- /* ledLib.c - line-editing library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02w,18oct01,fmk add routine description to fix doc build errors
- 02v,27sep01,dcb Fix SPR 21697. Free the ledId that was allocated in ledOpen.
- Compiler warning clean up.
- 02u,14jul97,dgp doc: change ^ to CTRL- in cursor movement descriptions
- 02t,31oct96,elp Replaced symAdd() call by symSAdd() call (symtbls synchro).
- 02s,23nov93,jmm ledRead now ignores NULL characters (spr 2666)
- 02r,20jan93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 02q,19oct92,jcf fixed esc-space garbage.
- 02p,23aug92,jcf fixed esc-k garbage when first commaned.
- 02o,20jul92,jmm added group parameter to symAdd call
- 02n,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 02m,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 02l,19mar92,jmm fixed problem in histAdd and histAll w/long lines in history
- SPR #1381
- 02k,20dec91,gae stopped blow ups when using history for first time.
- removed nulls from output stream in histAll().
- 02j,10dec91,gae added includes for ANSI.
- 02i,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -fixed #else and #endif
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 02h,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by gae.
- 02g,08feb91,jaa documentation cleanup.
- 02f,25oct90,gae fixed ignoring of previously set ty options - per Hdei Nunoe.
- 02e,10aug90,dnw changed declaration of ledClose from void to STATUS.
- 02d,10aug90,kdl added forward declarations for functions returning void.
- 02c,11may90,yao added missing modification history (02b) for the last checkin.
- 02b,09may90,yao typecasted malloc to (char *).
- 02a,15apr90,jcf changed symbol type to SYM_TYPE.
- 01z,14mar90,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01y,22feb90,dab fixed glitch in ledRead()'s 's' cmd. documentation.
- 01x,10nov89,dab fixed 'x' cmd bug in ledRead(). fixed bfill() bug in ledRead().
- fixed EOF bug in ledRead(). added 's' cmd to ledRead()'s vi
- interface.
- 01w,13jun89,gae fixed glitch in 01v caused by histSize not being init'd.
- 01v,01may89,dab histInit() now keeps past history when size is changed.
- 01u,24sep88,gae documentation touchup.
- 01t,30aug88,gae documentation.
- 01s,10aug88,gae fixed "static" bug in histInit()
- 01r,22jun88,dnw changed bmove() to bcopy() since bcopy() now handles
- overlapping buffers.
- 01q,30may88,dnw changed to v4 names.
- 01p,09nov87,gae changed name (again) from kornLib.c.
- 01o,03nov87,ecs documenation.
- 01n,02nov87,gae documenation.
- 01m,24oct87,gae changed name from shellLib.c. Fixed history mechanism:
- added histInit() and removed built-in "h".
- 01l,17aug87,gae Made re-entrant, viz. useable by programs other than the shell.
- Fixed history bug. Added symbol name completion.
- 01k,24jul87,gae imported ty{Backspace,DeleteLine,Eof}Char's from tyLib.c
- and used instead of constants.
- 01j,07apr87,jlf deleted shHistDelete, which was unused, to appease lint.
- 01i,01apr87,ecs delinted.
- 01h,19mar87,jlf added copyright.
- +gae minor fixes for mangen.
- documentation.
- 01g,12mar87,gae little fix in shHistFind() for bug with 'n'.
- 01f,02feb87,gae added writex() so control chars will be printed as '?';
- also done in shHistAll(). Improved motion (maybe);
- added redraw (^L); made undo nicer; allowed replace to
- be cancelled with ESC; fixed shHistFind() bug.
- Added UNIX_DEBUG ability.
- 01e,19jan87,gae included memLib.h to appease lint.
- 01d,14jan87,gae made history use a free list, history search works
- within lines not just at beginning, command mode default
- after search, made history number increment properly;
- saved space by making curLn a pointer to the user's string,
- and more...
- 01c,20dec86,dnw changed to not get include files from default directories.
- replaced spaces[] and bksps[] with writen() (vax compiler
- complained about line too long).
- 01b,18dec86,gae various bug fixes & improvements.
- 01a,23oct86,gae written
- */
- /*
- This library provides a line-editing layer on top of a `tty' device.
- The shell uses this interface for its history-editing features.
- The shell history mechanism is similar to the UNIX Korn shell history
- facility, with a built-in line-editor similar to UNIX f3vifP that allows
- previously typed commands to be edited. The command h() displays the 20
- most recent commands typed into the shell; old commands fall off the top
- as new ones are entered.
- To edit a command, type ESC to enter edit mode, and use the commands
- listed below. The ESC key switches the shell to edit mode. The RETURN
- key always gives the line to the shell from either editing or input mode.
- The following list is a summary of the commands available in edit mode.
- .TS
- tab(|);
- l s
- lf9 l.
- Movement and search commands:
- .sp .25
- <n>G | - Go to command number <n>.
- /<s> | - Search for string <s> backward in history.
- ?<s> | - Search for string <s> forward in history.
- n | - Repeat last search.
- N | - Repeat last search in opposite direction.
- <n>k | - Get <n>th previous shell command in history.
- <n>- | - Same as "k".
- <n>j | - Get <n>th next shell command in history.
- <n>+ | - Same as "j".
- <n>h | - Move left <n> characters.
- CTRL-H | - Same as "h".
- <n>l | - Move right <n> characters.
- f1SPACEfP | - Same as "l".
- <n>w | - Move <n> words forward.
- <n>W | - Move <n> blank-separated words forward.
- <n>e | - Move to end of the <n>th next word.
- <n>E | - Move to end of the <n>th next blank-separated word.
- <n>b | - Move back <n> words.
- <n>B | - Move back <n> blank-separated words.
- f<c> | - Find character <c>, searching forward.
- F<c> | - Find character <c>, searching backward.
- ^ | - Move cursor to first non-blank character in line.
- $ | - Go to end of line.
- 0 | - Go to beginning of line.
- .T&
- l s
- lf9 l.
- Insert commands (input is expected until an ESC is typed):
- .sp .25
- a | - Append.
- A | - Append at end of line.
- c f1SPACEfP | - Change character.
- cl | - Change character.
- cw | - Change word.
- cc | - Change entire line.
- c$ | - Change everything from cursor to end of line.
