- /* pingLib.c - Packet InterNet Groper (PING) library */
- /* Copyright 1994 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01r,22apr02,rae Note that PING_OPT_DONTROUTE affects pinging localhost
- (SPR #72917), other minor changes
- 01q,11mar02,rae Print stats when task killed (SPR #73570)
- 01p,08jan02,rae Don't print error messages when PING_OPT_SILENT (SPR #69537)
- 01o,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01q, base 01k (SPRs 67440,
- 30151, 66062, etc.)
- 01n,30oct00,gnn Added PING_OPT_NOHOST flag to deal with SPR 22766
- 01m,08nov99,pul T2 cumulative patch 2
- 01l,22sep99,cno corrected ping error for pingRxPrint() (SPR22571)
- 01k,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 01j,12mar99,p_m Fixed SPR 8742 by documentating ping() configuration global
- variables.
- 01i,05feb99,dgp document errno values
- 01h,17mar98,jmb merge jmb patch of 04apr97 from HPSIM: corrected
- creation/deletion of task delete hook.
- 01g,30oct97,cth changed stack size of tPingTxn from 3000 to 6000 (SPR 8222).
- 01f,26aug97,spm removed compiler warnings (SPR #7866)
- 01e,30sep96,spm corrected ping error for little-endian machines (SPR #4235)
- 01d,13mar95,dzb changed to use free() instead of cfree() (SPR #4113)
- 01c,24jan95,jdi doc tweaks
- 01b,10nov94,rhp minor edits to man pages
- 01a,25oct94,dzb written
- */
- /*
- This library contains the ping() utility, which tests the reachability
- of a remote host.
- The routine ping() is typically called from the VxWorks shell to check the
- network connection to another VxWorks target or to a UNIX host. ping()
- may also be used programmatically by applications that require such a test.
- The remote host must be running TCP/IP networking code that responds to
- ICMP echo request packets. The ping() routine is re-entrant, thus may
- be called by many tasks concurrently.
- The routine pingLibInit() initializes the ping() utility and allocates
- resources used by this library. It is called automatically when
- INCLUDE_PING is defined.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdioLib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "netLib.h"
- #include "sockLib.h"
- #include "inetLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "hostLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "taskHookLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "vxLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/ip_icmp.h"
- #include "netinet/icmp_var.h"
- #include "pingLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "kernelLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* defines */
- #define pingError(pPS) { pPS->flags |= PING_OPT_SILENT; goto release; }
- /* globals */
- int _pingTxLen = 64; /* size of icmp echo packet */
- int _pingTxInterval = PING_INTERVAL; /* packet interval in seconds */
- int _pingTxTmo = PING_TMO; /* packet timeout in seconds */
- extern int errno;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL PING_STAT * pingHead = NULL; /* ping list head */
- LOCAL SEM_ID pingSem = NULL; /* mutex for list access */
- /* static forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS pingRxPrint (PING_STAT *pPS, int len, struct sockaddr_in *from,
- ulong_t now);
- LOCAL void pingFinish (WIND_TCB *);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pingLibInit - initialize the ping() utility
- *
- * This routine allocates resources used by the ping() utility.
- * It is called automatically when INCLUDE_PING is defined.
- *
- * OK
- */
- STATUS pingLibInit (void)
- {
- if (pingSem == NULL) /* already initialized ? */
- {
- if ((pingSem = semMCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY | SEM_DELETE_SAFE |
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ping - test that a remote host is reachable
- *
- * This routine tests that a remote host is reachable by sending ICMP
- * echo request packets, and waiting for replies. It may called from
- * the VxWorks shell as follows:
- * .CS
- * -> ping "remoteSystem", 1, 0
- * .CE
- * where <remoteSystem> is either a host name that has been previously added
- * to the remote host table by a call to hostAdd(), or an Internet address in
- * dot notation (for example, "").
- *
- * The second parameter, <numPackets>, specifies the number of ICMP packets
- * to receive from the remote host. If <numPackets> is 1, this routine waits
- * for a single echo reply packet, and then prints a short message
- * indicating whether the remote host is reachable. For all other values
- * of <numPackets>, timing and sequence information is printed as echoed
- * packets are received. If <numPackets> is 0, this routine runs continuously.
- *
- * If no replies are received within a 5-second timeout period, the
- * routine exits. An ERROR status is returned if no echo replies
- * are received from the remote host.
- *
- * The following flags may be given through the <options> parameter:
- * Suppress output. This option is useful for applications that
- * use ping() programmatically to examine the return status.
