- /* timexLib.c - execution timer facilities */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 03x,16oct01,jn use symFindSymbol for symbol lookup (SPR #7453)
- 03w,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 03v,14feb97,dvs added error checking in timexShowCalls (SPR #6876).
- 03v,14feb97,dvs timexShowCalls now prints func addr if lookup in sym table
- fails (SPR #6876).
- 03u,05may93,caf tweaked for ansi.
- 03t,13feb93,kdl changed cplusLib.h to private/cplusLibP.h (SPR #1917).
- 03s,20jan93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 03r,01aug92,srh added C++ demangling idiom to timexShowCalls
- 03q,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 03p,01dec91,gae more ANSI cleanup.
- 03o,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 03n,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by dnw.
- 03m,24mar91,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 03l,10aug90,dnw added include of timexLib.h.
- 03k,10aug90,kdl added forward declarations for functions returning void.
- 03j,10jul90,dnw changed declaration of timexNull from void to int to allow
- void to be void one day
- 03i,12mar90,jcf symbol table type now SYM_TYPE.
- 03h,07mar90,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 03g,03apr89,ecs made optional arguments explicit in timexFunc, timex, timexN,
- +gae timexPost, timexPre.
- 03f,20aug88,gae documentation.
- 03e,07jul88,jcf lint.
- 03d,05jun88,dnw changed name to timexLib.
- 03c,30may88,dnw changed to v4 names.
- 03b,01may88,gae added null routine timLib().
- 03a,27jan88,jcf made kernel independent.
- 02s,18nov87,ecs documentation.
- 02r,04nov87,ecs documentation.
- 02q,08jun87,llk fixed initialization of tiPreCalls, tiTimeCalls, tiPostCalls.
- 02p,23mar87,jlf documentation.
- 02o,12jan87,llk corrected information in tihelp.
- 02n,21dec86,dnw changed to not get include files from default directories.
- 02m,02dec86,llk changed tiHelp to tihelp.
- 02l,04sep86,jlf documentation.
- 02k,27jul86,llk prints error messages to standard error (uses printErr)
- 02j,05jun86,dnw changed sstLib calls to symLib.
- 02i,24mar86,dnw de-linted.
- 02h,19mar86,dnw fixed calibration to include pushing of args and calling
- routine.
- corrected documentation.
- changed timeN to report how many reps it made.
- 02g,11oct85,dnw de-linted.
- 02f,37aug85,rdc changed MAX_SYM_LEN to MAX_SYS_SYM_LEN.
- 02e,21jul85,jlf documentation.
- 02d,01jun85,rdc updated documentation.
- 02c,14aug84,jlf changed calls to clkGetRate to sysClkGetRate.
- 02b,16jul84,ecs changed to use unix-style format codes.
- 02a,24jun84,dnw rewritten
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines for timing the execution of programs,
- individual functions, and groups of functions. The VxWorks system clock
- is used as a time base. Functions that have a short execution time
- relative to this time base can be called repeatedly to establish an
- average execution time with an acceptable percentage of error.
- Up to four functions can be specified to be timed as a group.
- Additionally, sets of up to four functions can be specified as pre- or
- post-timing functions, to be executed before and after the timed functions.
- The routines timexPre() and timexPost() are used to specify the pre- and
- post-timing functions, while timexFunc() specifies the functions to
- be timed.
- The routine timex() is used to time a single execution of a function or
- group of functions. If called with no arguments, timex() uses the
- functions in the lists created by calls to timexPre(), timexPost(), and
- timexFunc(). If called with arguments, timex() times the function
- specified, instead of the previous list. The routine timexN() works in
- the same manner as timex() except that it iterates the function calls to
- be timed.
- The routine timex() can be used to obtain the execution time of a single
- routine:
- .CS
- -> timex myFunc, myArg1, myArg2, ...
- .CE
- The routine timexN() calls a function repeatedly until a 2% or better
- tolerance is obtained:
- .CS
- -> timexN myFunc, myArg1, myArg2, ...
