- /* dpartCbio.c - generic disk partition manager */
- /* Copyright 1999-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01s,14jan02,jkf SPR#72533,dpartDevCreate failed with BLK_DEV, & doc edits.
- 01r,12dec01,jkf fixing diab build warnings.
- 01q,09dec01,jkf SPR#71637, fix for SPR#68387 caused ready changed bugs.
- 01p,09nov01,jkf SPR#71633, dont set errno when DevCreate is called w/BLK_DEV
- 01o,20sep01,jkf SPR#69031, common code for both AE & 5.x.
- 01n,01aug01,jyo Fixed SPR#69411: Change in media's readyChanged bit is not
- being propogated appropriately to the layers above.
- 01m,14jun01,jyo SPR#67729: Updating blkSubDev, cbioSubDev and isDriver in
- dpartDevCreate().
- 01l,19apr00,dat doc fixup
- 01k,29feb00,jkf T3 changes, cleanup.
- 01j,15sep99,jkf changes for new CBIO API.
- 01i,24aug99,jkf changed docs
- 01h,31jul99,jkf increased max partitions to 24 (c-z) in header,
- changed docs, defaulted the debug global to 0. SPR#28277.
- 01g,31jul99,jkf T2 merge, tidiness & spelling.
- 01f,07dec98,lrn minor fixes for partition table creation
- 01e,25oct98,lrn fixed re-reading subDev geometry on RESET
- 01d,15sep98,lrn some doc cleanups
- 01c,10sep98,lrn added cbioDevVerify for cache-less configs
- 01b,02jul98,lrn tested, doc review
- 01a,15jun98,lrn written, preliminary
- */
- /*
- This module implements a generic partition manager using the CBIO
- API (see cbioLib) It supports creating a separate file system
- device for each of its partitions.
- This partition manager depends upon an external library to decode a
- particular disk partition table format, and report the resulting
- partition layout information back to this module. This module is
- responsible for maintaining the partition logic during operation.
- When using this module with the dcacheCbio module, it is recommened
- this module be the master CBIO device. This module should be above
- the cache CBIO module layer. This is because the cache layer is
- optimized to fuction efficently atop a single physical disk drive.
- One should call dcacheDevCreate before dpartDevCreate.
- An implementation of the de-facto standard partition table format
- which is created by the MSDOS FDISK program is provided with the
- usrFdiskPartLib module, which should be used to handle PC-style
- partitioned hard or removable drives.
- The following code will initialize a disk which is expected to have up
- to 4 partitions:
- .CS
- usrPartDiskFsInit( BLK_DEV * blkDevId )
- {
- const char * devNames[] = { "/sd0a", "/sd0b", "/sd0c", "/sd0d" };
- CBIO_DEV_ID cbioCache;
- CBIO_DEV_ID cbioParts;
- /@ create a disk cache atop the entire BLK_DEV @/
- cbioCache = dcacheDevCreate ( blkDevId, NULL, 0, "/sd0" );
- if (NULL == cbioCache)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /@ create a partition manager with a FDISK style decoder @/
- cbioParts = dpartDevCreate( cbioCache, 4, usrFdiskPartRead );
- if (NULL == cbioParts)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /@ create file systems atop each partition @/
- dosFsDevCreate( devNames[0], dpartPartGet(cbioParts,0), 0x10, NONE);
- dosFsDevCreate( devNames[1], dpartPartGet(cbioParts,1), 0x10, NONE);
- dosFsDevCreate( devNames[2], dpartPartGet(cbioParts,2), 0x10, NONE);
- dosFsDevCreate( devNames[3], dpartPartGet(cbioParts,3), 0x10, NONE);
- }
- .CE
- Because this module complies with the CBIO programming interface on both
- its upper and lower layers, it is both an optional and a stackable module.
