- /* dbgLib.c - debugging facilities */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01y,26mar02,pai Added code to display Streaming SIMD Registers (SPR 74103).
- 01x,09nov01,jhw Revert WDB_INFO to be inside of WIND_TCB.
- 01w,05nov01,jn use symFindSymbol for symbol lookup (SPR #7453)
- 01v,17oct01,jhw Access WDB_INFO from WIND_TCB pointer pWdbInfo.
- 01u,03apr01,kab Added _WRS_ALTIVEC_SUPPORT
- 01t,14mar01,pcs Added code to display ALTIVEC Registers.
- 01s,08nov00,zl added dsp show routine call.
- 01r,03mar00,zl merged SH support from T1
- 01q,15mar99,elg change documentation of tt() (SPR 20892).
- 01p,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 01o,18jan99,elg Authorize breakpoints in branch delay slot (SPR 24356).
- 01n,31aug98,ms dbgTlSnglStep only conditionally prints fpp regs (SPR 9198).
- 01m,23apr98,dbt code cleanup
- 01l,16mar98,dbt documentation and code cleanup.
- 01k,19nov97,dbt modified to merge with WDB debugger
- 10a,14jul97,dgp doc: add windsh x-ref to cret() & so(), change ^C to CTRL-C
- 09z,21feb97,tam moved _dbgDsmInstRtn declaration to funcBind.c
- 09z,28nov96,cdp added ARM support (make things line up in dbgPrintCall).
- 09y,23jan96,tpr turned off the Trace capability for the PPC403ga.
- 09x,06oct95,jdi changed Debugging .pG's to .tG "Shell".
- 09w,31aug95,jdi doc tweak to b(); changed <passcount> to <count> -- SPR 4603.
- 09v,20mar95,jdi doc tweak to l().
- 09u,01feb95,jdi added special synopsis to bh() for i386/i486.
- 09u,01feb95,rhp doc: simplify integration with standard VxWorks docn by
- limiting impact of eventpoints to EVENTPOINTS para and
- e() routine; also propagate recent doc changes to
- standard bh() man page.
- ...deleted pre 95 history
- */
- /*
- This library contains VxWorks's primary interactive debugging routines, which
- provide the following facilities:
- - task breakpoints
- - task single-stepping
- - symbolic disassembly
- - symbolic task stack tracing
- In addition, dbgLib provides the facilities necessary for enhanced use
- of other VxWorks functions, including:
- - enhanced shell abort and exception handling (via tyLib and excLib)
- The facilities of excLib are used by dbgLib to support breakpoints,
- single-stepping, and additional exception handling functions.
- The debugging facilities provided by this module are optional. In the
- standard VxWorks development configuration as distributed, the debugging
- package is included. The configuration macro is INCLUDE_DEBUG.
- When defined, it enables the call to dbgInit() in the task usrRoot()
- in usrConfig.c. The dbgInit() routine initializes dbgLib and must be made
- before any other routines in the module are called.
- Use the routine b() or bh() to set breakpoints. Breakpoints can be set to
- be hit by a specific task or all tasks. Multiple breakpoints for different
- tasks can be set at the same address. Clear breakpoints with bd() and bdall().
- When a task hits a breakpoint, the task is suspended and a message is
- displayed on the console. At this point, the task can be examined,
- traced, deleted, its variables changed, etc. If you examine the task at
- this point (using the i() routine), you will see that it is in a suspended
- state. The instruction at the breakpoint address has not yet been executed.
- To continue executing the task, use the c() routine. The breakpoint
- remains until it is explicitly removed.
- When WindView is installed, dbgLib supports eventpoints. Use the routine
- e() to set eventpoints. Eventpoints can be set to be hit by a specific
- task or all tasks. Multiple eventpoints for different tasks can be set at
- the same address.
- When a task hits an eventpoint, an event is logged and is displayed by
- VxWorks kernel instrumentation.
- You can manage eventpoints with the same facilities that manage
- breakpoints: for example, unbreakable tasks (discussed below) ignore
- eventpoints, and the b() command (without arguments) displays
- eventpoints as well as breakpoints. As with breakpoints, you can clear
- eventpoints with bd() and bdall().
- An f2unbreakablefP task ignores all breakpoints. Tasks can be spawned
- unbreakable by specifying the task option VX_UNBREAKABLE. Tasks can
- subsequently be set unbreakable or breakable by resetting VX_UNBREAKABLE
- with taskOptionsSet(). Several VxWorks tasks are spawned unbreakable,
- such as the shell, the exception support task excTask(), and several
- network-related tasks.
- The l() routine provides a symbolic disassembler. The tt() routine
- provides a symbolic stack tracer.
- This package includes enhanced support for the shell in a debugging
- environment. The terminal abort function, which restarts the shell, is
- invoked with the abort key if the OPT_ABORT option has been set. By
- default, the abort key is CTRL-C. For more information, see the manual
- entries for tyAbortSet() and tyAbortFuncSet().
- Many routines in this module take an optional task name or ID as an
- argument. If this argument is omitted or zero, the "current" task is
- used. The current task (or "default" task) is the last task referenced.
- The dbgLib library uses taskIdDefault() to set and get the last-referenced
- task ID, as do many other VxWorks routines.
- All VxWorks shell expressions can reference a task by either ID or name.
- The shell attempts to resolve a task argument to a task ID; if no match is
- found in the system symbol table, it searches for the argument in the list
- of active tasks. When it finds a match, it substitutes the task name with
- its matching task ID. In symbol lookup, symbol names take precedence over
- task names.
- Architecture:
- The VxWorks native debugger is structured to be portable across different
- architectures. Six files make up the debugger: dbgLib.c, dbgTaskLib.c,
- wdbDbgLib.c, dbgArchLib.c, wdbDbgALib.s and wdbDbgArchLib.c. The three
- first files contain the architecture-independent functions, the others
- contains the architecture-dependent support functions.
- When a task is continued, c() and s() routines do not yet distinguish
- between a suspended task or a task suspended by the debugger. Therefore,
- use of these routines should be restricted to only those tasks being
- debugged.
