- /* wvNetLib.c - WindView for Networking Interface Library */
- /* Copyright 1990 - 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01d,10may02,kbw making man page edits
- 01c,25oct00,ham doc: cleanup for vxWorks AE 1.0.
- 01b,07jun00,ham fixed a compilation warning.
- 01a,12jan00,spm written
- */
- /*
- This library provides the user interface to the network-related events
- for the WindView system visualization tool. These events are divided into
- two WindView classes. The NET_CORE_EVENT class indicates events directly
- related to data transfer. All other events (such as memory allocation and
- API routines) use the NET_AUX_EVENT class. Within each class, events are
- assigned one of eight priority levels. The four highest priority levels
- (EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL, and ERROR) indicate the occurrence of errors
- and the remaining four (WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, and VERBOSE) provide
- progressively more detailed information about the internal processing in
- the network stack.
- If WindView support is included, the wvNetStart() and wvNetStop() routines
- will enable and disable event reporting for the network stack. The start
- routine takes a single parameter specifying the minimum priority level for
- all network components. That setting may be modified with the wvNetLevelAdd()
- and wvNetLevelRemove() routines. Individual events may be included or removed
- with the wvNetEventEnable() and wvNetDisable() routines.
- The wvNetAddressFilterSet() and wvNetPortFilterSet() routines provide further
- screening for some events.
- The WindView monitor executing on a VxWorks target transmits events to the
- WindView parser on the host based on the event class. Increasing the number
- of classes beyond two would allow more precise control over event generation
- and reduce the load on the VxWorks target, but the total number of available
- classes is limited.
- Events are generated within each source code module using macros defined
- in the wvNetLib.h include file. The WV_BLOCK_START macro determines whether
- WindView is active and verifies that the given event class has been selected.
- All WindView related processing must be enclosed between a WV_BLOCK_START
- and WV_BLOCK_END pair.
- The WV_NET_EVENT_TEST macro immediately follows the start of the WindView
- event block. It verifies that an individual event is selected by testing
- the contents of the event selection map. The event map contains bitmaps for
- all events within each of the eight priority levels. It is modified by the
- user interface routines as the settings are changed. Currently, no priority
- level contains more than 64 events. If that limit is exceeded, the EVENT_MASK
- structure must be expanded. Local variables indicate the number of events
- currently defined for each priority level.
- If an event is active, the WV_NET_FILTER_TEST macro verifies than any
- remaining conditions are satisfied.
- If an event fulfills all the conditions, the event identifier is constructed
- with the WV_NET_EVENT_SET or WV_NET_MARKER_SET macros and the event
- is logged with the evtLogOInt() routine. The event identifier encodes
- the related system component (currently 0x30) and the source code module,
- priority level, and data transfer direction for all events.
- To use this feature, include the following component:
- .I "WindView for Tornado User's Guide"
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "wvLib.h"
- #include "wvNetLib.h"
- /* globals */
- EVENT_MASK wvNetEventMap [8]; /* Bitmasks for all event priorities. */
- BOOL wvNetAddressFilterTest (int, int, ULONG, ULONG);
- BOOL wvNetPortFilterTest (int, USHORT, USHORT);
- /* external variables */
- IMPORT u_long inet_addr (char * inetString);
- /* locals */
- LOCAL int maxEmergencyOffset = 45; /* */
- LOCAL int maxAlertOffset = 8; /* The maximum offset value for */
- LOCAL int maxCriticalOffset = 34; /* each priority level is one */
- LOCAL int maxErrorOffset = 47; /* less than the number of events. */
- LOCAL int maxWarningOffset = 19; /* If it exceeds 63, the bitmap */
- LOCAL int maxNoticeOffset = 22; /* size must be increased. */
- LOCAL int maxInfoOffset = 56;
- LOCAL int maxVerboseOffset = 57;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetInputSrcAddrFlag = FALSE;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetInputDstAddrFlag = FALSE;
- LOCAL int wvNetInputSrcAddr;
- LOCAL int wvNetInputSrcMask;
- LOCAL int wvNetInputDstAddr;
- LOCAL int wvNetInputDstMask;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetOutputSrcAddrFlag = FALSE;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetOutputDstAddrFlag = FALSE;
- LOCAL int wvNetOutputSrcAddr;
- LOCAL int wvNetOutputSrcMask;
- LOCAL int wvNetOutputDstAddr;
- LOCAL int wvNetOutputDstMask;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetInputSrcPortFlag;
- LOCAL int wvNetInputSrcPort;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetInputDstPortFlag;
- LOCAL int wvNetInputDstPort;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetOutputSrcPortFlag;
- LOCAL int wvNetOutputSrcPort;
- LOCAL BOOL wvNetOutputDstPortFlag;
- LOCAL int wvNetOutputDstPort;
- /* forward declarations */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetInit - stub routine for linker
- *
- * This routine is called during system startup so that the global variables
- * storing the WindView settings for the networking instrumentation are
- * available. It also initializes the event bitmaps so that all events
- * are reported when logging begins. Event selection can be customized
- * with the appropriate library routines.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void wvNetInit (void)
- {
- int index;
- int loop;
- /*
- * Enable all events for each level. Because of the array indexing,
- * the index into the event map is one less than the value assigned
- * to the priority level.