- dcacheLib, dosFsLib, usrFdiskPartLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "private/dosFsVerP.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "assert.h"
- /* START - CBIO private header */
- #define CBIO_DEV_EXTRA struct dpartCtrl
- #include "private/cbioLibP.h"
- /* END - CBIO private header */
- #include "dpartCbio.h"
- /* Implementation dependent data structures */
- typedef struct dpartCtrl
- {
- CBIO_DEV_ID subDev; /* lower level CBIO device handle */
- int nPart ; /* Actual # of partitions on the disk */
- FUNCPTR pPartDecodeFunc;/* Extern. partition decoder */
- PART_TABLE_ENTRY /* partition table */
- table [ PART_MAX_ENTRIES ];
- CBIO_DEV /* per-partition virtual devices */
- CBIO_DEV_ID masterDev; /* master handle CBIO */
- /* custom use of CBIO fields */
- #define cbioPartIndx cbioPriv0
- extern void logMsg( const char *fmt, ... );
- int dpartDebug = 0;
- #define INFO_MSG logMsg
- #define DEBUG_MSG if(dpartDebug) logMsg
- /* declarations */
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev,
- block_t startBlock,
- block_t numBlocks,
- addr_t buffer,
- CBIO_RW rw,
- cookie_t *pCookie
- );
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev,
- block_t startBlock,
- off_t offset,
- addr_t buffer,
- size_t nBytes,
- CBIO_RW rw,
- cookie_t *pCookie
- );
- LOCAL STATUS dpartBlkCopy
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev,
- block_t srcBlock,
- block_t dstBlock,
- block_t numBlocks
- );
- LOCAL STATUS dpartIoctl
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev,
- UINT32 command,
- addr_t arg
- );
- /* CBIO_FUNCS, one per cbio driver */
- LOCAL CBIO_FUNCS cbioFuncs = {(FUNCPTR) dpartBlkRW,
- (FUNCPTR) dpartBytesRW,
- (FUNCPTR) dpartBlkCopy,
- (FUNCPTR) dpartIoctl};
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartPartTableFill - Fill in partition geometry
- *
- * Call external function to decode partitions, and fill the partition
- * geometry table accordingly.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if the partition decode function failed for any reason
- */
- LOCAL STATUS dpartPartTableFill( DPART_CTRL * pDc )
- {
- STATUS ret;
- int pn ;
- CBIO_DEV_ID masterDev, subDev ;
- masterDev = pDc->masterDev;
- subDev = pDc->subDev;
- if((OK != cbioDevVerify( masterDev )) ||
- (OK != cbioDevVerify( subDev )))
- {
- return ERROR;
- }
- bzero( (char *) &pDc->table, sizeof( pDc->table ) );
- /* First, call out the external decode function */
- ret = pDc->pPartDecodeFunc( pDc->subDev, &pDc->table, pDc->nPart ) ;
- if( ret == ERROR )
- return ERROR ;
- /*
- * re-configure device geometry in case it has been replaced
- */
- masterDev->cbioParams.nBlocks = subDev->cbioParams.nBlocks ;
- masterDev->cbioParams.bytesPerBlk = subDev->cbioParams.bytesPerBlk ;
- masterDev->cbioParams.blocksPerTrack= subDev->cbioParams.blocksPerTrack ;
- masterDev->cbioParams.nHeads = subDev->cbioParams.nHeads ;
- masterDev->cbioMode = subDev->cbioMode ;
- /*
- * check sanity of the resulting partition table:
- */
- for( pn = 0; pn < pDc->nPart; pn ++ )
- {
- if( pDc->table[pn].spare != 0 ||
- (pDc->table[pn].offset + pDc->table[pn].nBlocks) >
- pDc->subDev->cbioParams.nBlocks )
- {
- DEBUG_MSG("dpartCbio: error: "
- "partition spills over disk size: %d blocksn",
- pDc->table[pn].offset + pDc->table[pn].nBlocks -
- pDc->subDev->cbioParams.nBlocks );
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- DEBUG_MSG("dpartCbio: partition table decoded:n");
- for( pn = 0; pn < pDc->nPart; pn ++ )
- {
- DEBUG_MSG(" part %d: offset %d nBlocks %d (next free block %d) n",
- pn, pDc->table[pn].offset, pDc->table[pn].nBlocks,
- pDc->table[pn].offset + pDc->table[pn].nBlocks);
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.nBlocks = pDc->table[pn].nBlocks ;
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.blockOffset = pDc->table[pn].offset ;
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.bytesPerBlk =
- subDev->cbioParams.bytesPerBlk ;
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.blocksPerTrack =
- subDev->cbioParams.blocksPerTrack ;
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.nHeads =
- subDev->cbioParams.nHeads ;
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioMode = subDev->cbioMode ;
- CBIO_READYCHANGED (&(pDc->vDev[ pn ])) = TRUE;
- }
- DEBUG_MSG("dpartCbio: end of partitions, total device blocks %dn",
- pDc->subDev->cbioParams.nBlocks );
- return OK ;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartBlkRW - Read/Write blocks
- *
- * This routine transfers between a user buffer and the lower layer CBIO
- * It is optimized for block transfers.
