- function x = ilwt(varargin)
- %ILWT Inverse 1-D lifting wavelet transform.
- % ILWT performs a 1-D wavelet reconstruction using lifting
- % with respect to a particular lifted wavelet that you specify.
- %
- % X = ILWT(AD_In_Place,W) computes the reconstructed vector X
- % using the approximation and detail coefficients vector
- % AD_In_Place obtained by a lifting wavelet decomposition.
- % W is a lifted wavelet name (see LIFTWAVE).
- %
- % X = ILWT(CA,CD,W) computes the reconstructed vector X
- % using the approximation coefficients vector CA and detail
- % coefficients vector CD obtained by a lifting wavelet
- % decomposition.
- %
- % X = ILWT(AD_In_Place,W,LEVEL) or X = ILWT(CA,CD,W,LEVEL)
- % compute the lifting wavelet reconstruction, at level LEVEL.
- %
- % X = ILWT(AD_In_Place,W,LEVEL,'typeDEC',typeDEC) or
- % X = ILWT(CA,CD,W,LEVEL,'typeDEC',typeDEC) with
- % typeDEC = 'w' or 'wp' compute the wavelet or the
- % wavelet packet decomposition using lifting, at level LEVEL.
- %
- % Instead of a lifted wavelet name, you may use the associated
- % lifting scheme LS:
- % X = ILWT(...,LS,...) instead of X = ILWT(...,W,...).
- %
- % For more information about lifting schemes type: lsinfo.
- %
- % See also LWT.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 02-Feb-2000.
- % Last Revision: 10-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/04/13 00:39:42 $
- % Check arguments.
- nbIn = nargin;
- if nbIn < 2
- error('Not enough input arguments.');
- elseif nbIn > 6
- error('Too many input arguments.');
- end
- % Default: level and typeDEC.
- level = 1; typeDEC = 'w';
- firstIdxAPP = 1; firstIdxDET = 1+mod(firstIdxAPP,2);
- % Check arguments.
- x_in_place = iscell(varargin{2}) || ischar(varargin{2});
- if x_in_place
- [x,LS] = deal(varargin{1:2});
- nextArg = 3;
- else
- [a,d,LS] = deal(varargin{1:3});
- x = zeros(1,length(a)+length(d));
- x(firstIdxAPP:2:end) = a;
- x(firstIdxDET:2:end) = d;
- if (size(a,1)>1) || (size(d,1)>1) , x = x'; end
- clear a d
- nextArg = 4;
- end
- if nargin>=nextArg
- level = varargin{nextArg};
- for k = nextArg+1:2:length(varargin)-1
- argName = lower( varargin{k});
- switch argName
- case 'typedec' , typeDEC = varargin{k+1};
- end
- end
- end
- if ischar(LS) , LS = liftwave(LS); end
- % Splitting.
- lx = length(x);
- idxAPP = firstIdxAPP:2:lx;
- idxDET = firstIdxDET:2:lx;
- lenAPP = length(idxAPP);
- lenDET = length(idxDET);
- % Recursion if level > 1.
- if level>1
- x(idxAPP) = ilwt(x(idxAPP),LS,level-1,'typeDEC',typeDEC);
- if isequal(typeDEC,'wp')
- x(idxDET) = ilwt(x(idxDET),LS,level-1,'typeDEC',typeDEC);
- end
- end
- %===================%
- %===================%
- NBL = size(LS,1);
- LStype = LS{NBL,3};
- % Normalization.
- if isempty(LStype)
- x(idxAPP) = x(idxAPP)/LS{NBL,1};
- x(idxDET) = x(idxDET)/LS{NBL,2};
- end
- % Reverse Lifting.
- for k = NBL-1:-1:1
- liftTYPE = LS{k,1};
- liftFILT = -LS{k,2};
- DF = LS{k,3};
- switch liftTYPE
- case 'p'
- x(idxAPP) = x(idxAPP) + ...
- lsupdate('v',x(idxDET),liftFILT,DF,lenAPP,LStype);
- case 'd'
- x(idxDET) = x(idxDET) + ...
- lsupdate('v',x(idxAPP),liftFILT,DF,lenDET,LStype);
- end
- end
- %=========================================================================%