- * Do not route packets past the local network. This also prevents pinging
- * local addresses (i.e. the IP address of the host itself). The 127.x.x.x
- * addresses will still work however.
- * Suppress host lookup. This is useful when you have the DNS resolver
- * but the DNS server is down and not returning host names.
- * Enables debug output.
- * .RS 4 4
- * &NOTE: The following global variables can be set from the target shell
- * or Windsh to configure the ping() parameters:
- * .iP _pingTxLen
- * Size of the ICMP echo packet (default 64).
- * .iP _pingTxInterval
- * Packet interval in seconds (default 1 second).
- * .iP _pingTxTmo
- * Packet timeout in seconds (default 5 seconds).
- *
- *.RE
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the remote host is not reachable.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS ping
- (
- char * host, /* host to ping */
- int numPackets, /* number of packets to receive */
- ulong_t options /* option flags */
- )
- {
- PING_STAT * pPS; /* current ping stat struct */
- struct sockaddr_in to; /* addr of Tx packet */
- struct sockaddr_in from; /* addr of Rx packet */
- int fromlen = sizeof (from);/* size of Rx addr */
- int ix = 1; /* bytes read */
- int txInterval; /* packet interval in ticks */
- STATUS status = ERROR; /* return status */
- struct fd_set readFd;
- struct timeval pingTmo;
- ulong_t now;
- int sel;
- if (numPackets < 0) /* numPackets positive ? */
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- #else /* alternative parameter semantic for numPackets */
- if (numPackets < -1) /* numPackets positive or -1 ? */
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (numPackets == 0)
- numPackets = 3; /* don't do infinite by default */
- if (numPackets == -1)
- numPackets = 0; /* infinite */
- #endif /* ALT_PING_PAR_SEMANTIC */
- /* allocate size for ping statistics/info structure */
- if ((pPS = (PING_STAT *) calloc (1, sizeof (PING_STAT))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- pPS->vsid = myStackNum;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- semTake (pingSem, WAIT_FOREVER); /* get access to list */
- pPS->statNext = pingHead; /* push session onto list */
- if (pingHead == NULL && !(options & PING_OPT_SILENT))
- if (taskDeleteHookAdd ((FUNCPTR) pingFinish) == ERROR)
- {
- free ((char *) pPS);
- semGive (pingSem); /* give up access to list */
- if (options & PING_OPT_DEBUG)
- printf ("ping: unable to add task Delete hookn");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pingHead = pPS;
- semGive (pingSem); /* give up access to list */
- pPS->tMin = 999999999; /* init min rt time */
- pPS->numPacket = numPackets; /* save num to send */
- pPS->flags = options; /* save flags field */
- pPS->clkTick = sysClkRateGet (); /* save sys clk rate */
- txInterval = _pingTxInterval * pPS->clkTick;/* init interval value */
- pingTmo.tv_sec = _pingTxTmo;
- pingTmo.tv_usec = 0;
- pPS->pBufIcmp = (struct icmp *) pPS->bufTx; /* pointer to icmp header out */
- pPS->pBufTime = (ulong_t *) (pPS->bufTx + 8);/* pointer to time out */
- pPS->idRx = taskIdSelf (); /* get own task Id */
- /* initialize the socket address struct */
- to.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if ((to.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (host)) == (u_long) ERROR)
- {
- if ((to.sin_addr.s_addr = hostGetByName (host)) == (u_long) ERROR)
- {
- if (!(options & PING_OPT_SILENT))
- printf ("ping: unknown host %sn", host);
- pingError (pPS);
- }
- inet_ntoa_b (to.sin_addr, pPS->toInetName);
- }
- strcpy (pPS->toHostName, host); /* save host name */