- excLib, tyLib, taskIdDefault(), taskOptionsSet(), tyAbortSet(),
- tyAbortFuncSet(),
- .pG "Target Shell,"
- windsh,
- .tG "Shell"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "iv.h"
- #include "esf.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "dbgLib.h"
- #include "dsmLib.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "shellLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "trcLib.h"
- #include "tyLib.h"
- #include "usrLib.h"
- #include "vxLib.h"
- #include "private/cplusLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/taskLibP.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- #include "private/dbgLibP.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbDbgLib.h"
- /* defines */
- #define DBG_INFO(p) (&(((WIND_TCB *)(p))->wdbInfo))
- #define DBG_DEMANGLE_PRINT_LEN 256 /* Num chars of demangled names to print */
- /* error messages */
- #define DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND "Task not foundn"
- #define DBG_ILL_BKPT_ADDR "Illegal Breakpoint Address: 0x%08xn"
- #define DBG_BKPT_TBL_FULL "Breakpoint table is fulln"
- #define DBG_ILL_EVTPT_ADDR "Illegal Eventpoint Address: 0x%08xn"
- #define DBG_EVTPT_TBL_FULL "Eventpoint table is fulln"
- #define DBG_HW_BKPT_REGS_FULL "Cannot set hardware breakpoint. All hardware breakpoint registers are in usen"
- #define DBG_INV_HW_BKPT_TYPE "Invalid hardware breakpoint typen"
- #define DBG_NO_BKPT_AT_ADDR "No breakpoint at 0x%08x"
- #define DBG_TASK_IX_NOT_FOUND "Task %#x not foundn"
- #define DBG_CRET_NOT_SUPP "cret not supportedn"
- #define DBG_NO_BKPTS "No breakpointsn"
- /* typedefs */
- typedef struct /* EVT_CALL_ARGS */
- {
- FUNCPTR evtRtn; /* event routine */
- int evtRtnArg; /* event routine argument */
- event_t eventId; /* event ID */
- /* globals */
- BOOL dbgPrintFpp;
- BOOL dbgPrintDsp;
- BOOL dbgPrintAltivec;
- #endif /* _WRS_ALTIVEC_SUPPORT */
- BOOL dbgPrintSimd;
- /* extern */
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _func_breakpoint;
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _func_trace;
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _func_trap;
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _func_dbgTargetNotify;
- IMPORT BOOL dbgUnbreakableOld;
- /* locals */
- static INSTR * nextToDsm = NULL; /* instruction to disassemble from */
- static int dfltCount = 10; /* # of instructions to disassemble */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL void dbgTargetNotify (UINT32 flag, UINT32 addr,
- REG_SET * pRegisters);
- LOCAL BRKPT * dbgBrkAdd (INSTR * addr, int task, unsigned flags,
- unsigned action, unsigned count,
- FUNCPTR callRtn, int callArg);
- LOCAL STATUS dbgCheckBreakable (int task);
- LOCAL void dbgTlSnglStep (int task);
- LOCAL STATUS dbgInstall (void);
- LOCAL void dbgTyAbort (void);
- LOCAL void dbgTlTyAbort (void);
- LOCAL void dbgBrkDisplay (void);
- LOCAL void dbgPrintAdrs (int address);
- LOCAL INSTR * dbgList (INSTR * addr, int count);
- LOCAL void dbgBrkPrint (INSTR * addr);
- LOCAL void dbgE (EVT_CALL_ARGS * pEvtCall, REG_SET * pRegisters);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgHelp - display debugging help menu
- *
- * This routine displays a summary of dbgLib utilities with a
- * short description of each, similar to the following:
- *
- * .CS
- * dbgHelp Print this list
- * dbgInit Install debug facilities
- * b Display breakpoints
- * b addr[,task[,count]] Set breakpoint
- * e addr[,eventNo[,task[,func[,arg]]]]] Set eventpoint (WindView)
- * bd addr[,task] Delete breakpoint
- * bdall [task] Delete all breakpoints
- * c [task[,addr[,addr1]]] Continue from breakpoint
- * cret [task] Continue to subroutine return
- * s [task[,addr[,addr1]]] Single step
- * so [task] Single step/step over subroutine
- * l [adr[,nInst]] List disassembled memory
- * tt [task] Do stack trace on task
- * bh addr[,access[,task[,count[,quiet]]]] set hardware breakpoint
- * (if supported by the architecture)
- * .CE
- *
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- */
- void dbgHelp (void)
- {
- static char * help_msg = "n
- dbgHelp Print this listn
- dbgInit Install debug facilitiesn
- b Display breakpoints and eventpointsn
- b addr[,task[,count]] Set breakpointn
- e addr[,eventNo[,task[,func[,arg]]]]] Set eventpointn
- bd addr[,task] Delete breakpointn
- bdall [task] Delete all breakpoints and eventpointsn
- c [task[,addr[,addr1]]] Continue from breakpointn
- cret [task] Continue to subroutine returnn
- s [task[,addr[,addr1]]] Single stepn
- so [task] Single step/step over subroutinen
- l [adr[,nInst]] List disassembled memoryn
- tt [task] Do stack trace on taskn";
- printf ("%s", help_msg);
- printf ("%s", _archHelp_msg);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgInit - initialize the local debugging package
- *
- * This routine initializes the local debugging package and enables the basic
- * breakpoint and single-step functions.
- *
- * This routine also enables the shell abort function, CTRL-C.
- *
- * NOTE
- * The debugging package should be initialized before any debugging routines
- * are used. If the configuration macro INCLUDE_DEBUG is defined, dbgInit()
- * is called by the root task, usrRoot(), in usrConfig.c.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- */
- STATUS dbgInit (void)
- {
- _dbgArchInit (); /* initialise disassembler ... */
- tyAbortFuncSet ((FUNCPTR) dbgTyAbort); /* set abort routine */
- _func_bdall = bdall;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgInstall - install the debugging facility
- *
- * This routine installs the debug package.
- * It performs the following actions:
- *
- * - Initialize breakpoint entry lists
- *
- * - Sets the interrupt vectors of the breakpoint
- * and trace hardware interrupts to the appropriate
- * debug interrupt handlers.
- *
- * - Adds the debug task switch routine to the kernel
- * context switch call out.
- *
- * This routine is called automatically by all breakpoint related routines
- * in this library. Note that dbgInstall should not be called until
- * the following items have been initialized:
- *
- * - the pipe driver
- * - the ty driver used for logging
- * - the exception handler library (excLib)
- * - the message logging library (logLib)
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to install task switch routine.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS dbgInstall (void)
- {
- static BOOL dbgInstalled = FALSE; /* TRUE = facility installed */
- /* if debugging facility is not already installed, then install it
- * by initializing lists and installing switch hook.
- */
- if (!dbgInstalled)
- {
- /* initialize breakpoint lists */
- wdbDbgBpListInit ();
- /* connect various handlers */
- dbgTaskBpHooksInstall ();
- /* routine to be called when a breakpoint is encountered */
- _func_dbgTargetNotify = (FUNCPTR) dbgTargetNotify;
- /*
- * If _func_trap was not already initialized by the WDB agent,
- * initialize it.
