- function varargout = dwtmode(option,varargin)
- %DWTMODE Discrete wavelet transform extension mode.
- % DWTMODE sets the signal or image extension mode for
- % discrete wavelet and wavelet packet transforms.
- % The extension modes represent different ways of handling
- % the problem of border distortion in the analysis.
- %
- % DWTMODE or DWTMODE('status') display the current mode.
- % ST = DWTMODE or ST = DWTMODE('status') display and
- % return the current mode.
- % ST = DWTMODE('status','nodisp') returns the current mode
- % and does not display the text.
- %
- % DWTMODE('sym') or DWTMODE('symh') sets the DWT mode to
- % symmetric-padding (half-point): boundary value symmetric
- % replication - default mode.
- %
- % DWTMODE('symw') sets the DWT mode to symmetric-padding
- % (whole-point): boundary value symmetric replication.
- %
- % DWTMODE('asym') or DWTMODE('asymh') sets the DWT mode to
- % antisymmetric-padding (half-point): boundary value
- % antisymmetric replication.
- %
- % DWTMODE('asymw') sets the DWT mode to antisymmetric-padding
- % (whole-point): boundary value antisymmetric replication.
- %
- % DWTMODE('zpd') sets the DWT mode to zero-padding
- %
- % DWTMODE('spd') or DWTMODE('sp1') sets the DWT mode
- % to smooth-padding of order 1 (first derivative
- % interpolation at the edges).
- %
- % DWTMODE('sp0') sets the DWT mode to smooth-padding
- % of order 0 (constant extension at the edges).
- %
- % DWTMODE('ppd') sets the DWT mode to periodic-padding
- % (periodic extension at the edges).
- %
- % The DWT associated with these eight modes is slightly
- % redundant. But IDWT ensures a perfect reconstruction for any
- % of the five previous modes whatever is the extension mode
- % used for DWT.
- %
- % DWTMODE('per') sets the DWT mode to periodization.
- %
- % This mode produces the smallest length wavelet decomposition.
- % But, the extension mode used for IDWT must be the same to
- % ensure a perfect reconstruction.
- % Using this mode, DWT and DWT2 produce the same results as
- % the obsolete functions DWTPER and DWTPER2, respectively.
- %
- % All functions and GUI tools that use the DWT (1-D & 2-D) or
- % Wavelet Packet (1-D & 2-D) use the specified DWT extension mode.
- %
- % DWTMODE updates a global variable allowing the use of these
- % six signal extensions. The extension mode should only
- % be changed using this function. Avoid changing the global
- % variable directly.
- %
- % --------------------------------------------------------------
- % The default mode is loaded from the file DWTMODE.DEF
- % if it exists. If not, the file DWTMODE.CFG
- % (in the "toolbox/wavelet/wavelet" directory) is used.
- % DWTMODE('save',mode) saves "mode" as new default mode
- % in the file DWTMODE.DEF (all the files named DWTMODE.DEF
- % are deleted before saving).
- % DWTMODE('save') is equivalent to DWTMODE('save',currentMode).
- % --------------------------------------------------------------
- %
- % See also DWT, DWT2 ,IDWT, IDWT2, WEXTEND.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 14-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % Internal options: 'load', 'save', 'get', 'set', 'clear'
- global DWT_Attribute
- if nargin==0 , option = 'status'; else , option = lower(option); end
- switch option
- case 'load'
- try
- load('dwtmode.def','-mat');
- DWT_Attribute = dwt_default_Attrb;
- catch
- try
- load('dwtmode.cfg','-mat');
- DWT_Attribute = dwt_default_Attrb;
- catch
- DWT_Attribute = ...
- struct('extMode','sym','shift1D',0,'shift2D',[0,0]);
- end
- end
- case 'save'
- if nargin<2
- if ~isempty(DWT_Attribute)
- extM = DWT_Attribute.extMode;
- else
- dwtmode('load');
- extM = DWT_Attribute.extMode;
- end
- else
- extM = varargin{1};
- end
- if isequal(extM,'zpd') | ...
- isequal(extM,'sym') | isequal(extM,'symh') | ...
- isequal(extM,'asym') | isequal(extM,'asymh') | ...
- isequal(extM,'symw') | isequal(extM,'asymw') | ...
- isequal(extM,'sp0') | isequal(extM,'spd') | ...
- isequal(extM,'sp1') | isequal(extM,'ppd') | isequal(extM,'per')
- try
- extM = trueExtName(extM);
- dwt_default_Attrb = ...
