- function [tn,K] = leaves(t,flagdps)
- %LEAVES Determine terminal nodes.
- % N = LEAVES(T) returns a column vector N, which
- % contains the indices of terminal nodes of the tree T.
- %
- % The nodes are ordered from left to right as in tree T.
- %
- % [N,K] = LEAVES(T,'s') or [N,K] = LEAVES(T,'sort')
- % returns sorted indices.
- % M = N(K) are the indices reordered as in tree T,
- % from left to right.
- %
- % N = LEAVES(T,'dp') returns a matrix N, which contains
- % the depths and positions of terminal nodes.
- % N(i,1) is the depth of i-th terminal node.
- % N(i,2) is the position of i-th terminal node.
- %
- % [N,K] = LEAVES(T,'sdp') or [N,K] = LEAVES(T,'pds') or
- % [N,K] = LEAVES(T,'sortdp') or [N,K] = LEAVES(T,'pdsort')
- % return sorted nodes.
- %
- % See also TNODES, NOLEAVES.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 21-May-2003.
- % Last Revision: 23-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:38:22 $
- tn = t.tn;
- if nargout>1 ,
- K = [1:length(tn)]';
- end
- if nargin>1
- order = t.order;
- switch flagdps
- case {'s','sort'}
- [tn,K] = sort(tn);
- if nargout>1 , [nul,K] = sort(K); end
- case {'sdp','dps','sortdp','dpsort'}
- [tn,K] = sort(tn);
- if nargout>1 , [nul,K] = sort(K); end
- [tn(:,1),tn(:,2)] = ind2depo(order,tn);
- case {'dp'}
- [tn(:,1),tn(:,2)] = ind2depo(order,tn);
- end
- end