- /* netDrv.c - network remote file I/O driver */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 05j,10jun02,elr Correct unresolved reference to netDrvFileDoesNotExist()
- 05i,06jun02,elr Documentation corrections (SPRs 78010, 78020)
- 05h,07may02,kbw man page edits
- 05g,31mar02,jkf SPR#74251, increase path length
- 05f,14mar02,elr added more debugging facilities via netDrvDebugLevelSet()
- split if statements for more precise debugging
- fixed compilation warnings concerning checking of print
- specifiers
- fixed netFileExists with new configlette for flexibility
- fixed netOpen so that O_CREAT now works (SPR 8283)
- Made all error messages optional (SPR 71496)
- 05e,05nov01,vvv fixed compilation warnings
- 05d,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 05k, base 05b (compile warnings, etc.)
- 05c,21jun00,rsh upgrade to dosFs 2.0
- 05c,28seo99,jkf fixed SPR#28927, netLsByName() causes exception.
- 05b,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 05a,12mar99,p_m Fixed SPR 8295 by adding documentation on FIOFSTATGET.
- 04z,24mar95,jag netLs ftpXfer call was change to send just "NLST" when the
- remote directory is "." (SPR #4160)
- 04x,18jan95,rhp doc: explain cannot always distinguish directories over netDrv
- 04w,11aug94,dzb initialize variables.
- 04v,22apr93,caf ansification: added cast to netIoctl().
- 04u,30sep93,jmm netLsByName now frees the NET_FD it uses
- 04t,30aug93,jag Changed netCreate to delete the end slash from a directory
- name (SPR #2492)
- 04s,11aug93,jmm Changed ioctl.h and socket.h to sys/ioctl.h and sys/socket.h
- 04r,23jul93,jmm added netLsByName() (spr 2305)
- 04q,08feb93,jmm added doc for FIOFSTATGET ioctl call
- 04p,08feb93,jmm added support for FIOFSTATGET ioctl call (needed for windX)
- SPR #1856
- 04o,01feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1; added third param to ioctl()
- examples.
- 04n,13nov92,dnw added include of semLibP.h
- 04m,21oct92,jdi removed mangen SECTION designation.
- 04l,02oct92,srh added ioctl(FIOGETFL) to return file's open mode
- 04k,19jul92,smb added include fcntl.h.
- 04j,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 04i,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 04h,08may92,jmm Fixed ansi prototype warnings
- 04g,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -changed READ, WRITE and UPDATE to O_RDONLY O_WRONLY and ...
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 04f,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by dnw.
- 04e,20feb91,jaa documentation cleanup.
- 04d,01oct90,jcf changed network fd semaphore to not be inversion safe.
- 04c,18sep90,kdl removed forward declaration of netWhere().
- 04b,30jul90,dnw changed pathLastName() to pathLastNamePtr().
- added forward declaration of void routines.
- 04a,26jun90,jcf changed network fd semaphore to mutex.
- removed super semaphores.
- 03z,20jun90,jcf changed binary semaphore interface.
- 03y,11may90,yao added missing modification history (03x) for the last checkin.
- 03x,09may90,yao typecasted malloc to (char *).
- 03w,01may90,llk changed call to pathCat(). Now, pathCat() checks if a name
- is too long, and returns ERROR if it is. 03v,17apr90,jcf changed semaphores to binary for efficiency. 03u,25aug89,dab fixed coding convention violations. 03t,23aug89,dab lint.
- 03s,11jul89,dab made netOpen() check for O_CREAT flag and create a file that
- doesn't already exist. made netLs() check for ftp protocol.
- added netFileExists(). added netDelete (). closed all data
- sockets before calling ftpReplyGet(). QUIT ftp command now
- sent before closing a ftp control socket. made netOpen()
- check for O_TRUNC flag.
- 03r,06jul89,llk included pathLib.h.
- changed call to pathLastName().
- 03q,04apr89,gae allowed open() to succeed for NFS directories so that ls()
- +dab would work correctly. Added NET_LS_STRING variable.
- 03p,07jul88,jcf lint.
- 03o,22jun88,dnw name tweaks.
- coalesced 3 malloc's into 1 in netCreate().
- 03n,16jun88,llk added netLs.
- 03m,04jun88,llk changed how netCreate retrieves directory and file name.
- moved pathCat to pathLib.
- 03l,30may88,dnw changed to v4 names.
- 03k,04may88,jcf changed semaphores to be compatible with new semLib.
- 03j,21apr88,gae fixed documentation about fseek().
- 03i,17mar88,gae fixed netPut() bug.
- fixed potential ssemGive() & releaseNetFd() ordering bug.
- fixed bug in netCreate() - file not created if nothing written.
- 03h,28jan88,jcf made kernel independent.
- 03g,18nov87,ecs documentation.
- 03f,06nov87,ecs documentation.
- 03e,16oct87,gae fixed bug in netClose() - return value indeterminate.
- changed "cd/cat" to use pathCat to construct UNIX filename.
- Added pathCat(). Semaphored fd usage.
- Added "super semaphores" to allow successive semTake's on
- the same semaphore by the same task (needed for recursion).
- 03d,25mar87,jlf documentation
- dnw added missing parameter on ftpGetReply calls.
- prepended FTP_ to ftp reply codes.
- 03c,12feb86,dnw fixed bug in netPut. This time for sure.
- 03b,14jan87,dnw fixed bug in netPut.
- 03a,01dec86,dnw added ftp protocol option.
- changed to not get include files from default directories.
- 02h,08nov86,llk documentation.
- 02g,07oct86,gae made netCreate() use ioGetDefDevTail() instead of global
- 'currentDirectory' to conclude the remote directory name.
- Use remGetCurId() to get 'currentIdentity'...included remLib.h
- 02f,05sep86,jlf made netIoctrl return nbytes for FIONREAD in arg.
- minor documentation.
- 02e,29jul86,llk cleaned up netGet.
- 02d,27jul86,llk receives standard error messages from Unix when giving
- a remote command (remRcmd). Forwards it on to user.
- Added getNetStatus.
- 02c,02jul86,jlf documentation
- 02b,21jun86,rdc fixed bug in netCreate - wasn't allocating sufficient space
- for strings.
- 02a,21may86,llk got rid of ram disk. Implemented network file desciptors.
- Wrote all routines except netDrv and netDevCreate.
- 01c,03mar86,jlf changed ioctrl calls to ioctl.
- changed netIoctrl to netIoctl.
- 01b,28jan86,jlf documentation, made netIoctrl be LOCAL.
- 01a,14sep85,rdc written.
- */
- /*
- This driver provides facilities for accessing files transparently over the
- network via FTP or RSH. By creating a network device with netDevCreate(),
- files on a remote UNIX machine may be accessed as if they were local.
- When a remote file is opened, the entire file is copied over the network
- to a local buffer. When a remote file is created, an empty local buffer
- is opened. Any reads, writes, or ioctl() calls are performed on the local
- copy of the file. If the file was opened with the flags O_WRONLY or O_RDWR
- and modified, the local copy is sent back over the network to the UNIX
- machine when the file is closed.
- Note that this copying of the entire file back and forth can make netDrv
- devices awkward to use. A preferable mechanism is NFS as provided by
- nfsDrv.
- Most of the routines in this driver are accessible only through the I/O
- system. However, two routines must be called directly: netDrv() to
- initialize the driver and netDevCreate() to create devices.
- This driver supports the creation, deletion, opening, reading,
- writing, and appending of files. The renaming of files is not
- supported.
- Before using the driver, it must be initialized by calling the routine
- netDrv(). This routine should be called only once, before any reads,
- writes, netDevCreate(), or netDevCreate2() calls. Initialization is
- performed automatically when INCLUDE_NET_DRV is defined.
- To access files on a remote host, a network device must be created by
- calling netDevCreate() or netDevCreate2(). The arguments to netDevCreate()
- are the name of the device, the name of the host the device will access,
- and the remote file access protocol to be used -- RSH or FTP.
- The arguments to netDevCreate2() are ones described above and a size of
- buffer used in the network device as a fourth argument.