- C | - Same as "c$".
- S | - Same as "cc".
- i | - Insert.
- I | - Insert at beginning of line.
- R | - Type over characters.
- .T&
- l s
- lf9 l.
- Editing commands:
- .sp .25
- <n>r<c> | - Replace the following <n> characters with <c>.
- <n>x | - Delete <n> characters starting at cursor.
- <n>X | - Delete <n> characters to the left of the cursor.
- d f1SPACEfP | - Delete character.
- dl | - Delete character.
- dw | - Delete word.
- dd | - Delete entire line.
- d$ | - Delete everything from cursor to end of line.
- D | - Same as "d$".
- p | - Put last deletion after the cursor.
- P | - Put last deletion before the cursor.
- u | - Undo last command.
- ~ | - Toggle case, lower to upper or vice versa.
- .T&
- l s
- lf9 l.
- Special commands:
- .sp .25
- CTRL-U | - Delete line and leave edit mode.
- CTRL-L | - Redraw line.
- CTRL-D | - Complete symbol name.
- f1RETURNfP | - Give line to shell and leave edit mode.
- .TE
- The default value for <n> is 1.
- Since the shell toggles between raw mode and line mode, type-ahead can be
- lost. The ESC, redraw, and non-printable characters are built-in. The
- EOF, backspace, and line-delete are not imported well from tyLib.
- Instead, tyLib should supply and/or support these characters
- via ioctl().
- Some commands do not take counts as users might expect. For example,
- "<n>i" will not insert whatever was entered <n> times.
- .pG "Shell"
- LINE_LEN should be specifed elsewhere.
- In an attempt to economize shell stack space, the "string" parameter is
- written in up to LINE_LEN! An EOS is used at the beginning of the string
- as well, thus only LINE_LEN-1 places are returned.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "ctype.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "lstLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "unistd.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "iosLib.h"
- #include "sysSymTbl.h"
- #include "symLib.h"
- #include "symbol.h"
- /* to debug under UNIX:
- cc -O -I$vh -DPORTABLE -c bLib.c
- cc -O -I$vh -DUNIX_DEBUG -o ledLib ledLib.c $v/lib/host/vxWorks.a symLib.o bLib.o
- */
- #ifdef UNIX_DEBUG
- #undef EOF
- #undef NULL
- #include "stdio.h"
- char tyBackspaceChar = 0x08; /* default is control-H */
- char tyDeleteLineChar = 0x15; /* default is control-U */
- char tyEofChar = 0x04; /* default is control-D */
- SYMTAB_ID sysSymTbl;
- #endif /* UNIX_DEBUG */
- IMPORT char tyBackspaceChar; /* default is control-H */
- IMPORT char tyDeleteLineChar; /* default is control-U */
- IMPORT char tyEofChar; /* default is control-D */
- #define CMP_CHAR 0x04 /* symbol name completion */
- #define BEL_CHAR 0x07 /* bell */
- #define RET_CHAR 'n' /* return */
- #define ESC_CHAR 0x1b /* escape */
- #define NON_CHAR '?' /* non-printable char. representation */
- #define RDW_CHAR 0x0c /* redraw */
- #define LINE_LEN 128 /* >= MAX_SHELL_LINE! */
- #define BACKWARD (-1)
- #define FORWARD 1
- #define save() if (strlen (saveLn) == 0) strcpy (saveLn, curLn)
- typedef struct /* CMP_ARG */
- {
- int count;
- int nameLen;
- char *name;
- char *match;
- } CMP_ARG;
- typedef struct /* HIST */
- {
- NODE node;
- char line [LINE_LEN+1];
- } HIST;
- typedef struct /* LED */
- {
- int inFd;
- int outFd;
- int histSize;
- LIST histFreeList;
- LIST histList;
- HIST *pHist;
- /* XXX the following are not needed between ledRead's
- * but are used in support routines.
- */
- char *buffer; /* hold deletions from curLn */
- int histNum; /* current history number */
- BOOL cmdMode; /* insert or command mode */
- } LED;
- typedef LED *LED_ID;
- /* forward static functions */
- static void setPreempt (FUNCPTR *catchFunc, FUNCPTR func);
- static int preempt (FUNCPTR *catchFunc, char ch, char *curLn, int *curPs, int
- *number, LED_ID ledId);
- static void redraw (int outFd, char *oldLn, int lastPs, char *curLn, int
- *curPs);
- static BOOL completeName (char *curLn, int *curPs);
- static BOOL findName (char *name, char *value, SYM_TYPE type, CMP_ARG *arg);
- static void search (BOOL ignorePunct, BOOL endOfWord, char *curLn, int
- *curPs, int dir);
- static BOOL find (char ch, char *curLn, int *curPs, int dir);
- static STATUS findFwd (char ch, char *curLn, int *curPs, int *number);
- static STATUS findBwd (char ch, char *curLn, int *curPs, int *number);
- static STATUS change (char ch, char *curLn, int *curPs, int *number, LED_ID
- ledId);
- static STATUS deletec (char ch, char *curLn, int *curPs, int *number, LED_ID
- ledId);
- static STATUS replace (char ch, char *curLn, int *curPs, int *number);
- static void beep (int outFd);
- static int writex (int fd, char buffer [ ], int nbytes);
- static int writen (int fd, char ch, int nbytes);
- static void histInit (LED_ID ledId, int histSize);
- static void histAdd (LED_ID ledId, char *line);
- static BOOL histNum (LED_ID ledId, char *line, int n);
- static STATUS histNext (LED_ID ledId, char *line);
- static STATUS histPrev (LED_ID ledId, char *line);
- static BOOL histFind (LED_ID ledId, char *match, char *line);
- static void histAll (LED_ID ledId);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ledOpen - create a new line-editor ID
- *
- * This routine creates the ID that is used by ledRead(), ledClose(), and
- * ledControl(). Storage is allocated for up to <histSize> previously read
- * lines.
