- # Makefile - makefile for vw/src/ostool
- #
- # modification history
- # --------------------
- # 01h,08nov01,jn remove coff files from build
- # 01g,12oct01,tam added repackaging support
- # 01f,27jun01,agf add LONGCALL flag
- # 01e,14feb01,spm merged from version 01e of tor2_0_x branch (base 01d):
- # added remShellLib.o for telnet upgrade (SPR #28675)
- # 01d,17mar99,p_m Added how to rebuild shell.c and shell_slex_c as comments
- # 01c,28apr98,cym added module loadPecofflib.o
- # 01c,08jan98,dbt Removed dbgLibNew.o. Added dbgTaskLib.o
- # 01b,01nov96,p_m get rid of shell.c and shell_slex_c targets since they
- # are now checked in.
- # 01a,18jun96,yp created from 01y of MakeSkel
- #
- # This file contains the makefile rules for building the vx library
- #
- #*/
- TGT_DIR=$(WIND_BASE)/target
- DOC_FILES= ledLib.c loadLib.c loginLib.c moduleLib.c
- remShellLib.c shellLib.c spyLib.c timexLib.c unldLib.c dbgLib.c
- CFLAGS_repeatHost.o = $(LONGCALL)
- CFLAGS_periodHost.o = $(LONGCALL)
- CFLAGS_spyLib.o = $(LONGCALL)
- CFLAGS_ttHostLib.o = $(LONGCALL)
- OBJS= bootAoutLib.o bootElfLib.o
- bootLoadLib.o
- dbgLib.o dbgTaskLib.o
- ledLib.o
- loadAoutLib.o
- loadElfLib.o loadLib.o loadPecoffLib.o
- loginLib.o moduleLib.o periodHost.o repeatHost.o
- remShellLib.o shell.o shellLib.o spyLib.o
- timexLib.o ttHostLib.o
- unldLib.o
- # if shell.c gets checked in this will break. If so we'll need to comment
- # this out. Also it needs to be noted that if shell.c is not built on a
- # sunos4 machine it will break
- include $(TGT_DIR)/h/make/rules.library
- $(LIBDIR)shell.o : shell.c shell_slex_c
- # Here is how one should rebuild shell.c and shell_slex_c when
- # shell.yacc or shell.slex are modified.
- # shell.c : shell.yacc
- # @ $(RM) $@ $(YACCOUT)
- # yacc shell.yacc
- # sed "1s/^extern char *malloc().*//" < $(YACCOUT) > shell.c
- # @ $(RM) $(YACCOUT)
- # shell_slex_c : shell.slex
- # @ $(RM) $@
- # sh slex shell.slex > shell_slex_c
- # end of vw/src/ostool/Makefile