- By convention, a network device name is the remote machine name followed
- by a colon ":". For example, for a UNIX host on the network "wrs", files
- can be accessed by creating a device called "wrs:". For more information,
- see the manual entry for netDevCreate() and netDevCreate2().
- The network driver responds to the following ioctl() functions:
- .iP "FIOGETNAME" 18 3
- Gets the file name of the file descriptor <fd> and copies it to the buffer
- specified by <nameBuf>:
- .CS
- status = ioctl (fd, FIOGETNAME, &nameBuf);
- .CE
- Copies to <nBytesUnread> the number of bytes remaining in the file
- specified by <fd>:
- .CS
- status = ioctl (fd, FIONREAD, &nBytesUnread);
- .CE
- Sets the current byte offset in the file to the position specified by
- <newOffset>. If the seek goes beyond the end-of-file, the file grows.
- The end-of-file pointer changes to the new position, and the new space is
- filled with zeroes:
- .CS
- status = ioctl (fd, FIOSEEK, newOffset);
- .CE
- Returns the current byte position in the file.
- This is the byte offset of the next byte to be read or written.
- It takes no additional argument:
- .CS
- position = ioctl (fd, FIOWHERE, 0);
- .CE
- Gets file status information. The argument <statStruct> is a pointer
- to a stat structure that is filled with data describing the specified
- file. Normally, the stat() or fstat() routine is used to obtain file
- information, rather than using the FIOFSTATGET function directly.
- netDrv only fills in three fields of the stat structure: st_dev,
- st_mode, and st_size. st_mode is always filled with S_IFREG.
- .CS
- struct stat statStruct;
- fd = open ("file", O_RDONLY);
- status = ioctl (fd, FIOFSTATGET, &statStruct);
- .CE
- The netDrv implementation strategy implies that directories cannot
- always be distinguished from plain files. Thus, opendir() does not
- work for directories mounted on netDrv devices, and ll() does not flag
- subdirectories with the label "DIR" in listings from netDrv devices.
- When the access method is FTP, operations can only be done on files that
- the FTP server allows to download. In particular it is not possible to
- 'stat' a directory, doing so will result in "<dirname>: not a plain file"
- error.
- SEE ALSO: remLib, netLib, sockLib, hostAdd()
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "sys/socket.h"
- #include "iosLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "remLib.h"
- #include "fcntl.h"
- #include "ftpLib.h"
- #include "lstLib.h"
- #include "netDrv.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "unistd.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "pathLib.h"
- #include "fioLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "private/iosLibP.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- #include "sys/stat.h"
- #define FD_DIRTY 4 /* mask for the dirty bit */
- /* in the options field of NET_FD, bit [2] */
- #define DATASIZE 512 /* bytes per block of data */
- /* remote file access protocols */
- #define PROTO_RSH 0 /* UNIX RSH protocol */
- #define PROTO_FTP 1 /* ARPA FTP protocol */
- #define RSHD 514 /* rshd service */
- #define NETDRV_DEBUG(string, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
- {
- if ((_func_logMsg != NULL) && (netDrvDebugErrors ))
- (* _func_logMsg) (string, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5,
- param6);
- }
- STATUS netDrvFileDoesNotExist (char *filename, char *response);
- FUNCPTR _func_fileDoesNotExist = netDrvFileDoesNotExist; /* Use default configlette */
- typedef struct /* NET_DEV */
- {
- DEV_HDR devHdr; /* device header */
- char host[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; /* host for this device */
- int protocol; /* remote file access protocol*/
- UINT bufSize; /* size of buffer */
- int fdMode; /* FD_MODE of this device */
- } NET_DEV;
- /* A network file descriptor consists of a NET_FD header with a linked list
- * of DATABLOCKs maintained by lstLib. The file pointer (filePtrByte) and
- * end of file pointer (endOfFile) contain absolute byte numbers starting
- * at 0. For instance, the first byte in the first block is #0. The first
- * byte in the second block is #512 for 512 byte blocks. The first byte in
- * the third block is #1024, etc. Therefore, a byte number modulo 512 gives
- * the index of the byte in databuf.
- */
- typedef struct /* DATA_BLOCK */
- {
- NODE link; /* link to adjacent BLOCKs in file */
- int used; /* bytes used in databuf (offset) */
- char databuf[DATASIZE]; /* store data here */
- /* network file descriptor */
- typedef struct /* NET_FD */
- {
- LIST dataLst; /* list of data blocks */
- NET_DEV * pNetDev; /* file descriptors network device */
- DATABLOCK * filePtrBlock; /* pointer to current datablock */
- int filePtrByte; /* number of current byte */
- int endOfFile; /* byte number after last file byte */
- int options; /* contains mode and dirty bit */
- char * remDirName; /* directory name on remote machine */
- char * remFileName; /* file name on remote machine */
- SEM_ID netFdSem; /* mutex semaphore */
- char * buf; /* read buffer */
- int bufBytes; /* available bytes in the buffer */
- int bufOffset; /* current offset in the buffer */
- int dataSock; /* data socket */
- int ctrlSock; /* control socket */
- int status [8]; /* status counter */
- } NET_FD;
- /* globals */
- #define NET_LS_STRING "/bin/ls -a %s"
- int mutexOptionsNetDrv = SEM_Q_PRIORITY | SEM_DELETE_SAFE;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL BOOL netDrvDebugStats = FALSE;
- LOCAL BOOL netDrvDebugErrors = FALSE;
- LOCAL int netDrvNum; /* this particular driver number */
- /* forward static functions */
- static int netCreate (NET_DEV *pNetDev, char *name, int mode);
- static int netCreate2 (NET_FD *pNetFd, char *name, int mode);
- static STATUS netDelete (NET_DEV *pNetDev, char *name);
- static int netOpen (NET_DEV *pNetDev, char *name, int mode, int perm);
- static STATUS netClose (NET_FD *pNetFd);
- static STATUS netLs (NET_FD *pNetFd);
- static STATUS netFileExists (NET_DEV *pNetDev, char *name);
- static void getNetStatus (char *buf);
- static int netRead (NET_FD *pNetFd, char *buf, int maxBytes);
- static int netWrite (NET_FD *pNetFd, char *buffer, int nBytes);
- static int netIoctl (NET_FD *pNetFd, int function, int arg);
- static int netFdCreate (NET_DEV *pNetDev, char *name, int mode);
- static void netFdRelease (NET_FD *pNetFd);
- static STATUS netGet (NET_FD *pNetFd);
- static STATUS netPut (NET_FD *pNetFd);
- static int netSeek (NET_FD *pNetFd, int newPos);
- static STATUS moveEndOfFile (NET_FD *pNetFd, int newPos);
- static STATUS netSockOpen (NET_FD *pNetFd);
- static STATUS netSockClose (NET_FD *pNetFd);
- extern STATUS netDevCreate2 (char *devName, char *host, int protocol,
- UINT bufSize);
- /* forward declarations */
- IMPORT void lstInternalFree (LIST *pList, VOIDFUNCPTR freeFunc);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netDrv - install the network remote file driver
- *
- * This routine initializes and installs the network driver.
- * It must be called before other network remote file functions are performed.
- * It is called automatically when INCLUDE_NET_DRV is defined.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call this function from within the kernel
- * protection domain only. This restriction does not apply under non-AE
- * versions of VxWorks.
- *
- */
- STATUS netDrv (void)
- {
- if (netDrvNum > 0)
- return (OK); /* driver already installed */
- netDrvNum = iosDrvInstall (netCreate, netDelete, netOpen, netClose,
- netRead, netWrite, netIoctl);
- return (netDrvNum == ERROR ? ERROR : OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netDevCreate - create a remote file device
- *
- * This routine creates a remote file device. Normally, a network device is
- * created for each remote machine whose files are to be accessed. By
- * convention, a network device name is the remote machine name followed by a
- * colon ":". For example, for a UNIX host on the network whose name is
- * "wrs", files can be accessed by creating a device called "wrs:". Files
- * can be accessed via RSH as follows:
- *
- * .CS
- * netDevCreate ("wrs:", "wrs", rsh);
- * .CE
- *
- * The file /usr/dog on the UNIX system "wrs" can now be accessed as
- * "wrs:/usr/dog" via RSH.