- *
- * RETURNS OK or ERROR and may otherwise set errno.
- */
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev, /* CBIO handle */
- block_t startBlock, /* starting block */
- block_t numBlocks, /* nbr of blocks */
- addr_t buffer, /* data buffer */
- CBIO_RW rw, /* data direction */
- cookie_t *pCookie /* passed thru */
- )
- {
- CBIO_DEV * pDev = (void *) dev ;
- STATUS retStat ;
- if(TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev))
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_DISK_NOT_PRESENT ;
- return ERROR;
- }
- if( (startBlock) > pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks ||
- (startBlock+numBlocks) > pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks )
- return ERROR;
- startBlock += pDev->cbioParams.blockOffset;
- if( semTake( pDev->cbioMutex, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR )
- return ERROR;
- retStat = pDev->pDc->subDev->pFuncs->cbioDevBlkRW(
- pDev->pDc->subDev,
- startBlock,
- numBlocks,
- buffer,
- rw,
- pCookie );
- if( retStat == ERROR )
- if( TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->subDev))
- semGive( pDev->cbioMutex );
- return (retStat);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartBytesRW - Read/Write bytes
- *
- * This routine transfers between a user buffer and the lower layer CBIO
- * It is optimized for byte transfers.
- *
- * dev - the CBIO handle of the device being accessed (from creation routine)
- *
- * startBlock - the starting block of the transfer operation
- *
- * offset - offset in bytes from the beginning of the starting block
- *
- * buffer - address of the memory buffer used for the transfer
- *
- * nBytes - number of bytes to transfer
- *
- * rw - indicates the direction of transfer up or down (READ/WRITE)
- *
- * *pCookie - pointer to cookie used by upper layer such as dosFsLib(),
- * it should be preserved.
- *
- * RETURNS OK or ERROR and may otherwise set errno.
- */
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev,
- block_t startBlock,
- off_t offset,
- addr_t buffer,
- size_t nBytes,
- CBIO_RW rw,
- cookie_t *pCookie
- )
- {
- CBIO_DEV * pDev = dev ;
- STATUS retStat ;
- if(TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev))
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_DISK_NOT_PRESENT ;
- return ERROR;
- }
- if( startBlock >= pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks )
- return ERROR;
- /* verify that all bytes are within one block range */
- if (((offset + nBytes) > pDev->cbioParams.bytesPerBlk ) ||
- (offset <0) || (nBytes <=0))
- return ERROR;
- /* apply offset */
- startBlock += pDev->cbioParams.blockOffset;
- if( semTake( pDev->cbioMutex, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR )
- return ERROR;
- retStat = pDev->pDc->subDev->pFuncs->cbioDevBytesRW(
- pDev->pDc->subDev,
- startBlock,
- offset,
- buffer,
- nBytes,
- rw,
- pCookie );
- if( retStat == ERROR )
- if( TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->subDev))
- semGive( pDev->cbioMutex );
- return ( retStat );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartBlkCopy - Copy sectors
- *
- * This routine makes copies of one or more blocks on the lower layer CBIO.
- * It is optimized for block copies on the subordinate layer.