- *
- * RETURNS: The line-editor ID, or ERROR if the routine runs out of memory.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: ledRead(), ledClose(), ledControl()
- */
- int ledOpen
- (
- int inFd, /* low-level device input fd */
- int outFd, /* low-level device output fd */
- int histSize /* size of history list */
- )
- {
- LED_ID ledId = (LED_ID)calloc (1, sizeof (LED));
- if (ledId == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((ledId->buffer = (char *) malloc (LINE_LEN + 1)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- ledId->inFd = inFd;
- ledId->outFd = outFd;
- lstInit (&ledId->histList);
- lstInit (&ledId->histFreeList);
- histInit (ledId, histSize);
- return ((int) ledId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ledClose - discard the line-editor ID
- *
- * This routine frees resources allocated by ledOpen(). The low-level
- * input/output file descriptors are not closed.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: ledOpen()
- */
- STATUS ledClose
- (
- int led_id /* ID returned by ledOpen */
- )
- {
- FAST LED_ID ledId = (LED_ID)led_id;
- lstFree (&ledId->histList);
- lstFree (&ledId->histFreeList);
- free (ledId->buffer);
- free (ledId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ledRead - read a line with line-editing
- *
- * This routine handles line-editing and history substitutions.
- * If the low-level input file descriptor is not in OPT_LINE mode,
- * only an ordinary read() routine will be performed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The number of characters read, or EOF.
- */
- int ledRead
- (
- int led_id, /* ID returned by ledOpen */
- char *string, /* where to return line */
- int maxBytes /* maximum number of chars to read */
- )
- {
- FAST LED_ID ledId = (LED_ID)led_id;
- FAST int ix; /* the ubiquitous */
- char ch; /* last character entered */
- BOOL overStrike = FALSE; /* in over-strike mode */
- BOOL srchMode = FALSE; /* entering search characters */
- BOOL done = FALSE; /* return has been entered */
- int returnVal = EOF; /* number of characters or EOF */
- int result; /* return value from preempt */
- char oldLn [LINE_LEN+1]; /* current line before most recent input*/
- char saveLn [LINE_LEN+1]; /* saved version of line before changes */
- char histLn [LINE_LEN+1]; /* last version of historical line */
- char *curLn; /* current line, points to user's string*/
- int curPs = 0; /* current cursor position */
- int lastPs = 0; /* last position cursor was at */
- int number = 0; /* repeat factor */
- FUNCPTR catchFunc; /* preempt routine */
- #ifndef UNIX_DEBUG
- int oldoptions = ioctl (ledId->inFd, FIOGETOPTIONS, 0 /*XXX*/);
- /* XXX should be check for ERROR except an option might be 0xff,
- * perhaps inspect errno for valid 'fd', or something.
- */
- /* if not in line mode, just do plain read */
- if (!(oldoptions & OPT_LINE))
- return (read (ledId->inFd, string, maxBytes));
- /* turn off echo & line mode */
- ioctl (ledId->inFd, FIOSETOPTIONS, oldoptions & ~(OPT_LINE | OPT_ECHO));
- #endif /* UNIX_DEBUG */
- bzero (string, maxBytes);
- string [0] = EOS; /* Beginning Of String */
- curLn = &string [1]; /* reserve position 0 for EOS (BOS) */
- saveLn [0] = EOS;
- histLn [0] = EOS;
- setPreempt (&catchFunc, (FUNCPTR) NULL);
- ledId->buffer [0] = EOS;
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- bfill (oldLn, LINE_LEN+1, EOS);
- bfill (curLn, maxBytes - 1, EOS); /* -1 cause of BOS */
- /* operation:
- * redraw line,
- * read next character,
- * based on command/input mode perform appropriate action,
- * loop.
- */
- while (! done)
- {
- redraw (ledId->outFd, oldLn, lastPs, curLn, &curPs);
- lastPs = curPs;
- strcpy (oldLn, curLn);
- if (read (ledId->inFd, &ch, 1) < 1)
- {
- done = TRUE;
- returnVal = EOF;
- break;
- }
- /* Ignore NULL in the input stream */
- if (ch == (char)NULL)
- continue;
- /* some function wants to preempt? */
- result = preempt (&catchFunc, ch, curLn, &curPs, &number, ledId);
- if (result == ERROR)
- {
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- continue; /* short-cut loop */
- }
- else if (result == OK)
- continue; /* short-cut loop */
- if (ledId->cmdMode)
- {
- /* parse command */
- if (ch == tyBackspaceChar)
- ch = 'h';
- if (ch == tyDeleteLineChar)
- {
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- curLn [0] = EOS;
- curPs = 0;
- }
- else switch (ch)
- {
- case 'G':
- save();
- if (number < 1)
- number = 1;
- if (histNum (ledId, curLn, number))
- curPs = 0;
- else
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- number = 0;
- break;
- case '/':
- case '?':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- srchMode = TRUE;
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- curLn [0] = ch;
- curLn [1] = EOS;
- curPs = 1;
- break;
- case 'n':
- case 'N':
- if (histLn [0] == EOS)
- {
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- }
- save ();
- if (ch == 'N')
- histLn [0] = histLn [0] == '/' ? '?' : '/';
- if (! histFind (ledId, histLn, curLn))
- {
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- curLn [0] = EOS;
- }
- curPs = 0;
- break;
- case 'k':
- case '-':
- save ();
- do
- {
- if (histPrev (ledId, curLn) == ERROR)
- {
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- }
- }
- while (--number > 0);
- number = 0;
- curPs = 0;
- break;
- case 'j':
- case '+':
- save ();
- do
- {
- if (histNext (ledId, curLn) == ERROR)
- {
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- }
- }
- while (--number > 0);
- number = 0;
- curPs = 0;
- break;
- case 'h':
- do
- {
- if (curPs > 0)
- curPs--;
- }
- while (--number > 0);
- number = 0;
- break;
- case 'l':
- case ' ':
- do
- {
- if ((strlen (curLn) != 0)&&(curPs < strlen (curLn) - 1))
- curPs++;
- }
- while (--number > 0);
- number = 0;
- break;
- case 'w':
- case 'W': /* ignore punctuation */
- case 'b':
- case 'B': /* ignore punctuation */
- case 'e':
- case 'E': /* ignore punctuation */