- */
- if (_func_trap == NULL)
- _func_trap = (FUNCPTR) dbgTaskBpTrap;
- #else /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- /*
- * If _func_trace was not already initialized by the WDB agent,
- * initialize it.
- */
- if (_func_trace == NULL)
- _func_trace = (FUNCPTR) dbgTaskBpTrace;
- /*
- * if _func_breakpoint was not already initialized by the WDB agent,
- * initialize it.
- */
- if (_func_breakpoint == NULL)
- _func_breakpoint = (FUNCPTR) dbgTaskBpBreakpoint;
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- /* Insert the break and trace vectors, set breakpoint instruction */
- wdbDbgArchInit ();
- dbgInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * b - set or display breakpoints
- *
- * This routine sets or displays breakpoints. To display the list of
- * currently active breakpoints, call b() without arguments:
- * .CS
- * -> b
- * .CE
- * The list shows the address, task, and pass count of each breakpoint.
- * Temporary breakpoints inserted by so() and cret() are also indicated.
- *
- * To set a breakpoint with b(), include the address, which can be
- * specified numerically or symbolically with an optional offset.
- * The other arguments are optional:
- * .CS
- * -> b addr[,task[,count[,quiet]]]
- * .CE
- * If <task> is zero or omitted, the breakpoint will apply to all breakable
- * tasks. If <count> is zero or omitted, the breakpoint will occur every
- * time it is hit. If <count> is specified, the break will not occur
- * until the <count> +1th time an eligible task hits the breakpoint
- * (i.e., the breakpoint is ignored the first <count> times it is hit).
- *
- * If <quiet> is specified, debugging information destined for the console
- * will be suppressed when the breakpoint is hit. This option is included
- * for use by external source code debuggers that handle the breakpoint
- * user interface themselves.
- *
- * Individual tasks can be unbreakable, in which case breakpoints that
- * otherwise would apply to a task are ignored. Tasks can be spawned
- * unbreakable by specifying the task option VX_UNBREAKABLE.
- * Tasks can also be set unbreakable or breakable by resetting
- * VX_UNBREAKABLE with the routine taskOptionsSet().
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if <addr> is illegal or the breakpoint table is full.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: bd(), taskOptionsSet(),
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* where to set breakpoint, or */
- /* 0 = display all breakpoints */
- int task, /* task for which to set breakboint, */
- /* 0 = set all tasks */
- int count, /* number of passes before hit */
- BOOL quiet /* TRUE = don't print debugging info, */
- /* FALSE = print debugging info */
- )
- {
- int tid = 0; /* task ID */
- int val; /* temporary buffer */
- int action; /* breakpoint action */
- int retVal = OK; /* return value */
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (task != 0)
- tid = taskIdFigure (task); /* convert to task id */
- if (tid == ERROR)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* NULL address means show all breakpoints */
- if (addr == NULL)
- {
- dbgBrkDisplay ();
- return (OK);
- }
- /* if text segment protection turned on, first write enable the page */
- TEXT_UNLOCK(addr);
- /* check validity of breakpoint address */
- if (!ALIGNED ((int) addr, DBG_INST_ALIGN) ||
- (vxMemProbe ((char *)addr, VX_READ,
- sizeof(INSTR), (char *)&val) != OK) ||
- (vxMemProbe ((char *)addr, VX_WRITE,
- sizeof(INSTR), (char *)&val) != OK))
- {
- printErr (DBG_ILL_BKPT_ADDR, (int)addr);
- retVal = ERROR;
- goto done;
- }
- if (quiet)
- action = WDB_ACTION_STOP;
- else
- /* add new breakpoint */
- if (dbgBrkAdd (addr, tid, 0, action, count, NULL, 0) == NULL)
- {
- printErr (DBG_BKPT_TBL_FULL);
- retVal = ERROR;
- goto done;
- }
- done:
- TEXT_LOCK(addr);
- return (retVal);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * e - set or display eventpoints (WindView)
- *
- * This routine sets "eventpoints"--that is, breakpoint-like instrumentation
- * markers that can be inserted in code to generate and log an event for use
- * with WindView. Event logging must be enabled with wvEvtLogEnable() for
- * the eventpoint to be logged.
- *
- * <eventId> selects the evenpoint number that will be logged: it is in
- * the user event ID range (0-25536).
- *
- * If <addr> is NULL, then all eventpoints and breakpoints are displayed.
- * If <taskNameOrId> is 0, then this event is logged in all tasks.
- * The <evtRtn> routine is called when this eventpoint is hit. If <evtRtn>
- * returns OK, then the eventpoint is logged; otherwise, it is ignored.
- * If <evtRtn> is a NULL pointer, then the eventpoint is always logged.
- *
- * Eventpoints are exactly like breakpoints (which are set with the b()
- * command) except in how the system responds when the eventpoint is hit. An
- * eventpoint typically records an event and continues immediately (if
- * <evtRtn> is supplied, this behavior may be different). Eventpoints cannot
- * be used at interrupt level.
- *
- * To delete an eventpoint, use bd().
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if <addr> is odd or nonexistent in memory, or if the
- * breakpoint table is full.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wvEvent()
- */
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* where to set eventpoint, or */
- /* 0 means display all eventpoints */
- event_t eventId, /* event ID */
- int taskNameOrId, /* task affected; 0 means all tasks */
- FUNCPTR evtRtn, /* function to be invoked; */
- /* NULL means no function is invoked */
- int arg /* argument to be passed to <evtRtn> */
- )
- {
- int tid = 0; /* task ID */
- int val; /* temporary buffer */
- int retVal = OK; /* return value */
- EVT_CALL_ARGS * pEvtCall; /* structure to pass arguments */
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (taskNameOrId != 0)
- tid = taskIdFigure (taskNameOrId); /* convert to task id */
- if (tid == ERROR)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* NULL address means show all breakpoints */
- if (addr == NULL)
- {
- dbgBrkDisplay ();
- return (OK);
- }
- /* if text segment protection turned on, first write enable the page */
- TEXT_UNLOCK(addr);
- /* check validity of breakpoint address */
- if (!ALIGNED ((int) addr, DBG_INST_ALIGN) ||
- (vxMemProbe ((char *)addr, VX_READ,
- sizeof(INSTR), (char *)&val) != OK) ||
- (vxMemProbe ((char *)addr, VX_WRITE,
- sizeof(INSTR), (char *)&val) != OK))
- {
- printErr (DBG_ILL_EVTPT_ADDR, (int)addr);
- retVal = ERROR;
- goto done;
- }
- /*
- * The runtime callout, dbgE, requires three parameters (an event number,
- * and a conditioning routine and argument). However the breakpoints
- * only support passing one argument to the callout. So here we allocate
- * a structure and pass it's address to the callout.
