /* give up access */
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufInsertPool - obtain a segment and insert into a zbuf
- *
- * This routine obtains a zbuf segment from <zbufPoolId> and
- * inserts it into zbuf <zbufId> at the specified location. The requested
- * segment is not initialized (that is, it is not zeroed out) by this routine.
- *
- * This routine searches <zbufPoolId> looking for a suitably sized free
- * segment. The smallest free segment that is at least <len> bytes in length
- * is obtained and inserted into <zbufId>. If no free segments are found,
- * this routine will pend for <timeout> ticks waiting for a zbuf segment to be
- * released from another zbuf. As segments are released from other zbufs,
- * they are examined to see if they are at least <len> bytes. If they are
- * not suitable, the timeout is reset to <timeout> ticks, and this routine
- * will pend again waiting for a segment to be released.
- *
- * If <zbufPoolId> is NULL, the system memory pool is used to allocate a
- * segment of <len> bytes. Upon release of this segment from the zbuf, it
- * will returned to the system memory pool.
- *
- * The location of insertion is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>. See
- * the zbufLib manual page for more information on specifying
- * a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, insertion within
- * a zbuf occurs before the byte location specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * Additionally, <zbufSeg> and <offset> must be NULL and 0,
- * respectively, when inserting into an empty zbuf.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID of the inserted segment,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- *
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufInsertPool
- (
- ZBUF_POOL_ID zbufPoolId, /* pool to obtain zbuf segment from */
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to insert segment into */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- int len, /* requested segment length in bytes */
- int timeout /* timeout in ticks */
- )
- {
- ZBUF_BLOCK_ID zbufBlock = NULL; /* segment block header */
- caddr_t buf = NULL; /* requested segment buf */
- int lenLast = NULL; /* last seg block length seen */
- if (zbufPoolId == NULL) /* alloc from system mem */
- if ((buf = KHEAP_ALLOC(len)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* if not allocating from system memory, try to obtain from seg pool */
- while (buf == NULL)
- {
- /* obtain exclusive access to zbuf segment pool structures */
- if ((semTake (zbufPoolId->poolSem, timeout)) == ERROR)
- return (NULL);
- /*
- * Search the pool's seg blocks headers for a suitable size (first fit)
- * and that has free segments attached to it. An over-sized segment
- * will be taken if no more suitably sized segments are available.
- * No fragmentation is performed. A segment remains whole.
- * If no segments are available (right-fit or oversized), pend on
- * waitSem for segment to come in from _zbufSegPoolFree().
- */
- zbufBlock = zbufPoolId->blockHead;
- for (; zbufBlock != NULL; zbufBlock = zbufBlock->blockNext)
- if (((lenLast = zbufBlock->length) >= len) &&
- (zbufBlock->segFree != NULL))
- break;
- if (zbufBlock == NULL)
- {
- /* going to pend or exit, so give up access */
- semGive (zbufPoolId->poolSem);
- /* check that there are seg blocks large enough for len */
- if ((lenLast == NULL) || (lenLast < len))
- return (NULL);
- /* wait for segments to come back in... */
- if ((semTake (zbufPoolId->waitSem, timeout)) == ERROR)
- return (NULL);
- }
- else /* found suitable segment */
- {
- buf = (caddr_t) zbufBlock->segFree; /* segment is first */
- zbufBlock->segFree = *((void **) buf); /* first is next */
- zbufPoolId->use++; /* check it out */
- semGive (zbufPoolId->poolSem); /* give up access */
- }
- }
- /* insert the new segment into zbufId at the specified location */
- if ((zbufSeg = zbufInsertBuf (zbufId, zbufSeg, offset,
- buf, len, _zbufSegPoolFree, (int) zbufBlock)) == NULL)
- _zbufSegPoolFree (buf, zbufBlock); /* free seg on failure */
- return (zbufSeg);
- }
- #endif /* FALSE */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufCreate - create an empty zbuf
- *
- * This routine creates a zbuf, which remains empty (that is, it contains
- * no data) until segments are added by the zbuf insertion routines.