- {
- int origPs = curPs;
- int dir = (ch == 'b' || ch == 'B') ? BACKWARD :FORWARD;
- BOOL word = ch != 'w' && ch != 'W';
- do
- {
- search (isupper ((int)ch), word, curLn, &curPs, dir);
- }
- while (curPs != origPs && --number > 0);
- number = 0;
- break;
- }
- case 'f':
- case 't': /* doesn't backward step
- * XXX - not implemented */
- setPreempt (&catchFunc, (FUNCPTR)findFwd);
- break;
- case 'F':
- case 'T': /* doesn't forward step
- * XXX - not implemented */
- setPreempt (&catchFunc, (FUNCPTR)findBwd);
- break;
- case 'r':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- setPreempt (&catchFunc, (FUNCPTR)replace);
- break;
- case 'R':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- overStrike = TRUE;
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'A':
- curPs = strlen (curLn);
- /* drop thru */
- case 'a':
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- if (curPs < strlen (curLn))
- curPs++;
- break;
- case 'x':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- number = min (number, strlen (curLn) - curPs);
- ix = 0;
- do
- {
- ledId->buffer [ix++] = curLn [curPs];
- if (curPs < strlen (curLn) - 1)
- strcpy (&curLn [curPs], &curLn [curPs + 1]);
- else
- {
- curLn [curPs] = EOS;
- if (curPs > 0)
- curPs--;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- while (--number > 0);
- number = 0;
- ledId->buffer [ix] = EOS;
- break;
- case 'X':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- ix = 0;
- do
- {
- if (curPs > 0)
- {
- curPs--;
- ledId->buffer [ix++] = curLn [curPs];
- strcpy (&curLn [curPs], &curLn [curPs + 1]);
- }
- else if (strlen (curLn) == 1)
- {
- ledId->buffer [ix++] = curLn [curPs];
- curLn [curPs] = EOS;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- while (--number > 0);
- number = 0;
- ledId->buffer [ix] = EOS;
- break;
- case 'c':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- setPreempt (&catchFunc, (FUNCPTR)change);
- break;
- case 'C':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- curLn [curPs] = EOS;
- break;
- case 's':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- number = number ? number : 1;
- ix = 0;
- if (number >= strlen (curLn) - curPs)
- curLn [curPs] = EOS;
- else
- {
- do
- {
- ledId->buffer [ix++] = curLn [curPs];
- if (curPs < strlen (curLn) - 1)
- strcpy (&curLn [curPs], &curLn [curPs + 1]);
- else
- {
- curLn [curPs] = EOS;
- if (curPs > 0)
- curPs--;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- while (--number > 0);
- }
- number = 0;
- ledId->buffer [ix] = EOS;
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'S':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- if (change ('c', curLn, &curPs, &number, ledId) == ERROR)
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- case 'd':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- setPreempt (&catchFunc, (FUNCPTR)deletec);
- break;
- case 'D':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- strncpy (ledId->buffer, &curLn [curPs],
- strlen (&curLn [curPs]) + 1); /* +EOS */
- curLn [curPs] = EOS;
- if (curPs > 0)
- curPs--;
- break;
- case 'I':
- curPs = 0;
- /* drop thru */
- case 'i':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- number = 0; /* can't handle "count" */
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'p':
- if (strlen (ledId->buffer) == 0)
- break;
- if (strlen (curLn) == 0)
- goto caseP; /* treat like 'P' */
- number = 0; /* can't handle "count" */
- if (strlen (curLn) + strlen (ledId->buffer) < maxBytes)
- {
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- if (++curPs < strlen (curLn))
- {
- /* insert buffer into curLn */
- bcopy (&curLn [curPs],
- &curLn [curPs + strlen (ledId->buffer)],
- strlen (&curLn [curPs]) + 1); /* +EOS */
- bcopy (ledId->buffer, &curLn [curPs],
- strlen (ledId->buffer));
- }
- else
- /* buffer goes after curLn */
- strcat (curLn, ledId->buffer);
- curPs += strlen (ledId->buffer) - 1;
- }
- else
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- case 'P':
- caseP:
- number = 0; /* can't handle "count" */
- if (strlen (ledId->buffer) == 0)
- break;
- if (strlen (curLn) + strlen (ledId->buffer) < maxBytes)
- {
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- /* insert buffer into curLn */
- bcopy (&curLn [curPs],
- &curLn [curPs + strlen (ledId->buffer)],
- strlen (&curLn [curPs]) + 1); /* +EOS */
- bcopy (ledId->buffer, &curLn [curPs],
- strlen (ledId->buffer));
- if (curPs == 0)
- curPs--;
- curPs += strlen (ledId->buffer);
- }
- else
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- case 'u':
- case 'U': /* restore original line
- * XXX - not implemented */
- if (strlen (saveLn) != 0)
- {
- bswap (curLn, saveLn,
- max (strlen (curLn), strlen (saveLn)) + 1);
- /* +EOS */
- if (curPs == strlen (saveLn) - 1 ||
- curPs > strlen (curLn))
- {
- curPs = strlen (curLn) - 1;
- }
- }
- else
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- case RET_CHAR:
- done = TRUE;
- returnVal = strlen (curLn);
- break;
- case '$':
- curPs = strlen (curLn) - 1;
- break;
- case '0':
- if (number == 0)
- {
- curPs = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* drop thru */
- case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- if (number < 0)
- number = 0;
- number = number * 10 + (ch - '0');
- break;
- case '~':
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- ch = curLn [curPs];
- if (isalpha ((int)ch))
- curLn [curPs] = islower ((int)ch) ? toupper ((int)ch)
- : tolower (ch);
- if (curPs < strlen (curLn) - 1)
- curPs++;
- break;
- case '^':
- for (curPs = 0;
- curLn [curPs] != EOS && isspace ((int)curLn[curPs]);
- curPs++)
- ;
- break;
- case RDW_CHAR:
- write (ledId->outFd, "n", 1);
- (void)writen (ledId->outFd, ' ', curPs);
- strcpy (oldLn, "");
- break;
- case CMP_CHAR:
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- if (! completeName (curLn, &curPs))
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- default:
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* input mode */
- if (ch == tyEofChar && curPs == 0)
- {
- /* only return EOF when used at the beginning of line */
- done = TRUE;
- returnVal = EOF;
- }
- else if (ch == tyBackspaceChar)
- {
- if (curPs > 0)
- {
- strcpy (&curLn [curPs - 1], &curLn [curPs]);
- curPs--;
- }
- }
- else if (ch == tyDeleteLineChar)
- {
- curLn [0] = EOS;
- curPs = 0;
- }
- else switch (ch)
- {
- case ESC_CHAR:
- overStrike = FALSE;
- if (! srchMode)
- {
- ledId->cmdMode = TRUE;
- if (curPs > 0)
- curPs--;
- break;
- }
- /* drop thru */
- case RET_CHAR:
- if (srchMode)
- {
- if (strcmp (curLn, "/") == 0 || strcmp (curLn, "?") ==0)
- /* just use previous history search */
- strcpy (curLn, histLn);
- else
- /* new history search */
- strcpy (histLn, curLn);
- if (! histFind (ledId, histLn, curLn))
- {
- curLn [0] = EOS;
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- }
- curPs = 0;
- srchMode = FALSE;
- ledId->cmdMode = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- done = TRUE;
- returnVal = strlen (curLn);
- }
- break;
- case CMP_CHAR:
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- if (! completeName (curLn, &curPs))
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- else
- /*
- if (isalpha(curLn [curPs]) || isdigit(curLn[curPs]) ||
- curLn [curPs] == '_')
- */
- while (isalpha((int)curLn [curPs]) ||
- isdigit((int)curLn[curPs]) ||
- curLn [curPs] == '_')
- {
- curPs++;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (strlen (curLn) < maxBytes)
- {
- if (overStrike && curPs < strlen (curLn))
- curLn [curPs++] = ch;
- else
- {
- bcopy (&curLn [curPs], &curLn [curPs + 1],
- strlen (&curLn [curPs]) + 1); /* + EOS */
- curLn [curPs++] = ch;
- }
- }
- else
- beep (ledId->outFd);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (returnVal == EOF)
- {
- #ifndef UNIX_DEBUG
- /* turn echo & line mode back on */
- ioctl(ledId->inFd, FIOSETOPTIONS, oldoptions);
- #endif /* UNIX_DEBUG */
- return (EOF);
- }
- histAdd (ledId, curLn);
- write (ledId->outFd, "n", 1);
- /* must fix up BOS */
- bcopy (&string [1], &string [0], strlen (curLn) + 1); /* +EOS */
- #ifndef UNIX_DEBUG
- /* turn echo & line mode back on */
- ioctl (ledId->inFd, FIOSETOPTIONS, oldoptions);
- #endif /* UNIX_DEBUG */
- return (returnVal);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ledControl - change the line-editor ID parameters
- *
- * This routine changes the input/output file
- * descriptor and the size of the history list.
- *
- */
- void ledControl
- (
- int led_id, /* ID returned by ledOpen */
- int inFd, /* new input fd (NONE = no change) */
- int outFd, /* new output fd (NONE = no change) */
- int histSize /* new history list size (NONE = no change), (0 = display) */
- )
- {
- FAST LED_ID ledId = (LED_ID)led_id;
- if (inFd >= 0)
- ledId->inFd = inFd;
- if (outFd >= 0)
- ledId->outFd = outFd;
- if (histSize == 0)
- histAll (ledId);
- if (histSize > 0)
- histInit (ledId, histSize);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * setPreempt - set function to use next
- */
- LOCAL void setPreempt
- (
- FAST FUNCPTR *catchFunc,
- )
- {
- *catchFunc = func;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * preempt - perform preempt function if set
- *
- * If <catchFunc> is non-NULL then it is called using the
- * remaining arguments.
- *
- * result of preempt function, or
- * 1 if no function called
- */
- LOCAL int preempt
- (
- FAST FUNCPTR *catchFunc, /* preempting function */
- char ch, /* arguments to be */
- char *curLn, /* passed to th */
- int *curPs, /* routine ... */
- int *number,
- LED_ID ledId
- )
- {
- FUNCPTR tmpFunc = *catchFunc;
- if (*catchFunc == (FUNCPTR)NULL)
- return (1); /* no function called */
- /* clear the catch */
- *catchFunc = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- return ((*tmpFunc) (ch, curLn, curPs, number, ledId));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * redraw - redraw line
- *
- * From the previous line and position (oldLn & lastPs) redraw line to
- * reflect reality (curLn & curPs).
- *
- * Operation: compare new line with previous line,
- * optimize the number of characters redrawn and cursor motion.
- */
- LOCAL void redraw
- (
- int outFd,
- char *oldLn,
- int lastPs,
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs
- )
- {
- FAST int ok1Ps; /* line is the same up to this position */
- FAST int ok2Ps; /* line is the same from the far end to here */
- /* find first difference */
- for (ok1Ps = 0;
- curLn [ok1Ps] == oldLn [ok1Ps] && curLn [ok1Ps] != EOS;
- ok1Ps++)
- ;
- /* find first difference from the far end if same length */
- if (strlen (curLn) == strlen (oldLn))
- {
- for (ok2Ps = strlen (curLn);
- curLn [ok2Ps] == oldLn [ok2Ps] && ok2Ps > 0;
- ok2Ps--)
- ;
- if (ok2Ps < strlen (curLn))
- ok2Ps++;
- }
- else
- ok2Ps = strlen (curLn);
- /* line is bad before cursor position */
- if (ok1Ps < lastPs)
- {
- /* back up */
- (void)writen (outFd, 'b', lastPs - ok1Ps);
- /* redraw line from ok1Ps to the good portion */
- (void)writex (outFd, &curLn [ok1Ps], ok2Ps - ok1Ps);
- lastPs = ok2Ps;
- }
- /* line is bad after cursor position */
- else if (ok2Ps > lastPs)
- {
- /* draw line from lastPs to the good portion */
- (void)writex (outFd, &curLn [lastPs], ok2Ps - lastPs);
- lastPs = ok2Ps;
- }
- /* line is bad at cursor position */
- else if (ok2Ps == lastPs && lastPs < strlen (curLn))
- {
- /* draw single character */
- (void)writex (outFd, &curLn [lastPs], 1);
- lastPs++;
- }
- /* blank out remaining junk if we're at the end of the line */
- if (lastPs == strlen (curLn))
- {
- int i = strlen (oldLn) - strlen (curLn);
- if (i > 0)
- {
- (void)writen (outFd, ' ', i);
- (void)writen (outFd, 'b', i);
- }
- }
- /* now get cursor right */
- if (lastPs > *curPs)
- (void)writen (outFd, 'b', lastPs - *curPs);
- else
- (void)writex (outFd, &curLn [lastPs], *curPs - lastPs);
- }
- /*
- * Definitions used through remaining routines.
