- /* tcpShow.c - TCP information display routines */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01g,10may02,kbw making man page edits
- 01f,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01h, base 01d (VIRTUAL_STACK)
- 01e,14nov00,ham fixed unnecessary dependency against tcp_debug(SPR 62272).
- 01d,14dec97,jdi doc: cleanup.
- 01c,04aug97,kwb fixed man page problems found in beta review
- 01b,20arp97,kwb fixed man page format, spell check.
- 01a,08mar97,vin written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides routines to show TCP related
- statistics.
- Interpreting these statistics requires detailed knowledge of Internet
- network protocols. Information on these protocols can be found in
- the following books:
- .iP
- .I "TCP/IP Illustrated Volume II, The Implementation,"
- by Richard Stevens
- .iP
- .I "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD UNIX Operating System,"
- by Leffler, McKusick, Karels and Quarterman
- .LP
- The tcpShowInit() routine links the TCP show facility into the VxWorks
- system. This is performed automatically if INCLUDE_TCP_SHOW is defined.
- SEE ALSO: netLib, netShow
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "sys/types.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/ip_var.h"
- #include "netinet/in_pcb.h"
- #include "netinet/tcp.h"
- #include "netinet/tcp_debug.h"
- #include "netinet/tcp_fsm.h"
- #include "netinet/tcp_timer.h"
- #include "netinet/tcp_var.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #define plural(num) ((num) > 1 ? "s": "")
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #else
- /* externs */
- IMPORT struct inpcbhead tcpcb; /* defined in tcp_input.c */
- IMPORT struct inpcbhead * _pTcpPcbHead; /* defined in netShow.c */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /*
- * The available TCP states and the function pointer to the protocol-specific
- * print routine are common across all virtual stacks.
- */
- IMPORT VOIDFUNCPTR _pTcpPcbPrint; /* defined in netShow.c */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL void _tcpPcbPrint (struct inpcb * pInPcb);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * tcpShowInit - initialize TCP show routines
- *
- * This routine links the TCP show facility into the VxWorks system.
- * These routines are included automatically if INCLUDE_TCP_SHOW is defined.
- *
- */
- void tcpShowInit (void)
- {
- /*
- * To avoid introducing a conflict with the "tcpcb" structure tag,
- * virtual stacks do not alias the head of the pcb list.
- */
- _pTcpPcbHead = &tcb;
- #else
- _pTcpPcbHead = &tcpcb; /* initialize the pcb for generic show rtns */
- #endif
- /*
- * Assigning the (shared) print routine for each virtual stack is
- * redundant, but unavoidable since it must be setup the first time.
- */
- _pTcpPcbPrint = _tcpPcbPrint; /* initialize tcp specific print rtn */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _tcpPcbPrint - print TCP protocol control block info
- *
- * Prints TCP protocol control block information.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void _tcpPcbPrint
- (
- struct inpcb * pInPcb /* pointer to the protocol control block */
- )
- {
- struct tcpcb * pTcpCb; /* pointer to tcp Control block */
- pTcpCb = (struct tcpcb *) pInPcb->inp_ppcb;
- if (pTcpCb->t_state < 0 || pTcpCb->t_state >= TCP_NSTATES)
- printf(" %d", pTcpCb->t_state);
- else if (pTcpstates != NULL && pTcpstates[pTcpCb->t_state] != NULL)
- printf(" %s", pTcpstates[pTcpCb->t_state]);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * tcpDebugShow - display debugging information for the TCP protocol
- *
- * This routine displays debugging information for the TCP protocol.
- * To include TCP debugging facilities, define INCLUDE_TCP_DEBUG when
- * building the system image. To enable information gathering, turn on
- * the SO_DEBUG option for the relevant socket(s).
- *
- */
- void tcpDebugShow
- (
- int numPrint, /* no. of entries to print, default (0) = 20 */
- int verbose /* 1 = verbose */
- )
- {
- if (numPrint <=0)
- (*tcpReportRtn) (numPrint, verbose);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * tcpstatShow - display all statistics for the TCP protocol
- *
- * This routine displays detailed statistics for the TCP protocol.