- * Operations performed on zbufs require a zbuf ID, which is returned by
- * this routine.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, the returned ID is valid within
- * the kernel protection domain only. This restriction does not apply
- * under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * A zbuf ID, or NULL if a zbuf cannot be created.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: zbufDelete()
- */
- ZBUF_ID zbufCreate (void)
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->createRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_ID) (pZbufFunc->createRtn) ());
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufDelete - delete a zbuf
- *
- * This routine deletes any zbuf segments in the specified zbuf, then
- * deletes the zbuf ID itself. <zbufId> must not be used after this routine
- * executes successfully.
- *
- * For any data buffers that were not in use by any other zbuf, zbufDelete()
- * calls the associated free routine (callback).
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the zbuf cannot be deleted.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: zbufCreate(), zbufInsertBuf()
- */
- STATUS zbufDelete
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId /* zbuf to be deleted */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->deleteRtn == NULL) ? ERROR :
- (pZbufFunc->deleteRtn) (zbufId));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufInsert - insert a zbuf into another zbuf
- *
- * This routine inserts all <zbufId2> zbuf segments into <zbufId1> at the
- * specified byte location.
- *
- * The location of insertion is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>. See
- * the zbufLib manual page for more information on specifying
- * a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, insertion within
- * a zbuf occurs before the byte location specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * Additionally, <zbufSeg> and <offset> must be NULL and 0,
- * respectively, when inserting into an empty zbuf.
- *
- * After all the <zbufId2> segments are inserted into <zbufId1>, the zbuf ID
- * <zbufId2> is deleted. <zbufId2> must not be used after this routine
- * executes successfully.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * Likewise, the returned ZBUF_SEG is valid within the kernel protection
- * domain only. This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of
- * VxWorks.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID for the first inserted segment,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufInsert
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId1, /* zbuf to insert <zbufId2> into */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- ZBUF_ID zbufId2 /* zbuf to insert into <zbufId1> */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->insertRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_SEG) (pZbufFunc->insertRtn) (zbufId1, zbufSeg, offset, zbufId2));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufInsertBuf - create a zbuf segment from a buffer and insert into a zbuf
- *
- * This routine creates a zbuf segment from the application buffer <buf>
- * and inserts it at the specified byte location in <zbufId>.
- *
- * The location of insertion is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>. See
- * the zbufLib manual page for more information on specifying
- * a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, insertion within
- * a zbuf occurs before the byte location specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * Additionally, <zbufSeg> and <offset> must be NULL and 0,
- * respectively, when inserting into an empty zbuf.
- *
- * The parameter <freeRtn> specifies a free-routine callback that runs when
- * the data buffer <buf> is no longer referenced by any zbuf segments. If
- * <freeRtn> is NULL, the zbuf functions normally, except that the
- * application is not notified when no more zbufs segments reference <buf>.
- * The free-routine callback runs from the context of the task that last
- * deletes reference to the buffer. Declare the <freeRtn> callback as
- * follows (using whatever routine name suits your application):
- * .CS
- * void freeCallback
- * (
- * caddr_t buf, /@ pointer to application buffer @/
- * int freeArg /@ argument to free routine @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID of the inserted segment,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufInsertBuf
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf in which buffer is inserted */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- caddr_t buf, /* application buffer for segment */
- int len, /* number of bytes to insert */
- VOIDFUNCPTR freeRtn, /* free-routine callback */
- int freeArg /* argument to free routine */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->insertBufRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_SEG) (pZbufFunc->insertBufRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg, offset,
- buf, len, freeRtn, freeArg));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufInsertCopy - copy buffer data into a zbuf
- *
- * This routine copies <len> bytes of data from the application buffer <buf>
- * and inserts it at the specified byte location in <zbufId>. The
- * application buffer is in no way tied to the zbuf after this operation;
- * a separate copy of the data is made.