- */
- #define CUR (curLn [*curPs])
- #define PREV (curLn [*curPs-dir])
- #define NEXT (curLn [*curPs+dir])
- #define INC (*curPs+=dir)
- #define ispunct_nospc(c) (ispunct(c) && !isspace(c))
- #define igpunct(c) (ignorePunct ? ispunct_nospc(c) : FALSE)
- #define isword(c) (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || index("*?_-.[]~=",c))
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * completeName - complete partial symbol name at current position
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if symbol name is completed in any way, otherwise FALSE.
- */
- LOCAL BOOL completeName
- (
- FAST char *curLn,
- int *curPs
- )
- {
- CMP_ARG arg;
- char saveLn [LINE_LEN+1];
- char string [100];
- int count;
- int dir = FORWARD;
- int startPs = *curPs;
- int endPs = *curPs;
- /* operation:
- * isolate begin and end of string at current position,
- * if begin and end are equal then no string - return error,
- * call support routine to see if string is in symbol table,
- * if not then - return error
- * otherwise determine symbol up to the last unambiguous character,
- * then insert extra characters - return ok.
- */
- while (isalpha((int)curLn [startPs-1]) ||
- isdigit((int)curLn[startPs-1]) ||
- curLn [startPs-1] == '_')
- {
- startPs--;
- }
- while (isalpha ((int)curLn [endPs]) ||
- isdigit ((int)curLn [endPs]) ||
- curLn [endPs] == '_')
- {
- endPs++;
- }
- if (endPs == startPs)
- return (FALSE);
- if (curLn [startPs] == '_')
- startPs++; /* ignore leading underscore */
- strncpy (string, &curLn [startPs], endPs - startPs);
- string [endPs - startPs] = EOS;
- arg.name = string; /* search string */
- arg.nameLen = strlen (string); /* optimization */
- arg.count = 0; /* reset to zero */
- symEach (sysSymTbl, (FUNCPTR)findName, (int)&arg);
- count = arg.count;
- /* keep looking while match is ambiguous */
- while (arg.count > 1 && count == arg.count)
- {
- if (strcmp (arg.name, arg.match) == 0)
- {
- /* just in case more than one entry with same name,
- * but hope this first match is different, oh well.
- */
- count = 1;
- break;
- }
- arg.count = 0; /* reset to zero */
- arg.nameLen++; /* optimization */
- strncpy (arg.name, arg.match, arg.nameLen);
- symEach (sysSymTbl, (FUNCPTR)findName, (int)&arg);
- }
- /* have to admit we didn't find anything */
- if (count == 0)
- return (FALSE);
- if (count > 1)
- {
- /* ambiguous match up 'til second last position */
- arg.name [arg.nameLen - 1] = EOS;
- arg.match = arg.name;
- }
- /* insert new string, don't forget to save original line */
- if ((endPs - startPs) + strlen (curLn) + strlen (arg.match) < LINE_LEN)
- {
- strcpy (saveLn, curLn);
- strcpy (&curLn [startPs], arg.match);
- strcat (curLn, &saveLn [endPs]);
- if (isalpha((int)CUR) || isdigit((int)CUR) || CUR == '_')
- {
- while (isalpha((int)NEXT) || isdigit((int)NEXT) || NEXT == '_')
- {
- INC;
- }
- }
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * findName - support routine for completeName
- *
- * This routine is called for each string in the symbol table.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE always.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL findName
- (
- char *name, /* name of this entry */
- char *value, /* symbol table junk */
- SYM_TYPE type, /* symbol table junk */
- CMP_ARG *arg /* what to match, etc. */
- )
- {
- if (name[0] == '_')
- name++; /* ignore leading underscore */
- if (strncmp (name, arg->name, arg->nameLen) == 0)
- {
- if (++arg->count == 1 || strlen (name) > strlen (arg->match))
- arg->match = name;
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * search - move from current position to matched character position
- *
- * RETURNS: new ptr to current position.
- */
- LOCAL void search
- (
- FAST BOOL ignorePunct, /* ignore punctuation or not */
- FAST BOOL endOfWord, /* stop at end of word, or
- when BACKWARD stop at beginning */
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs,
- int dir /* direction to search */
- )
- {
- /* make sure we're not already at limits */
- if (CUR == EOS || NEXT == EOS)
- return;
- if (isspace ((int)CUR))
- {
- /* just get to a non-space */
- while (NEXT != EOS && isspace ((int)CUR))
- INC;
- }
- else if (ispunct ((int)CUR))
- {
- /* just get to the next/previous word */
- while (NEXT != EOS && !isalnum ((int)CUR))
- INC;
- }
- else if (endOfWord || dir == BACKWARD)
- {
- /* while space coming */
- while (isspace((int)NEXT))
- INC;
- /* maybe we've got to punctuation */
- if (ispunct_nospc ((int)NEXT))
- {
- do
- {
- INC;
- }
- while (NEXT != EOS && ispunct_nospc ((int)NEXT));
- /* while we're on a space advance/retreat */
- while (NEXT != EOS && isspace ((int)CUR))
- INC;
- return;
- }
- /* get to end/beginning of word but not past */
- while (NEXT != EOS && (isalnum ((int)NEXT) || igpunct(((int)NEXT))))
- INC;
- }
- else
- {
- /* get past end/beginning of word */
- do
- {
- INC;
- }
- while (NEXT != EOS && (isalnum ((int)CUR) || igpunct((int)CUR)));
- /* while we're on a space advance/retreat */
- while (NEXT != EOS && isspace ((int)CUR))
- INC;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * find - a particualar character
- *
- * TRUE if `ch' found, or
- * FALSE if end of line reached first.