- _pingTxLen = max (_pingTxLen, PING_MINPACKET); /* sanity check global */
- _pingTxLen = min (_pingTxLen, PING_MAXPACKET); /* sanity check global */
- pPS->dataLen = _pingTxLen - 8; /* compute size of data */
- /* open raw socket for ICMP communication */
- if ((pPS->pingFd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, ICMP_PROTO)) < 0)
- pingError (pPS);
- if (options & PING_OPT_DONTROUTE) /* disallow packet routing ? */
- if (setsockopt (pPS->pingFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTROUTE, (char *) &ix,
- sizeof (ix)) == ERROR)
- pingError (pPS);
- if (!(options & PING_OPT_SILENT) && pPS->numPacket != 1)
- {
- printf ("PING %s", pPS->toHostName); /* print out dest info */
- if (pPS->toInetName[0])
- printf (" (%s)", pPS->toInetName);
- printf (": %d data bytesn", pPS->dataLen);
- }
- pPS->pBufIcmp->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO; /* set up Tx buffer */
- pPS->pBufIcmp->icmp_code = 0;
- pPS->pBufIcmp->icmp_id = pPS->idRx & 0xffff;
- for (ix = 4; ix < pPS->dataLen; ix++) /* skip 4 bytes for time */
- pPS->bufTx [8 + ix] = ix;
- /* receive echo reply packets from remote host */
- while (!pPS->numPacket || (pPS->numRx != pPS->numPacket))
- {
- *pPS->pBufTime = tickGet (); /* load current tick count */
- pPS->pBufIcmp->icmp_seq = pPS->numTx++; /* increment seq number */
- pPS->pBufIcmp->icmp_cksum = 0;
- pPS->pBufIcmp->icmp_cksum = checksum ((u_short *) pPS->pBufIcmp,
- _pingTxLen);
- /* transmit ICMP packet */
- if ((ix = sendto (pPS->pingFd, (char *) pPS->pBufIcmp,
- _pingTxLen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&to,
- sizeof (struct sockaddr))) != _pingTxLen)
- if (pPS->flags & PING_OPT_DEBUG)
- printf ("ping: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%dn", pPS->toHostName,
- _pingTxLen, ix);
- /* Update ICMP statistics for ECHO messages - this is not the best
- * place to put it since this shifts responsibility of updating ECHO
- * statistics to anyone writing an application that sends out ECHO
- * messages. However, this seems to be the only place to put it.
- */
- _icmpstat.icps_outhist [ICMP_ECHO]++;
- #else
- icmpstat.icps_outhist [ICMP_ECHO]++;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- check_fd_again: /* Wait for ICMP reply */
- FD_ZERO(&readFd);
- FD_SET(pPS->pingFd, &readFd);
- sel = select (pPS->pingFd+1, &readFd, NULL, NULL, &pingTmo);
- if (sel == ERROR)
- {
- errno = errnoGet();
- if (!(options & PING_OPT_SILENT))
- printf ("ping: ERRORn");
- break; /* goto release */
- }
- else if (sel == 0)
- {
- if (!(options & PING_OPT_SILENT))
- printf ("ping: timeoutn");
- errno = S_pingLib_TIMEOUT; /* timeout error */
- break; /* goto release */
- }
- if (!FD_ISSET(pPS->pingFd, &readFd))
- goto check_fd_again;
- /* the fd is ready - FD_ISSET isn't needed */
- if ((ix = recvfrom (pPS->pingFd, (char *) pPS->bufRx, PING_MAXPACKET,
- 0, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen)) == ERROR)
- {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- goto check_fd_again;
- break; /* goto release */
- }
- now = tickGet();
- if (pingRxPrint (pPS, ix, &from, now) == ERROR)
- goto check_fd_again;
- taskDelay (txInterval);
- }
- if (pPS->numRx > 0)
- status = OK; /* host is reachable */
- release:
- pingFinish (taskTcb (pPS->idRx));
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pingRxPrint - print out information about a received packet
- *
- * This routine prints out information about a received ICMP echo reply
- * packet. First, the packet is checked for minimum length and
- * correct message type and destination.