- */
- for (index = WV_NET_EMERGENCY - 1; index < WV_NET_VERBOSE; index++)
- {
- /*
- * Currently, no priority level uses more than 64 events. This
- * inner loop must be increased if that limit is exceeded.
- */
- for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
- wvNetEventMap [index].bitmap [loop] = 255;
- }
- /* Provide access to the event map from instrumented modules. */
- pWvNetEventMap = wvNetEventMap;
- _func_wvNetAddressFilterTest = wvNetAddressFilterTest;
- _func_wvNetPortFilterTest = (FUNCPTR)wvNetPortFilterTest;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetEnable - begin reporting network events to WindView
- *
- * This routine activates WindView event reporting for network components,
- * after disabling all events with a priority less than <level>. The
- * default value (or a <level> of WV_NET_VERBOSE) will not disable
- * any additional events. The available priority values are:
- *
- * WV_NET_ALERT (2)
- * WV_NET_ERROR (4)
- * WV_NET_INFO (7)
- *
- * If an event is not explicitly disabled by the priority level, it uses the
- * current event selection map and class settings. The initial values enable
- * all events of both classes.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- void wvNetEnable
- (
- int priority /* minimum priority, or 0 for default of WV_NET_VERBOSE */
- )
- {
- int index;
- int loop;
- /*
- * Because of the array indexing, the <priority> parameter provides the
- * starting offset into the event map for the lower priority events.
- * Events with priorities greater than or equal to the given level
- * remain enabled. All other events are disabled.
- */
- if (priority == 0) /* Set index so no events are disabled by default.*/
- priority = WV_NET_VERBOSE;
- for (index = priority; index < WV_NET_VERBOSE; index++)
- {
- /*
- * Set event map so WV_NET_EVENT_TEST macro will reject events
- * with lower priority (currently up to 64 per level).
- */
- for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
- wvNetEventMap [index].bitmap [loop] = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Begin reporting network events from both the primary and auxiliary
- * classes. Also enable the class 1 (context switching) events,
- * in case they are not already active.
- */
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetDisable - end reporting of network events to WindView
- *
- * This routine stops WindView event reporting for all network components.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- void wvNetDisable (void)
- {
- /* Stop reporting events from either class. */
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetLevelAdd - enable network events with specific priority level
- *
- * This routine changes the event selection map to allow reporting of any
- * events with priority equal to <level>. It will override current event
- * selections for the given priority, but has no effect on settings for
- * events with higher or lower priorities. The available priority values
- * are:
- *
- * WV_NET_ALERT (2)
- * WV_NET_ERROR (4)
- * WV_NET_INFO (7)
- *
- * Events are only reported based on the current WindView class setting. The
- * initial (default) setting includes networking events from both classes.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR for unknown event level.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS wvNetLevelAdd
- (
- int priority /* priority level to enable */
- )
- {
- int index;
- int loop;
- if (priority < WV_NET_EMERGENCY || priority > WV_NET_VERBOSE)
- return (ERROR);
- /*
- * Because of array indexing, the index into the event map is one
- * less than the value assigned to the priority level.
- */
- index = priority - 1;
- /*
- * Set event map so WV_NET_EVENT_TEST macro will accept any events
- * with selected priority (currently up to 64 per level).