- .CE
- The routines timexPre(), timexPost(), and timexFunc() are used to specify
- a list of functions to be executed as a group:
- .CS
- -> timexPre 0, myPreFunc1, preArg1, preArg2, ...
- -> timexPre 1, myPreFunc2, preArg1, preArg2, ...
- -> timexFunc 0, myFunc1, myArg1, myArg2, ...
- -> timexFunc 1, myFunc2, myArg1, myArg2, ...
- -> timexFunc 2, myFunc3, myArg1, myArg2, ...
- -> timexPost 0, myPostFunc, postArg1, postArg2, ...
- .CE
- The list is executed by calling timex() or timexN() without arguments:
- .CS
- -> timex
- .ft 1
- or
- .ft P
- -> timexN
- .CE
- In this example, <myPreFunc1> and <myPreFunc2> are called with their
- respective arguments. <myFunc1>, <myFunc2>, and <myFunc3> are then
- called in sequence and timed. If timexN() was used, the sequence is
- called repeatedly until a 2% or better error tolerance is achieved.
- Finally, <myPostFunc> is called with its arguments. The timing results
- are reported after all post-timing functions are called.
- The timings measure the execution time of the routine body, without the
- usual subroutine entry and exit code (usually LINK, UNLINK, and RTS
- instructions). Also, the time required to set up the arguments and
- call the routines is not included in the reported times. This is
- because these timing routines automatically calibrate themselves by
- timing the invocation of a null routine, and thereafter subtracting
- that constant overhead.
- INCLUDE FILES: timexLib.h
- SEE ALSO: spyLib
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "symLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "sysSymTbl.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "timexLib.h"
- #include "private/cplusLibP.h"
- #define MAX_CALLS 4 /* max functions in each category */
- #define MAX_ARGS 8 /* max args to each function */
- #define MAX_PERCENT 2 /* max percent error for auto-timing */
- #define MAX_REPS 20000 /* max reps for auto-timing */
- typedef struct /* CALL */
- {
- VOIDFUNCPTR func; /* function to call */
- int arg [MAX_ARGS]; /* args to function */
- } CALL;
- LOCAL char *timexScaleText [] =
- {
- "secs", /* scale = 0 */
- "millisecs", /* scale = 1 */
- "microsecs", /* scale = 2 */
- };
- static void timexNull (void); /* forward declaration */
- LOCAL CALL_ARRAY timexPreCalls = /* calls to be made just before timing*/
- {
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- };
- LOCAL CALL_ARRAY timexTimeCalls = /* calls to be timed */
- {
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- };
- LOCAL CALL_ARRAY timexPostCalls = /* calls to be made just after timing */
- {
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- };
- LOCAL CALL_ARRAY timexNullCalls =
- {
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- { timexNull },
- };
- LOCAL int overhead; /* usecs of overhead per rep in timing test */
- /* forward static functions */
- static void timexAddCall (CALL *callArray, int i, FUNCPTR func, int arg1, int
- arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7,
- int arg8);
- static void timexAutoTime (CALL_ARRAY preCalls, CALL_ARRAY timeCalls,
- CALL_ARRAY postCalls, int *pNreps, int *pScale, int *pTime,
- int *pError, int *pPercent);
- static void timexCal (void);
- static void timexClrArrays (void);
- static void timexMakeCalls (CALL_ARRAY calls);
- static void timexScale (int ticks, int reps, int *pScale, int *pTime, int
- *pError, int *pPercent);
- static void timexShowCalls (CALL_ARRAY calls);
- static void timexTime (int reps, CALL_ARRAY preCalls, CALL_ARRAY timeCalls,
- CALL_ARRAY postCalls, int *pScale, int *pTime, int *pError,
- int *pPercent);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexInit - include the execution timer library
- *
- * This null routine is provided so that timexLib can be linked into the system.
- * If the configuration macro INCLUDE_TIMEX is defined, it is called by the
- * root task, usrRoot(), in usrConfig.c.
- *
- */
- void timexInit (void)
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexClear - clear the list of function calls to be timed
- *
- * This routine clears the current list of functions to be timed.