- *
- * Before creating a device, the host must have already been created with
- * hostAdd().
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: hostAdd()
- */
- STATUS netDevCreate
- (
- char *devName, /* name of device to create */
- char *host, /* host this device will talk to */
- int protocol /* remote file access protocol 0 = RSH, 1 = FTP */
- )
- {
- return (netDevCreate2 (devName, host, protocol, 0));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netDevCreate2 - create a remote file device with fixed buffer size
- *
- * This routine creates a remote file device, just like netDevCreate(), but it allows
- * very large files to be accessed without loading the entire file to memory.
- * The fourth parameter <bufSize> specifies the amount of memory. If the <bufSize> is
- * zero, then the behavior is exactly the same as netDevCreate(). If <bufSize>
- * is not zero, the following restrictions apply:
- *
- * ml
- * m - O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY open modes are supported, but not O_RDWR open mode.
- * m - seek is supported in O_RDONLY open mode, but not in O_WRONLY open mode.
- * m - backward seek will be slow if it is beyond the buffer.
- * me
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: netDevCreate()
- */
- STATUS netDevCreate2
- (
- char *devName, /* name of device to create */
- char *host, /* host this device will talk to */
- int protocol, /* remote file access protocol 0 = RSH, 1 = FTP */
- UINT bufSize /* size of buffer in NET_FD */
- )
- {
- FAST NET_DEV *pNetDev;
- if (netDrvNum < 1)
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_NO_DRIVER;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pNetDev = (NET_DEV *) KHEAP_ALLOC (sizeof (NET_DEV));
- if (pNetDev == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- (void) strcpy (pNetDev->host, host);
- pNetDev->protocol = protocol;
- pNetDev->bufSize = bufSize; /* if it is not zero, we use the buf */
- if (bufSize == 0)
- pNetDev->fdMode = 3; /* O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR */
- else
- pNetDev->fdMode = 1; /* O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY */
- if (iosDevAdd ((DEV_HDR *) pNetDev, devName, netDrvNum) != OK)
- {
- KHEAP_FREE ((char *) pNetDev);
- return ERROR;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /* routines supplied to I/O system */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netCreate - create a remote file
- *
- * Returns an open network file descriptor.
- *
- * Called only by the I/O system.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to open network file descriptor or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int netCreate
- (
- NET_DEV *pNetDev,
- char *name, /* remote file name */
- int mode /* ignored, always set to O_WRONLY */
- )
- {
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd;
- pNetFd = (NET_FD *) netFdCreate (pNetDev, name, mode);
- if (pNetFd == (NET_FD *) ERROR)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (netCreate2 (pNetFd, name, mode) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netCreate: error calling netCreate2() errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return ERROR;
- }
- return ((int) pNetFd);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netCreate2 - create a remote file with an existing net file descriptor
- *
- * Returns an open network file descriptor.
- *
- * Called only by netCreate and netOpen
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to open network file descriptor or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int netCreate2
- (
- NET_FD *pNetFd,
- char *name, /* remote file name */
- int mode /* ignored, always set to O_WRONLY */
- )
- {
- if (pNetFd == (NET_FD *) ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netCreate2: pNetFd == NULL errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize > 0)
- {
- char command[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- char buffer [MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- char usr [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char passwd [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- /* open the remote file */
- remCurIdGet (usr, passwd);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpXfer (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "",
- "STOR %s", pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName,
- &pNetFd->ctrlSock, &pNetFd->dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netCreate2: error calling ftpXfer() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pathCat (pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName, buffer) ==
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netCreate2: error calling pathCat() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- sprintf (command, "/bin/cat > %s", buffer);
- pNetFd->dataSock = rcmd (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, RSHD, usr,
- usr, command, &pNetFd->ctrlSock);
- if (pNetFd->dataSock == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netCreate2: error calling rcmd() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- return ((int) pNetFd);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netDelete - delete a file from a remote machine via the network.
- *
- * The remote shell daemon on the machine 'host' is used to delete
- * the given file. The remote userId should have been set previously
- * by a call to iam().
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS netDelete
- (
- NET_DEV *pNetDev,
- char *name /* remote file name */
- )
- {
- int dataSock;
- int ctrlSock;
- char buf [DATASIZE]; /* make buf the same size as NET_FD's databuf */
- FAST int nBytes;
- char command[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- STATUS status = OK;
- char usr [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char passwd [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char *pDirName;
- char *pFileName;
- pDirName = (char *) KHEAP_ALLOC ((unsigned) (strlen (name) + 1));
- pFileName = (char *) KHEAP_ALLOC ((unsigned) (strlen (name) + 1));
- remCurIdGet (usr, passwd);
- /* get directory name and file name */
- pathSplit (name, pDirName, pFileName);
- if (pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpXfer (pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "",
- "DELE %s", pDirName, pFileName,
- &ctrlSock, (int *) NULL) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netDelete: error calling ftpXfer() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- KHEAP_FREE (pDirName);
- KHEAP_FREE (pFileName);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf (command, "/bin/rm %s", name);
- dataSock = rcmd (pNetDev->host, RSHD, usr, usr, command, &ctrlSock);
- if (dataSock == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netDelete: error calling rcmd() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- KHEAP_FREE (pDirName);
- KHEAP_FREE (pFileName);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- close (dataSock);
- /* check control socket for error */
- if ((nBytes = fioRead (ctrlSock, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) > 0)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netDelete: error fioread() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- /* print error message on standard error fd */
- buf [nBytes] = EOS; /* insure string termination */
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("%s:%s errno:0x%08x", pNetDev->host, buf, errno,3,4,5);
- /* set the task's status according to the UNIX error */
- getNetStatus (buf);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- "netDelete: error calling ftpCommand("QUIT") errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (ctrlSock);
- KHEAP_FREE (pDirName);
- KHEAP_FREE (pFileName);
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netOpen - open a remote file
- *
- * netOpen loads the remote file from the host into a network file descriptor.
- * If the file does not exist and the O_CREAT flag is not specifed, or the file
- * is not readable on the UNIX machine, then the UNIX error message is printed
- * on the standard error file descriptor and ERROR is returned.
- *
- * Called only by the I/O system.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to open network file descriptor, or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int netOpen
- (
- FAST NET_DEV *pNetDev, /* pointer to network device */
- char *name, /* remote file name to open */
- int mode, /* O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR, and O_CREAT */
- int perm /* UNIX permissions, includes directory flag */
- )
- {
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd;
- STATUS status;
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("**** netOpen: name:%s mode:0x%x perm:0x%x Entered ***n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- pNetFd = (NET_FD *) netFdCreate (pNetDev, name, mode);
- if (pNetFd == (NET_FD *) ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: error calling netFdCreate() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Leave file at 0 length. */
- if ((mode & O_TRUNC))
- {
- return ((int) pNetFd);
- }
- if ((mode & O_CREAT))
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("**** netOpen: calling netFileExists ***n", 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- }
- else
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("**** O_CREATE NOT USED!!! ***n", 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- }
- if (mode & O_CREAT)
- {
- if (netFileExists (pNetDev, name) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: calling netCreate2 n", 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- errno = 0; /* reset errno after netFileNetExists() */
- if (netCreate2 (pNetFd, name, mode) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("**** netOpen: netCreate2 return error ***n", 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: returning file descriptor pointer 0x%08x after creating filen", pNetFd,1,2,3,4,5);
- return ((int) pNetFd);
- }
- else
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: netFileExists - returned OK - file existsn",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- }
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: CREAT called, but file already existsn",
- pNetFd,1,2,3,4,5);
- }
- semTake (pNetFd->netFdSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* netFdCreate sets a O_RDONLY mode to O_RDWR and sets dirty bit,
- * set it back to original mode. */
- pNetFd->options = mode & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode;
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize == 0)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: calling netGet() n", 0,1,2,3,4,5);
- if (netGet (pNetFd) != OK)
- {
- /* not able to get file from host */
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- netFdRelease (pNetFd);
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: netGet() return !OK - errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* netGet might have moved the file pointer, so reset to beginning */
- status = netSeek (pNetFd, 0);
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: error calling netSeek() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- netFdRelease (pNetFd);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ((status = netSockOpen (pNetFd)) != OK) /* open the connection */
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netOpen: error calling netSockOpen() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- /* not able to open file from host */
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- netFdRelease (pNetFd);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = 0;
- pNetFd->bufBytes = 0;
- pNetFd->bufOffset = 0;
- }
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return ((int) pNetFd);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netClose - close a remote file. Copy it to the remote machine.