- */
- for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
- wvNetEventMap [index].bitmap [loop] = 255;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetLevelRemove - disable network events with specific priority level
- *
- * This routine changes the event selection map to prevent reporting of any
- * events with priority equal to <level>. It will override the current event
- * selection for the given priority, but has no effect on settings for events
- * with higher or lower priorities. The available priority values are:
- *
- * WV_NET_ALERT (2)
- * WV_NET_ERROR (4)
- * WV_NET_INFO (7)
- *
- * Events are only reported based on the current WindView class setting. The
- * initial (default) setting includes networking events from both classes.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR for unknown event level.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS wvNetLevelRemove
- (
- int priority /* priority level to disable */
- )
- {
- int index;
- int loop;
- if (priority < WV_NET_EMERGENCY || priority > WV_NET_VERBOSE)
- return (ERROR);
- /*
- * Because of array indexing, the index into the event map is one
- * less than the value assigned to the priority level.
- */
- index = priority - 1;
- /*
- * Set event map so WV_NET_EVENT_TEST macro will reject any events
- * with selected priority (currently up to 64 per level).
- */
- for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
- wvNetEventMap [index].bitmap [loop] = 0;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetEventEnable - activate specific network events
- *
- * This routine allows reporting of a single event within the priority equal
- * to <level>. The activation is overridden if the setting for the entire
- * priority level changes. The available priority values are:
- *
- * WV_NET_ALERT (2)
- * WV_NET_ERROR (4)
- * WV_NET_INFO (7)
- *
- * Offset values for individual events are listed in the documentation.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR for unknown event.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS wvNetEventEnable
- (
- int priority, /* priority level of event */
- int offset /* identifier within priority level */
- )
- {
- STATUS result = OK;
- int index;
- UCHAR mask;
- int byteOffset;
- int byteIndex;
- switch (priority)
- {
- if (offset > maxEmergencyOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- case WV_NET_ALERT:
- if (offset > maxAlertOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxCriticalOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- case WV_NET_ERROR:
- if (offset > maxErrorOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxWarningOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxNoticeOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- case WV_NET_INFO:
- if (offset > maxInfoOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxVerboseOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- default: /* Unknown priority level */
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Because of array indexing, the index into the event map is one
- * less than the value assigned to the priority level.
- */
- index = priority - 1;
- if (result == OK)
- {
- byteOffset = offset / 8;
- /*
- * Convert the offset to an array index based on the number of
- * bytes in the bitmap.
- */
- byteIndex = WVNET_MASKSIZE - 1 - byteOffset;
- /*
- * Set event map so WV_NET_EVENT_TEST macro will accept the
- * specified event.
- */
- mask = 1 << (offset % 8);
- wvNetEventMap [index].bitmap [byteIndex] |= mask;
- }
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetEventDisable - deactivate specific network events
- *
- * This routine prevents reporting of a single event within the priority equal
- * to <level>. The activation is overridden if the setting for the entire
- * priority level changes. The available priority values are:
- *
- * WV_NET_ALERT (2)
- * WV_NET_ERROR (4)
- * WV_NET_INFO (7)
- *
- * Offset values for individual events are listed in the documentation.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR for unknown event.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS wvNetEventDisable
- (
- int priority, /* priority level of event */
- int offset /* identifier within priority level */
- )
- {
- STATUS result = OK;
- int index;
- UCHAR mask;
- int byteOffset;
- int byteIndex;
- switch (priority)
- {
- if (offset > maxEmergencyOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- case WV_NET_ALERT:
- if (offset > maxAlertOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxCriticalOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- case WV_NET_ERROR:
- if (offset > maxErrorOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxWarningOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxNoticeOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- case WV_NET_INFO:
- if (offset > maxInfoOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- if (offset > maxVerboseOffset)
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- default: /* Unknown priority level */
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Because of array indexing, the index into the event map is one
- * less than the value assigned to the priority level.
- */
- index = priority - 1;
- if (result == OK)
- {
- byteOffset = offset / 8;
- /*
- * Convert the offset to an array index based on the number of
- * bytes in the bitmap.
- */
- byteIndex = WVNET_MASKSIZE - 1 - byteOffset;
- /*
- * Set event map so WV_NET_EVENT_TEST macro will reject the
- * specified event.