- */
- (
- char ch, /* what to find */
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs,
- int dir /* direction to search */
- )
- {
- if (CUR == EOS || NEXT == EOS)
- return (FALSE);
- do
- {
- INC;
- }
- while (CUR != ch && NEXT != EOS);
- return (CUR == ch);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * findFwd - find <ch> some <number> of times looking forwards
- */
- (
- FAST char ch,
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs,
- int *number
- )
- {
- while (find (ch, curLn, curPs, FORWARD) && --*number > 0)
- ;
- *number = 0;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * findBwd - find <ch> some <number> of times looking backwards
- */
- (
- char ch,
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs,
- int *number
- )
- {
- while (find (ch, curLn, curPs, BACKWARD) && --*number > 0)
- ;
- *number = 0;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * change - change as specified by (w/W/e/E/sp/l/h/c/$/0)
- */
- (
- FAST char ch,
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs,
- int *number,
- LED_ID ledId
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- switch (ch)
- {
- case '0':
- case ' ':
- case 'l':
- case 'h':
- case 'w':
- case 'W':
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- case 'b':
- case 'B':
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- status = deletec (ch, curLn, curPs, number, ledId);
- break;
- case 'c':
- *curPs = 0;
- /* drop through */
- case '$':
- ledId->cmdMode = FALSE;
- CUR = EOS;
- break;
- default:
- status = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * deletec - delete as specified by (w/W/e/E/b/B/sp/l/h/d/$/0) <number> of times
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS deletec
- (
- FAST char ch,
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs,
- int *number,
- LED_ID ledId
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- FAST int tmp = *curPs;
- FAST int i = 0;
- int dir = (ch == 'b' || ch == 'B' || ch == 'h') ? BACKWARD : FORWARD;
- BOOL endOfWord = ch != 'w' && ch != 'W';
- int fudge; /* fudge factor? */
- do
- {
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 'w':
- case 'W': /* ignore punctuation */
- case 'e':
- case 'E': /* ignore punctuation */
- case 'b':
- case 'B': /* ignore punctuation */
- {
- int origPs = *curPs;
- search (isupper ((int)ch), endOfWord, curLn, curPs, dir);
- if (*curPs == origPs)
- *number = 1; /* get out! */
- fudge = (NEXT == EOS) ? 1 : 0;
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- i = *curPs - tmp + fudge;
- strncpy (ledId->buffer, &curLn [tmp], i);
- strcpy (&curLn [tmp], &curLn [*curPs+fudge]);
- *curPs = tmp;
- }
- else
- {
- i = tmp - *curPs + fudge;
- strncpy (ledId->buffer, &CUR, i);
- strcpy (&CUR, &curLn [tmp+fudge]);
- tmp = *curPs - fudge;
- }
- break;
- }
- case ' ':
- case 'l':
- ledId->buffer [i++] = CUR;
- if (*curPs < strlen (curLn) - 1)
- {
- strcpy (&CUR, &NEXT);
- break;
- }
- else if (*curPs == strlen (curLn) - 1)
- *number = 1; /* get out! */
- CUR = EOS;
- if (*curPs > 0)
- (*curPs)--;
- break;
- case 'd':
- strcpy (ledId->buffer, curLn);
- i = strlen (ledId->buffer);
- /* don't want 'i' to cause any grief */
- *curPs = 0;
- CUR = EOS;
- *number = 1; /* get out! */
- break;
- case '$':
- i = strlen (curLn) - *curPs + 1;
- strncpy (ledId->buffer, &CUR, i);
- CUR = EOS;
- *number = 1; /* get out! */
- break;
- case '0':
- i = *curPs + 1;
- strncpy (ledId->buffer, &curLn [0], i);
- bcopy (&CUR, &curLn [0], strlen (&CUR) + 1); /* +EOS */
- *curPs = 0;
- *number = 1; /* get out! */
- break;
- case 'h': /* XXX - not implemented */
- default:
- i = strlen (ledId->buffer);
- *number = 1; /* get out! */
- status = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- }
- while (--*number > 0);
- *number = 0;
- ledId->buffer [i] = EOS;
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * replace - replace current position thru count with specified character
- */
- LOCAL STATUS replace
- (
- char ch,
- char *curLn,
- int *curPs,
- int *number
- )
- {
- if (*number < 1)
- *number = 1;
- /* don't do replacement if escape */
- if (ch != ESC_CHAR)
- bfill (&CUR, min (*number, strlen (&CUR)), ch);
- *number = 0;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * beep - make a noise
- */
- LOCAL void beep
- (
- int outFd
- )
- {
- static char bell = BEL_CHAR;
- write (outFd, &bell, 1);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * writex - write bytes to a file but change control chars to '?'
- *
- * RETURNS: number of characters actually written, pretty much like write.
- */
- LOCAL int writex
- (
- FAST int fd,
- char buffer [],
- FAST int nbytes
- )
- {
- FAST int i;
- FAST char *pBuf = buffer;
- char non_ch = NON_CHAR;
- for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++, pBuf++)
- {
- if (write (fd, (isprint ((int)(*pBuf)) ? pBuf : &non_ch), 1) != 1)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (nbytes);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * writen - write a character n times
- *
- * NOTE: requires n <= (LINE_LEN + 1)
- *
- * RETURNS: number of characters actually written, just like write.
- */
- LOCAL int writen
- (
- int fd,
- char ch,
- int nbytes
- )
- {
- char buf [LINE_LEN + 1];
- bfill (buf, nbytes, ch);
- return (write (fd, buf, nbytes));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * histInit - initialize history list
- *
- * On successive calls, resets history to new size.