- * XXX - this creates a memory leak of 12 bytes.
- * We need to store the address of the structure with the eventpoint,
- * and have the breakpoint delete routines check and free the memory.
- */
- if ((pEvtCall = (EVT_CALL_ARGS *) malloc (sizeof (EVT_CALL_ARGS))) == NULL)
- {
- retVal = ERROR;
- goto done;
- }
- pEvtCall->evtRtn = evtRtn;
- pEvtCall->evtRtnArg = arg;
- pEvtCall->eventId = eventId;
- /* add new breakpoint */
- if (dbgBrkAdd (addr, tid, BP_EVENT, WDB_ACTION_CALL, 0, (FUNCPTR) dbgE,
- (int) pEvtCall) == NULL)
- {
- printErr (DBG_EVTPT_TBL_FULL);
- retVal = ERROR;
- goto done;
- }
- done:
- TEXT_LOCK(addr);
- return (retVal);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * bh - set a hardware breakpoint
- *
- * This routine is used to set a hardware breakpoint. If the architecture
- * allows it, this function will add the breakpoint to the list of breakpoints
- * and set the hardware breakpoint register(s). For more information, see the
- * manual entry for b().
- *
- * NOTE
- * The types of hardware breakpoints vary with the architectures. Generally,
- * a hardware breakpoint can be a data breakpoint or an instruction breakpoint.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if <addr> is illegal or the hardware breakpoint table is
- * full.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: b(),
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- */
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* where to set breakpoint, or */
- /* 0 = display all breakpoints */
- int access, /* access type (arch dependant) */
- int task, /* task for which to set breakboint, */
- /* 0 = set all tasks */
- int count, /* number of passes before hit */
- BOOL quiet /* TRUE = don't print debugging info, */
- /* FALSE = print debugging info */
- )
- {
- int tid = 0;
- BRKPT * pBp;
- DBG_REGS dbgRegs;
- dll_t * pDll;
- int action;
- int status;
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (task != 0)
- tid = taskIdFigure (task); /* convert to task id */
- if (tid == ERROR)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* 0 address means show all breakpoints */
- if (addr == NULL)
- {
- dbgBrkDisplay ();
- return (OK);
- }
- /* check validity of hardware breakpoint address */
- if (wdbDbgHwAddrCheck ((UINT32) addr, access, (FUNCPTR) vxMemProbe) != OK)
- {
- printErr (DBG_ILL_BKPT_ADDR, (int)addr);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* clean dbgRegs structure */
- memset (&dbgRegs, 0, sizeof (DBG_REGS));
- /* fill dbgRegs structure */
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- for (pDll = dll_head(&bpList); pDll != dll_end(&bpList);
- pDll = dll_next(pDll))
- {
- pBp = BP_BASE(pDll);
- /* check if found breakpoint is applicable to current task */
- if ((pBp->bp_task == ALL) || (task == ALL) || (pBp->bp_task == task))
- {
- if (pBp->bp_flags & BRK_HARDWARE)
- {
- if (wdbDbgHwBpSet (&dbgRegs, pBp->bp_flags & BRK_HARDMASK,
- (UINT32) pBp->bp_addr) != OK)
- {
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- if (quiet)
- action = WDB_ACTION_STOP;
- else
- status = wdbDbgHwBpSet (&dbgRegs, access, (UINT32) addr);
- switch (status)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- printErr (DBG_INV_HW_BKPT_TYPE);
- return (ERROR);
- case OK:
- break;
- default:
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* add breakpoint to breakpoint table */
- if ((pBp = dbgBrkAdd (addr, tid, access | BRK_HARDWARE, action,
- count, NULL, 0)) == NULL)
- {
- printErr (DBG_BKPT_TBL_FULL);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- #endif /* DBG_HARDWARE_BP */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * bd - delete a breakpoint
- *
- * This routine deletes a specified breakpoint.
- *
- * To execute, enter:
- * .CS
- * -> bd addr [,task]
- * .CE
- * If <task> is omitted or zero, the breakpoint will be removed for all tasks.
- * If the breakpoint applies to all tasks, removing it for only a single
- * task will be ineffective. It must be removed for all tasks and then set
- * for just those tasks desired. Temporary breakpoints inserted by the
- * routines so() or cret() can also be deleted.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if there is no breakpoint at the specified address.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: b(),
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* address of breakpoint to delete */
- int task /* task for which to delete breakpoint, */
- /* 0 = delete for all tasks */
- )
- {
- BRKPT * pBp;
- int tid = 0;
- dll_t * pDll;
- dll_t * pDllNext;
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (task != 0)
- tid = taskIdFigure (task); /* convert to task id */
- if (tid == ERROR)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* search breakpoint table for entry with correct address & task */
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- for (pDll = dll_head(&bpList); pDll != dll_end(&bpList); pDll = pDllNext)
- {
- pDllNext = dll_next(pDll);
- pBp = BP_BASE(pDll);
- if (pBp->bp_addr == addr &&
- (pBp->bp_task == tid || tid == ALL) &&
- !(pBp->bp_flags & BP_HOST))
- {
- wdbDbgBpRemove (pBp);
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- /*
- * print an error message if we have not found the breakpoint to remove
- */
- printErr (DBG_NO_BKPT_AT_ADDR, (int) addr);
- if (tid == ALL)
- printErr ("n");
- else
- printErr (" for task %#x (%s)n", tid, taskName (tid));
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * bdall - delete all breakpoints
- *
- * This routine removes all breakpoints.
- *
- * To execute, enter:
- * .CS
- * -> bdall [task]
- * .CE
- * If <task> is specified, all breakpoints that apply to that task are
- * removed. If <task> is omitted, all breakpoints for all tasks are
- * removed. Temporary breakpoints inserted by so() or cret() are not
- * deleted; use bd() instead.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: bd(),
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- STATUS bdall
- (
- int task /* task for which to delete breakpoints, */
- /* 0 = delete for all tasks */
- )
- {
- int tid = 0;
- dll_t * pDll;
- dll_t * pDllNext;
- BRKPT * pBp;
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (task != 0)
- tid = taskIdFigure (task); /* convert to task id */
- if (tid == ERROR)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- for (pDll = dll_head(&bpList); pDll != dll_end(&bpList); pDll = pDllNext)
- {
- pDllNext = dll_next(pDll);
- pBp = BP_BASE(pDll);
- /* we can't remove a breakpoint set by a host tool */
- if ((pBp->bp_task == tid || tid == ALL) && !(pBp->bp_flags & BP_HOST))
- wdbDbgBpRemove (pBp);
- }
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * c - continue from a breakpoint
- *
- * This routine continues the execution of a task that has stopped at a
- * breakpoint.