- *
- */
- void timexClear (void)
- {
- timexClrArrays ();
- timexShow ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexFunc - specify functions to be timed
- *
- * This routine adds or deletes functions in the list of functions
- * to be timed as a group by calls to timex() or timexN(). Up to four
- * functions can be included in the list. The argument <i> specifies the
- * function's position in the sequence of execution (0, 1, 2, or 3).
- * A function is deleted by specifying its sequence number <i> and NULL for the
- * function argument <func>.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: timex(), timexN()
- */
- void timexFunc
- (
- int i, /* function number in list (0..3) */
- FUNCPTR func, /* function to be added (NULL if to be deleted) */
- int arg1, /* first of up to 8 args to call function with */
- int arg2,
- int arg3,
- int arg4,
- int arg5,
- int arg6,
- int arg7,
- int arg8
- )
- {
- timexAddCall (timexTimeCalls, i, func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6,
- arg7, arg8);
- timexShow ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexHelp - display synopsis of execution timer facilities
- *
- * This routine displays the following summary of the available
- * execution timer functions:
- * .CS
- * timexHelp Print this list.
- * timex [func,[args...]] Time a single execution.
- * timexN [func,[args...]] Time repeated executions.
- * timexClear Clear all functions.
- * timexFunc i,func,[args...] Add timed function number i (0,1,2,3).
- * timexPre i,func,[args...] Add pre-timing function number i.
- * timexPost i,func,[args...] Add post-timing function number i.
- * timexShow Show all functions to be called.
- *
- * Notes:
- * 1) timexN() will repeat calls enough times to get
- * timing accuracy to approximately 2%.
- * 2) A single function can be specified with timex() and timexN();
- * or, multiple functions can be pre-set with timexFunc().
- * 3) Up to 4 functions can be pre-set with timexFunc(),
- * timexPre(), and timexPost(), i.e., i in the range 0 - 3.
- * 4) timexPre() and timexPost() allow locking/unlocking, or
- * raising/lowering priority before/after timing.
- * .CE
- *
- */
- void timexHelp (void)
- {
- static char *helpMsg [] =
- {
- "timexHelp Print this list.",
- "timex [func,[args...]] Time a single execution.",
- "timexN [func,[args...]] Time repeated executions.",
- "timexClear Clear all functions.",
- "timexFunc i,func,[args...] Add timed function number i (0,1,2,3).",
- "timexPre i,func,[args...] Add pre-timing function number i.",
- "timexPost i,func,[args...] Add post-timing function number i.",
- "timexShow Show all functions to be called.n",
- "Notes:",
- " 1) timexN() will repeat calls enough times to get",
- " timing accuracy to approximately 2%.",
- " 2) A single function can be specified with timex() and timexN();",
- " or, multiple functions can be pre-set with timexFunc().",
- " 3) Up to 4 functions can be pre-set with timexFunc(),",
- " timexPre(), and timexPost(), i.e., i in the range 0 - 3.",
- " 4) timexPre() and timexPost() allow locking/unlocking, or",
- " raising/lowering priority before/after timing.",
- NULL, /* list terminator */
- };
- FAST char **ppMsg;
- printf ("n");
- for (ppMsg = helpMsg; *ppMsg != NULL; ++ppMsg)
- printf ("%sn", *ppMsg);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timex - time a single execution of a function or functions
- *
- * This routine times a single execution of a specified function with up to
- * eight of the function's arguments. If no function is specified, it times
- * the execution of the current list of functions to be timed,
- * which is created using timexFunc(), timexPre(), and timexPost().
- * If timex() is executed with a function argument, the entire current list
- * is replaced with the single specified function.
- *
- * When execution is complete, timex() displays the execution time.
- * If the execution was so fast relative to the clock rate that the time is
- * meaningless (error > 50%), a warning message is printed instead. In such
- * cases, use timexN().