- *
- * If the file is O_WRONLY or O_RDWR mode and it has been written to (it's
- * dirty bit is set), then the file is copied over to UNIX.
- *
- * Called only by the I/O system.
- *
- */
- (
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netClose: enteredn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- semTake (pNetFd->netFdSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize == 0)
- {
- /* if file has dirty bit set, it's been changed. Copy it to the host */
- if (pNetFd->options & FD_DIRTY)
- status = netPut (pNetFd);
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netClose: error calling netPut to flush file errno=0x%08xn",
- errno,2,3,4,5,6);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- status = netSockClose (pNetFd); /* close the connection */
- if (status != OK)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netClose: error calling netSockClose errno=0x%08xn",
- errno,2,3,4,5,6);
- }
- }
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- /* print out the statistic if the debug flag is on */
- if ((netDrvDebugStats) && (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize > 0))
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("read[hit=%d mis=%d] fseek[hit=%d mis=%d] bseek[hit=%d mis=%d]n",
- pNetFd->status[0], pNetFd->status[1], pNetFd->status[2],
- pNetFd->status[3], pNetFd->status[4], pNetFd->status[5]);
- }
- netFdRelease (pNetFd);
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netLs - list a remote directory.
- *
- */
- (
- )
- {
- int dataSock;
- int ctrlSock;
- char buf [DATASIZE]; /* make buf the same size as NET_FD's databuf */
- FAST int nBytes = -1;
- char command[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- char buffer [MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- STATUS status = OK;
- char usr [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char passwd [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- remCurIdGet (usr, passwd);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (pNetFd->remFileName[0] == '.')
- {
- if (ftpXfer (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "", "NLST",
- pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName,
- &ctrlSock, &dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling ftpXfer("NLST") errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (ftpXfer (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "", "NLST %s",
- pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName,
- &ctrlSock, &dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling ftpXfer("NLST") errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pathCat (pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName, buffer) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling pathCat("%s", "%s") errno:0x%08xn",
- pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName,errno,1,2,3);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- sprintf (command, NET_LS_STRING, buffer);
- dataSock = rcmd (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, RSHD, usr,
- usr, command, &ctrlSock);
- if (dataSock == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling rcmd() errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /* read bytes from socket and write them
- * to standard out one block at a time
- */
- while ((status == OK) &&
- ((nBytes = read (dataSock, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0))
- {
- if (write (STD_OUT, buf, nBytes) != nBytes)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling write() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (nBytes < 0) /* recv error */
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling read() errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (dataSock);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpReplyGet (ctrlSock, TRUE) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling ftpReplyGet() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* check control socket for error */
- if ((nBytes = fioRead (ctrlSock, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) > 0)
- {
- /* print error message */
- buf [nBytes] = EOS; /* insure string termination */
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: %s:%s errno:0x%08x error calling fioread() n",
- pNetFd->pNetDev->host, buf, errno,1,2,3);
- /* set the task's status according to the UNIX error */
- getNetStatus (buf);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLs: error calling ftpCommand() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (ctrlSock);
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * netLsByName - list a remote directory by name
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR. If the device is not a netDrv
- * device, errno is set to S_netDrv_UNKNOWN_REQUEST.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS netLsByName
- (
- char * dirName /* name of the directory */
- )
- {
- DEV_HDR * pDevHdr; /* device header */
- char fullFileName [MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- NET_FD * pNetFd;
- STATUS netLsReturn;
- if (ioFullFileNameGet (dirName, &pDevHdr, fullFileName) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLsByName: error calling ioFullFileNameGet() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* make sure the device is a netDrv device */
- if (drvTable [pDevHdr->drvNum].de_open != netOpen)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netLsByName: error UNKNOWN_REQUEST errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- errno = S_netDrv_UNKNOWN_REQUEST;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* create a NET_FD to pass to netLs */
- pNetFd = (NET_FD *) netFdCreate ((NET_DEV *) pDevHdr, fullFileName, 0);
- if (pNetFd == (NET_FD *)ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFdCreate: error callinf netFdCreate errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR); /* SPR #28927 */
- }
- netLsReturn = netLs (pNetFd);
- netFdRelease (pNetFd);
- return (netLsReturn);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netFileExists - check for the existence of a file.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if the file exists, or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS netFileExists
- (
- NET_DEV *pNetDev,
- char *name /* remote file name */
- )
- {
- int dataSock;
- int ctrlSock;
- char buf [DATASIZE]; /* make buf the same size as NET_FD's databuf */
- char command[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- STATUS status = OK;
- char usr [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char passwd [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char *pDirName = (char *) KHEAP_ALLOC ((unsigned) (strlen (name) + 1));
- char *pFileName = (char *) KHEAP_ALLOC ((unsigned) (strlen (name) + 1));
- /* don't allow null filenames */
- if (name[0] == EOS)
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_NO_FILENAME;
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error S_ioLib_NO_FILENAME errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get directory and filename */
- pathSplit (name, pDirName, pFileName);
- remCurIdGet (usr, passwd);
- if (pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpXfer (pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "",
- "NLST %s", pDirName, pFileName,
- &ctrlSock, &dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error calling ftpXfer(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- KHEAP_FREE (pDirName);
- KHEAP_FREE (pFileName);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf (command, NET_LS_STRING, name);
- dataSock = rcmd (pNetDev->host, RSHD, usr, usr, command, &ctrlSock);
- if (dataSock == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error calling rcmd(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- KHEAP_FREE (pDirName);
- KHEAP_FREE (pFileName);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- if (pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- /* check dataSock for ls error message */
- if (read (dataSock, buf, sizeof (buf)) <= 0)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error calling read() on data socket for ls. errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: full message:%sn", buf, 1,2,3,4,5);
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: message:%sn", buf+ strlen (pFileName) + 1,
- 1,2,3,4,5);
- if ((_func_fileDoesNotExist != NULL))
- {
- if ((* _func_fileDoesNotExist) (pFileName, buf) == OK)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: match error on ls n",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: file does not existn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- }
- }
- if (close (dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- status = ERROR;
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error calling close() on dataSock. errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- }
- if (ftpReplyGet (ctrlSock, FALSE) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error calling ftpReplyGet(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* check control socket for error */
- if (read (ctrlSock, buf, sizeof (buf)) > 0)
- {
- /* set the task's status according to the UNIX error */
- getNetStatus (buf);
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error calling read() on control socket. errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (dataSock);
- }
- if (pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: error calling ftpCommand("QUIT"). errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (ctrlSock);
- KHEAP_FREE (pDirName);
- KHEAP_FREE (pFileName);
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netFileExists: returning (%d)n", status,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netGet - downLoad a file from a remote machine via the network.
- *
- * The remote shell daemon on the machine 'host' is used to download
- * the given file to the specified previously opened network file descriptor.
- * The remote userId should have been set previously by a call to iam().
- * If the file does not exist, the error message from the UNIX 'host'
- * is printed to the VxWorks standard error file descriptor and ERROR
- * is returned.