- struct('extMode',extM, 'shift1D',0,'shift2D',[0,0]);
- namefileSave = 'dwtmode.def';
- s = which(namefileSave,'-all');
- try , delete(s{:}); end
- save(namefileSave,'dwt_default_Attrb');
- msg = strvcat(sprintf('Saving DWT Extension in %s !', namefileSave),...
- sprintf('Default DWT Mode is : %s', extM));
- msgval = 1;
- catch
- msg = ['Save DWT Extension Mode failed !'];
- msgval = 2;
- end
- else
- msg = ['Invalid DWT Extension Mode !'];
- msgval = 2;
- end
- if isequal(get(0,'Userdata'),'testWTBX') , msgval = 3; end
- switch msgval
- case 1 , wwarndlg(msg,'Save DWT Extension Mode','modal');
- case 2 , errordlg(msg,'Save DWT Extension Mode','modal');
- case 3 , sep = repmat('-',1,size(msg,2)+2);
- disp(strvcat(sep,msg,sep));
- end
- case 'set'
- for k = 1:2:nargin-1
- switch varargin{k}
- case {'extMode','mode'} ,
- extM = trueExtName(varargin{k+1});
- DWT_Attribute.extMode = extM;
- case 'shift1D' , DWT_Attribute.shift1D = mod(varargin{k+1},2);
- case 'shift2D' , DWT_Attribute.shift2D = mod(varargin{k+1},2);
- otherwise ,
- errargt(mfilename,'Invalid field name','msg');
- error('*');
- end
- end
- case 'get'
- if isempty(DWT_Attribute) , wtbxmngr('ini'); end
- switch nargout
- case 1 , varargout = {DWT_Attribute};
- case 2 , varargout = {...
- DWT_Attribute.extMode , ...
- DWT_Attribute.shift1D};
- case 3 , varargout = {...
- DWT_Attribute.extMode , ...
- DWT_Attribute.shift1D , ...
- DWT_Attribute.shift2D};
- end
- case 'clear'
- clear global DWT_Attribute
- case {'zpd','sym','symh','symw','asym','asymh','asymw',...
- 'sp0','spd','sp1','ppd','per','status'}
- % Check arguments.
- nbIn = nargin;
- nbOut = nargout;
- if nbIn > 2 , error('Too many input arguments.');
- elseif nbOut > 1 , error('Too many output arguments.');
- end
- if isempty(DWT_Attribute) , wtbxmngr('ini'); end
- option = trueExtName(option);
- if ~isequal(option,'status') & ~isequal(DWT_Attribute.extMode,option)
- DWT_Attribute.extMode = option;
- numMsg = 1;
- else
- numMsg = 2;
- end
- if nbIn<2 , dispMessage(numMsg,DWT_Attribute.extMode); end
- if nbOut==1 , varargout{1} = DWT_Attribute.extMode; end
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'Unknown Extension Mode','msg');
- error('*');
- end
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- % Internal Function(s)
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function dispMessage(num,mode)
- if num<2
- disp(' ');
- disp('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
- disp('! WARNING: Change DWT Extension Mode !');
- disp('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
- end
- % Display Extension Mode.
- msg = ['DWT Extension Mode: '];
- switch mode
- case 'zpd' , msg = [msg 'Zero Padding'];
- case {'sym','symh'} , msg = [msg 'Symmetrization (half-point)'];
- case 'symw' , msg = [msg 'Symmetrization (whole-point)'];
- case {'asym','asymh'} , msg = [msg 'Antisymmetrization (half-point)'];
- case 'asymw' , msg = [msg 'Antisymmetrization (whole-point)'];
- case 'sp0' , msg = [msg 'Smooth Padding of order 0'];
- case {'spd','sp1'} , msg = [msg 'Smooth Padding of order 1'];
- case 'ppd' , msg = [msg 'Periodized Padding'];
- case 'per' , msg = [msg 'Periodization'];
- end
- n = length(msg)+8;
- c = '*';
- s = c(ones(1,n));
- msg = strvcat(' ',s,[c c ' ' msg ' ' c c],s,' ');
- disp(msg);
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function output = trueExtName(input)
- switch input
- case {'sp1','spd'} , output = 'spd';
- case {'sym','symh'} , output = 'sym';
- case {'asym','asymh'} , output = 'asym';
- otherwise , output = input;
- end
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%