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: timexFunc(), timexPre(), timexPost(), timexN()
- */
- void timex
- (
- FUNCPTR func, /* function to time (optional) */
- int arg1, /* first of up to 8 args to call function with (optional) */
- int arg2,
- int arg3,
- int arg4,
- int arg5,
- int arg6,
- int arg7,
- int arg8
- )
- {
- int scale;
- int time;
- int error;
- int percent;
- /* if function specified, clear any existing functions and add this one */
- if (func != NULL)
- {
- timexClrArrays ();
- timexAddCall (timexTimeCalls, 0, func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
- arg6, arg7, arg8);
- }
- /* calibrate if necessary */
- if (overhead == 0)
- timexCal ();
- /* time calls */
- timexTime (1, timexPreCalls, timexTimeCalls, timexPostCalls,
- &scale, &time, &error, &percent);
- if (percent > 50)
- {
- printErr (
- "timex: execution time too short to be measured meaningfullyn");
- printErr (" in a single execution.n");
- printErr (" Type "timexN" to time repeated execution.n");
- printErr (" Type "timexHelp" for more information.n");
- }
- else
- printErr ("timex: time of execution = %d +/- %d (%d%%) %sn",
- time, error, percent, timexScaleText [scale]);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexN - time repeated executions of a function or group of functions
- *
- * This routine times the execution of the current list of functions to be
- * timed in the same manner as timex(); however, the list of functions
- * is called a variable number of times until sufficient resolution
- * is achieved to establish the time with an error less than 2%. (Since each
- * iteration of the list may be measured to a resolution of +/- 1 clock
- * tick, repetitive timings decrease this error to 1/N ticks, where N is
- * the number of repetitions.)
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: timexFunc(), timex()
- */
- void timexN
- (
- FUNCPTR func, /* function to time (optional) */
- int arg1, /* first of up to 8 args to call function with */
- int arg2,
- int arg3,
- int arg4,
- int arg5,
- int arg6,
- int arg7,
- int arg8
- )
- {
- int scale;
- int time;
- int error;
- int nreps;
- int percent;
- /* if function specified, clear any existing functions and add this one */
- if (func != NULL)
- {
- timexClrArrays ();
- timexAddCall (timexTimeCalls, 0, func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
- arg6, arg7, arg8);
- }
- /* calibrate if necessary then time calls */
- if (overhead == 0)
- timexCal ();
- timexAutoTime (timexPreCalls, timexTimeCalls, timexPostCalls,
- &nreps, &scale, &time, &error, &percent);
- printErr ("timex: %d reps, time per rep = %d +/- %d (%d%%) %sn",
- nreps, time, error, percent, timexScaleText [scale]);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexPost - specify functions to be called after timing
- *
- * This routine adds or deletes functions in the list of functions to be
- * called immediately following the timed functions. A maximum of four
- * functions may be included. Up to eight arguments may be passed to each
- * function.
- *
- */
- void timexPost
- (
- int i, /* function number in list (0..3) */
- FUNCPTR func, /* function to be added (NULL if to be deleted) */
- int arg1, /* first of up to 8 args to call function with */
- int arg2,
- int arg3,
- int arg4,
- int arg5,
- int arg6,
- int arg7,
- int arg8
- )
- {
- timexAddCall (timexPostCalls, i, func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6,
- arg7, arg8);
- timexShow ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexPre - specify functions to be called prior to timing
- *
- * This routine adds or deletes functions in the list of functions to be
- * called immediately prior to the timed functions. A maximum of four
- * functions may be included. Up to eight arguments may be passed to each
- * function.
- *
- */
- void timexPre
- (
- int i, /* function number in list (0..3) */
- FUNCPTR func, /* function to be added (NULL if to be deleted) */
- int arg1, /* first of up to 8 args to call function with */
- int arg2,
- int arg3,
- int arg4,
- int arg5,
- int arg6,
- int arg7,
- int arg8
- )
- {
- timexAddCall (timexPreCalls, i, func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6,
- arg7, arg8);
- timexShow ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexShow - display the list of function calls to be timed
- *
- * This routine displays the current list of function calls to be timed.
- * These lists are created by calls to timexPre(), timexFunc(), and
- * timexPost().