- *
- */
- (
- )
- {
- int dataSock;
- int ctrlSock;
- char buf [DATASIZE]; /* make buf the same size as NET_FD's databuf */
- FAST int nBytes = -1;
- char command[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- char buffer [MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- int saveOptions;
- STATUS status = OK;
- char usr [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char passwd [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char *errMsg = "cat: read error: Is a directory";
- int errMsgLen = strlen (errMsg);
- remCurIdGet (usr, passwd);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpXfer (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "",
- "RETR %s", pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName,
- &ctrlSock, &dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: error calling ftpXfer(). errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pathCat (pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName, buffer) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: error calling pathCat(). errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- sprintf (command, "/bin/cat < %s", buffer);
- dataSock = rcmd (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, RSHD, usr,
- usr, command, &ctrlSock);
- if (dataSock == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: error calling rcmd(). errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /* Set file pointer to beginning of file */
- if (netSeek (pNetFd, 0) == ERROR)
- {
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: error calling ftpCommand("QUIT"). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (dataSock);
- close (ctrlSock);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* set mode to write so that file can be written to,
- * save original options so they can be restored later
- */
- saveOptions = pNetFd->options;
- pNetFd->options = O_WRONLY & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode;
- /* read bytes from socket and write them
- * out to file descriptor one block at a time
- */
- while ((status == OK) &&
- ((nBytes = read (dataSock, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0))
- {
- if (netWrite (pNetFd, buf, nBytes) != nBytes)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: error calling netWrite(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (nBytes < 0) /* recv error */
- status = ERROR;
- close (dataSock);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpReplyGet (ctrlSock, FALSE) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: error calling ftpReplyGet(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* check control socket for error */
- if ((nBytes = fioRead (ctrlSock, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) > 0)
- {
- /* print error message on standard error fd */
- buf [nBytes] = EOS; /* insure string termination */
- /* check error message indicating cat of NFS mounted directory */
- if (strncmp (buf, errMsg, errMsgLen) != 0)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: %s:%s . errno:0x%08xn",
- pNetFd->pNetDev->host, buf, errno,1,2,3);
- /* set the task's status according to the UNIX error */
- getNetStatus (buf);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netGet: error calling ftpCommand("QUIT"). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (ctrlSock);
- pNetFd->options = saveOptions; /* restore original options */
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netPut - upload a file to a remote machine via the network.
- *
- * The remote shell daemon on the machine 'host' is used to upload
- * from the open network file descriptor to a remote file.
- * The remote userId should have been set previously be a call
- * to iam(). If an error occurs, the UNIX error is output to the
- * VxWorks standard error fd.
- *
- */
- (
- )
- {
- int dataSock;
- int ctrlSock;
- char buf [DATASIZE]; /* make buf the same size as NET_FD's databuf */
- FAST int nBytes = -1;
- char command[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- char buffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- int saveOptions;
- STATUS status = OK;
- char usr [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char passwd [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- remCurIdGet (usr, passwd);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpXfer (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "",
- "STOR %s", pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName,
- &ctrlSock, &dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling ftpXfer() errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pathCat (pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName, buffer) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling pathCat(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- sprintf (command, "/bin/cat > %s", buffer);
- dataSock = rcmd (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, RSHD, usr,
- usr, command, &ctrlSock);
- if (dataSock == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling rcmd(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /* Set file pointer to beginning of file */
- if (netSeek (pNetFd, 0) == ERROR)
- {
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling ftpCommand("QUIT"). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (dataSock);
- close (ctrlSock);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* set mode to write so that file can be written to,
- * save original options so they can be restored later
- */
- saveOptions = pNetFd->options;
- pNetFd->options = O_RDONLY & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode;
- /* Read the data from one DATABLOCK into buffer.
- * Continue until file pointer reaches the end of file.
- */
- while (status == OK && (nBytes = netRead (pNetFd, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0)
- {
- if (write (dataSock, buf, nBytes) != nBytes)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling write(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (nBytes < 0) /* netRead error */
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling netRead(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- if (close (dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling close(). errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- if (ftpReplyGet (ctrlSock, FALSE) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling ftpReplyGet(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* check control socket for error */
- if ((nBytes = fioRead (ctrlSock, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) > 0)
- {
- /* print error message */
- buf [nBytes] = EOS; /* insure string termination */
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: %s:%s . errno:0x%08xn",
- pNetFd->pNetDev->host, buf, errno,1,2,3);
- /* set the task's status according to the UNIX error */
- getNetStatus (buf);
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling fioRead(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netPut: error calling ftpCommand(). errno:0x%08xn",
- errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- close (ctrlSock);
- pNetFd->options = saveOptions; /* restore original options */
- return (status);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * getNetStatus - set task status according to network error
- *
- * Compares string in buf with some known UNIX errors that can occur when
- * copying files over the network. Sets task status accordingly.
- */
- LOCAL void getNetStatus
- (
- char *buf /* buffer containing string with UNIX error */
- )
- {
- FAST char *pErr;
- pErr = (char *) index (buf, ':');
- if (pErr == NULL)
- errno = S_netDrv_UNIX_FILE_ERROR;
- else if (strcmp (pErr, ": Permission deniedn") == 0)
- errno = S_netDrv_PERMISSION_DENIED;
- else if (strcmp (pErr, ": No such file or directoryn") == 0)
- errno = S_netDrv_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIR;
- else if (strcmp (pErr, ": Is a directoryn") == 0)
- errno = S_netDrv_IS_A_DIRECTORY;
- else
- errno = S_netDrv_UNIX_FILE_ERROR;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netRead - read bytes from remote file
- *
- * netRead reads up to the specified number of bytes from the open network
- * file descriptor and puts them into a buffer. Bytes are read starting
- * from the point marked by the file pointer. The file pointer is then
- * updated to point immediately after the last character that was read.
- *
- * Called only by the I/O system.
- *
- * SIDE EFFECTS: moves file pointer
- *
- * RETURNS: Number of bytes read, or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int netRead
- (
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd, /* pointer to open network file descriptor */
- char *buf, /* pointer to buffer to receive bytes */
- FAST int maxBytes /* max number of bytes to read into buffer */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- FAST int byteCount = 0; /* number of bytes read so far */
- /* check for valid maxbytes */
- if (maxBytes <= 0)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* if file opened for O_WRONLY, don't read */
- if ((pNetFd->options & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode) == O_WRONLY)
- {
- errno = S_netDrv_WRITE_ONLY_CANNOT_READ;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semTake (pNetFd->netFdSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize == 0)
- {
- FAST DATABLOCK *dptr; /* points to current datablock */
- FAST int cindex; /* character index datablock's databuf */
- FAST char *cptr; /* points to character being read in the file */
- FAST char *bptr; /* points to current position in buffer */
- /* if file pointer is at end of file, can't read any characters */
- if (pNetFd->filePtrByte == pNetFd->endOfFile)
- {
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return (0);
- }
- cindex = pNetFd->filePtrByte % DATASIZE; /* char index in datablock */
- dptr = pNetFd->filePtrBlock;
- cptr = &dptr->databuf [cindex]; /* point to current char in datablock */
- bptr = buf; /* point to beginning of read buffer */
- /* read until maxBytes characters have been read */
- while (byteCount < maxBytes)
- {
- if ((maxBytes - byteCount) < (dptr->used - cindex))
- {
- /* stop reading when maxBytes characters have been read.
- * This is the last block to read from in order to finish
- * filling up the buffer.