- */
- LOCAL void histInit
- (
- LED_ID ledId,
- int histSize /* amount of history required */
- )
- {
- int histDiff = histSize - ledId->histSize;
- HIST *pH;
- if (ledId->histSize == 0)
- {
- lstFree (&ledId->histList);
- lstFree (&ledId->histFreeList);
- ledId->histNum = 0;
- lstInit (&ledId->histList);
- lstInit (&ledId->histFreeList);
- }
- if (histDiff >= 0)
- {
- /* add to history free list */
- while (histDiff-- > 0)
- {
- /* allocate history space */
- ledId->pHist = (HIST *) malloc (sizeof (HIST));
- if (ledId->pHist == NULL)
- return; /* oh, oh! */
- ledId->pHist->line[0] = EOS;
- lstAdd (&ledId->histFreeList, &ledId->pHist->node);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* free excess histories from history free list */
- while (lstCount (&ledId->histFreeList) > 0 && histDiff++ < 0)
- {
- pH = (HIST *) lstGet (&ledId->histFreeList);
- free ((char *) pH);
- }
- /* free oldest histories from history list */
- while (lstCount (&ledId->histList) > 0 && histDiff++ < 0)
- {
- pH = (HIST *) lstGet (&ledId->histList);
- free ((char *) pH);
- }
- }
- ledId->histSize = histSize;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * histAdd - add line to history
- */
- LOCAL void histAdd
- (
- FAST LED_ID ledId,
- FAST char *line
- )
- {
- FAST HIST *pH = (HIST *) lstLast (&ledId->histList);
- FAST int i;
- ledId->pHist = NULL;
- /* ignore blank lines */
- for (i = 0; isspace ((int)line[i]); i++)
- ;
- /* ignore blank lines & consecutive identical commands */
- if (i >= strlen (line) || (pH != NULL && strcmp (line, pH->line) == 0))
- return;
- /* try free list or get from top of history list */
- if ((pH = (HIST *) lstGet (&ledId->histFreeList)) == NULL &&
- (pH = (HIST *) lstGet (&ledId->histList)) == NULL)
- {
- /* history foul-up! */
- return;
- }
- /* append to end of history list */
- lstAdd (&ledId->histList, &pH->node);
- ledId->histNum++;
- strncpy (pH->line, line, LINE_LEN);
- pH->line [LINE_LEN - 1] = EOS;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * histNum - get historical line number
- *
- * RETURNS: FALSE if no history by that number
- */
- LOCAL BOOL histNum
- (
- FAST LED_ID ledId,
- FAST char *line, /* where to return historical line */
- FAST int n /* history number */
- )
- {
- int histFirst = ledId->histNum - lstCount (&ledId->histList) + 1;
- FAST int i;
- if (n < histFirst || n > ledId->histNum)
- return (FALSE);
- for (pH = (HIST *) lstFirst (&ledId->histList), i = histFirst;
- pH != NULL && i != n;
- pH = (HIST *) lstNext (&pH->node), i++)
- ;
- if (pH == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- strcpy (line, pH->line);
- ledId->pHist = pH;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * histNext - get next entry in history
- *
- * If line == NULL then just forward history.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if no history
- */
- (
- FAST LED_ID ledId,
- FAST char *line /* where to return historical line */
- )
- {
- if (ledId->pHist == NULL)
- ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstFirst (&ledId->histList);
- else if ((ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstNext (&ledId->pHist->node)) == NULL)
- ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstFirst (&ledId->histList);
- if (ledId->pHist == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (line != NULL)
- strcpy (line, ledId->pHist->line);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * histPrev - get previous entry in history
- *
- * If line == NULL then just forward history.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if no history
- */
- (
- FAST LED_ID ledId,
- FAST char *line /* where to return historical line */
- )
- {
- if (ledId->pHist == NULL)
- ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstLast (&ledId->histList);
- else if ((ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstPrevious (&ledId->pHist->node))
- == NULL)
- {
- ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstLast (&ledId->histList);
- }
- if (ledId->pHist == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (line != NULL)
- strcpy (line, ledId->pHist->line);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * histFind - find string in history list
- *
- * Match should be of form: "/test", or "?test" for forward or backward searches.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if history found, line is replaced with historical line
- */
- LOCAL BOOL histFind
- (
- FAST LED_ID ledId,
- FAST char *match, /* what to match */
- FAST char *line /* where to return historical line */
- )
- {
- char *pLine;
- FAST HIST *pH = ledId->pHist;
- FAST BOOL forward = match [0] == '?';
- int i = lstCount (&ledId->histList) + 1;
- BOOL found = FALSE;
- if (pH == NULL && (pH = (HIST *) lstLast (&ledId->histList)) == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- do
- {
- if (forward)
- {
- if ((pH = (HIST *) lstNext (&pH->node)) == NULL &&
- (pH = (HIST *) lstFirst (&ledId->histList)) == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- pLine = pH->line;
- while ((pLine = index (pLine, match [1])) != 0)
- {
- if (strncmp (pLine, &match [1], strlen (match) - 1) == 0)
- {
- found = TRUE;
- break; /* found it! */
- }
- else if (*(++pLine) == EOS)
- break;
- }
- if (!found && !forward)
- {
- if ((pH = (HIST *) lstPrevious (&pH->node)) == NULL &&
- (pH = (HIST *) lstLast (&ledId->histList)) == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- while (--i > 0 && !found);
- /* position 'pHist' correctly for next search */
- if (!forward)
- {
- if ((ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstPrevious (&pH->node)) == NULL)
- ledId->pHist = (HIST *) lstLast (&ledId->histList);
- }
- else
- ledId->pHist = pH;
- if (i < 1)
- return (FALSE);
- strcpy (line, pH->line);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * histAll - print all historical lines
- */
- LOCAL void histAll
- (
- )
- {
- FAST int histFirst = ledId->histNum - lstCount (&ledId->histList) + 1;
- char buffer [LINE_LEN + 10]; /* Need to add padding for the
- * line number
- */
- for (pH = (HIST *) lstFirst (&ledId->histList);
- pH != NULL;
- pH = (HIST *) lstNext (&pH->node))
- {
- sprintf (buffer, "%3d %s", histFirst++, pH->line);
- (void)writex (ledId->outFd, buffer, strlen (buffer));
- write (ledId->outFd, "n", 1);
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIX_DEBUG
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * main - UNIX debug module
- *
- */
- void main ()
- {
- static char *junk[] =
- { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "ten", "force", "fits", "fight", "several" };
- char line [LINE_LEN+1];
- int i;
- int ledId;
- setbuf (stdout, NULL);
- sysSymTbl = symTblCreate (6);
- for (i = 0; i < NELEMENTS (junk); i++)
- symSAdd (sysSymTbl, junk[i], 0, 0, symGroupDefault);
- ledId = ledOpen (0, 1, 20);
- system ("stty cbreak -echo");
- printf ("ledLib: UNIX Debugn");
- printf ("-> ");
- while (ledRead (ledId, line, LINE_LEN) != EOF)
- {
- printf ("-> ");
- }
- system ("stty -cbreak echo");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * errnoSet - bogus edition
- *
- */
- void errnoSet (status)
- int status;
- {
- printf ("errnoSet: new status 0x%x.n", status);
- }
- #endif /* UNIX_DEBUG */