- */
- mask = ~ (1 << (offset % 8));
- wvNetEventMap [index].bitmap [byteIndex] &= mask;
- }
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetAddressFilterSet - specify an address filter for events
- *
- * This routine activates an additional test that disables certain events
- * that do not match the specified IP address. The <pAddress> parameter
- * provides the test value in dotted-decimal format. The <type> parameter
- * indicates whether that address is compared against the source or
- * destination values, and the <direction> value identifies whether the
- * <type> is interpreted from the perspective of incoming or outgoing traffic.
- * The <pMask> parameter provides a network mask to support testing for a
- * group of events.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if filter set, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- STATUS wvNetAddressFilterSet
- (
- char * pAddress, /* target address for event comparisons */
- char * pMask, /* mask value applied to data fields */
- int type, /* 0 for source, 1 for destination */
- int direction /* 0 for input, 1 for output */
- )
- {
- int targetAddr;
- int targetMask;
- STATUS result = OK;
- targetAddr = inet_addr (pAddress);
- targetMask = inet_addr (pMask);
- if (targetAddr == ERROR) /* targetMask of is OK. */
- return (ERROR);
- if (direction == 0 && type == 0)
- {
- wvNetInputSrcAddr = targetAddr;
- wvNetInputSrcMask = targetMask;
- wvNetInputSrcAddrFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else if (direction == 0 && type == 1)
- {
- wvNetInputDstAddr = targetAddr;
- wvNetInputDstMask = targetMask;
- wvNetInputDstAddrFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 0)
- {
- wvNetOutputSrcAddr = targetAddr;
- wvNetOutputSrcMask = targetMask;
- wvNetOutputSrcAddrFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 1)
- {
- wvNetOutputDstAddr = targetAddr;
- wvNetOutputDstMask = targetMask;
- wvNetOutputDstAddrFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else
- result = ERROR;
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetAddressFilterClear - remove the address filter for events
- *
- * This routine removes any active address filter test indicated by
- * the <type> and <direction> parameters used to enable it. Affected
- * events will be reported unconditionally.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- void wvNetAddressFilterClear
- (
- int type, /* 0 for source, 1 for destination */
- int direction /* 0 for input, 1 for output */
- )
- {
- if (direction == 0 && type == 0)
- wvNetInputSrcAddrFlag = FALSE;
- else if (direction == 0 && type == 1)
- wvNetInputDstAddrFlag = FALSE;
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 0)
- wvNetOutputSrcAddrFlag = FALSE;
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 1)
- wvNetOutputDstAddrFlag = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetPortFilterSet - specify an address filter for events
- *
- * This routine activates an additional filter, which disables certain events
- * that do not match the specified port value. The <port> parameter provides
- * the test value and the <type> parameter indicates whether that value is
- * compared against the source or destination fields. The <direction> setting
- * identifies whether the <type> is interpreted from the perspective of
- * incoming or outgoing traffic.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if filter set, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS wvNetPortFilterSet
- (
- int port, /* target port for event comparisons */
- int type, /* 0 for source, 1 for destination */
- int direction /* 0 for input, 1 for output */
- )
- {
- STATUS result = OK;
- if (direction == 0 && type == 0)
- {
- wvNetInputSrcPort = port;
- wvNetInputSrcPortFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else if (direction == 0 && type == 1)
- {
- wvNetInputDstPort = port;
- wvNetInputDstPortFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 0)
- {
- wvNetOutputSrcPort = port;
- wvNetOutputSrcPortFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 1)
- {
- wvNetOutputDstPort = port;
- wvNetOutputDstPortFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else
- result = ERROR;
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetPortFilterClear - remove the port number filter for events
- *
- * This routine removes any active port filter test indicated by
- * the <type> and <direction> parameters used to enable it. Affected
- * events will be reported unconditionally.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- void wvNetPortFilterClear
- (
- int type, /* 0 for source, 1 for destination */
- int direction /* 0 for input, 1 for output */
- )
- {
- if (direction == 0 && type == 0)