- *
- * dev - the CBIO handle of the device being accessed (from creation routine)
- *
- * srcBlock - source start block of the copy
- *
- * dstBlock - destination start block of the copy
- *
- * num_block - number of blocks to copy
- *
- * RETURNS OK or ERROR and may otherwise set errno.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS dpartBlkCopy
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev,
- block_t srcBlock,
- block_t dstBlock,
- block_t numBlocks
- )
- {
- CBIO_DEV *pDev = (void *) dev ;
- STATUS retStat ;
- if(TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev))
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_DISK_NOT_PRESENT ;
- return ERROR;
- }
- if( (srcBlock) > pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks ||
- (dstBlock) > pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks )
- return ERROR;
- if( (srcBlock+numBlocks) > pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks ||
- (dstBlock+numBlocks) > pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks )
- return ERROR;
- srcBlock += pDev->cbioParams.blockOffset;
- dstBlock += pDev->cbioParams.blockOffset;
- if( semTake( pDev->cbioMutex, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR )
- return ERROR;
- retStat = pDev->pDc->subDev->pFuncs->cbioDevBlkCopy(
- pDev->pDc->subDev,
- srcBlock,
- dstBlock,
- numBlocks
- );
- if( retStat == ERROR )
- if( TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->subDev))
- semGive( pDev->cbioMutex );
- return ( retStat);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartIoctl - Misc control operations
- *
- * This performs the requested ioctl() operation.
- *
- * CBIO modules can expect the following ioctl() codes from cbioLib.h:
- * CBIO_RESET - reset the CBIO device and the lower layer
- * CBIO_STATUS_CHK - check device status of CBIO device and lower layer
- * CBIO_DEVICE_LOCK - Prevent disk removal
- * CBIO_DEVICE_UNLOCK - Allow disk removal
- * CBIO_DEVICE_EJECT - Unmount and eject device
- * CBIO_CACHE_FLUSH - Flush any dirty cached data
- * CBIO_CACHE_INVAL - Flush & Invalidate all cached data
- * CBIO_CACHE_NEWBLK - Allocate scratch block
- *
- *
- * command - ioctl() command being issued
- *
- * arg - specific to the particular ioctl() function requested or un-used.
- *
- * RETURNS OK or ERROR and may otherwise set errno.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS dpartIoctl
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID dev,
- UINT32 command,
- addr_t arg
- )
- {
- STATUS retStat = ERROR ;
- if(OK != cbioDevVerify (dev))
- {
- INFO_MSG("dpartIoctl: invalid handlen");
- return ERROR;
- }
- if( semTake( dev->cbioMutex, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR )
- return ERROR;
- switch ( command )
- {
- case CBIO_RESET :
- /*
- * if this is the first partition to issue RESET
- * we need to RESET the lower level device too,
- * otherwise, RESET only this partition.
- */
- if((TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->subDev)) ||
- (TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->masterDev)))
- {
- DEBUG_MSG("dpartCbio: resetting subordinaten");
- retStat = dev->pDc->subDev->pFuncs->cbioDevIoctl(
- dev->pDc->subDev,
- command,
- arg );
- /* and also fill the partitions geometry now */
- if( retStat == OK )
- {
- retStat = dpartPartTableFill( dev->pDc );
- }
- if( retStat == OK )
- {
- CBIO_READYCHANGED (dev->pDc->masterDev) = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * if masterDev does not have readyChanged
- * there is no need to reset subDev, its been
- * already reset
- */
- retStat = OK;
- }
- /* non-existent partitions will remain "removed" */
- if (retStat == OK && dev->cbioParams.nBlocks == 0)
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_DISK_NOT_PRESENT ;
- retStat = ERROR ;
- }
- if( retStat == OK )
- break;
- /* NEWBLK is the only ioctl where block# is coded in arg */
- arg += dev->cbioParams.blockOffset ;
- /* all other commands should be executed by the lower layer */
- /* check if master has readyChanged */
- if((TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->subDev)) ||
- (TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->masterDev)))
- {
- }
- default:
- if(TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev))
- {
- errno = S_ioLib_DISK_NOT_PRESENT ;
- retStat = ERROR ;
- }
- else
- {
- if( command == (int)CBIO_DEVICE_LOCK )
- semTake( dev->pDc->subDev->cbioMutex, WAIT_FOREVER) ;
- retStat = dev->pDc->subDev->pFuncs->cbioDevIoctl(
- dev->pDc->subDev,
- command,
- arg );
- if( command == (int)CBIO_DEVICE_UNLOCK )
- semGive( dev->pDc->subDev->cbioMutex) ;
- }
- } /* end of switch */
- if( retStat == ERROR )
- if( TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev->pDc->subDev))
- semGive( dev->cbioMutex );
- return( retStat );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartDevCreate - Initialize a partitioned disk
- *
- * To handle a partitioned disk, this function should be called,
- * with <subDev> as the handle returned from dcacheDevCreate(),
- * It is recommended that for efficient operation a single disk cache
- * be allocated for the entire disk and shared by its partitions.
