- function varargout = wfusimg(varargin)
- %WFUSIMG Fusion of two images.
- % image XFUS obtained by fusion of the two original images X1 and X2.
- % Each fusion method, defined by AFUSMETH and DFUSMETH, merges in a specific
- % way datailed below, the decompositions of X1 and X2, at level LEVEL
- % and using wavelet WNAME.
- %
- % Matrices X1 and X2 must be of same size and are supposed to be associated
- % to indexed images on a common colormap (see WEXTEND to resize images).
- %
- % AFUSMETH and DFUSMETH define the fusion method for approximations and
- % details respectively.
- %
- % returns in addition to matrix XFUS, three objects of the class WDECTREE
- % associated with XFUS, X1 and X2 respectively (see @WDECTREE).
- %
- % the objects TXFUS,TX1,TX2.
- %
- % In the sequel Fusmeth denotes AFUSMETH or DFUSMETH. Available fusion
- % methods are:
- %
- % - simple ones, Fusmeth can be 'max', 'min', 'mean', 'img1', 'img2' or
- % 'rand' which merges the two approximations or details structures
- % obtained from X1 and X2 elementwise by taking the maximum, the minimum,
- % the mean, the first element, the second element or a randomly chosen
- % element;
- %
- % - parameter-dependent ones, Fusmeth is of the following form
- % Fusmeth = struct('name',nameMETH,'param',paramMETH) where nameMETH
- % can be:
- % - 'linear'
- % - 'UD_fusion' : Up-Down fusion
- % - 'DU_fusion' : Down-Up fusion
- % - 'LR_fusion' : Left-Right fusion
- % - 'RL_fusion' : Right-Left fusion
- % - 'UserDEF' : User defined fusion
- % For the description of these options and the corresponding parameter
- % paramMETH, see WFUSMAT.
- %
- % Example:
- % load mask; X1 = X;
- % load bust; X2 = X;
- % [XFUS,TXFUS,TX1,TX2] = wfusimg(X1,X2,'db2',5,'max','max','plot');
- %
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 13-Jan-2003.
- % Last Revision: 18-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:42:52 $
- % Syntax 2:
- % ---------
- % VARARGOUT = WFUSIMG('PropName1',PropValue1,'PropName2',PropValue2,...)
- %
- % The valid PropNames are:
- % 'X1' , 'X2' , 'wname' , 'level' , 'flagPlot' and
- % 'AfusMeth' : method of fusion for approximation
- % 'DfusMeth' : method of fusion for details
- %
- % 'X1' and 'X2' are required fields.
- %
- % The default values are:
- % wname_DEF = 'db1';
- % level_DEF = 2;
- % AfusMeth_DEF = struct('name','linear','param',0.5);
- % DfusMeth_DEF = struct('name','linear','param',0.5);
- % flagPlot_DEF = 'plot';
- %
- % To avoid plots you can set 'flagPlot' to 'noplot'
- %
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Examples:
- % ---------
- % load mask; X1 = X;
- % load bust; X2 = X;
- % wfusimg('X1',X1,'X2',X2,'wname','db3','level',2);
- % [X,t,t1,t2] = wfusimg('X1',X1,'X2',X2,'AfusMeth','max');
- % Check arguments.
- %-----------------
- nbIN = nargin;
- stdINPUT = true;
- if nbIN>0 , stdINPUT = ~ischar(varargin{1}); end
- if stdINPUT
- if nbIN < 6
- error('Not enough input arguments.');
- elseif nbIN > 7
- error('Too many input arguments.');
- end
- X1 = varargin{1};
- X2 = varargin{2};
- wname = varargin{3};
- level = varargin{4};
- AfusMeth = varargin{5};
- DfusMeth = varargin{6};
- if nargin>6
- if strcmp(lower(varargin{7}),'plot')
- flagPlot = true;
- else
- flagPlot = false;
- end
- else
- flagPlot = false;
- end
- else
- % Defaults.
- %----------
- wname_DEF = 'db1';
- level_DEF = 2;
- fusMeth_DEF = struct('name','linear','param',0.5);
- flagPlot_DEF = true;
- %--------------------------------------------------
- wname = wname_DEF;
- level = level_DEF;
- AfusMeth = fusMeth_DEF;
- DfusMeth = fusMeth_DEF;
- flagPlot = flagPlot_DEF;
- %--------------------------------------------------
- k = 1;
- while k<=nbIN
- switch varargin{k}
- case 'X1' , X1 = varargin{k+1};
- case 'X2' , X2 = varargin{k+1};
- case 'wname' , wname = varargin{k+1};
- case 'level' , level = varargin{k+1};
- case 'AfusMeth' , AfusMeth = varargin{k+1};
- case 'DfusMeth' , DfusMeth = varargin{k+1};
- case 'flagPlot' , flagPlot = varargin{k+1};
- otherwise
- error('Invalid input arguments.');
- end
- k = k+2;
- end
- if isempty(X1) || isempty(X2)
- error('Both images X1 and X2 must be given.');
- end
- if isempty(wname) , wname = wname_DEF; end
- if isempty(level) , level = level_DEF; end
- if isempty(AfusMeth) , AfusMeth = fusMeth_DEF; end
- if isempty(DfusMeth) , DfusMeth = fusMeth_DEF; end
- if strcmp(flagPlot,'noplot') || isempty(flagPlot)
- flagPlot = false;
- end
- if ischar(X1) , dummy = load(X1); X1 = dummy.X; end
- if ischar(X2) , dummy = load(X2); X2 = dummy.X; end
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------
- if sum(size(X1)==size(X2))~=2
- error('Input images must be of the same size.');
- end
- % Decomposition.
- %---------------
- tIMG1 = wfustree(X1,level,wname);
- clear X1
- tIMG2 = wfustree(X2,level,wname);
- clear X2
- % Fusion.
- %--------
- [XFus,tFus] = wfusdec(tIMG1,tIMG2,AfusMeth,DfusMeth);
- % Plot trees.
- %------------
- if flagPlot
- plot(tIMG1); plot(tIMG2); plot(tFus);
- end
- % Outputs
- %--------
- switch nargout
- case 0 ,
- case {1,2} , varargout = {XFus , tFus};
- otherwise , varargout = {XFus , tFus, tIMG1,tIMG2};
- end