- *
- * The location of insertion is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>. See
- * the zbufLib manual page for more information on specifying
- * a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, insertion within
- * a zbuf occurs before the byte location specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * Additionally, <zbufSeg> and <offset> must be NULL and 0,
- * respectively, when inserting into an empty zbuf.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * Likewise, the returned value is valid in the protection domain only.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID of the first inserted segment,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufInsertCopy
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf into which data is copied */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- caddr_t buf, /* buffer from which data is copied */
- int len /* number of bytes to copy */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->insertCopyRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_SEG) (pZbufFunc->insertCopyRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg,
- offset, buf, len));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufExtractCopy - copy data from a zbuf to a buffer
- *
- * This routine copies <len> bytes of data from <zbufId> to the application
- * buffer <buf>.
- *
- * The starting location of the copy is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * See the zbufLib manual page for more information on
- * specifying a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, the first
- * byte copied is the exact byte specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- *
- * The number of bytes to copy is given by <len>. If this parameter
- * is negative, or is larger than the number of bytes in the zbuf after the
- * specified byte location, the rest of the zbuf is copied.
- * The bytes copied may span more than one segment.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The number of bytes copied from the zbuf to the buffer,
- * or ERROR if the operation fails.
- */
- int zbufExtractCopy
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf from which data is copied */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- caddr_t buf, /* buffer into which data is copied */
- int len /* number of bytes to copy */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->extractCopyRtn == NULL) ? ERROR :
- (pZbufFunc->extractCopyRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg, offset, buf, len));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufCut - delete bytes from a zbuf
- *
- * This routine deletes <len> bytes from <zbufId> starting at the specified
- * byte location.
- *
- * The starting location of deletion is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * See the zbufLib manual page for more information on
- * specifying a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, the first
- * byte deleted is the exact byte specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- *
- * The number of bytes to delete is given by <len>. If this parameter
- * is negative, or is larger than the number of bytes in the zbuf after the
- * specified byte location, the rest of the zbuf is deleted.
- * The bytes deleted may span more than one segment.
- *
- * If all the bytes in any one segment are deleted, then the segment is
- * deleted, and the data buffer that it referenced will be freed if no
- * other zbuf segments reference it. No segment may survive with zero bytes
- * referenced.
- *
- * Deleting bytes out of the middle of a segment splits the segment
- * into two. The first segment contains the portion of the data buffer
- * before the deleted bytes, while the other segment contains the end
- * portion that remains after deleting <len> bytes.
- *
- * This routine returns the zbuf segment ID of the segment just
- * after the deleted bytes. In the case where bytes are cut off the end
- * of a zbuf, a value of ZBUF_NONE is returned.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * Likewise, the returned value is valid in the protection domain only.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID of the segment following the deleted bytes,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufCut
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf from which bytes are cut */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- int len /* number of bytes to cut */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->cutRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_SEG) (pZbufFunc->cutRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg, offset, len));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSplit - split a zbuf into two separate zbufs
- *
- * This routine splits <zbufId> into two separate zbufs at the specified
- * byte location. The first portion remains in <zbufId>, while the end
- * portion is returned in a newly created zbuf.
- *
- * The location of the split is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>. See
- * the zbufLib manual page for more information on specifying
- * a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, after the split
- * operation, the first byte of the returned zbuf is the exact byte
- * specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * Likewise, the returned value is valid in the protection domain only.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The zbuf ID of a newly created zbuf containing the end portion of <zbufId>,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_ID zbufSplit
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to split into two */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset /* relative byte offset */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->splitRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_ID) (pZbufFunc->splitRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg, offset));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufDup - duplicate a zbuf
- *
- * This routine duplicates <len> bytes of <zbufId> starting at the specified
- * byte location, and returns the zbuf ID of the newly created duplicate zbuf.
- *
- * The starting location of duplication is specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * See the zbufLib manual page for more information on
- * specifying a byte location within a zbuf. In particular, the first
- * byte duplicated is the exact byte specified by <zbufSeg> and <offset>.
- *
- * The number of bytes to duplicate is given by <len>. If this parameter
- * is negative, or is larger than the number of bytes in the zbuf after the
- * specified byte location, the rest of the zbuf is duplicated.
- *
- * Duplication of zbuf data does not usually involve copying of the data.
- * Instead, the zbuf segment pointer information is duplicated, while the data
- * is not, which means that the data is shared among all zbuf segments
- * that reference the data. See the zbufLib manual
- * page for more information on copying and sharing zbuf data.