- */
- bcopy (cptr, bptr, maxBytes - byteCount);
- byteCount = maxBytes;
- }
- else
- {
- /* copy the rest of the datablock into buffer */
- bcopy (cptr, bptr, dptr->used - cindex);
- byteCount = byteCount + dptr->used - cindex;
- if (dptr == (DATABLOCK *) lstLast (&pNetFd->dataLst))
- {
- /* this is the last block in the file. Seek to the end. */
- status = netSeek (pNetFd, pNetFd->endOfFile);
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return (status == ERROR ? ERROR : byteCount);
- }
- else /* get next block */
- {
- dptr = (DATABLOCK *) lstNext ((NODE *) dptr);
- cindex = 0;
- cptr = dptr->databuf; /* point to 1st char in block */
- bptr = buf + byteCount; /* move buffer pointer */
- }
- }
- } /* end of while */
- status = netSeek (pNetFd, pNetFd->filePtrByte + byteCount);
- }
- else
- {
- FAST int nBytes = 0;
- FAST int bytes = 0;
- FAST int bufOffset = 0;
- /* if it is in the cache, read it from the cache */
- if (pNetFd->bufOffset < pNetFd->bufBytes)
- {
- if ((pNetFd->bufOffset + maxBytes) <= (pNetFd->bufBytes))
- {
- bcopy (pNetFd->buf + pNetFd->bufOffset, buf, maxBytes);
- pNetFd->bufOffset += maxBytes; /* move the cache pointer */
- pNetFd->filePtrByte += maxBytes; /* move the file pointer */
- pNetFd->status[0]++; /* increment read[hit] */
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return (maxBytes);
- }
- else
- {
- bytes = pNetFd->bufBytes - pNetFd->bufOffset;
- bcopy (pNetFd->buf + pNetFd->bufOffset, buf, bytes);
- pNetFd->bufOffset += bytes; /* move the cache pointer */
- pNetFd->filePtrByte += bytes; /* move the file pointer */
- bufOffset = bytes; /* set the buf offset */
- }
- }
- while ((nBytes = maxBytes - bufOffset) > 0)
- {
- /* read bytes from socket into the cache */
- pNetFd->status[1]++; /* increment read[mis] */
- byteCount = 0;
- while ((bytes = pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize - byteCount) > 0)
- {
- bytes = read (pNetFd->dataSock, pNetFd->buf + byteCount, bytes);
- if (bytes <= 0)
- break;
- else
- byteCount += bytes;
- }
- pNetFd->bufOffset = 0; /* set the cache pointer */
- pNetFd->bufBytes = byteCount; /* set the cache size */
- /* read bytes from the cache */
- if (bytes < 0) /* recv error */
- {
- status = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- if (pNetFd->bufBytes == 0) /* the cache is empty, i.e. EOF */
- break;
- else /* the cache is not empty */
- {
- bytes = (pNetFd->bufBytes < nBytes) ? pNetFd->bufBytes : nBytes;
- bcopy (pNetFd->buf, buf + bufOffset, bytes);
- pNetFd->bufOffset += bytes; /* move the cache pointer */
- pNetFd->filePtrByte += bytes; /* move the file pointer */
- bufOffset += bytes; /* move the buf offset */
- }
- }
- byteCount = bufOffset; /* set the byte count */
- }
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return (status == ERROR ? ERROR : byteCount);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netWrite - write bytes to remote file
- *
- * netWrite copies up to the specified number of bytes from the buffer
- * to the open network file descriptor. Bytes are written starting
- * at the spot pointed to by the file's block and byte pointers.
- * The file pointer is updated to point immediately after the last
- * character that was written.
- *
- * Called only by the I/O system.
- *
- * SIDE EFFECTS: moves file pointer
- *
- * Number of bytes written (error if != nbytes), or
- * ERROR if nBytes < 0, or no more space can be allocated.
- */
- LOCAL int netWrite
- (
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd, /* open file descriptor */
- char *buf, /* buffer being written from */
- FAST int nBytes /* number of bytes to write to file */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- FAST int byteCount = 0; /* number of written read so far */
- /* check for valid number of bytes */
- if (nBytes < 0)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* if file opened for O_RDONLY, don't write */
- if ((pNetFd->options & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode) == O_RDONLY)
- {
- errno = S_netDrv_READ_ONLY_CANNOT_WRITE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semTake (pNetFd->netFdSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize == 0)
- {
- FAST DATABLOCK *dptr; /* points to current datablock */
- FAST int cindex; /* character index datablock's databuf */
- FAST char *cptr; /* points to char being overwritten in file */
- FAST char *bptr; /* points to current position in buffer */
- cindex = pNetFd->filePtrByte % DATASIZE;
- dptr = pNetFd->filePtrBlock;
- cptr = &dptr->databuf [cindex];
- bptr = buf;
- while (byteCount < nBytes)
- {
- if ((nBytes - byteCount) < (DATASIZE - cindex))
- {
- /* almost done writing nBytes. This is the last block */
- bcopy (bptr, cptr, nBytes - byteCount);
- byteCount = nBytes;
- /* if we wrote past end of file, adjust end of file pointer */
- if ((pNetFd->filePtrByte + byteCount > pNetFd->endOfFile) &&
- moveEndOfFile (pNetFd, pNetFd->filePtrByte + byteCount)
- == ERROR)
- {
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else /* not last block to write to */
- {
- bcopy (bptr, cptr, DATASIZE - cindex);
- byteCount = byteCount + DATASIZE - cindex;
- /* if we wrote past end of file, adjust end of file pointer.
- * If necessary, moveEndOfFile will attach a new datablock
- * to the end of the data chain.
- */
- if ((pNetFd->filePtrByte + byteCount > pNetFd->endOfFile) &&
- moveEndOfFile (pNetFd, pNetFd->filePtrByte + byteCount)
- == ERROR)
- {
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* point to first character in next datablock */
- dptr = (DATABLOCK *) lstNext ((NODE *) dptr);
- cindex = 0;
- cptr = dptr->databuf;
- /* adjust buffer pointer */
- bptr = buf + byteCount;
- }
- } /* end of while loop */
- pNetFd->options |= FD_DIRTY;
- status = netSeek (pNetFd, pNetFd->filePtrByte + byteCount);
- }
- else
- {
- /* write the data to socket */
- if ((byteCount = write (pNetFd->dataSock, buf, nBytes)) != nBytes)
- status = ERROR;
- pNetFd->filePtrByte += byteCount;
- }
- semGive (pNetFd->netFdSem);
- return (status == ERROR ? ERROR : byteCount);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netIoctl - do device specific control function
- *
- * Called only by the I/O system.
- *
- * RETURNS: Whatever the called function returns.
- */
- LOCAL int netIoctl
- (
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd, /* open network file descriptor */
- FAST int function, /* function code */
- FAST int arg /* argument for function */
- )
- {
- struct stat *pStat; /* pointer to struct for stat() call */
- switch (function)
- {
- case FIOSEEK:
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize == 0)
- return (netSeek (pNetFd, arg));
- {
- int status = OK;
- FAST int bytes = 0;
- FAST int byteCount = 0;
- if ((arg < 0) ||
- (pNetFd->options & O_WRONLY)) /* no seek in WR_ONLY mode */
- {
- errno = S_netDrv_BAD_SEEK;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pNetFd->filePtrByte == arg)
- return (OK);
- /* forward seek */
- if (pNetFd->filePtrByte < arg)
- {
- if ((arg - pNetFd->filePtrByte) <
- (pNetFd->bufBytes - pNetFd->bufOffset))
- {
- /* forward seek in the cache. move the file pointer */
- pNetFd->status[2]++; /* increment fseek[hit] */
- pNetFd->bufOffset += (arg - pNetFd->filePtrByte);
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = arg;
- return (OK);
- }
- else
- {
- /* forward seek beyond the cache. read the file */
- pNetFd->status[3]++; /* increment fseek[mis] */
- byteCount = pNetFd->filePtrByte +
- (pNetFd->bufBytes - pNetFd->bufOffset);
- }
- }
- /* backward seek */
- if (pNetFd->filePtrByte > arg)
- {
- if ((pNetFd->filePtrByte - arg) < pNetFd->bufOffset)
- {
- /* backward seek in the cache. move the file pointer */
- pNetFd->status[4]++; /* increment bseek[hit] */
- pNetFd->bufOffset -= (pNetFd->filePtrByte - arg);
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = arg;
- return (OK);
- }
- else
- {
- /* backward seek beyond the cache. re-open the file */
- if ((netSockClose (pNetFd) == ERROR) || /* close it */
- (netSockOpen (pNetFd) == ERROR)) /* reopen it */
- return (ERROR);
- pNetFd->status[5]++; /* increment bseek[mis] */
- byteCount = 0;
- }
- }
- /* read until it reaches the new file pointer */
- while ((bytes = arg - byteCount) > 0)
- {
- bytes = (bytes > pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize) ?
- pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize : bytes;
- bytes = read (pNetFd->dataSock, pNetFd->buf, bytes);
- if (bytes <= 0)
- {
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = byteCount;
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- }
- else
- byteCount += bytes;
- }
- /* set the file pointer and flush the cache */
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = arg;
- pNetFd->bufOffset = 0;
- pNetFd->bufBytes = 0;
- return (status);
- }
- case FIOWHERE:
- return (pNetFd->filePtrByte);
- case FIONREAD:
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize > 0)
- return (ERROR);
- else
- {
- *((int *) arg) = pNetFd->endOfFile - pNetFd->filePtrByte;
- return (OK);
- }
- /* this is a kludge for 'ls'. Do the listing, then return
- ERROR so that 'ls' doesn't try listing an rt-11 device */
- netLs (pNetFd);
- return (ERROR);
- case FIOGETFL:
- *((int *) arg) = pNetFd->options & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode;
- return (OK);
- /* get status of a file */
- pStat = (struct stat *) arg;
- /* get file attributes returned in pStat */
- /* zero out the pStat structure */
- bzero ((char *) pStat, sizeof (*pStat));
- /* fill in the elements of the stat struct that we have */
- pStat->st_dev = (ULONG) pNetFd->pNetDev;
- pStat->st_mode = S_IFREG;
- pStat->st_size = pNetFd->endOfFile;
- return (OK);
- break;
- default:
- errno = S_netDrv_UNKNOWN_REQUEST;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netSeek - change file's current character position
- *
- * This routine moves the file pointer by the offset to a new
- * position. If the new position is past the end of file, fill the
- * unused space with 0's. The end of file pointer gets moved to the
- * position immediately following the last '0' written.
- * If the resulting file pointer would be negative, ERROR is returned.
- *
- * Called only by the I/O system.
- *
- * There is deliberate co-recursion between netSeek and netWrite.
- *
- */
- LOCAL int netSeek
- (
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd,
- FAST int newPos
- )
- {
- FAST DATABLOCK *saveFilePtrBlock;
- FAST int saveFilePtrByte;
- int endOfFile;
- int newBlock;
- int curBlock;
- char *buf;
- DATABLOCK *dptr;
- int nbytes;
- if (newPos < 0)
- {
- errno = S_netDrv_BAD_SEEK;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- saveFilePtrBlock = pNetFd->filePtrBlock;
- saveFilePtrByte = pNetFd->filePtrByte;
- endOfFile = pNetFd->endOfFile;
- newBlock = newPos / DATASIZE;
- curBlock = pNetFd->filePtrByte / DATASIZE;
- /* if new position is past end of file */
- if (newPos > endOfFile)
- {
- /* put 0's at the end of the file */
- if ((buf = (char *) KHEAP_ALLOC ((unsigned) (newPos - endOfFile))) == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bzero (buf, newPos - endOfFile);
- /* move file pointer to end of file before writing 0's */
- pNetFd->filePtrBlock = (DATABLOCK *) lstLast (&pNetFd->dataLst);
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = endOfFile;
- /* netWrite will update the file pointer and end of file pointer */
- nbytes = netWrite (pNetFd, buf, (newPos - endOfFile));
- if (nbytes != (newPos - endOfFile))
- {
- if (nbytes != ERROR)
- errno = S_netDrv_SEEK_PAST_EOF_ERROR;
- pNetFd->filePtrBlock = saveFilePtrBlock;
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = saveFilePtrByte;
- KHEAP_FREE (buf);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- KHEAP_FREE (buf);
- }
- else /* else, new position is within current file size */
- {
- /* point to new block */
- /* system error if we go out of range of the datablocks */
- dptr = (DATABLOCK *) lstNStep ((NODE *) pNetFd->filePtrBlock,
- newBlock - curBlock);
- if (dptr == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_netDrv_SEEK_FATAL_ERROR;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pNetFd->filePtrBlock = dptr;
- /* point to new byte */
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = newPos;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * moveEndOfFile - moves end of file pointer to new position
- *
- * Adds a new datablock to the end of the datablock list if necessary.
- * Assumes that end of file moves at most to the first position of
- * the next datablock.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS moveEndOfFile
- (
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd,
- FAST int newPos
- )
- {
- FAST DATABLOCK *dptr; /* pointer to new datablock */
- /*
- * As soon as system error handling is implemented, a message should
- * be put here.
- *
- * If the new position is before the current end of file,
- * OR more than one datablock ahead,
- * OR further away than the first byte of the next datablock,
- * this is a system error ....looks awful, I know
- */
- if ((newPos <= pNetFd->endOfFile) ||
- ((newPos - pNetFd->endOfFile) > DATASIZE) ||
- ((newPos % DATASIZE < pNetFd->endOfFile % DATASIZE) &&
- (newPos % DATASIZE != 0)))
- {
- errno = S_netDrv_BAD_EOF_POSITION;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* if new position is in datablock after end of file,
- * add another datablock to the file
- */
- if ((newPos / DATASIZE) > (pNetFd->endOfFile / DATASIZE))
- {
- /* current datablock is full.
- * New position is in the block after the current
- * end of file.
- */
- ((DATABLOCK *) lstLast (&pNetFd->dataLst))->used = DATASIZE;
- if ((dptr = (DATABLOCK *) KHEAP_ALLOC (sizeof (DATABLOCK))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- dptr->used = 0;
- lstAdd (&pNetFd->dataLst, (NODE *) dptr);
- }
- else
- ((DATABLOCK *) lstLast (&pNetFd->dataLst))->used = newPos % DATASIZE;
- pNetFd->endOfFile = newPos;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netFdCreate - create a network file descriptor
- *
- * Returns an open network file descriptor.
- * Files are created with O_WRONLY or O_RDWR modes.
- * A O_RDONLY mode defaults to O_RDWR.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to open network file descriptor or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int netFdCreate
- (
- NET_DEV *pNetDev,
- char *name, /* remote file name */
- int mode /* ignored, always set to O_WRONLY */
- )
- {
- FAST NET_FD *pNetFd;
- char *pFileName;
- FAST int fileNameLen;
- FAST int dirNameLen;
- char *ptr;
- /* don't allow null filenames */
- if (name[0] == EOS)
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_NO_FILENAME;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get directory and filename pointers and lengths */
- pFileName = pathLastNamePtr (name);
- fileNameLen = strlen (pFileName);
- dirNameLen = pFileName - name;
- /* Some machines don't like to have a directory name terminated by "/" or
- * "", unless is the root directory. This code clips the extra slash.
- */
- if ((dirNameLen > 1) &&
- (name[dirNameLen-1] == '/' || name[dirNameLen-1] == '\'))
- dirNameLen--;
- /* allocate and initialize net file descriptor;
- * leave room for directory and file name and both EOSs
- *
- * Make sure the file descriptor structure is allocated from the Kernel
- * heap since this structure includes a Mutex which is a Wind object and
- * as for all Wind object should be allocated from an location visible
- * by Kernel tasks.
- */
- if ((ptr = (char *) KHEAP_ALLOC ((unsigned) (sizeof (NET_FD) + fileNameLen +
- dirNameLen + 2))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- pNetFd = (NET_FD *) ptr;
- pNetFd->pNetDev = pNetDev;
- pNetFd->filePtrByte = 0;
- pNetFd->endOfFile = 0; /* XXX should be determined when O_RDWR! */
- pNetFd->options = pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode & ((mode == O_WRONLY) ? O_WRONLY : O_RDWR);
- pNetFd->options |= FD_DIRTY; /* set dirty */
- /* set remote directory name and file name */
- pNetFd->remFileName = ptr + sizeof (NET_FD);
- (void) strcpy (pNetFd->remFileName, pFileName);
- pNetFd->remDirName = pNetFd->remFileName + fileNameLen + 1;
- (void) strncpy (pNetFd->remDirName, name, dirNameLen);
- pNetFd->remDirName [dirNameLen] = EOS;
- /* attach first empty datablock */
- pData->used = 0;
- pNetFd->filePtrBlock = pData;
- lstInit (&pNetFd->dataLst);
- lstAdd (&pNetFd->dataLst, (NODE *) pData);
- bzero ((char *)pNetFd->status, sizeof (pNetFd->status));
- if ((pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize > 0) &&
- ((pNetFd->buf = KHEAP_ALLOC(pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize)) == NULL))
- return (ERROR);
- pNetFd->netFdSem = semMCreate (mutexOptionsNetDrv);
- return ((int) pNetFd);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netFdRelease - free up NetFd
- */
- LOCAL void netFdRelease
- (
- )
- {
- #ifdef _WRS_VXWORKS_5_X
- lstFree (&pNetFd->dataLst); /* free up data list */
- #else
- lstInternalFree (&pNetFd->dataLst, kHeapFree); /* free up data list */
- #endif /* _WRS_VXWORKS_5_X */
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize > 0) /* free the read buffer */
- KHEAP_FREE(pNetFd->buf);
- semDelete (pNetFd->netFdSem); /* terminate netFdSem */
- KHEAP_FREE ((char *) pNetFd); /* deallocate network fd */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netSockOpen - open the socket connection
- */
- LOCAL STATUS netSockOpen
- (
- NET_FD *pNetFd
- )
- {
- char command[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- char buffer [MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- char usr [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char passwd [MAX_IDENTITY_LEN];
- char * p;
- /* open the remote file */
- remCurIdGet (usr, passwd);
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- p = ((pNetFd->options & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode) == O_RDONLY) ?