- *
- * To execute, enter:
- * .CS
- * -> c [task [,addr[,addr1]]]
- * .CE
- * If <task> is omitted or zero, the last task referenced is assumed.
- * If <addr> is non-zero, the program counter is changed to <addr>;
- * if <addr1> is non-zero, the next program counter is changed to <addr1>,
- * and the task is continued.
- *
- * When a task is continued, c() does not distinguish between a suspended
- * task or a task suspended by the debugger. Therefore, its use should be
- * restricted to only those tasks being debugged.
- *
- * NOTE
- * The next program counter, <addr1>, is currently supported only by SPARC.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the specified task does not exist.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: tr(),
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- (
- int task, /* task that should proceed from breakpoint */
- INSTR * addr, /* address to continue at; 0 = next instruction */
- INSTR * addr1 /* address for npc; 0 = instruction next to pc */
- )
- {
- int tid = 0;
- WIND_TCB * pTcb;
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((tid = taskIdFigure (task)) == ERROR) /* convert to task id */
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- tid = taskIdDefault (tid); /* set default task id */
- if (dbgCheckBreakable (tid) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- pTcb = taskTcb(tid);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (!taskIsSuspended (tid))
- return (ERROR);
- /* adjust pc & continue the task */
- if (addr != 0)
- _dbgTaskPCSet (tid, addr, addr1);
- if (dbgTaskCont (tid) != OK)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_IX_NOT_FOUND, tid);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cret - continue until the current subroutine returns
- *
- * This routine places a breakpoint at the return address of the current
- * subroutine of a specified task, then continues execution of that task.
- *
- * To execute, enter:
- * .CS
- * -> cret [task]
- * .CE
- * If <task> is omitted or zero, the last task referenced is assumed.
- *
- * When the breakpoint is hit, information about the task will be printed in
- * the same format as in single-stepping. The breakpoint is automatically
- * removed when hit, or if the task hits another breakpoint first.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if there is no such task or the breakpoint table is
- * full.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: so(),
- * .pG "Target Shell",
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- STATUS cret
- (
- int task /* task to continue, 0 = default */
- )
- {
- #if (DBG_CRET == TRUE)
- int tid = 0; /* task ID */
- REG_SET regSet; /* task's register set */
- WIND_TCB * pTcb; /* pointer on task TCB */
- INSTR * retAdrs; /* return address */
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((tid = taskIdFigure (task)) == ERROR) /* convert to task id */
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- tid = taskIdDefault (tid); /* set default task id */
- /* check if task is breakable */
- if (dbgCheckBreakable (tid) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- if (taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set) != OK)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_IX_NOT_FOUND, tid);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pTcb = taskTcb (tid);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (!taskIsSuspended (tid))
- return (ERROR);
- retAdrs = _dbgRetAdrsGet (®Set);
- /* add breakpoint to breakpoint table */
- if (dbgBrkAdd (retAdrs, tid, BP_SO, WDB_ACTION_STOP | WDB_ACTION_NOTIFY,
- 0, NULL, 0) == NULL)
- {
- printErr (DBG_BKPT_TBL_FULL);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (dbgTaskCont (tid) != OK)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_IX_NOT_FOUND, tid);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- #else /* (DBG_CRET == FALSE) */
- printErr (DBG_CRET_NOT_SUPP);
- return (ERROR);
- #endif /* (DBG_CRET == TRUE) */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * s - single-step a task
- *
- * This routine single-steps a task that is stopped at a breakpoint.
- *
- * To execute, enter:
- * .CS
- * -> s [task[,addr[,addr1]]]
- * .CE
- * If <task> is omitted or zero, the last task referenced is assumed.
- * If <addr> is non-zero, then the program counter is changed to <addr>;
- * if <addr1> is non-zero, the next program counter is changed to <addr1>,
- * and the task is stepped.
- *
- * When a task is continued, s() does not distinguish between a suspended
- * task or a task suspended by the debugger. Therefore, its use should be
- * restricted to only those tasks being debugged.
- *
- * NOTE
- * The next program counter, <addr1>, is currently supported only by SPARC.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the debugging package is not installed, the task
- * cannot be found, or the task is not suspended.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- (
- int taskNameOrId, /* task to step; 0 = use default */
- INSTR * addr, /* address to step to; 0 = next instruction */
- INSTR * addr1 /* address for npc, 0 = next instruction */
- )
- {
- int tid;
- WIND_TCB * pTcb;
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((tid = taskIdFigure (taskNameOrId)) == ERROR) /* convert to task id */
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- tid = taskIdDefault (tid); /* set default task id */
- if (dbgCheckBreakable (tid) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- pTcb = taskTcb (tid);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (!taskIsSuspended (tid))
- return (ERROR);
- /* adjust pc & resume the task */
- if (addr != 0)
- _dbgTaskPCSet (tid, addr, addr1);
- /* mark task as single-stepping */
- DBG_INFO(tid)->wdbState |= WDB_STEP_TARGET;
- if (taskResume (tid) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * so - single-step, but step over a subroutine
- *
- * This routine single-steps a task that is stopped at a breakpoint.
- * However, if the next instruction is a JSR or BSR, so() breaks at the
- * instruction following the subroutine call instead.
