- function [d,p] = ind2depo(order,node)
- %IND2DEPO Node index to node depth-position.
- % For a tree of order ORD, [D,P] = IND2DEPO(ORD,N)
- % computes the depths D and the positions P (at
- % these depths D) for the nodes with indices N.
- % The nodes are numbered from left to right and
- % from top to bottom. The root index is 0.
- %
- % N (indices) is a column vector of integers (N => 0).
- % The outputs D (depths) and P (positions) are column
- % vectors such that: 0 <= D and 0 <= P <= ORD^D-1.
- %
- % Note: [D,P] = IND2DEPO(ORD,[D P]).
- %
- % See also DEPO2IND.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 25-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % At depth d, the index of the first (left)
- % node is ind = (order^d-1)/(order-1)
- % All indices at depth d are:
- % ip = (order^d-1)/(order-1) + p
- % with 0 <= p <= (order^d-1)
- [r,c] = size(node);
- switch c
- case {0,1}
- d = zeros(r,1);
- p = zeros(r,1);
- K = node>0;
- if any(K)
- switch order
- case 1
- d(K) = node(K);
- otherwise
- d(K) = floor(log((order-1)*node(K)+1)/log(order));
- p(K) = node(K)-(order.^d(K)-1)/(order-1);
- end
- end
- d(node<0) = -1;
- case 2
- d = node(:,1);
- p = node(:,2);
- otherwise
- error('Invalid argument value.');
- end