- *
- * N/A.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS pingRxPrint
- (
- PING_STAT * pPS, /* ping stats structure */
- int len, /* Rx message length */
- struct sockaddr_in *from, /* Rx message address */
- ulong_t now
- )
- {
- struct ip * ip = (struct ip *) pPS->bufRx;
- long * lp = (long *) pPS->bufRx;
- struct icmp * icp;
- int ix;
- int hlen;
- int triptime;
- char fromHostName [MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1];
- char fromInetName [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- /* convert address notation */
- inet_ntoa_b (from->sin_addr, fromInetName);
- /* Do we lookup hosts or not? */
- if (pPS->flags & PING_OPT_NOHOST)
- *fromHostName = EOS;
- else
- {
- if ((hostGetByAddr (from->sin_addr.s_addr, fromHostName)) == ERROR)
- *fromHostName = EOS; /* hostname not found */
- }
- hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2;
- if (len < hlen + ICMP_MINLEN) /* at least min length ? */
- {
- if (pPS->flags & PING_OPT_DEBUG)
- printf ("packet too short (%d bytes) from %sn", len,
- fromInetName);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- len -= hlen; /* strip IP header */
- icp = (struct icmp *) (pPS->bufRx + hlen);
- if (icp->icmp_type != ICMP_ECHOREPLY) /* right message ? */
- {
- if (pPS->flags & PING_OPT_DEBUG) /* debug odd message */
- {
- if (*fromHostName != (char)NULL)
- printf ("%d bytes from %s (%s): ", len, fromHostName,
- fromInetName);
- else
- printf ("%d bytes from %s: ", len, fromInetName);
- icp->icmp_type = min (icp->icmp_type, ICMP_TYPENUM);
- printf ("icmp_type=%dn", icp->icmp_type);
- for(ix = 0; ix < 12; ix++)
- printf ("x%2.2lx: x%8.8lxn", (ULONG)(ix * sizeof (long)),
- (ULONG)*lp++);
- printf ("icmp_code=%dn", icp->icmp_code);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* check if the received reply is ours. */
- if (icp->icmp_id != (pPS->idRx & 0xffff))
- {
- return (ERROR); /* wasn't our ECHO */
- }
- /* print out Rx packet stats */
- if (!(pPS->flags & PING_OPT_SILENT) && pPS->numPacket != 1)
- {
- if (*fromHostName != (char)NULL)
- printf ("%d bytes from %s (%s): ", len, fromHostName, fromInetName);
- else
- printf ("%d bytes from %s: ", len, fromInetName);
- printf ("icmp_seq=%d. ", icp->icmp_seq);
- triptime = (now - *((ulong_t *) icp->icmp_data)) *
- (1000 / pPS->clkTick);
- printf ("time=%d. msn", triptime);
- pPS->tSum += triptime;
- pPS->tMin = min (pPS->tMin, triptime);
- pPS->tMax = max (pPS->tMax, triptime);
- }
- pPS->numRx++;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pingFinish - return all allocated resources and print out final statistics
- *
- * This routine returns all resources allocated for the ping session, and
- * prints out a stats summary.
- *
- * The ping session is located in the session list (pingHead) by searching
- * the ping stats structure for the receiver task ID. This is necessary
- * because this routine is passed a pointer to the task control block, and does
- * not have ready access to the ping stats structure itself. This accomodates
- * the use of task delete hooks as a means of calling this routine.
- *
- * N/A.
- */
- LOCAL void pingFinish
- (
- WIND_TCB * pTcb /* pointer to task control block */
- )
- {
- PING_STAT * pPS; /* ping stats structure */
- PING_STAT ** ppPrev; /* pointer to prev statNext */
- semTake (pingSem, WAIT_FOREVER); /* get list access */
- ppPrev = &pingHead;
- for (pPS = pingHead; (pPS != NULL) && (taskTcb (pPS->idRx) != pTcb);
- pPS = pPS->statNext) /* find session in list */
- ppPrev = &pPS->statNext;
- if (pPS == NULL) /* session found ? */
- {
- semGive (pingSem); /* give up list access */
- return;
- }
- *ppPrev = pPS->statNext; /* pop session off list */
- if (pingHead == NULL)
- (void) taskDeleteHookDelete ((FUNCPTR) pingFinish);
- semGive (pingSem); /* give up list access */
- /* return all allocated/created resources */
- if (!(pPS->flags & PING_OPT_SILENT) &&
- virtualStackNumTaskIdSet(pPS->vsid) == ERROR)
- {
- printf("pingFinish: invalid virtual stack idn");
- return;
- }
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- if (pPS->pingFd)
- (void) close (pPS->pingFd);
- if (!(pPS->flags & PING_OPT_SILENT)) /* print final report ? */
- {
- if (pPS->numRx) /* received at least one ? */
- {
- if (pPS->numPacket != 1) /* full report */
- {
- printf ("----%s PING Statistics----n", pPS->toHostName);
- printf ("%d packets transmitted, ", pPS->numTx);
- printf ("%d packets received, ", pPS->numRx);
- if (pPS->numTx)
- printf ("%d%% packet loss", ((pPS->numTx - pPS->numRx) *
- 100) / pPS->numTx);
- printf ("n");
- if (pPS->numRx)
- printf ("round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = %d/%d/%dn",
- pPS->tMin, pPS->tSum / pPS->numRx, pPS->tMax);
- }
- else /* short report */
- printf ("%s is aliven", pPS->toHostName);
- }
- else
- printf ("no answer from %sn", pPS->toHostName);
- }
- free ((char *)pPS); /* free stats memory space */
- }