- *
- * To execute, enter:
- * .CS
- * -> so [task]
- * .CE
- * If <task> is omitted or zero, the last task referenced is assumed.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell",
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- (
- int task /* task to step; 0 = use default */
- )
- {
- INSTR * pc;
- int tid;
- WIND_TCB * pTcb;
- if (dbgInstall () != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((tid = taskIdFigure (task)) == ERROR) /* convert to task id */
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- tid = taskIdDefault (tid); /* set default task id */
- if (dbgCheckBreakable (tid) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- pTcb = taskTcb (tid);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (!taskIsSuspended (tid))
- return (ERROR);
- pc = _dbgTaskPCGet (tid);
- if (_dbgFuncCallCheck (pc)) /* check if function call instruction */
- {
- /* add breakpoint to breakpoint table */
- if (dbgBrkAdd (pc + _dbgInstSizeGet (pc), tid, BP_SO,
- 0, NULL, 0) == NULL)
- {
- printErr (DBG_BKPT_TBL_FULL);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (dbgTaskCont (tid) == ERROR)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_IX_NOT_FOUND, tid);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* mark task as single-stepping */
- DBG_INFO(tid)->wdbState |= WDB_STEP_TARGET;
- /* resume the task */
- if (taskResume (tid) != OK)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_IX_NOT_FOUND, tid);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgBrkAdd - add a breakpoint to the breakpoint table
- *
- * Breakpoint structure address or NULL if we can't add the breakpoint.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BRKPT * dbgBrkAdd
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* where to set breakpoint */
- int task, /* task for which to set breakboint */
- unsigned flags, /* breakpoint flags */
- unsigned action, /* breakpoint action */
- unsigned count, /* breakpoint count */
- FUNCPTR callRtn, /* routine to call */
- int callArg /* routine argument */
- )
- {
- BRKPT * pBp;
- /* get a free breakpoint entry */
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- if (dll_empty (&bpFreeList))
- pBp = NULL;
- else
- {
- pBp = BP_BASE(dll_tail (&bpFreeList));
- dll_remove (&pBp->bp_chain);
- }
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- if (pBp == NULL)
- {
- pBp = (BRKPT *) malloc (sizeof (BRKPT));
- if (pBp == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* initialize breakpoint and add to list */
- pBp->bp_flags = flags;
- pBp->bp_addr = addr;
- pBp->bp_task = task;
- pBp->bp_action = action;
- pBp->bp_count = count;
- pBp->bp_callRtn = (void (*)()) callRtn;
- pBp->bp_callArg = callArg;
- if ((pBp->bp_flags & BRK_HARDWARE) == 0)
- pBp->bp_instr = *addr;
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- dll_insert(&pBp->bp_chain, &bpList); /* add bp to active list */
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- return (pBp);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgBrkDisplay - display breakpoints
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgBrkDisplay (void)
- {
- dll_t * pDll;
- BRKPT * pBp;
- BOOL nobreaks = TRUE; /* flag that no breakpoints are set */
- for (pDll = dll_head(&bpList); pDll != dll_end(&bpList);
- pDll = dll_next(pDll))
- {
- /*
- * taskLock() and taskUnlock() are useless because of the use of
- * printf(). So, one or more breakpoints could be deleted by
- * another task while we are reading the breakpoint list.
- * If it happens, we can enter an infinite loop.
- */
- pBp = BP_BASE(pDll);
- nobreaks = FALSE;
- dbgBrkPrint (pBp->bp_addr);
- if (pBp->bp_task == ALL)
- printf (" Task: %9s Count: %2d", "all", pBp->bp_count);
- else
- printf (" Task: %#9x Count: %2d", pBp->bp_task, pBp->bp_count);
- /* print informations on hardware breakpoints */
- _dbgBrkDisplayHard (pBp);
- #endif /* DBG_HARDWARE_BP */
- if (pBp->bp_flags & BP_HOST )
- printf (" (tgtsvr)");
- else
- {
- if (pBp->bp_flags & BP_EVENT)
- printf (" (event)");
- else if (pBp->bp_flags & BP_SO )
- printf (" (temporary)");
- else if (!(pBp->bp_action & WDB_ACTION_NOTIFY ))
- printf (" (quiet)");
- }
- printf ("n");
- }
- if (nobreaks)
- printErr (DBG_NO_BKPTS);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgBrkPrint - print breakpoint address
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgBrkPrint
- (
- INSTR * addr /* address of breakpoint */
- )
- {
- char * label; /* pointer to name from symbol table */
- void * actVal; /* actual value of label */
- SYMBOL_ID symId; /* symbol identifier */
- int displacement;
- char demangled [DBG_DEMANGLE_PRINT_LEN+1];
- char * labelToPrint;
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (UINT32) addr); /* print breakpoint address */
- /* print symbolic address and displacement, if any */
- if ((symFindSymbol (sysSymTbl, NULL, (void *)addr,
- (symNameGet (symId, &label) == OK) &&
- (symValueGet (symId, &actVal) == OK))
- {
- labelToPrint = cplusDemangle (label, demangled, sizeof (demangled));
- printf ("%-15s", labelToPrint);
- if ((displacement = (int)addr - (int)actVal) != 0)
- printf ("+0x%-4x", displacement);
- else
- printf ("%6s", ""); /* no displacement */
- }
- else
- printf ("%21s", ""); /* no symbolic address */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgCheckBreakable - make sure task is breakable
- *
- * Prints an error message if task is unbreakable.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS dbgCheckBreakable
- (
- int task /* task id */
- )
- {
- WIND_TCB * pTcb; /* pointer on task TCB */
- if (task == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- pTcb = taskTcb (task);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_IX_NOT_FOUND, task);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((pTcb->options & VX_UNBREAKABLE) != 0)
- {
- int tid = task == 0 ? taskIdSelf () : task;
- printErr ("Task %#x (%s) is unbreakable.n", tid, taskName (tid));
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTlBreak - print info about a breakpoint
- *
- * This routine prints info about a breakpoint we have encountered.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTlBreak
- (
- int task, /* taskId */
- INSTR * pc, /* task's pc */
- INSTR * addr /* breakpoint's address */
- )
- {
- WIND_TCB * pTcb; /* pointer on task TCB */
- taskIdDefault (task);
- pTcb = taskTcb(task);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return;
- /* print breakpoint info */
- printErr ("nBreak at ");
- dbgBrkPrint (addr); /* print the address */
- printErr (" Task: %#x (%s)n", task, taskName (task));
- nextToDsm = pc; /* update l's default list-from */
- /*
- * Reset the flag dbgUnbreakableOld. This flag was set to prevent
- * encontering breakpoints in this routine (even breakpoint with
- * stop action not defined).
- */
- dbgUnbreakableOld = FALSE;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTlSnglStep - print info about a single-stepping task
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTlSnglStep
- (
- int task /* task id */
- )
- {
- int pc;
- WIND_TCB * pTcb;
- dll_t * pDll;
- dll_t * pNextDll;
- BRKPT * pBp;
- /* get pc of the task */
- pc = (int) _dbgTaskPCGet (task);
- /* remove (if any) temporary breakpoint set by so or cret instruction */
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- for (pDll = dll_head(&bpList); pDll != dll_end(&bpList);
- pDll = pNextDll)
- {
- pNextDll = dll_next(pDll);
- pBp = BP_BASE(pDll);
- if ((pBp->bp_task == (UINT32) task) &&
- (pBp->bp_addr == (INSTR *) pc) &&
- (pBp->bp_flags == BP_SO))
- {
- wdbDbgBpRemove (pBp);
- }
- }
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- taskIdDefault (task); /* update default task */
- pTcb = taskTcb (task);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return;
- /* print the registers and disassemble next instruction */
- taskRegsShow (task);
- if ((pTcb->options & VX_FP_TASK) && dbgPrintFpp)
- {
- /*
- * On the other hand fppTaskRegsShow() may modify the FP registers
- * (this depends of the architecture & compiler: it does happen for
- * PPC, SH): therefore we need to restore the FP context to what it
- * was before fppTaskRegsShow() so that the fppSwapHook() will save
- * the correct value in the TCB when the next FP task is swapped in.