- "RETR %s" : "STOR %s";
- if (ftpXfer (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, usr, passwd, "",
- p, pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName,
- &pNetFd->ctrlSock, &pNetFd->dataSock) == ERROR)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netSockOpen: error calling ftpXfer() errno:0x%08xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pathCat (pNetFd->remDirName, pNetFd->remFileName, buffer) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((pNetFd->options & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode) == O_RDONLY)
- sprintf (command, "/bin/cat < %s", buffer);
- else
- sprintf (command, "/bin/cat > %s", buffer);
- pNetFd->dataSock = rcmd (pNetFd->pNetDev->host, RSHD, usr,
- usr, command, &pNetFd->ctrlSock);
- if (pNetFd->dataSock == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netSockClose - close the socket connection
- */
- LOCAL STATUS netSockClose
- (
- NET_FD *pNetFd
- )
- {
- int status = OK;
- int nBytes;
- char errBuf [DATASIZE];
- char *errMsg0 = "cat: read error: Is a directory";
- char *errMsg1 = "cat: write error: Broken pipe";
- int errMsgLen0 = strlen (errMsg0);
- int errMsgLen1 = strlen (errMsg1);
- /* complete the FTP transfer before closing the dataSock */
- if ((pNetFd->pNetDev->bufSize > 0) &&
- (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP))
- {
- char buf [1024];
- while ((nBytes = read (pNetFd->dataSock, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0)
- ;
- }
- status = close (pNetFd->dataSock);
- if (status == ERROR )
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netSockClose: error closing fd:%d errno=0x%08xn", pNetFd->dataSock, errno,3,4,5,6);
- }
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP)
- {
- status = ftpReplyGet (pNetFd->ctrlSock, FALSE);
- /* Check for specific status types */
- if (status != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netSockClose: error during ftpReplyGet ctrlSock:%d errno=0x%08x return value:%dn",
- pNetFd->ctrlSock, errno,status,4,5,6);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* check control socket for error */
- if ((nBytes = fioRead (pNetFd->ctrlSock, errBuf, sizeof (errBuf) - 1))
- > 0)
- {
- /* print error message on standard error fd */
- errBuf [nBytes] = EOS; /* insure string termination */
- /* check error message indicating cat of NFS mounted directory */
- if ((((pNetFd->options & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode) == O_RDONLY) &&
- (strncmp (errBuf, errMsg0, errMsgLen0) != 0) &&
- (strncmp (errBuf, errMsg1, errMsgLen1) != 0)) ||
- ((pNetFd->options & pNetFd->pNetDev->fdMode) == O_WRONLY))
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netSockClose: %s:%s errno:0x%08xn",
- pNetFd->pNetDev->host, errBuf, errno,1,2,3);
- /* set the task's status according to the UNIX error */
- getNetStatus (errBuf);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netSockClose: error during fioread ctrlSock:%d errno=0x%08x return value:%dn",
- pNetFd->ctrlSock, errno,status,4,5,6);
- }
- }
- if (pNetFd->pNetDev->protocol == PROTO_FTP &&
- ftpCommand (pNetFd->ctrlSock, "QUIT",0,0,0,0,0,0) != FTP_COMPLETE)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netSockClose: error during ftpCommand (QUIT) ctrlSock:%d errno=0x%08x return value:%dn",
- pNetFd->ctrlSock, errno,status,4,5,6);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- status = close (pNetFd->ctrlSock);
- if (status == ERROR )
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("netSockClose: error closing ctrl sock fd:%d errno=0x%08xn",
- pNetFd->ctrlSock, errno,3,4,5,6);
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netDrvDebugLevelSet - set the debug level of the netDrv library routines
- *
- * This routine enables the debugging of calls to the net driver. The argument
- * NETLIB_DEBUG_ERRORS will display only error messages to the console. The
- * argument NETLIB_DEBUG_ALL will display warnings and errors to the console.
- *
- * RETURNS : OK, or ERROR if the debug level is invalid
- */
- STATUS netDrvDebugLevelSet
- (
- )
- {
- switch (debugLevel)
- {
- case (NETLIB_DEBUG_OFF): /* No debugging messages */
- netDrvDebugErrors = debugLevel;
- return (OK);
- break;
- case (NETLIB_DEBUG_ERRORS): /* Display all errors and warnings */
- netDrvDebugErrors = debugLevel;
- return (OK);
- break;
- case (NETLIB_DEBUG_ALL): /* Display all errors, warning and statistics */
- netDrvDebugErrors = debugLevel;
- netDrvDebugStats = 1;
- return (OK);
- break;
- default:
- errno = S_netDrv_ILLEGAL_VALUE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netDrvFileDoesNotExist - Applette to test if a file does not exist
- *
- * This routine is used to parse the text of a remote FTP server stating a file does
- * not exist. This routine is only used during an open() with the O_CREAT
- * option specified. An 'NLST' command is issued and the response is compared
- * against various text strings.
- *
- * RETURNS : OK if the file does not exist, or ERROR if the file exists
- *
- */
- STATUS netDrvFileDoesNotExist
- (
- char *filename,
- char *response
- )
- {
- /* XXX this function needs to move to usrNetDrv.c after veloce freeze */
- #define SUNOS_ERRMSG "not found"
- #define SOLARIS_ERRMSG " No such file"
- /* SunOs 1.x */
- if (strncmp (response + strlen (filename) + 1,
- strlen (SUNOS_ERRMSG)
- ) == 0)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("fileDoesNotExist:matches SunOs 1.xn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (OK);
- }
- /* Solaris (SunOs 5.7) */
- if (strncmp (response + strlen (filename) + 1,
- ) == 0)
- {
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("fileDoesNotExist:matches Solarisn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return (OK);
- }
- NETDRV_DEBUG ("fileDoesNotExist:NO MATCH - file must existn", errno,1,2,3,4,5);
- return ERROR;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netDrvFileDoesNotExistInstall - install an applette to test if the file exists
- *
- * Install a function which will test if a given file exists.
- *
- * The <pAppletteRtn> argument provides a routine using the following interface:
- * cs
- * STATUS appletteRoutine
- * (
- * char *filename, /@ file name queried @/
- * char *response /@ server response string @/
- * )
- * ce
- *
- * The netDrv routine calls the applette routine during an open with O_CREAT
- * specified. The system will perform an NLST command and then use the applette
- * routine to parse the response. The routine compensates for server response
- * implementaion variations. The applette should return 'OK' if the file is
- * not found and 'ERROR' if the file is found.
- *
- * RETURNS : OK, installation successful; ERROR, installation error.
- *
- * SEE ALSO : open()
- *
- */
- STATUS netDrvFileDoesNotExistInstall
- (
- FUNCPTR pAppletteRtn /* Function that returns TRUE or FALSE */
- )
- {
- /* At least prevent this from being a disaster */
- if (pAppletteRtn == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- _func_fileDoesNotExist = pAppletteRtn;
- return (OK);
- }