- *
- * The zbuf ID of a newly created duplicate zbuf,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_ID zbufDup
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to duplicate */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- int len /* number of bytes to duplicate */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->dupRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_ID) (pZbufFunc->dupRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg, offset, len));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufLength - determine the length in bytes of a zbuf
- *
- * This routine returns the number of bytes in the zbuf <zbufId>.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The number of bytes in the zbuf,
- * or ERROR if the operation fails.
- */
- int zbufLength
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId /* zbuf to determine length */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->lengthRtn == NULL) ? ERROR :
- (pZbufFunc->lengthRtn) (zbufId));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegFind - find the zbuf segment containing a specified byte location
- *
- * This routine translates an address within a zbuf to its most local
- * formulation. zbufSegFind() locates the zbuf segment in <zbufId>
- * that contains the byte location specified by <zbufSeg> and *<pOffset>,
- * then returns that zbuf segment, and writes in *<pOffset> the new offset
- * relative to the returned segment.
- *
- * If the <zbufSeg>, *<pOffset> pair specify a byte location past the end
- * of the zbuf, or before the first byte in the zbuf, zbufSegFind()
- * returns NULL.
- *
- * See the zbufLib manual page for a full discussion of addressing zbufs
- * by segment and offset.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * Likewise, the returned value is valid in the protection domain only.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID of the segment containing the specified byte,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSegFind
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to examine */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg, /* zbuf segment base for <pOffset> */
- int * pOffset /* relative byte offset */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->segFindRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_SEG) (pZbufFunc->segFindRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg, pOffset));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegNext - get the next segment in a zbuf
- *
- * This routine finds the zbuf segment in <zbufId> that is just after
- * the zbuf segment <zbufSeg>. If <zbufSeg> is NULL, the segment after
- * the first segment in <zbufId> is returned. If <zbufSeg> is the last
- * segment in <zbufId>, NULL is returned.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID of the segment after <zbufSeg>,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSegNext
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to examine */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg /* segment to get next segment */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->segNextRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_SEG) (pZbufFunc->segNextRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegPrev - get the previous segment in a zbuf
- *
- * This routine finds the zbuf segment in <zbufId> that is just before the zbuf
- * segment <zbufSeg>. If <zbufSeg> is NULL, or is the first segment in <zbufId>,
- * NULL is returned.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * Likewise, the returned value is valid in the protection domain only.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The zbuf segment ID of the segment before <zbufSeg>, or NULL if the
- * operation fails.
- */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSegPrev
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to examine */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg /* segment to get previous segment */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->segPrevRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (ZBUF_SEG) (pZbufFunc->segPrevRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegData - determine the location of data in a zbuf segment
- *
- * This routine returns the location of the first byte of data in the zbuf
- * segment <zbufSeg>. If <zbufSeg> is NULL, the location of data in the
- * first segment in <zbufId> is returned.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * Likewise, the returned value is valid in the protection domain only.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * A pointer to the first byte of data in the specified zbuf segment,
- * or NULL if the operation fails.
- *
- */
- caddr_t zbufSegData
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to examine */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg /* segment to get pointer to data */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->segDataRtn == NULL) ? NULL :
- (caddr_t) (pZbufFunc->segDataRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * zbufSegLength - determine the length of a zbuf segment
- *
- * This routine returns the number of bytes in the zbuf segment <zbufSeg>.
- * If <zbufSeg> is NULL, the length of the first segment in <zbufId> is
- * returned.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. In addition, all arguments to this function can
- * reference only that data which is valid in the kernel protection domain.
- * This restriction does not apply under non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * The number of bytes in the specified zbuf segment,
- * or ERROR if the operation fails.
- */
- int zbufSegLength
- (
- ZBUF_ID zbufId, /* zbuf to examine */
- ZBUF_SEG zbufSeg /* segment to determine length of */
- )
- {
- return ((pZbufFunc->segLengthRtn == NULL) ? ERROR :
- (pZbufFunc->segLengthRtn) (zbufId, zbufSeg));
- }