- * (see also SPR #7983). This is needed because this routine is
- * executed in the tExcTask context. tExcTask is spawned without the
- * VX_FP_TASK option.
- */
- fppSave(pTcb->pFpContext);
- fppTaskRegsShow (task);
- fppRestore(pTcb->pFpContext);
- }
- if ((pTcb->options & VX_DSP_TASK) && dbgPrintDsp &&
- (_func_dspTaskRegsShow != NULL))
- {
- (* _func_dspTaskRegsShow) (task);
- }
- #if (CPU_FAMILY==I80X86)
- if ((pTcb->options & VX_FP_TASK) && dbgPrintSimd &&
- (_func_sseTaskRegsShow != NULL))
- {
- (* _func_sseTaskRegsShow) (task);
- }
- #endif /* (CPU_FAMILY==I80X86) */
- if ((pTcb->options & VX_ALTIVEC_TASK) && dbgPrintAltivec)
- altivecTaskRegsShow (task);
- #endif /* _WRS_ALTIVEC_SUPPORT */
- (void) dbgList ((INSTR *) pc, 1);
- nextToDsm = (INSTR *) pc;
- /*
- * Reset the flag dbgUnbreakableOld. This flag was set to prevent
- * encountering breakpoints (for example if ACTION_STOP was not
- * specified) in this unbreakable routine.
- */
- dbgUnbreakableOld = FALSE;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTyAbort - abort the shell from interrupt level
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTyAbort (void)
- {
- excJobAdd ((VOIDFUNCPTR)dbgTlTyAbort, 0,0,0,0,0,0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTlTyAbort - task level portion of shell abort
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTlTyAbort (void)
- {
- tyAbortFuncSet ((FUNCPTR) NULL); /* cancel abort routine */
- /* reset the standard input and output channels in case they are hung up */
- ioctl (STD_IN, FIOFLUSH, 0);
- ioctl (STD_OUT, FIOFLUSH, 0);
- ioctl (STD_ERR, FIOFLUSH, 0);
- tt (shellTaskId);
- if ((taskRestart (shellTaskId)) != ERROR)
- printErr ("%s restarted.n", taskName (shellTaskId));
- else
- {
- printErr ("spawning new shell.n");
- if (shellInit (0, TRUE) == ERROR)
- printErr ("shell spawn failed!n");
- }
- tyAbortFuncSet ((FUNCPTR) dbgTyAbort); /* set abort routine */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * l - disassemble and display a specified number of instructions
- *
- * This routine disassembles a specified number of instructions and displays
- * them on standard output. If the address of an instruction is entered in
- * the system symbol table, the symbol will be displayed as a label for that
- * instruction. Also, addresses in the opcode field of instructions will be
- * displayed symbolically.
- *
- * To execute, enter:
- * .CS
- * -> l [address [,count]]
- * .CE
- * If <address> is omitted or zero, disassembly continues from the previous
- * address. If <count> is omitted or zero, the last specified count is used
- * (initially 10). As with all values entered via the shell, the address may
- * be typed symbolically.
- *
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- void l
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* address of first instruction to disassemble */
- /* if 0, continue from the last instruction */
- /* disassembled on the last call to l */
- int count /* number of instruction to disassemble */
- /* if 0, use the same as the last call to l */
- )
- {
- addr = (INSTR *) ROUND_DOWN (addr, DBG_INST_ALIGN); /* force alignment */
- /* set new start address and instruction count if specified */
- if ((int) addr != 0)
- nextToDsm = addr;
- if (count != 0)
- dfltCount = count;
- nextToDsm = dbgList (nextToDsm, dfltCount); /* disassemble n instructions */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgList - disassemble and list n instructions
- *
- * This routine disassembles some number of instructions, using dsmLib.
- * The normal user interface is through the routine 'l', rather than through
- * this routine.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to instruction following last instruction disassembled.
- *
- */
- LOCAL INSTR * dbgList
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* address of first instruction to disassemble */
- int count /* number of intructions to dissamble */
- )
- {
- char * label; /* pointer to symbol table copy of symbol name string */
- void * actVal; /* actual address of symbol found */
- SYMBOL_ID symId; /* symbol identifier */
- int ix;
- char demangled[DBG_DEMANGLE_PRINT_LEN + 1];
- char * labelToPrint;
- for (ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
- {
- if ((symFindSymbol (sysSymTbl, NULL, (void *)addr,
- (symNameGet (symId, &label) == OK) &&
- (symValueGet (symId, &actVal) == OK) &&
- (actVal == (void *)addr))
- {
- labelToPrint = cplusDemangle(label, demangled, sizeof (demangled));
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == SH)
- printf (" %s:n", labelToPrint);
- #else
- printf (" %s:n", labelToPrint);
- #endif
- }
- if (_dbgDsmInstRtn == (FUNCPTR) NULL)
- printErr ("dbgList: no disassembler.n");
- else
- addr += (*_dbgDsmInstRtn) (addr, (int)addr, dbgPrintAdrs);
- }
- return (addr);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgPrintAdrs - prints addresses as symbols, if an exact match can be found
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgPrintAdrs
- (
- int address /* address to print */
- )
- {
- char * label; /* pointer to symbol table copy of symbol name string */
- void * actVal; /* actual address of symbol found */
- SYMBOL_ID symId; /* symbol identifier */
- char demangled[DBG_DEMANGLE_PRINT_LEN + 1];
- char * labelToPrint;
- if ((symFindSymbol (sysSymTbl, NULL, (void *)address,
- (symNameGet (symId, &label) == OK) &&
- (symValueGet (symId, &actVal) == OK) &&
- (actVal == (void *)address))
- {
- labelToPrint = cplusDemangle(label, demangled, sizeof (demangled));
- printf ("%s", labelToPrint);
- }
- else
- printf ("0x%08x", address);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tt - display a stack trace of a task
- *
- * This routine displays a list of the nested routine calls that the specified
- * task is in. Each routine call and its parameters are shown.
- *
- * If <taskNameOrId> is not specified or zero, the last task referenced is
- * assumed. The tt() routine can only trace the stack of a task other than
- * itself. For instance, when tt() is called from the shell, it cannot trace
- * the shell's stack.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> tt "logTask"
- * 3ab92 _vxTaskEntry +10 : _logTask (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- * ee6e _logTask +12 : _read (5, 3f8a10, 20)
- * d460 _read +10 : _iosRead (5, 3f8a10, 20)
- * e234 _iosRead +9c : _pipeRead (3fce1c, 3f8a10, 20)
- * 23978 _pipeRead +24 : _semTake (3f8b78)
- * value = 0 = 0x0
- * .CE
- * This indicates that logTask() is currently in semTake() (with
- * one parameter) and was called by pipeRead() (with three parameters),
- * which was called by iosRead() (with three parameters), and so on.
