- function cbthrw2d(option,in2,in3,in4)
- %CBTHRW2D Callbacks for threshold utilities 2-D.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 03-Oct-98.
- % Last Revision: 31-Jan-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:39:46 $
- switch option
- case 'down'
- % in2 = [fig; pop_dir; dir; level;
- % h_CMD_LVL(2:3,dir,level); <-- lin_min & lin_max ...
- % h_CMD_LVL(2:3,level)] <-- slider & edit
- % in3 = +1 or -1
- % in4 = maxval
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- fig = in2(1);
- sel_type = get(fig,'SelectionType');
- if strcmp(sel_type,'open') , return; end
- calledFUN = wfigmngr('getWinPROP',fig,'calledFUN');
- feval(calledFUN,'clear_GRAPHICS',fig);
- axe = get(in2(5),'Parent');
- if (axe~=gca) , axes(axe); drawnow discard; end;
- xval = get(in2(5),'Xdata');
- set(in2(5),'Userdata',xval(1));
- dir_pop = get(in2(2),'Value');
- if ~isequal(dir_pop,in2(3))
- cb = get(in2(2),'callback');
- dir_pop = in2(3);
- set(in2(2),'Value',dir_pop);
- eval(cb)
- end
- % Setting the compressed coefs axes invisible.
- %---------------------------------------------
- set(in2(5:6),'Color','g');
- drawnow
- argStr = [num2mstr(in2) ',' int2str(in3)];
- cba_move = [mfilename '(''move'',' argStr ',' num2mstr(in4) ');'];
- cba_up = [mfilename '(''up'',' argStr ');'];
- wtbxappdata('set',fig,'save_WindowButtonUpFcn',get(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn'));
- set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',cba_move,'WindowButtonUpFcn',cba_up);
- setptr(fig,'lrdrag');
- case 'move'
- % in2 = [fig; pop_dir; dir; level;
- % h_CMD_LVL(2:3,dir,level); <-- lin_min & lin_max ...
- % h_CMD_LVL(2:3,level)] <-- slider & edit
- % in3 = +1 or -1
- % in4 = maxval
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- axe = get(in2(5),'Parent');
- p = get(axe,'currentpoint');
- new_thresh = p(1,1)*in3;
- if (new_thresh<=0) , new_thresh = 0;
- elseif (new_thresh>=in4) , new_thresh = in4;
- end
- sli_lev = in2(7);
- if sli_lev~=0
- min_sli = get(sli_lev,'Min');
- max_sli = get(sli_lev,'Max');
- new_thresh = max(min_sli,min(new_thresh,max_sli));
- end
- xnew = [new_thresh new_thresh];
- xold = get(in2(6),'Xdata');
- if isequal(xold,xnew) , return; end
- if sli_lev~=0
- set(sli_lev,'Value',new_thresh);
- set(in2(8),'string',sprintf('%1.4g',new_thresh));
- end
- if norm(xnew)==0 , vis = 'off'; else , vis = 'on'; end
- set(in2(5),'Xdata',xnew,'Userdata',new_thresh);
- set(in2(6),'Visible',vis,'Xdata',-xnew);
- case 'up'
- % in2 = [fig; pop_dir; dir; level;
- % h_CMD_LVL(2:3,dir,level); <-- lin_min & lin_max ...
- % h_CMD_LVL(2:3,level)] <-- slider & edit
- % in3 = +1 or -1
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- fig = in2(1);
- save_WindowButtonUpFcn = wtbxappdata('del',fig,'save_WindowButtonUpFcn');
- set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','wtmotion',...
- 'WindowButtonUpFcn',save_WindowButtonUpFcn);
- set(in2(5:6),'Color',wtbutils('colors','linTHR'));
- mousefrm(0,'watch');
- drawnow;
- new_thresh = get(in2(5),'Userdata');
- dir_sel = in2(3);
- lev_sel = in2(4);
- sli_lev = in2(7);
- utthrw2d('update_thrStruct',fig,dir_sel,lev_sel,new_thresh);
- utthrw2d('show_LVL_perfos',fig);
- mousefrm(0,'arrow');
- end