- *
- * <nPart> is the maximum number of partitions which are expected
- * for the particular disk drive. Up to 24 (C-Z) partitions per disk
- * are supported.
- *
- * An external partition table decode function is provided via the
- * <pPartDecodeFunc> argument, which implements a particular style and
- * format of partition tables, and fill in the results into a table
- * defined as Pn array of PART_TABLE_ENTRY types. See dpartCbio.h
- * for definition of PART_TABLE_ENTRY.
- * The prototype for this function is as follows:
- *
- * .CS
- * STATUS parDecodeFunc
- * (
- * CBIO_DEV_ID dev, /@ device from which to read blocks @/
- * PART_TABLE_ENTRY *pPartTab, /@ table where to fill results @/
- * int nPart /@ # of entries in <pPartTable> @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * RETURNS: CBIO_DEV_ID or NULL if error creating CBIO device.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsDevCreate().
- * during create, readyChanged bit is TRUE, so no accesses are allowed
- * until after a CBIO_RESET, at which time the actual partition table
- * will be brought in and applied.
- */
- CBIO_DEV_ID dpartDevCreate
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID subDev, /* lower level CBIO device */
- int nPart, /* # of partitions */
- FUNCPTR pPartDecodeFunc /* function to decode partition table */
- )
- {
- CBIO_DEV_ID cbio = subDev ;
- DPART_CTRL * pDc ;
- int p ;
- if( nPart > PART_MAX_ENTRIES || pPartDecodeFunc == NULL )
- {
- printErr ("%d is too many partitions, max limit %dn",
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- cbioLibInit(); /* just in case */
- /* if this is a BLK_DEV, create a CBIO_DEV */
- if (OK != cbioDevVerify( subDev ))
- {
- /* attempt to handle BLK_DEV subDev */
- cbio = cbioWrapBlkDev ((BLK_DEV *) subDev);
- if( NULL != cbio )
- {
- /* SPR#71633, clear the errno set in cbioDevVerify() */
- errno = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- cbio = subDev;
- }
- if( NULL == cbio )
- {
- DEBUG_MSG("dpartDevCreate: invalid handlen");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* allocate our main DPART_CTRL structure */
- pDc = KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof(DPART_CTRL)));
- if( pDc == NULL )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- bzero( (char *) pDc, sizeof( DPART_CTRL) );
- /* create the primary CBIO handle */
- pDev = cbioDevCreate ( NULL, 0 );
- if( pDev == NULL )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- /* the primary CBIO handle is not for any actual I/O, just for show */
- pDev->cbioDesc = "dpartCbio Partition Manager" ;
- pDev->cbioParams.cbioRemovable = cbio->cbioParams.cbioRemovable ;
- pDev->cbioParams.nBlocks = cbio->cbioParams.nBlocks ;
- pDev->cbioParams.bytesPerBlk = cbio->cbioParams.bytesPerBlk ;
- pDev->cbioParams.blocksPerTrack = cbio->cbioParams.blocksPerTrack ;
- pDev->cbioParams.nHeads = cbio->cbioParams.nHeads ;
- pDev->cbioMode = cbio->cbioMode ;
- pDev->cbioParams.blockOffset = 0 ;
- pDev->cbioParams.lastErrBlk = NONE ;
- pDev->cbioParams.lastErrno = 0 ;
- pDev->cbioPartIndx = NONE ; /* master device */
- /* SPR#67729: Fill in the members subDev and isDriver appropriately */
- pDev->blkSubDev = NULL; /* Since lower layer is not BLKDEV */
- pDev->cbioSubDev = cbio; /* Storing the reference to the sub Device */