- wvNetInputSrcPortFlag = FALSE;
- else if (direction == 0 && type == 1)
- wvNetInputDstPortFlag = FALSE;
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 0)
- wvNetOutputSrcPortFlag = FALSE;
- else if (direction == 1 && type == 1)
- wvNetOutputDstPortFlag = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetAddressFilterTest - compare the given addresses with filter values
- *
- * This routine is invoked by the WV_NET_ADDR_FILTER_TEST macro within
- * an event block. It returns TRUE if no filters are in effect or if the
- * target values for each filter match the given addresses.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if filter passes, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- BOOL wvNetAddressFilterTest
- (
- int filterType, /* 0 for input filter or 1 for output filter */
- int targetType, /* 1 for dst only, 2 for src only, or 3 for both */
- ULONG srcAddr, /* current source address for event block */
- ULONG dstAddr /* current destination address for event block */
- )
- {
- BOOL result = TRUE;
- if (filterType == 0) /* Compare given addresses to input values. */
- {
- if (wvNetInputSrcAddrFlag && targetType != 1)
- result = ((srcAddr & wvNetInputSrcMask) == wvNetInputSrcAddr);
- /* Only test the destination address if any source test passed. */
- if (result && wvNetInputDstAddrFlag && targetType != 2)
- result = ((dstAddr & wvNetInputDstMask) == wvNetInputDstAddr);
- }
- if (filterType == 1) /* Compare given addresses to output values. */
- {
- if (wvNetOutputSrcAddrFlag && targetType != 1)
- result = ((srcAddr & wvNetOutputSrcMask) == wvNetOutputSrcAddr);
- /* Only test the destination address if any source test passed. */
- if (result && wvNetOutputDstAddrFlag && targetType != 2)
- result = ((dstAddr & wvNetOutputDstMask) == wvNetOutputDstAddr);
- }
- /* if (!result) /@ XXX - for testing, include if desired. @/
- logMsg ("Address filter ignoring event.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); */
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetPortFilterTest - compare the given port numbers with filter values
- *
- * This routine is invoked by the WV_NET_PORT_FILTER_TEST macro within
- * an event block. It returns TRUE if no filters are in effect or if the
- * target values for each filter match the given port numbers.
- *
- * Unlike the address filter tests, both the source and destination ports
- * are always available for the filtered events, so the <targetType>
- * parameter is not needed.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if filter passes, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- BOOL wvNetPortFilterTest
- (
- int filterType, /* 0 for input filter or 1 for output filter */
- USHORT srcPort, /* current source port for event block */
- USHORT dstPort /* current destination port for event block */
- )
- {
- BOOL result = TRUE;
- if (filterType == 0) /* Compare given ports to input values. */
- {
- if (wvNetInputSrcPortFlag)
- result = (srcPort == wvNetInputSrcPort);
- /* Only test the destination port if any source test passed. */
- if (result && wvNetInputDstPortFlag)
- result = (dstPort == wvNetInputDstPort);
- }
- if (filterType == 1) /* Compare given addresses to output values. */
- {
- if (wvNetOutputSrcPortFlag)
- result = (srcPort == wvNetOutputSrcPort);
- /* Only test the destination address if any source test passed. */
- if (result && wvNetOutputDstPortFlag)
- result = (dstPort == wvNetOutputDstPort);
- }
- return (result);
- }
- #if 0
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvNetEventTest - check if event is enabled
- *
- * This routine duplicates the WV_NET_EVENT_TEST macro. It checks the bitmap
- * for an event to determine if it should be reported to the host-side of the
- * WindView tool. It is never called, and is present only to illustrate the
- * macro behavior.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if event is selected, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- BOOL wvNetEventTest
- (
- int priority, /* priority level of event */
- int offset /* identifier within priority level */
- )
- {
- BOOL result;
- int index;
- UCHAR mask;
- int byteOffset;
- int byteIndex;
- /*
- * Because of array indexing, the index into the event map is one
- * less than the value assigned to the priority level.
- */
- index = priority - 1;
- byteOffset = offset / 8;
- /*
- * Convert the offset to an array index based on the number of
- * bytes in the bitmap.
- */
- byteIndex = WVNET_MASKSIZE - 1 - byteOffset;
- /* Check the flag in the bitmap for the specified event. */
- mask = 1 << (offset % 8);
- result = (wvNetEventMap [index].bitmap [byteIndex] & mask);
- return (result);
- }
- #endif