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: timexPre(), timexFunc(), timexPost()
- */
- void timexShow (void)
- {
- printf ("ntimex:");
- printf ("n pre-calls:n");
- timexShowCalls (timexPreCalls);
- printf ("n timed calls:n");
- timexShowCalls (timexTimeCalls);
- printf ("n post-calls:n");
- timexShowCalls (timexPostCalls);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexAddCall - enter a call in a call array
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexAddCall
- (
- CALL *callArray, /* array to be altered */
- int i, /* function number in list (0..3) */
- FUNCPTR func, /* function to be added (NULL if to be deleted) */
- int arg1, /* first of up to 8 params to call function with */
- int arg2,
- int arg3,
- int arg4,
- int arg5,
- int arg6,
- int arg7,
- int arg8
- )
- {
- if (func == NULL)
- func = (FUNCPTR) timexNull; /* func should be declared FUNCPTR? */
- if (i >= 0 && i < MAX_CALLS)
- {
- callArray[i].func = (VOIDFUNCPTR) func; /* func should be declared FUNCPTR? */
- callArray[i].arg[0] = arg1;
- callArray[i].arg[1] = arg2;
- callArray[i].arg[2] = arg3;
- callArray[i].arg[3] = arg4;
- callArray[i].arg[4] = arg5;
- callArray[i].arg[5] = arg6;
- callArray[i].arg[6] = arg7;
- callArray[i].arg[7] = arg8;
- }
- else
- printf ("timex: call number must be in range 0..%dn", MAX_CALLS - 1);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexAutoTime - time specified function calls with automatic scaling
- *
- * This routine performs the specified timing, dynamically increasing
- * the number of reps until the desired accuracy is achieved.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexAutoTime
- (
- CALL_ARRAY preCalls, /* list of functions to call before timing */
- FAST CALL_ARRAY timeCalls, /* list of functions to time */
- CALL_ARRAY postCalls, /* list of functions to call after timing */
- int *pNreps, /* ptr where to return number of times called */
- int *pScale, /* ptr where to return scale:
- * 0 = secs, 1 = millisecs, 2 = microsecs */
- int *pTime, /* ptr where to return time per rep in above units */
- int *pError, /* ptr where to return error margin in above units */
- int *pPercent /* ptr where to return percent error (0..100) */
- )
- {
- FAST int reps;
- /* start with one rep then increase reps until it takes a long
- * enough interval to provide sufficient resolution */
- reps = 1;
- timexTime (reps, preCalls, timeCalls, postCalls,
- pScale, pTime, pError, pPercent);
- while ((*pPercent > MAX_PERCENT) && ((reps < MAX_REPS) || (*pTime > 0)))
- {
- reps = reps * (*pPercent) / MAX_PERCENT;
- timexTime (reps, preCalls, timeCalls, postCalls,
- pScale, pTime, pError, pPercent);
- }
- *pNreps = reps;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexCal - calibrate timex by timing null functions
- *
- * This routine establishes the constant per rep overhead in the timing
- * function.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexCal (void)
- {
- int scale;
- int time;
- int error;
- int percent;
- int nreps;
- overhead = 0;
- timexAutoTime (timexNullCalls, timexNullCalls, timexNullCalls,
- &nreps, &scale, &time, &error, &percent);
- overhead = time;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexClrArrays - clear out function arrays
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexClrArrays (void)
- {
- bcopy ((char *) timexNullCalls, (char *) timexPreCalls,
- sizeof (timexNullCalls));
- bcopy ((char *) timexNullCalls, (char *) timexTimeCalls,
- sizeof (timexNullCalls));
- bcopy ((char *) timexNullCalls, (char *) timexPostCalls,
- sizeof (timexNullCalls));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexMakeCalls - make function calls in specified call array
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexMakeCalls
- (
- CALL_ARRAY calls /* list of functions to call */
- )
- {
- FAST int ix;
- FAST CALL *pCall = &calls[0];
- for (ix = 0; ix < MAX_CALLS; ix++, pCall++)
- {
- (* pCall->func) (pCall->arg[0], pCall->arg[1], pCall->arg[2],