- pDev->isDriver = FALSE; /* == FALSE since this is a CBIO TO CBIO layer */
- pDev->pDc = pDc ; /* DPART_CTRL */
- pDev->pFuncs = &cbioFuncs;
- /* setup main fields */
- pDc->subDev = cbio ;
- pDc->pPartDecodeFunc = pPartDecodeFunc ;
- pDc->nPart = nPart ;
- pDc->masterDev = pDev ;
- /* Now initialize the partition virtual devs */
- for(p = 0; p < PART_MAX_ENTRIES; p++ )
- {
- CBIO_DEV_ID tmpDev = & ( pDc->vDev[ p ] );
- /* inherit most fields from the primary handle */
- *tmpDev = *pDev ;
- tmpDev->cbioDesc = "dpartCbio Partition Slave Device";
- tmpDev->cbioPartIndx = p; /* partition # */
- /* semaphore can be just copied, it has to be init'ed */
- tmpDev->cbioMutex = semMCreate (dpartSemOptions);
- if (NULL == tmpDev->cbioMutex)
- {
- DEBUG_MSG("Error Creating the device semaphoren");
- pDev = NULL;
- break;
- }
- /* init the handle */
- handleInit (&tmpDev->cbioHandle, handleTypeCbioHdl);
- #endif /* _WRS_DOSFS2_VXWORKS_AE */
- /* these will be filled later from actual geometry */
- tmpDev->cbioParams.nBlocks = 0 ;
- tmpDev->cbioParams.blockOffset = 0 ;
- }
- DEBUG_MSG("dpartDevCreate: handle dev %x subDev %xn", pDev, cbio );
- /* return device handle */
- return( pDev );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartPartGet - retrieve handle for a partition
- *
- * This function retrieves a CBIO handle into a particular partition
- * of a partitioned device. This handle is intended to be used with
- * dosFsDevCreate().
- *
- * RETURNS: CBIO_DEV_ID or NULL if partition is out of range, or
- * <masterHandle> is invalid.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dosFsDevCreate()
- */
- CBIO_DEV_ID dpartPartGet
- (
- CBIO_DEV_ID masterHandle, /* CBIO handle of the master partition */
- int partNum /* partition number from 0 to nPart */
- )
- {
- if(OK != cbioDevVerify( masterHandle))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- if( partNum >= masterHandle->pDc->nPart )
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- return ( & masterHandle->pDc->vDev[ partNum ] );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dpartShow - show current parameters of the RAM disk device
- *
- */
- STATUS dpartShow( CBIO_DEV_ID dev, int verb )
- {
- DPART_CTRL * pDc ;
- int pn ;
- if( (OK != cbioDevVerify (dev)))
- {
- DEBUG_MSG("dpartShow: invalid handlen");
- return ERROR;
- }
- pDc = dev->pDc ;
- if( TRUE == cbioRdyChgdGet (dev))
- dev->pFuncs->cbioDevIoctl( dev, CBIO_RESET, 0);
- if( dev->cbioPartIndx == (u_long)NONE )
- printf(" Device %#lx is Master handle, Partition Table:n",
- (u_long) dev);
- else
- printf(" Device %#lx is partition %ld, Partition Table:n",
- (u_long) dev, dev->cbioPartIndx );
- for( pn = 0; pn < pDc->nPart ; pn ++ )
- {
- printf(" #%ld: from %ld to %ld (%ld blocks)n",
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioPartIndx,
- (block_t) pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.blockOffset,
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.nBlocks +
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.blockOffset,
- pDc->vDev[ pn ].cbioParams.nBlocks );
- }
- printf(" master dev %#lx, subordinate dev %#lx, with total %ld blocksn",
- (u_long) pDc->masterDev, (u_long) pDc->subDev,
- pDc->subDev->cbioParams.nBlocks );
- return OK;
- }
- /* End of File */