- *
- */
- void tcpstatShow (void)
- {
- /*
- * I know it's ugly to use these macros in the following way but this is
- * the way Unix 'netstat' is written and I'd like to keep this part
- * look similar to that of Unix 'netstat'.
- */
- #define p(f, m) printf(m, (int)tcpstat.f, plural(tcpstat.f))
- #define p2(f1, f2, m) printf(m, (int)tcpstat.f1, plural(tcpstat.f1),
- (int)tcpstat.f2, plural(tcpstat.f2))
- printf ("TCP: (stack number %d)n", myStackNum);
- #else
- printf ("TCP:n");
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- p (tcps_sndtotal, "t%d packet%s sentn");
- p2 (tcps_sndpack,tcps_sndbyte,
- "tt%d data packet%s (%d byte%s)n");
- p2 (tcps_sndrexmitpack, tcps_sndrexmitbyte,
- "tt%d data packet%s (%d byte%s) retransmittedn");
- printf ("tt%d ack-only packet%s (%d delayed)n",
- (int)tcpstat.tcps_sndacks,
- plural ((int)tcpstat.tcps_sndacks), (int)tcpstat.tcps_delack);
- p (tcps_sndurg, "tt%d URG only packet%sn");
- p (tcps_sndprobe, "tt%d window probe packet%sn");
- p (tcps_sndwinup, "tt%d window update packet%sn");
- p (tcps_sndctrl, "tt%d control packet%sn");
- p (tcps_rcvtotal, "t%d packet%s receivedn");
- p2 (tcps_rcvackpack, tcps_rcvackbyte, "tt%d ack%s (for %d byte%s)n");
- p (tcps_rcvdupack, "tt%d duplicate ack%sn");
- p (tcps_rcvacktoomuch, "tt%d ack%s for unsent datan");
- p2 (tcps_rcvpack, tcps_rcvbyte,
- "tt%d packet%s (%d byte%s) received in-sequencen");
- p2 (tcps_rcvduppack, tcps_rcvdupbyte,
- "tt%d completely duplicate packet%s (%d byte%s)n");
- p2 (tcps_rcvpartduppack, tcps_rcvpartdupbyte,
- "tt%d packet%s with some dup. data (%d byte%s duped)n");
- p2 (tcps_rcvoopack, tcps_rcvoobyte,
- "tt%d out-of-order packet%s (%d byte%s)n");
- p2 (tcps_rcvpackafterwin, tcps_rcvbyteafterwin,
- "tt%d packet%s (%d byte%s) of data after windown");
- p (tcps_rcvwinprobe, "tt%d window probe%sn");
- p (tcps_rcvwinupd, "tt%d window update packet%sn");
- p (tcps_rcvafterclose, "tt%d packet%s received after closen");
- p (tcps_rcvbadsum, "tt%d discarded for bad checksum%sn");
- p (tcps_rcvbadoff, "tt%d discarded for bad header offset field%sn");
- printf ("tt%d discarded because packet too shortn",
- (int)tcpstat.tcps_rcvshort);
- p (tcps_connattempt, "t%d connection request%sn");
- p (tcps_accepts, "t%d connection accept%sn");
- p (tcps_connects, "t%d connection%s established (including accepts)n");
- p2 (tcps_closed, tcps_drops,
- "t%d connection%s closed (including %d drop%s)n");
- p (tcps_conndrops, "t%d embryonic connection%s droppedn");
- p2 (tcps_rttupdated, tcps_segstimed,
- "t%d segment%s updated rtt (of %d attempt%s)n");
- p (tcps_rexmttimeo, "t%d retransmit timeout%sn");
- p (tcps_timeoutdrop, "tt%d connection%s dropped by rexmit timeoutn");
- p (tcps_persisttimeo, "t%d persist timeout%sn");
- p (tcps_keeptimeo, "t%d keepalive timeout%sn");
- p (tcps_keepprobe, "tt%d keepalive probe%s sentn");
- p (tcps_keepdrops, "tt%d connection%s dropped by keepaliven");
- p (tcps_pcbcachemiss, "t%d pcb cache lookup%s failedn");
- #undef p
- #undef p2
- }