- pCall->arg[3], pCall->arg[4], pCall->arg[5],
- pCall->arg[6], pCall->arg[7]);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexNull - null routine
- *
- * This routine is used as a place holder for null routines in the
- * timing function arrays. It is used to guarantee a constant calling
- * overhead in each iteration.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexNull (void)
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexScale - scale raw timing data
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexScale
- (
- int ticks, /* total ticks required for all reps */
- int reps, /* number of reps performed */
- FAST int *pScale, /* ptr where to return scale:
- * 0 = secs, 1 = millisecs, 2 = microsecs */
- FAST int *pTime, /* ptr where to return time per rep in above units */
- int *pError, /* ptr where to return error margin in above units */
- int *pPercent /* ptr where to return percent error (0..100) */
- )
- {
- FAST int scalePerSec;
- /* calculate time per rep in best scale */
- *pScale = 0; /* start with "seconds" scale */
- scalePerSec = 1;
- *pTime = ticks * scalePerSec / sysClkRateGet () / reps;
- while ((*pScale < 2) && (*pTime < 100))
- {
- (*pScale)++;
- scalePerSec = scalePerSec * 1000;
- *pTime = ticks * scalePerSec / sysClkRateGet () / reps;
- }
- /* adjust for overhead if in microseconds scale */
- if (*pScale == 2)
- {
- *pTime -= overhead;
- if (*pTime < 0)
- *pTime = 0;
- }
- /* calculate error */
- *pError = scalePerSec / sysClkRateGet () / reps;
- if (*pTime == 0)
- *pPercent = 100;
- else
- *pPercent = 100 * *pError / *pTime;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexShowCalls - print specified call array
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexShowCalls
- (
- CALL_ARRAY calls /* list of functions to be displayed */
- )
- {
- char *name; /* pointer to sym table's copy of name string */
- char demangled [TIMEX_DEMANGLE_PRINT_LEN + 1];
- char *nameToPrint;
- void *value;
- SYMBOL_ID symId; /* symbol identifier */
- int offset;
- int i;
- int j;
- int arg;
- int ncalls = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_CALLS; i++)
- {
- if (calls[i].func != timexNull)
- {
- ncalls++;
- if ((symFindSymbol (sysSymTbl, NULL, (void *)calls[i].func,
- &symId) != OK) ||
- (symNameGet (symId, &name) != OK) ||
- (symValueGet (symId, &value) != OK))
- printf (" %d: 0x%x (", i, (int)calls[i].func);
- else
- {
- offset = (int) calls[i].func - (int) value;
- nameToPrint = cplusDemangle (name, demangled,
- sizeof (demangled));
- if (offset == 0)
- printf (" %d: %s (", i, nameToPrint);
- else
- printf (" %d: %s+%x (", i, nameToPrint, offset);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < MAX_ARGS; j++)
- {
- if (j != 0)
- printf (", ");
- arg = calls[i].arg[j];
- if ((-9 <= arg) && (arg <= 9))
- printf ("%d", arg);
- else
- printf ("0x%x", arg);
- }
- printf (")n");
- }
- }
- if (ncalls == 0)
- printf (" (none)n");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * timexTime - time a specified number of reps
- *
- */
- LOCAL void timexTime
- (
- FAST int reps, /* number of reps to perform */
- CALL_ARRAY preCalls, /* list of functions to call before timing */
- FAST CALL_ARRAY timeCalls, /* list of functions to be timed */
- CALL_ARRAY postCalls, /* list of functions to call after timing */
- int *pScale, /* ptr where to return scale:
- * 0 = secs, 1 = millisecs, 2 = microsecs */
- int *pTime, /* ptr where to return time per rep in above units */
- int *pError, /* ptr where to return error margin in above units */
- int *pPercent /* ptr where to return percent error (0..100) */
- )
- {
- int start;
- int end;
- FAST int i;
- timexMakeCalls (preCalls);
- start = (int) tickGet ();
- for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
- timexMakeCalls (timeCalls);
- end = (int) tickGet ();
- timexMakeCalls (postCalls);
- timexScale (end - start, reps, pScale, pTime, pError, pPercent);
- }