- *
- * This higher-level symbolic stack trace is built on top of the
- * lower-level routines provided by trcLib.
- *
- * In order to do the trace, some assumptions are made. In general, the
- * trace will work for all C language routines and for assembly language
- * routines that start with a LINK instruction. Some C compilers require
- * specific flags to generate the LINK first. Most VxWorks assembly language
- * routines include LINK instructions for this reason. The trace facility
- * may produce inaccurate results or fail completely if the routine is
- * written in a language other than C, the routine's entry point is
- * non-standard, or the task's stack is corrupted. Also, all parameters are
- * assumed to be 32-bit quantities, so structures passed as parameters will
- * be displayed as f2longfP integers.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the task does not exist.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- (
- int taskNameOrId /* task name or task ID */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet;
- BOOL resumeIt = FALSE; /* flag to remember if resuming is necessary */
- int tid = taskIdFigure (taskNameOrId); /* convert to task id */
- if (tid == ERROR)
- {
- printErr (DBG_TASK_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- tid = taskIdDefault (tid); /* set default task id */
- /* get caller task's id and make sure it is not the task to be traced */
- if (tid == taskIdSelf () || tid == 0)
- {
- printErr ("Sorry, traces of my own stack begin at tt ().n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* make sure the task exists */
- if (taskIdVerify (tid) != OK)
- {
- printErr ("Can't trace task %#x: invalid task id.n", tid);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* if the task is not already suspended, suspend it while we trace it */
- if (!taskIsSuspended (tid))
- {
- resumeIt = TRUE; /* we want to resume it later */
- taskSuspend (tid); /* suspend the task if need be */
- }
- /* trace the stack */
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- trcStack (®Set, (FUNCPTR) dbgPrintCall, tid);
- if (resumeIt)
- taskResume (tid); /* resume task if we suspended it */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgPrintCall - print a stack frame
- *
- * This routine is called by trcStack to print each level in turn.
- * If nargs is specified as 0, then a default number of args (trcDefaultArgs)
- * is printed in brackets ("[..]"), since this often indicates that the
- * number of args is unknown.
- *
- * NOMANUAL - also used by shellSigHandler
- */
- void dbgPrintCall
- (
- INSTR * callAdrs, /* address from which function was called */
- int funcAdrs, /* address of function called */
- int nargs, /* number of arguments in function call */
- UINT32 * args /* pointer to function args */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- SYMBOL_ID symId; /* symbol identifier */
- char * name; /* pointer to symbol tbl copy of function name goes here */
- void * val; /* address of named fn goes here */
- BOOL doingDefault = FALSE;
- char demangled [DBG_DEMANGLE_PRINT_LEN + 1];
- char * nameToPrint;
- /* print call address and name of calling function plus offset */
- printErr ("%6x ", callAdrs); /* print address from which called */
- if ((symFindSymbol (sysSymTbl, NULL, (void *)callAdrs,
- (symNameGet (symId, &name) == OK) &&
- (symValueGet (symId, &val) == OK))
- {
- nameToPrint = cplusDemangle (name, demangled, sizeof (demangled));
- printErr ("%-15s+%-3x: ", nameToPrint, (int)callAdrs - (int)val);
- }
- else
- /* make things line up properly */
- printErr (" : ");
- #else
- printErr (" : ");
- #endif
- /* print function address/name */
- if ((symFindSymbol (sysSymTbl, NULL, (void *)funcAdrs,
- (symNameGet (symId, &name) == OK) &&
- (symValueGet (symId, &val) == OK) &&
- (val == (void *)funcAdrs))
- {
- nameToPrint = cplusDemangle (name, demangled, sizeof (demangled));
- printErr ("%s (", nameToPrint); /* print function name */
- }
- else
- printErr ("%x (", funcAdrs); /* print function address */
- /* if no args are specified, print out default number (see doc at top) */
- if ((nargs == 0) && (trcDefaultArgs != 0))
- {
- doingDefault = TRUE;
- nargs = trcDefaultArgs;
- printErr ("[");
- }
- /* print args */
- for (ix = 0; ix < nargs; ix++)
- {
- if (ix > 0)
- printErr (", ");
- if (args [ix] == 0)
- printErr ("0");
- else if ((symFindSymbol (sysSymTbl, NULL, (void *)args[ix],
- (symNameGet (symId, &name) == OK) &&
- (symValueGet (symId, &val) == OK) &&
- (val == (void *)args [ix]))
- {
- nameToPrint = cplusDemangle (name, demangled, sizeof (demangled));
- printErr ("&%s", nameToPrint); /* print argument name */
- }
- else
- printErr ("%x", args [ix]);
- }
- if (doingDefault)
- printErr ("]");
- printErr (")n");
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgE - code to support the windview "e" command
- *
- * This routine is called each time a windview breakpoint is encountered
- * This is a temporary solution. This routine should be moved in windview
- * code.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgE
- (
- EVT_CALL_ARGS * pEvtCallArgs,
- REG_SET * pRegisters
- )
- {
- int (*conditionFunc)() = (int (*)())pEvtCallArgs->evtRtn;
- if (conditionFunc == NULL || conditionFunc (pEvtCallArgs->evtRtnArg) == OK)
- EVT_CTX_BUF (pEvtCallArgs->eventId, pRegisters->reg_pc, 0, NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTargetNotify - notify the target when a breakpoint is encountered
- *
- * This routine is called to notify the shell user through the console
- * when a breakpoint is encountered. Depending on the type of breakpoint,
- * the action is different.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTargetNotify
- (
- UINT32 flag, /* type of breakpoint (step over, step ...) */
- UINT32 addr, /* breakpoint addr */
- REG_SET * pRegisters /* task registers before exception */
- )
- {
- /*
- * Prevent excTask to encounter a breakpoint event if there is not
- * ACTION_STOP. This is necessary to avoid recursive loop if a
- * NOTIFY breakpoint could be encountered by dbgTlSnglStep or
- * dbgTlBreak. dbgUnbreakableOld should be restored to FALSE state
- * in dbgTlSnglStep and dbgTlBreak routines.
- */
- dbgUnbreakableOld = TRUE;
- /* check the breakpoint flag in order to determine the action to perform */
- if (flag & (BP_SO | BP_STEP))
- excJobAdd (dbgTlSnglStep, (UINT32) taskIdCurrent, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- excJobAdd (dbgTlBreak, (UINT32) taskIdCurrent, (UINT32) pRegisters->pc,
- addr, 0, 0, 0);
- }